A Companion to the American Short Story

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A Companion to the American Short Story Page 103

by Alfred Bendixen

  from the upheavals of the early twentieth century through every generation to the

  present. Over the last two decades, eight of her short stories published in national

  The Multiethnic Story


  periodicals have been selected as Best American Short Stories or O. Henry Prize

  winners. When compiling her stories into books, however, Erdrich weaves them into

  short story cycles that are all classifi ed as novels. As James Nagel notes, this genre

  “ offers a vital technique for the exploration and depiction of the complex interactions

  of gender, ethnicity, and individual identity ” and therefore has become an important

  medium for many contemporary writers of diverse backgrounds, such as Jamaica

  Kincaid, Amy Tan, and Julia Alvarez (10). The collection Storyteller (1981) by Laguna

  Pueblo writer Leslie Marmon Silko crosses genres in another way. This text combines

  stories, poems, photographs, and personal essays in ways that emphasize the rich and

  varied history and the storytelling tradition of her culture and her family.

  Judith Ortiz Cofer offers her own unique blend of fi ction and non - fi ction, prose

  and poetry, in The Latin Deli (1993) . The Puerto Rican characters who inhabit her

  writing are versed in the language of crossing as they travel from the island to the

  American mainland, from Spanish to English, and from their traditional culture to

  mainstream US life in movements as complex and fl uid as Ortiz Cofer ’ s shifts from

  genre to genre. Chicana writer Sandra Cisneros examines mestiza consciousness in the

  lives of Mexican American women in her collection Woman Hollering Creek and Other

  Stories (1991) . The title story, in particular, captures universal issues of the subjectivity

  of women and the cultural particularity crucial to self - awareness as an abused wife ’ s

  connection with the suffering of the fabled La Llorona leads to her liberation. A very

  different collection of stories of Mexican American life is Soy la Avon Lady and Other

  Stories (2002) by Lorraine L ó pez. As American - born characters move farther from their

  Mexican and immigrant roots, they reveal startling perspectives refl ective of life in

  an increasingly multicultural world. As Lopez ’ s characters move outward from South-

  ern California, to New Mexico, to Georgia, to Antigua, Luis J. Rodriguez focuses on

  a highly localized though brilliantly varied neighborhood in his collection The Republic

  of East L.A. (2002) . Another example of the growing diversity of Hispanic American

  literature comes from Junot D í az, whose powerful stories set in the Dominican Repub-

  lic and the inner cities of New Jersey have won prizes and opened the eyes of readers

  to worlds otherwise beyond their reach.

  The legacy of African American short stories continues with writers such as ZZ

  Packer, whose collection

  Drinking Coffee Elsewhere


  is reminiscent of Alice

  Walker in the way it covers, from a feminist perspective, both the insular nature of

  black American life in stories such as “ Brownies, ” in which a troupe of young African

  American girls misinterpret racial tension, and the cosmopolitan existence of many

  African Americans as they move through big cities, ivy league schools, and foreign

  countries. Short stories by Jewish American writers also depict revealing new connec-

  tions in an ever - expanding world. In the title story from A Letter to Harvey Milk (1988)

  by Leslea Newman, a 77 - year - old Holocaust survivor and a young Jewish lesbian share

  personal loss and develop a friendship across the divides of history and generations.

  In fact, many writers of the past several decades have included the process of coming

  to terms with sexual identity within traditional cultures. Some of the stories included

  in The Native Informant and Other Stories by Ramzi M. Salti serve to broaden the scope


  Molly Crumpton Winter

  of American literature by depicting realities of Arab and Arab American life and by

  dealing sensitively with issues of homosexuality and oppression. Just as the contem-

  porary American short story continues to expand into new places, new themes, new

  formats, and new subjects, it has also grown to incorporate new genres, as the science

  fi ction stories of African American writers Octavia Butler (

  Bloodchild , 1995 ) and

  Walter Mosley ( Futureland , 2001 ) demonstrate. Mosley is also known primarily as a

  writer of detective fi ction (both novels and short stories), and so has published books

  in two seemingly unrelated categories. Yet all these tales, as do the majority of short

  stories by ethnic American writers, deal with issues of race, gender, social justice, and

  personal struggle.

  For over one hundred years ethnic American short stories have served to articulate

  the multiplicity inherent in American society. A stream of writers from varied back-

  grounds writing multiple stories from unlimited points of view refl ect a nation that

  is constantly in fl ux. From the immigrant writers at the turn of the twentieth century

  to the great numbers of contemporary fi rst - , second - , and third - generation authors

  who live their lives in two cultures and even between nations come narratives that

  explore the change and exchange of American society. From the South to the North,

  from reservations to cities, from rural poverty to cosmopolitan comfort, African

  American and American Indian writers convey the gravity of historical and personal

  transformations. And yet, even as these stories reveal a nation of movement and revo-

  lution, they also contain a critique of the ways in which American society simultane-

  ously resists change and difference. Even as immigrants and people of color create art

  that opens new paths to understanding and connections, they also remind us that

  forces of resistance to our own diversity persist. However, as their characters question

  the past, question themselves, question the nation, and question the world, they lead

  us to answers that serve to broaden conceptions of personal identity, national belong-

  ing, and collective humanity.

  References and Further Reading

  Alexie , Sherman. The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fist-

  Antin , Mary. “ The Amulet . ” Atlantic Monthly 111

  fi ght in Heaven . New York : Atlantic Monthly

  ( 1913 ): 31 – 41 .

  Press , 1993 .

  — — — . “ The Lie . ” Atlantic Monthly 112 ( 1913 ):

  — — — . Ten Little Indians . New York : Grove

  177 – 90 .

  Press , 2003 .

  — — — . “ Malinke ’ s Atonement . ” Atlantic Monthly

  — — — . The Toughest Indian in the World . New

  108 ( 1911 ): 300 – 19 .

  York : Grove Press , 2000 .

  Baldwin , James . Going to Meet the Man . 1965. New

  Ammons , Elizabeth , ed. Short Fiction by Black

  York : Vintage International , 1995 .

  Women, 1900 – 1920 . New York : Oxford Univer-

  Bambara , Toni Cade. Gorilla, My Love . 1972. New

  sity Press , 1991 .

  York : Vintage Contemporaries , 1992 .

  Ammons , Elizabeth , and Annette White Parks ,

  — — — . The Seabirds are Still Alive . New York :

  eds. Tricksterism in Turn - of - the - Ce
ntury American

  Random House , 1977 .

  Literature: A Multicultural Perspective . Hanover :

  Bellow , Saul. Him with His Foot in His Mouth and

  University Press of New England , 1994 .

  Other Stories . New York : Harper & Row , 1984 .

  The Multiethnic Story


  — — — . Mosby ’

  s Memoirs and Other Stories . New

  Dunbar , Paul Laurence. The Heart of Happy Hollow .

  York : Viking , 1968 .

  1904. New York : Harlem Moon , 2005 .

  Bone ,

  Robert .

  Down Home: Origins of the Dunbar - Nelson , Alice. The Goodness of St. Rocque

  Afro - American Short Story . 1975 . New York :

  and Other Stories . New York : Dodd, Mead ,

  Columbia University Press , 1988.

  1899 .

  Bonner , Marita . Frye Street and Environs: The Col-

  Erdrich , Louise. “ The Bingo Van . ” New Yorker

  lected Works of Marita Bonner . Boston : Beacon

  (February 19, 1990 ): 39 – 47 .

  Press , 1987 .

  — — — . “ The Butcher ’ s Wife . ” New Yorker

  Boyesen , Hjalmar Hjorth . Vagabond Tales . Boston :

  (October 15, 2001 ): 188 – 200 .

  Lothrop , 1889 .

  — — — . “ Fleur . ” Esquire (August 1986 ): 52 – 5+ .

  Brown , Julie , ed. Ethnicity and the American Short

  — — — . “ Matchimanito . ” The Atlantic (July

  Story . New York : Garland , 1997 .

  1988 ): 66 – 74 .

  Butler , Octavia E. Bloodchild and Other Stories . New

  — — — . “ Revival Road . ” New Yorker

  (April 17,

  York : Seven Stories , 1995 .

  2000 ): 106 – 13 .

  Cahan , Abraham . The Imported Bridegroom and Other

  — — — . “ Saint Marie . ” The Atlantic (March 1984 ):

  Stories . Boston : Houghton, Miffl in , 1898 .

  78 – 84 .

  — — — . Yekl and the Imported Bridegroom and Other

  — — — . “ Satan: Hijacker of a Planet . ” Atlantic

  Stories of Yiddish New York . New York : Dover ,

  Monthly (August 1997 ): 64 – 8 .

  1970 .

  — — — . “ Shamengwa . ” New Yorker (December 2,

  Chang , Lan Samantha . Hunger . New York : W. W.

  2002 ): 94 – 101 .

  Norton , 1998 .

  — — — . “ Snares . ” Harper ’ s (May 1987 ): 60 – 4 .

  Chesnutt , Charles W. The Conjure Woman . Boston :

  Gonzalez , Nestor Vicente M. Seven Hills Away .

  Houghton, Miffl in , 1899 .

  Denver : Swallow , 1947 .

  — — — . The Conjure Woman and Other Conjure Himes , Chester. The Collected Stories of Chester



  Durham, NC


  Duke University Press


  Himes . New York : Thunder ’ s Mouth Press ,

  1993 .

  1991 .

  — — — . The Wife of His Youth and Other Stories of

  Hurston , Zora Neale. The Complete Stories . New

  the Color Line . 1899. Ann Arbor : University of

  York : HarperPerennial , 1996 .

  Michigan Press , 1968 .

  Jen , Gish . Who ’ s Irish? New York : Knopf , 1999 .

  Chin , Frank . The Chinaman Pacifi c and Frisco R.R.

  Jin , Ha . The Bridegroom . New York : Pantheon ,

  Co . St. Paul : Coffee House Press , 1988 .

  2000 .

  Chin , Frank , Jeffery Chan , Lawson Inada , and

  — — — . Oceans of Words


  South Royalton, VT


  Shawn Wong , eds. Aiiieeeee! An Anthology of

  Steerforth Press , 1996 .

  Asian - American Literature . Washington, DC :

  — — — . Under the Red Flag . Athens : University of

  Howard University Press , 1974 .

  Georgia Press , 1997 .

  Cisneros , Sandra . Woman Hollering Creek and Other

  Kelly , Myra . Little Aliens . New York : Scribner ,

  Stories . New York : Random House , 1991 .

  1910 .

  Dale , Corinne H. , and J. H. E. Paine , eds. Women

  — — — . Little Citizens: The Humours of School Life .

  on the Edge: Ethnicity and Gender in Short Stories

  New York : McClure, Phillips , 1904 .

  by American Women . New York : Garland , 1999 .

  — — — . Wards of Liberty . New York : McClure ,

  Dandicat , Edwidge . Krik? Krak! New York : Soho ,

  1907 .

  1995 .

  Kono , Robert H. The River of Time: A Collection of

  Davies , Peter Ho . Equal Love . New York : Mariner

  Short Stories . Eugene , OR: Abe , 2003 .

  Books , 2000 .

  Lahiri , Jhumpa. Interpreter of Maladies . New York :

  — — — . The Ugliest House in the World . New York :

  Houghton Miffl in , 1999 .

  Houghton Miffl in , 1997 .

  Locke , Alain , ed. The New Negro: An Interpretation .

  Diaz , Junot . Drown . New York : Riverhead , 1996 .

  New York : Macmillan , 1925 .

  Divakaruni , Chitra Banerjee . Arranged Marriage .

  L ó pez , Lorraine. Soy la Avon Lady and Other Stories .

  New York : Anchor Books , 1995 .

  Willimantic, CT : Curbstone , 2002 .

  — — — . The Unknown Error of Our Lives . New

  Louie , David Wong. Pangs of Love . New York :

  York : Doubleday , 2001 .

  Plume , 1992 .


  Molly Crumpton Winter

  McClellan , George Marion . Old Greenbottom Inn and

  — — — . “ When the Grass Grew Long . ” Century

  Other Stories . Louisville : George M. McClellan ,

  Magazine 62 ( 1901 ): 247 – 50 .

  1906 .

  Ozick , Cynthia. Bloodshed and Three Novellas . New

  McPherson , James Alan . Elbow Room . 1977. New

  York : Knopf , 1976 .

  York : Fawcett , 1993 .

  — — — . Levitation: Five Fictions . New York :

  — — — . Hue and Cry . New York : Atlantic Monthly

  Knopf , 1981 .

  Press , 1968 .

  — — — . The Pagan Rabbi and Other Stories . New

  Malamud , Bernard. The Complete Stories . New York :

  York : Knopf , 1971 .

  Farrar, Straus & Giroux , 1997 .

  — — — . The Shawl . New York : Knopf , 1989 .

  — — — . The Magic Barrel . New York : Farrar,

  Packer , ZZ. Drinking Coffee Elsewhere . New York :

  Straus & Cudahy , 1958 .

  Riverhead , 2003 .

  Mena , Mar í a Cristina. The Collected Stories of Mar í a

  Paley , Grace. The Collected Stories . New York :

  Cristina Mena . Houston : Arte P ú blico Press ,

  Farrar, Straus & Giroux , 1994 .

  1997 .

  — — — . Enormous Changes at the Last Minute . New

  Mori , Toshio. The Chauvinist and Other Stories . Los

  York : Farrar, Straus & Giroux , 1974 .

  Angeles : University of California Press , 1979 .

  — — — . Later the Same Day . New York : Farrar,

  — — — . Yokohama, California . Caldwell, ID :

  Straus & Giroux , 1985

  Caxton , 1949 .

  — — — . The Little Disturbances of Man . Garden

  Mosley , Walter . Futureland . New York : Aspect ,

  City, NY : Doubleday ,
1959 .

  2001 .

  Petry , Ann . Miss Muriel and Other Stories . 1971.

  — — — . Six Easy Pieces: Easy Rawlins Stories . New

  Boston : Beacon Press , 1989 .

  York : Washington Square Press , 2003 .

  Reuben , Paul P. PAL: Perspectives in American Lit-

  Mukherjee , Bharati . Darkness . New York : Penguin ,

  erature – A Research and Reference Guide . < www.

  1985 .


  — — — . The Middleman and Other Stories . New

  html > .

  York : Grove Press , 1988 .

  Riis , Jacob. Out of Mulberry Street: Stories of Tenement

  Mullen , Bill. “ Marking Race/Marketing Race:

  Life in New York . New York : Century , 1897 .

  African American Short Fiction and the Politics

  Rodriguez , Luis J. The Republic of East L.A . New

  of Genre, 1933 – 1946 . ” Ethnicity and the Ameri-

  York : Rayo , 2002 .

  can Short Story . Ed. Julie Brown . New York :

  Roth , Philip. Goodbye, Columbus and Five Short

  Garland , 1997 . 25 – 46 .

  Stories . 1959. New York : Vintage International ,

  Nagel , James. The Contemporary American Short


  1993 .

  Story Cycle: The Ethnic Resonance of Genre .

  Salti , Ramzi M. The Native Informant and Other

  Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press ,

  Stories . Colorado Springs : Three Continents ,

  2001 .

  1994 .

  Newman , Leslea . Best Short Stories of Leslea Newman .

  Santos , Bienvenido N. Scent of Apples . Seattle : Uni-

  Los Angeles : Alyson , 2003 .

  versity of Washington Press , 1979 .

  — — — . A Letter to Harvey Milk . Ithaca, NY :

  Sasaki , Ruth A. The Loom and Other Stories . St. Paul :

  Firebrand , 1988 .

  Graywolf Press , 1991 .

  Olsen , Tillie. Tell Me a Riddle . New York : Dell ,

  Shapiro , Gerald , ed. American Jewish Fiction: A

  1961 .

  Century of Stories . Lincoln : University of Nebraska

  Ortiz Cofer , Judith. The Latin Deli: Prose and

  Press , 1998 .





  University of Georgia Press

  , Silko , Leslie Marmon . Storyteller . New York :

  1993 .

  Arcade , 1981 .

  Oskison , John M. “ Only the Master Shall Praise. ”

  Singer , Isaac Bashevis . A Crown of Feathers and

  Century Magazine 59 ( 1900 ): 327 – 35 .


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