James, Henry: 15–16, 64, 120, 176, 278,
Kafka, Franz: 361
289, 408, 417–18, 451; The American
Keats, John: 87, 309; “Ode on a Grecian
Scene, 451; “The Beast in the Jungle,” 16,
Urn,” 87
180, 289; Daisy Miller, 417; “The Figure
Keillor, Garrison: 89, 222–23
in the Carpet,” 120; “The Ghostly
Keller, Nora Okja: 422
Rental,” 417; “The Jolly Corner,”
Kelly, Myra: Little Aliens, 468; Little
417–18; The Portrait of a Lady, 417; “The
Citizens, 468; Wards of Liberty, 468
Real Thing,” 120; “The Romance of
Kennedy, John Pendleton: 70
Certain Old Clothes,” 417; “The Turn of
Kerouac, Jack: On the Road, 368
Kincaid, Jamaica: Annie John, 221
Leper,” 201; “The Law of Life,” 218;
King, Grace: 17–18
“Love of Life,” 218; “Mauki,” 175; Martin
King, Stephen: 422
Eden, 178; “The Mexican,” 175, 201; The
Kingston, Maxine Hong: 422; Woman
Mutiny of the Elsinore, 175; “An Odyssey
Warrior, 222, 387
of the North,” 176; The People of the
Kipling, Rudyard: “Melissa,” 198
Abyss, 176, 200; The Sea-Wolf, 178;
Kleppe, Sandra Lee: 366–79
“South of Slot,” 198; “The Strength of
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von: 96
the Strong,” 198; “To Build a Fire,” 18,
Kuo, Alex: 437
174, 217–18; “The White Silence,” 218
Longstreet, Augustus Baldwin: 14, 80, 84;
Lahiri, Jhumpa: 437, 441–42; “Interpreter
“The Drill,” 84; “The Fight,” 84; Georgia
of Maladies,” 443, 476; Interpreter of
Scenes, 14, 84; “Georgia Theatrics,” 80,
Maladies, 442–43; “A Temporary
84; “The Horse Swap,” 80; “The Shooting
Matter,” 443; “This Blessed House,” 443;
Match,” 80, 84
“When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine,” 443
López, Lorraine: 477
Lam, Andrew: 437; “Dark Wood and
Louie, David Wong: 437; “Birthday,”
Shadows,” 444; “On the Perfume,” 444
446–47; “Displacement,” 446;
Lamb, Charles: 9, 62
“Disturbing the Universe,” 446–47;
Lamming, George: “A Way of Seeing,” 322
“Love on the Rocks,” 447; “The Movers,”
Lardner, Ring: 219, 225–26, 304; “A
446; Pangs of Love, 446; “Social Science,”
Busher’s Letters Home,” 219; “Haircut,”
219; “How to Write Short Stories,” 304;
Lowell, Amy: 136
“Some Like Them Gold,” 219; “The
Lum, Darrell H. Y.: Pass On, No Pass
Golden Honeymoon,” 219
Back, 445; Sun: Short Stories and Drama,
Lawrence, D. H.: 230, 334–35; “The Blind
Man,” 370–71
Luscher, Robert M.: 345–65
Lawrence, Ray: 370
Lee, Don: 437; “The Price of Eggs in
Macdonald, Ross: 425
China,” 446; “Voir Dire,” 446; Yellow,
Machado, Ana Maria: 241
Malamud, Bernard: 221, 452, 455–56,
Leegant, Joan: “The Golden Calf and the
459–60, 473; “Angel Levine,” 456;
Red Heifer,” 459; “The Tenth,” 458–59;
“Black is My Favorite Color,” 456; “The
While the Messiah Tarries, 459
First Seven Years,” 456; “The German
Leslie, Eliza: 8
Refugee,” 456; “Jewbird,” 456; “The Last
Lewis, Sinclair: 17, 328
of the Mohican,” 455; “The Loan,”
Li, Yiyun: “The Princess of Nebraska,” 222
455–56, 459; “The Magic Barrel,” 455,
Lindsay, Vachel: 329
473; “The Mourners,” 455; “Rembrandt’s
Lish, Gordon: 367
Hat,” 455; “Take Pity,” 455; “Talking
Local-Color tradition: 68, 91–103
Horse,” 456
Locke, Alain: 316, 471
Mann, Thomas: 334–35
London, Jack: 171–85, 187, 194, 205, 207;
Mansfi eld, Katherine: 282, 296–97; “Bliss,”
Adventure, 173, 175; “The Apostate,”
297; “Miss Brill,” 282
178, 183–85; 194, 197, 200; The Call of
Marshall, Paule: 422
the Wild, 177–78; “Chun Ah Chun,” 201;
Marx, Karl: 172, 340
A Daughter of the Snows, 175; “The Dream
Marx, Leo: 39–44
of Debs,” 198; “The House of Pride,”
Mason, Bobbie Ann: 425; “A New-Wave
175; The Iron Heel, 202; “Koolau, the
Format,” 223; “Shiloh,” 223
Masters, Edgar Lee: 25, 329; Spoon River
Murfree, Mary Noailles: 17
Anthology, 25
Murphy, Pat: 115
Matthews, Brander: “A Reader of Another
Sort,” 486; The Story of a Story and Other
Nagel, James: 143, 217–23, 380, 483, 484,
Stories, 486
485, 488, 491
McKay, Claude: 320
Nathan, George Jean: 299–300
McPherson, James Alan: 221; Elbow Room,
Naturalism: 18, 171–85, 218–19, 227
474; “Gold Coast,” 474; Hue and Cry,
Naylor, Gloria: 221, 422; The Women of
474; “I Am an American,” 474; “Of
Brewster’s Place, 221
Cabbages and Kings,” 221; “A Solo Song:
Neal, John: 79
For Doc,” 474; ”Why I Like Country
Neal, Joseph C.: “City Worthies,” 81;
Music,” 474
“Peter Brush, the Great Used-up,” 80
Melville, Herman: 12, 35–49, 62, 83, 88,
Neely, Barbara: 432
149, 193–94, 297, 410; “The Apple-Tree
New England Magazine: 52, 105
Table,” 12; “Bartleby the Scrivener: A
New Woman: 106–08; 152–68
Story of Wall Street,” 12, 35–49,
New Yorker Magazine: 221, 337, 346, 347,
193–94; “Benito Cereno,” 12, 48; “Billy
362, 367, 434, 441, 459
Budd,” 88; “Cock a Doodle Doo,” 12; “I
Newman, Leslea: A Letter to Harvey Milk,
and My Chimney,” 12, 83; “The
Lightning-Rod Man,” 83; Moby-Dick,
Nickerson, Catherine Ross: 425–35
149; “The Paradise of Bachelors and the
Norris, Frank: 18, 171–85, 218; “Comida:
Tartarus of Maids,” 194; Pierre, 44;
An Experience in Famine,” 176; “A Deal
“Tartarus of Maids,” 197
in Wheat,” 18, 179, 218; Fantaisie
Mena, Maria Christina: 202–04, 470; “The
Printanière, 178–85; “The Guest of
Education of Popo,” 203–04
Honor,” 218; “His Sister,” 218; “The
Mencken, H. L.: 299
Jongleur of Taillebois,” 179; “Judy’s
Meredith, George: Modern Love, 25
Service of Gold Plate,” 179; McTeague: A
Miller, Arthur: Death of a Salesman, 174, 333
Story of San Francisco, 173, 175–76,
p; Minimalism: 366–68
178–82, 185; The Octopus, 174, 177–80;
Minot, Susan: Monkeys, 223
The Pit, 179; Vandover and the Brute, 179;
Mitchell, S. Weir: 108–10, 113
“Zola as a Romantic Writer,” 176
Mitford, Mary Russell: 79–80; Stories in
Nunes, Susan: A Small Obligation and Other
American Life; by American Writers, 79
Stories of Hilo, 445; “The Yardman,” 445
Monteiro, George: 224–43
Mori, Toshio: 439, 475; “Akiro Yano,” 439;
O’Brien, Edward J.: Best Short Stories series,
“Japanese Hamlet,” 439; Yokohama,
299; The Dance of the Machines: The
California, 439, 475
American Short Story and the Industrial Age,
Morrison, Toni: 422
Mosley, Walter: 432; Futureland, 478
O’Brien, Tim: “The Sweetheart of the Song
Moss, Barbara Klein: “Rug Weaver,” 460
Tra Bong,” 223; The Things They Carried,
Mukherjee, Bharati: 223, 441, 443, 476;
Darkness, 443; “A Four-Hundred-Year-
O’Connor, Flannery: 222, 256, 282, 372;
Old Woman,” 223; “Isolated Incidents,”
“A Good Man is Hard to Find,” 222;
443; “The Lady from Lucknow,” 443;
“The Life You Save May Be Your Own,”
“The Management of Grief,” 443–44; The
Middleman and Other Stories, 443; “The
O’Connor, Frank: 278
Tenant,” 223
Oates, Joyce Carol: 422, 432
Olsen, Tille: “Tell Me a Riddle,” 473
of M. Valdemar,” 10, 414; “The Fall of
Oneida: 187; “The Diamond Lens,” 12;
the House of Usher,” 11, 22, 27–34, 46,
“The Lost Room,” 12; “What Was It?,”
88, 414; “The Gold Bug,” 10, 22;
“Hop-Frog,” 22; “How to Write a
Oppenheim, James: 199–200; Pay Envelopes,
Blackwood’s Article,” 10, 24; “The Island
199–200; “The Great Fear,” 200
of the Fay,” 22; “Ligeia,” 11, 22, 27,
Ornelas, Berta: Come Down from the Mound,
414; “Loss of Breath,” 24, 26; “The Man
of the Crowd,” 289, 414; “The Man Who
Oskison, John M.: “The Problem of Old
Was Used Up,” 83; “The Masque of the
Harjo,” 470
Red Death,” 22, 27; “Metzengerstein,”
Ozick, Cynthia: 422, 458–59, 473; “Great
22–24, 414; “Morella,” 414; “MS. Found
Pan Lives,” 458; “The Pagan Rabbi,”
in a Bottle,” 24–25; “The Murder of
458; “The Shawl,” 459, 473
Marie Roget,” 427; “The Murders in the
Rue Morgue,” 10, 22–23, 427–29; “The
Packer, ZZ: “Brownies,” 477; Drinking
Mystery of Marie Rogêt,” 23; The
Coffee Elsewhere, 477
Narrative of Gordon Pym, 21, 32; “The
Padmore, George: Pan-Africanism or
Oblong Box,” 22; “The Pit and the
Communism, 323
Pendulum,” 24; “The Power of Words,”
Page, Thomas Nelson: 17; In Ole Virginia,
22; “A Predicament,” 10; “The Purloined
Or Marse Chan and Other Stories, 70
Letter,” 10, 22–24, 427–29; “The
Paley, Grace: 452, 456–57, 473; “An
Raven,” 23; “Shadow – a Parable,” 22;
Interest in Life,” 457; “The Loudest
“Silence – A Fable,” 22; “The System of
Voice,” 456–57; “Zagrowsky Tells,” 457
Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether,” 22–23;
Papernik, Jon: The Ascent of Eli Israel, 460
“A Tale of Jerusalem,” 24, 83; Tales of
Passos, John Dos: 241
the Folio Club, 8, 25–26; Tales of the
Pattee, Fred Lewis: 6–7
Grotesque and Arabesque, 27, 31; “The
Paulding, James Kirke: 7, 79, 81; The Book
Tell-Tale Heart,” 11, 22; “Von Kempelen
of St. Nicholas, 7; A Book of Vagaries, 7; A
and His Discovery,” 22; “William
Gift from Fairy Land, 7; “Jonathan Visits
Wilson,” 417
the Celestial Empire,” 79; “The Little
Polk, Noel: 288, 289
Dutch Sentinel,” 79; Salmagundi: 7, 81
polyphonic prose: 217
Peabody, Sophia: 53
Porter, Katherine Anne: 18, 256–73,
Petry, Ann: “Like a Winding Street,” 473;
296–97, 304, 310, 312; “The Circus,”
Miss Muriel and Other Stories, 473
267, 269; The Collected Essays and
Pinsker, Sanford: 451
Occasional Writings of Katherine Anne
Pizer, Donald: 171, 173, 174
Porter, 257; The Collected Stories of
Poe, Edgar Allan: 10–12, 20–32, 58,
Katherine Anne Porter, 257, 266–67; The
62–63, 68, 83, 88, 120, 187, 278–79,
Days Before, 257; “The Fig Tree,”
408, 410, 427–29; “The Assignation,”
266–68; Flowering Judas, 257, 264, 298,
26; “The Balloon-Hoax,” 10; “The Black
310; Flowering Judas and Other Stories,
Cat,” 10–11, 22–23; “Bon-Bon,” 24, 26;
257, 260, 273; “The Grandmother,”
“The Business Man,” 22; “The Cask of
267–68; “The Grave,” 267, 270–71;
Amontillado,” 11, 22, 26; “A Chapter on
“Hacienda,” 261–63; “He,” 264;
Autobiography,” 81; “The Conversations
“Holiday,” 263–66; “The Jilting of
of Eiros and Charmion,” 22; “A Descent
Granny Weatherall,” 265–66, 312; “The
into the Maelström,” 24; “The Duc De
Journey,” 269–73; “The Last Leaf,” 267,
L’Omelette,” 24; “The Facts in the Case
271–72; The Leaning Tower and Other
Stories, 257; “Legend and Memory,” 267,
Ríos, Isabella: Victuum, 381
271; “Magic,” 264–65; “María
Robinson, Rowland: 91
Concepcíon,” 257–59; “The Martyr,”
Rodriguez, Luis J.: The Republic of East
259; “Midway of This Mortal Life,” 267;
L. A. , 477
My Chinese Marriage, 257; The Never-
Romanticism (American): 15–16, 83,
Ending Wrong, 257; “‘Noon Wine’: The
171–85, 297, 335, 410, 418
Sources,” 263, 268; The Old Order: Stories
Romantics (British): 172, 412
of the South, 266–72; “Ole Woman
Roosevelt, Theodore: The Rough Riders, 145
River,” 273; Pale Horse, Pale Rider: Three
Rosenbaum, Thane: Elijah Visible, 459
Short Novels, 257; Que Viva Mexico! , 261;
Roth, Philip: 221, 452, 454–56, 458, 460,
Ship of Fools, 257; “The Spivvelton
473; “Defender of the Faith,” 221, 454;
Mystery,” 257; “That Tree,” 261–62;
“Eli, the Fanatic,” 454–55, 460; Goodbye
“Virgin Violeta,” 259–60, 263; “Where
Columbus, 221, 454, 458, 473
Presidents Have No Friends,” 257; “Why
Rozan, S. J.: 432
I Write About Mexico,” 258; “The
Ruppersburg, Hugh: 244–55
Witness,” 267–69; “You are What You
Ryan, Steven T.: 35–49
Read,” 273
Postcolonialism: 322–24
Salti, Ramzi M.: 477–78; The Native
Postmodernism: 341
Informant and Other Stories, 477
Post-Structuralism: 40, 44
Sandor, Marjorie: Portrait of My Mother Who
Pound, Ezra: 219, 225; “In a Station of the
Posed Nude in Wartime, 458
Metro,” 297; “The Inquest,” 227
Santos, Bienvenido: Dwell in the Wilderness,
Power, Susan: “Morse Code,” 222
440–41; You Lovely People, 440–41
Progressive Era: 187–207
Sargent, Lucius Marcellus: 188, 190; “My
Proust, Marcel: 335, 341
Mother’s Golden Ring,” 188, 190
Putnam’s Monthly Magazine: 13, 36
Sartre, Jean-Paul: 42, 219, 333
Pynchon, Thomas: 432
Saturday Courier: 22, 24–25
Saturday Evening Post: 251, 253, 296, 300
Rachlin, Nahid: “Dark Gravity,” 444;
Scott, Sir Walter: 29, 51
“Departures,” 444; Veil, 444
Scribner’s Monthly: 13, 235, 238, 261, 301
Rao, Raja: 437; “The Little Gram Shop,”
Scudder, Horace: 105
Sedgwick, Catherine: “Cacoethes Scribendi,”
Raphael, Lev: “The Life You Have,” 459
Realism: 13–19, 171–85, 217, 219, 279–81
Seneca Falls Convention: 192–93
Reconstruction: 72, 75–76, 469
Shapiro, Gerald: Bad Jews, 460; From
Regionalism: 17, 391–405
Hunger, 460; Little Men, 460
Reesman, Jeanne Campbell: 171–86
Shakespeare, William: A Midsummer Night’s
Rice, Anne: 422
Dream, 352; Hamlet, 380
Rich, Charlotte: 152–70
Shelley, Percy Bysshe: 10
Riis, Jacob: 176, 199–200, 467–68; How the
short-story cycle (or, short-story sequence):
Other Half Lives, 176, 199–200; “Lost
25, 278, 364, 380, 482–98
Children,” 467–68; Neighbors, 199; Out of
Shteyngart, Gary: The Russian Debutante’s
Mulberry Street: Stories of Tenement Like in
Handbook, 461
New York, 467; “The Problem of the
Sigourney, Lydia Howard Huntley: “The
Widow Salvini,” 199
Intemperate,” 188
Riley, James Whitcomb: 152
Silko, Leslie Marmon: “Storyteller,” 221;
Rilke, Rainer Maria: 334
Storyteller, 488; “Yellow Woman,” 221
Sinclair, Upton: The Jungle, 174
Two Altars; or, Two Pictures in One,”
Singer, Isaac Bashevis: 221, 460, 473
191–92; Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 14, 91,
A Companion to the American Short Story Page 111