by Mariam Gates
That is fine. Just gently bring your attention back to your object.
Action Step: Creating without Judging (a doodle exercise)
Sometimes it can be hard to create or try something new because you want everything to be perfect the first time you do it. That is human, but it is also not realistic or helpful. Here’s an exercise to try to push through those habits of the mind that get in the way of your progress.
Get your journal or notebook, and quickly make a squiggle on the page—it can be anything.
Your job now is to turn it into something. Without paying attention to any negative mind chatter, just enjoy the feeling of the pen or pencil on the page and the playfulness of the task.
What did you create?
Cat Tilt
Inhale and look up, dropping your stomach toward the ground and curving your spine.
Exhale and look toward your knees. Arch your spine.
Repeat five times.
Thread the Needle
On your hands and knees, lift your right hand toward the sky and keep your focus on your right thumb.
Bring your right forearm and elbow down behind your left arm.
You can bring your shoulder all the way to the ground if that is comfortable.
Switch sides.
Child Pose
Press back and rest onto your heels.
Bring your head to the floor with your arms out in front of you.
Inhale and exhale (three times).
Table Top (with one leg back)
Come back onto your hands and knees.
Inhaling, press your right leg straight out behind you. (Your palms stay planted on the ground.)
Get long through your spine and hold your leg there.
Hold for five breaths.
Switch sides and extend your left leg straight out behind you.
Hold for five breaths.
Side Angle
Take your extended left foot and plant it on the ground.
Keep your right knee bent on the ground.
Shift your body to the side with your right hand pressing into the ground and your left hand reaching toward the sky. Your left leg is straight.
Switch sides.
Plank Pose to Side Plank
Come into a plank pose, making as straight a line as possible with your body.
Shift your weight into your left side and balance on your straight left arm and side of your left foot.
Hold for three breaths.
Move back into plank pose.
Switch sides.
Hold for three breaths.
Cobra Pose
Release onto your stomach with the tops of your feet flat on the floor.
Lift your head and chest, and bend your elbows, making sure they are directly under your shoulders.
With your palms flat, gently press to help extend your spine.
Hold for three breaths.
Flying Squirrel Pose
Rest on your stomach with the tops of your feet on the floor.
Bring your hands to your sides.
On an inhale, lift your arms and legs and chest off the floor.
Leave your arms extended or try clasping them behind you if that is comfortable.
Get long through your spine.
Hold for three breaths.
Repeat two more times.
Super Human Pose
Rest on your stomach with the tops of your feet flat on the floor.
Bring your hands to the floor straight out in front of you.
On an inhale, lift your arms and legs and chest off the floor with your hands reaching straight out in front.
Get long through your spine.
Hold for three breaths.
Repeat two more times.
Roll onto your back and rest in this relaxation pose for five to seven minutes.
Mindfulness: Dandelion Breath
This breath is just like making a wish on a dandelion.
Cup your hand in front of your mouth.
Inhale through the nose.
Blow out through the mouth as if you could scatter all the dandelion seeds with one big gust.
Imagine that with this breath you are blowing away something that is making you tense.
Once or twice is great for releasing tension with the dandelion breath. If you feel light-headed, stop and breathe naturally.
Action Step: Walking Meditation
Take a ten-minute walk and use your senses to move through the following exercise.
First, notice how your body feels as you walk. Notice your feet hitting the ground, your legs, hips, and arms and how they are moving.
Notice your breath. How is it changing depending on your pace and the terrain? Pay attention.
Notice the air on your skin. Is it cool? Warm? Refreshing or clammy?
Now pay attention to what you can hear. Bring all of your awareness to the sounds around you. Notice whether they are natural or man-made.
Now focus on what you see. What is the light like, and is it different in different places? What colors stand out to you?
Congratulations! You have completed the Go With the Flow Five-Day Mindfulness Challenge!
Be You
Seated Pose (with goal post arms)
Sit with your legs crossed comfortably in front of you, your feet under your knees, and your back straight and tall.
Hold your arms in “goal posts.” Inhale and pull your arms back.
Exhale and round your shoulders, bringing your arms forward—elbows toward each other (touching if you can).
Repeat five times.
Arm Twist
Bend your right elbow and pull it to your chest. Rest your right hand on the left shoulder.
Hold for three breaths.
Bend your left elbow and pull it to your chest. Rest your left hand on the right shoulder.
Hold for three breaths.
Repeat on both sides.
Finger Meditation
This is a quick and easy way to do a mini-meditation in the moment. Simply touch your thumb to each finger on your hand, saying silently:
Peace begins with me.
You can also replace the word Peace with anything that feels important to you:
Change begins with me.
Calm begins with me.
Or find another expression of it:
I am completely calm.
I am so strong.
I am confident here.
I am confident now.
Action Step: Color Your Word
Choose one word that expresses how you feel right now.
Take a piece of paper, and write down your word in big bubble or block letters in the center of the page.
Now choose your favorite colors to color it in.
Take your time. Pay attention to the shape of the paper, the smooth, flat surface, and pointy edges. Get so quiet that you can hear the sound of the pen or pencil on the page. How does it feels to move your hand across the page? What colors are you drawn to? Pay a
ttention to what it feels like to push down and fill in the letters deeply, and what it feels like to just add a light brush of color. Vary it.
If you find yourself criticizing your work, just notice that and remind yourself that there is no right way to do this. Keep going.
Seated Pose (with goal post arms)
Sit with your legs crossed comfortably in front of you, your feet under your knees, and your back straight and tall.
Hold your arms in ”goal posts.” Inhale and pull your arms back.
Exhale and round your shoulders, bringing your arms forward—elbows toward each other (touching if you can),
Repeat five times.
Arm Twist
Bend your right elbow and pull it to your chest. Rest your right hand on the left shoulder.
Hold for three breaths.
Bend your left elbow and pull it to your chest. Rest your left hand on the right shoulder.
Hold for three breaths.
Repeat on both sides.
Extended Arm Twist
Bend your right elbow behind your head and place your left hand on the right elbow.
Hold for three breaths.
Bend your left elbow behind your head and place your right hand on the left elbow.
Hold for three breaths.
Repeat on both sides.
Seated Pose
Sit with your legs crossed comfortably in front of you, your feet under your knees, and your back straight and tall.
Bring your right foot into your hands.
Press the sole of your foot with your thumbs.
Hold your toes and rotate them back and forth.
Interlace your fingers in between your toes and toggle and twist gently back and forth. (If that is too uncomfortable, just continue to hold and rotate the toes.)
Circle your ankle in one direction and then the other.
Switch sides.
Mindful “Wake Up” Breathing
This rejuvenating breathing exercise works in seconds to make you feel awake. It involves three quick inhalations through your nose and a long exhalation through your mouth. It is very effective. Start slow to get a sense of matching the breath and the movement, and then speed it up when you’re ready.
Stand tall, with your feet hip-width apart, arms by your sides.
Let your knees gently bend.
For your first inhale, bring your arms straight out in front of you, parallel to the earth.
Then inhale again as you bring your hands out to the side.
Take your third inhale while swinging your arms up over your head.
Exhale and let your arms swing down as you bend your knees and fold forward with a long haaaa sound.
Try it again!
Action Step: Music Mindfulness
Choose a song or piece of music that you are familiar with, and see what it is like to focus on it completely. It could be your favorite song right now.
Play the song, and as you do, give it all of your attention. Listen as closely as you can, and try to hear something new.
What instrument/s do you hear first?
What other instruments do you hear? It doesn’t matter if you know what they are called; just notice them as if you’ve never heard them before.
Do you hear more than one singing voice?
Pay attention to where the song changes. Where does it get faster, slower, louder, quieter?
What do you feel when you listen to this song? Just notice your emotional and physical responses.
What do you notice for the first time about this piece of music?
Seated Pose (with goal post arms)
Sit with your legs crossed comfortably in front of you, your feet under your knees, and your back straight and tall.
Hold your arms in “goal posts.” Inhale and pull your arms back.
Exhale and round your shoulders, bringing your arms forward—elbows toward each other (touching if you can).
Repeat five times.
Arm Twist
Bend your right elbow and pull it to your chest. Rest your right hand on the left shoulder.
Hold for three breaths.
Bend your left elbow and pull it to your chest. Rest your left hand on the right shoulder.
Hold for three breaths.
Repeat on both sides.
Extended Arm Twist
Bend your right elbow behind your head and place your left hand on the right elbow.
Hold for three breaths.
Bend your left elbow behind your head and place your right hand on the left elbow.
Hold for three breaths.
Repeat on both sides.
Seated Pose
Bring your right foot into your hands.
Press the sole of your foot with your thumbs.
Hold your toes and rotate them back and forth.
Interlace your fingers in between your toes and toggle and twist gently back and forth. (If that is too uncomfortable, just continue to hold and rotate the toes.)
Circle your ankle in one direction and then the other.
Switch sides.
Lying on your back
Hug your right knee into your chest.
Position your right ankle across your left thigh (this is called Figure Four). Bring your arms around the left leg and gently pull toward your chest.
Hold for five breaths.
Switch legs.
Mindful Listening
For the next thirty seconds you are going to be still and focus on your sense of hearing.
(Set a timer if you’d like—otherwise, just know this will be brief.)
Sit comfortably. Place your hands in your lap or on your knees. You may try closing your eyes or looking down so you are less distracted by what you see and can focus everything on what you hear.
Pay attention to everything you hear outside of the room (cars, the wind, birds, people).
What do you hear that you usually don’t even notice?
Now what do you hear inside the room? Are there any small noises you can hear when you are quiet? Can you hear anything in your own body? Your breathing? Your heartbeat?
Take a deep breath in and let a long breath out.
What did you notice?
How do you feel?
Action Step: Create Your Own Mindful Space
Create a visual reminder to pause in your day:
Try creating a peaceful spot in your room that will serve as a reminder to pause in your day. Maybe it is the top of your dresser, or a part of a shelf. When you look at it, it is your cue to notice how you are feeling now, in the present moment.
To create it, choose:
an item that has meaning to you
an item that makes you feel calm
an item from nature (which could be from outside or a photo or drawing)
This spot is now your visual reminder that all you need to do is pause, take a breath, and be here now.
Seated Pose (with goal post arms)
Sit with your legs crossed comfortably in front of you, your feet under your knees, and your back straight and tall.
Keep your arms in “goal posts.�
� Inhale and pull your arms back.
Exhale and round your shoulders, bringing your arms forward—elbows toward each other (touching if you can).
Repeat five times.
Arm Twist
Bend your right elbow and pull it to your chest. Rest your right hand on the left shoulder.