Deadly Sins

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Deadly Sins Page 27

by Stacy M Jones

  “Has George had any contact with her that you know of?”

  “No, he wouldn’t. As I said, it all ended badly. What I don’t understand is how Maime would have known about her. It was way before George and Maime met. I can’t imagine George would have told her the story.”

  “Who did Michelle cheat on? The other fraternity brother?”

  “You know him. It’s that reporter. Ben Prosser,” Dean said calmly.

  “Ben Prosser?” Luke asked skeptically, not sure he had heard Dean correctly.

  “Yeah, I didn’t know he was living in Little Rock, but then I saw him in the crowd at the press conference. I didn’t really think much of it. He doesn’t look very different than he did back then.”

  “Tell me about him,” Luke said, a sinking feeling growing in his gut.

  “He was kind of a weird guy. He’d walk into a room and the whole mood would shift. Nobody really liked him. He was pretty angry, easy to set off. I didn’t really know him that well. I tried to spend as little time with him as possible. Until the other day at the press conference, I hadn’t seen him since we graduated.”

  “Did Maime know him?” Luke asked.

  “Not that I know of, but it’s a small town so you know anything’s possible. What are you thinking, Detective?” Dean asked, shifting in his seat.

  “I’m thinking I have two people who have pretty good reasons to set up George. You need to keep this conversation between us for now,” Luke said seriously.

  He quickly gathered his papers and headed for the door. As he walked out, Luke called over his shoulder, “You’re free to go but don’t go far. I may need you again.”

  Luke had no time to spare. He rushed to his desk, pulled up the internet and found a recent photo of Ben off the newspaper website. He printed it, grabbed his cellphone and some other files and left the police station.

  There was only one person Luke knew that could connect Ben and Maime. Luke was going to get that information one way or another.


  LUKE RACED TO THE SOUTHEAST part of the city. He got a call on his cell as he expertly navigated the streets.

  “We found a body,” Tyler informed him. “I’ve called Purvis down. He’s on his way. Like the last, she wasn’t far from George’s office. You find him yet?”

  “No, but I got another lead. Keep an eye out for Ben Prosser, that reporter from the Times. If you spot him, take him in, and hold him for questioning until I get there. Got it?”

  “Yeah, sure. I’ll look for him. The news media is all over this. What’s Ben got to do with anything?”

  “That’s what I’m about to find out. I brought Dean in for questioning and learned Ben’s connected to George and Dean from college and the unidentified victim. The victim’s name is Michelle Banks. Dean identified her from the photo. Seems Michelle cheated on Ben with George in college. I still don’t know how it all ties in. Dean said Ben was a fairly odd guy back then, bad temper and so forth. He never came across like that to me, but he also failed to mention ever knowing George. I find that strange.”

  As Luke sped through town, he caught Tyler up on his speculation about Maime. Luke was finally starting to feel like all the puzzles pieces were sliding into place. He allowed himself a few seconds of hope that he’d find Riley alive. Right now, that was the only thing on his mind.

  Luke ended the call with Tyler just as he pulled up in front of a known drug house. There was a group of guys sitting on the front porch. They snapped to attention as Luke walked towards them. Luke knew he only had one shot. He wasn’t there to arrest anybody. He didn’t care about their crimes today. Just an answer was all he needed.

  “I just need Orlando Knight,” Luke said, holding up his hands showing them he wasn’t reaching for his gun or anything that would put them on guard. “I just have a quick question, and then I’m out of here.”

  “Maybe I don’t wanna answer no questions,” Knight called from the middle of the pack.

  Luke pleaded, “A woman’s life depends on it. You met her. Her name is Riley. She was down here asking questions. She talked to you.”

  Luke stood down at the edge of the curb and held out a photo in his left hand. “Just look at the picture and tell me if you know him.”

  “What happen to that girl?” Knight asked as he sauntered down the sidewalk toward Luke. “She was nice. Maybe I’ll help.”

  “Someone took her this morning. You know all those missing women and the ones they found in the river – same guy. I can’t find her. I’m trying to save her life. I need your help,” Luke said truthfully.

  “What’s your question?” Knight asked.

  Luke thrust the photo towards him and asked, “You know this guy?”

  Knight studied the photo for a minute, maybe longer. He looked up to his crew as they carefully regarded him. Luke knew Knight was no snitch, but he was also counting on the fact that Riley had met him to sway if Knight talked or not. Riley could be persuasive and kind. One of her best traits was never acting like she was better than anyone. Everyone was equal in her eyes. It gained her respect. Luke was counting on that respect now.

  Finally, Knight spoke, “Yeah I know him. That’s the guy she was asking about. Comes down here and buys drugs for that missing white girl.”

  “Thanks, man,” Luke said. He reached out and shook Knight’s hand.

  Luke turned and headed back for his SUV. Knight trailed after him. He stopped Luke before he got back in the car and said, “We do a lot of stuff down here, but we don’t hurt women. If you find him, drop him off and we’ll take care of him for you.”

  “Thanks, but we got this,” Luke assured him.

  Knight nodded and went back to his crew.

  Luke raced back to the heart of the city and called for backup to meet him at Ben Prosser’s home.


  COOPER HAD GROWN TIRED of being on surveillance, just sitting and waiting for something to happen. He was antsy and wanted to help find Riley. He stayed sitting in his truck though watching David Norwalk’s small house. There was little movement the whole time they had been out there. Cooper was starting to doubt there ever would be. Days they had been watching him and nothing.

  Whatever Luke thought Norwalk would lead them to, he sure was taking a long time to get to it. Cooper doubted it would ever happen. He was starting to think maybe Luke was grasping, trying another avenue that just wouldn’t yield what they needed.

  As the hours passed by, Cooper felt more and more powerless. He should be doing something productive rather than sitting there keeping watch over what he was now considering a dead end.

  Cooper blamed himself for Riley. He should have kept a better eye on her. He knew George was dangerous, especially after Riley told him what happened. He should have warned her better. Cooper knew no matter what he said, Riley wasn’t going to listen. Still there had to have been something he could have done.

  Cooper was just about to give up and break off surveillance to go search for Riley when Norwalk walked out of his house. He was wearing a blue hooded sweatshirt and jeans. He had a ball cap pulled low over his eyes. He got in his old Ford truck and pulled out of the drive. Cooper was parked a few houses down and remained unseen. Cooper put his truck in drive and followed Norwalk the best he could. They navigated through the city streets with Cooper staying two car lengths behind him, purposefully letting a car or two create a barrier in between them.

  Following along familiar streets, Cooper thought Norwalk might be heading back to the same motel where he had met Dean. Cooper thought about calling Luke but decided to wait. He didn’t want to risk getting distracted and lose him. After all, it was still only a hunch that’s where they were headed.

  His hunch was confirmed a few minutes later. This time Cooper pulled off the street and parked his truck off a dirt road past the motel. It didn’t seem like whoever was meeting Norwalk had arrived yet. In daylight, Cooper couldn’t just park his truck on the side of the road as he had t
he night before.

  Where Cooper was parked now was the perfect spot. He had a clear view of Norwalk’s truck and the back of Norwalk’s head as he waited in front of the motel. Cooper could also see the road coming and going from the motel in both directions. Luckily, the spot Cooper picked was shielded just enough by trees to keep him out of sight.

  Sure enough, about ten minutes later a BMW pulled up. Cooper expected to see Dean get out of the car. When Ben Prosser got out, slammed the door shut, and walked over to Norwalk, Cooper wasn’t sure what was going on. He watched Ben walk over to Norwalk’s truck and stand at the driver’s side window. They spoke for a few minutes. All seemed calm.

  Cooper didn’t see them exchange anything. Then before Cooper even had time to process what was happening, Ben pulled a gun from his waistband and fired one shot into Norwalk’s head. Norwalk’s head exploded in a mess of blood and brains against the back window of the truck. Cooper didn’t hear the gun make a sound. He assumed it had a silencer. It was hard to tell from the angle Cooper was watching. He couldn’t believe what he just witnessed. He felt paralyzed, not sure what to do next.

  He waited and watched as Ben leaned into the truck and pulled out what looked like a pile of photos. Ben got back in his car and took off out of the lot the same way he came in.

  Cooper had to act and instinct took over. He gave Ben a few seconds and then Cooper started his truck and began to follow him. At the same time, Cooper picked up his cell and was about to call 911. He decided to call Luke. Cooper wasn’t sure what had just happened. But he knew he just witnessed the cold-blooded murder of a cop.

  Luke answered on the second ring. Cooper explained as fast as he could what he just witnessed and explained that he was in pursuit of Ben.

  “Do not lose him. He’s our guy. Follow him wherever he goes. But stay back,” Luke shouted. “Are you armed?”

  “Yeah, just my Glock. It’s only got one clip in. Hurry. I’m following close enough, hoping he doesn’t notice me. He’s headed away from the city not towards it. Where are you?”

  “His house. I think he thought we’d never find him. The evidence is everywhere. He has photos of all the victims. He did some surveillance on them prior. We’ve got rental car receipts for the same make and model cars of both Dean and George. The prepaid cellphone is here and there’s a map to a cabin just off Highway 270 down near Lake Catherine. But the map isn’t clear, doesn’t show exactly where it is. I’m calling the state police. I’m sending some guys that way. I’m leaving right now. Just keep following,” Luke demanded.

  “We just got on Interstate 30 West. I think we are heading in that direction. He’s speeding like a mad man,” Cooper explained, trying to block out the image of Norwalk’s head exploding. The more he tried not to think about it, the more the image remained implanted on his mind.

  “Luke, he killed Norwalk. He shot him in the head in the middle of conversation.”

  “Just get to Riley. That’s all we care about right now. Do not lose him.”

  The phone abruptly disconnected. Cooper wasn’t sure if it was just bad cell service or if Luke hung up. Cooper didn’t try to call back. He followed Ben who was picking up speed. He had to be going at least eighty-five. Cooper didn’t know if his truck could keep up with Ben’s BMW. He was going to find out.

  There were a million things racing through Cooper’s mind, but he had to remain focused on the task at hand. Minutes ticked by as they cruised down I-30 West. Finally, Cooper saw Ben pull over to the far-right lane and get off the 270 exit, heading in the direction of Lake Catherine. Cooper didn’t know the area well, but he knew it would be pretty desolate this time of year.

  Cooper needed to drop back or it would be obvious to Ben he was being followed. If Cooper got into a confrontation with Ben now, they might never find Riley.

  Cooper gave Ben some lead time but had his tail lights in his sight. But as Cooper rounded a sharp bend in the road, suddenly Ben’s BMW was no longer in sight. It just vanished. Cooper sped up and continued down the road. No Ben.

  He made a quick U-turn and went back to the spot he lost him. There were two dirt roads that lead into the trees that Cooper missed on the first pass. Cooper couldn’t see beyond a few feet.

  Ben was gone. That much was clear. Cooper picked up his cell to call Luke, but he had no service. He pulled his truck down one of the dirt roads that seemed to have fresh tire tracks and parked. He’d have to take it on foot. His truck wasn’t going to make it through the trees.

  Cooper got out of his truck and took off down the dirt road, gun ready at his side. There was little light coming through the dense trees. The more heavily wooded it became, the harder it was to see. Cooper scanned the tree line as he ran. He knew he was a sitting duck if Ben was out there in the woods somewhere. Cooper didn’t have much of an option. He had to get to Riley before Ben did.


  WE WENT AROUND AND AROUND with the same question. I asked and Maime stalled. I asked the question again, “Who is the unidentified woman, Maime? What did she do to you?”

  This time, before she could respond, the front door swung open. The first thing I saw was a guy’s hand on the door and then dark dusty cowboy boots peaked around the door frame. When he shut the door and turned to me, I wasn’t prepared for the face I saw.

  Maime’s partner looked over at me. He answered my last question about the unknown victim.

  “That one was my own revenge. I had to get a little something out of this deal. I mean the killing was fun, but when you get to kill and have a little payback at the same time, well Riley, there’s nothing quite like that.”

  I never saw it coming. I never suspected Ben.

  Ben walked in, hugged Maime and asked her, “Everything okay, beautiful? Got everything under control? I know Riley can be a handful, from what I hear.” He looked over at me smirking, his eyes drifting down my body.

  “You, you’ve been doing all this. Why?” I asked. I still didn’t quite get it.

  “I went to college with Dean and George. Didn’t we, George?” Ben cuffed George hard on the back of the head. George didn’t respond.

  “See him and Dean thought they were the big shots on campus. We were all in the same fraternity. The whole four years they acted like I didn’t exist. If they did talk to me, it was to tease me or give me a hard time. When I finally got a girlfriend, George got her drunk at a party one night and raped her. Go on, tell Riley about it, George,” Ben demanded.

  When George didn’t comply, Ben picked up the gun and pointed it at George. It was clear that it was Ben who beat the life out of George earlier, probably while I was still unconscious.

  “For the last time, I didn’t rape anyone,” George groaned.

  George finally met my gaze. Looking me in the eyes, he explained. “I was a senior in college. I was at a party and there was a girl. We were all dancing and drunk. When we got back to the house we had sex. The next morning she regretted it when her boyfriend walked in on us in my bed. She cried rape. It was consensual. I swear it.”

  Ben let out a cruel mocking laugh. “George has always had a problem with the truth. He gets part of the story right, but the rest he makes up to suit his needs. They were dancing and drinking at a party. That part is true. When it was over, George offered to walk Michelle back to our house. He knew she was with me.”

  Ben aimed the gun at George’s head and looked at me as he continued to explain. “I wasn’t back yet from the party I went to. George took her up to his room to wait. He took advantage of her. She was too drunk to even consent. He raped her.”

  “What happened? Did she tell the police? Why is this coming out twenty years later? Where is she now?”

  The questions just poured out of me. I didn’t even know if I was making sense. I was trying to rapidly add all the pieces together but was still having trouble making sense of it all.

  “Oh, she’s dead. She’s the one you couldn’t identify. She was on a work trip in Little Rock. She liv
ed up in Seattle. I called and asked her to meet for coffee to catch up. I hadn’t seen her since college. She said yes and well you know the rest,” Ben explained calmly like he was talking about a drive on Sunday not kidnapping and killing a woman.

  “But why kill her?” I asked.

  “Because she deserved to die for what she did to me,” Ben said slowly punctuating each word. “She betrayed me. George may have raped her, but she didn’t have to drink with him or dance with him or go up to his room. Choices and consequences, Riley. Life is all about choices and consequences. If you hadn’t rushed down here to help George, you might have gotten to live. Since he is still so important to you, now you have to die. It’s unfortunate. I like you, but you make really bad decisions.”

  He started to walk towards me with the gun in his hand, pointing it directly at me.

  “Wait!” I yelled. “Tell me first what George drugged me with to get me here.”

  I just wanted to keep them talking. I knew from Luke there was time between when they kidnapped women and killed them. I didn’t think I was going to get that much time. Both George and I were missing. I assumed Luke and Cooper probably still thought it was George who was killing these women.

  “Just chloroform. I used it with all the victims. Of course, they trusted me. Most people do. Even the police. I called George, told him to bring you here if he wanted Maime back. I left the chloroform on his back porch last night. I left instructions for him, and he followed them. It was all very easy. You, Riley, are very compliant,” Ben said with a beaming smile.

  Ben crouched down and spoke directly to me. The gun was at his side. I tried to remain stone-faced. Tears welled up in my eyes.


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