You Make It Easy: A best friend's brother romance (Love in Everton Book 5)

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You Make It Easy: A best friend's brother romance (Love in Everton Book 5) Page 19

by Fabiola Francisco

  “Okay.” I nod. When Finn offers his hand, I take it, a tingling sensation shivering down my body. I’m not perfect, and I have to learn to care less about what others think, but I plan to do that with this man by my side, his hand in mine.

  Mrs. Walker turns up her nose when she sees me again. I roll my eyes, my annoyance obvious, which earns me a gasp from her. As if it’s okay for her to gossip and spread rumors but not to be called out for it.

  Well, screw that.

  Averly, Sienna, and Emily are all smiles when Finn and I reach the table.

  “I’m glad you guys could work this out,” Averly says with a smile.

  I am, too. I smile over at Finn, ready to work at this relationship with him.


  I move my hands down my jean-clad thighs and knock on Finn’s door. After we finished eating lunch, he asked me if I wanted to come over to his place to talk in private. Making up out in the street wasn’t exactly ideal, and there were things we couldn’t talk about while we were caught up in the moment of just seeing each other.

  “Right on time,” Finn says with a smile when he opens the door. His eyes move up and down my body appreciatively. His lips tilt in a crooked smirk, and he kisses the corner of my mouth before stepping aside for me to enter.

  I gasp when I see that he created a fort with pillows placed on the floor and white sheets hanging from the ceiling. White string lights hang inside the sheets and across the living room. A small candle burns on the side table next to the fort, and a tray with two glasses and a platter of something that’s hard to see from here is sitting on the blankets and pillows.

  “This is amazing.” I look back at Finn, who is standing next to me with his hands in his pocket and a sheepish grin on his face.

  “I wanted to do something romantic,” he shrugs as if it were no big deal. How did I ever doubt him? One thing I know about Finn is that if he doesn’t care about a woman, he won’t work for her. He cares about me. He’s proven that to me, but I pushed him away.

  I turn to face him. “I’m sorry. I can’t believe I let someone else influence what I know in my heart. More so, influence what I think about myself and my worth.”

  “It’s okay. All is forgiven, and we move forward. Remember?” I nod. “This is new to me. I’ve never been in a relationship like this, and I will likely screw up a time or two. We’re human, but we both want to be together. We’ll make it work because it’s worth being happy.”

  I smile and look at the sincerity in his eyes. “Thank you,” I whisper. “Thank you for all of this.” I turn around and wave a hand in front of me.

  “There’s more, too. Come on.” Finn holds my hand and leads me to the fort where we sit. “I made this warm brie with honey and almonds. Averly helped me with the recipe, but she said anyone could make it, so I took her word for it. It’s not as pretty as the picture, but it smells good. I also have dinner on speed dial, and,” he turns and grabs something. “Champagne.” His pearly whites flash at me as he holds the bottle up proudly.

  “This is perfect,” I sigh, taking it all in.

  “It’s about to get even more perfect.” I lift my eyebrows, unsure what else he could do. “We’re going to watch Harry Potter,” Finn announces.

  “No way!” I jolt in excitement.

  “Yes. I’ve never seen any of them, so who better to pop my Harry Potter cherry than with you,” he winks.

  I giggle and nod. “That’s true.”

  Finn opens the champagne bottle with a loud pop, serving us each a glass.

  “To my beautiful girlfriend,” Finn says. A light blush flushes my cheeks.

  “And to my amazing boyfriend,” I respond. “Whom I’m falling in love with.” I swallow thickly as I look into Finn’s eyes, a moment of tension between us.

  He scoots closer, placing his glass on the tray right before his hands move to cradle my face. “I’ve already fallen,” he whispers before smashing his lips against mine, his tongue invading my mouth in a heated kiss.

  I moan and wrap one arm around him, trying to balance the glass in the other as I kiss him back with the same amount of fervor. Tingles rise up and down my body, and my heart swells.

  Finn pulls back a couple of inches. “Let’s have a drink and eat. We have a Harry Potter marathon to start.”

  I giggle and shake my head. “We won’t be able to watch them all tonight.”

  “We’ll finish tomorrow and the day after that. However long it takes. I’ll probably pause a ton of times to ask you questions. I’m obnoxious that way.”

  A slow smile creeps on my face. I place my glass down and hold his face to mine. “Ask me anything you want. I won’t mind.” I kiss his lips softly.

  “I love you.” Finn’s voice turns soft.

  “I love you, too.” I take my bottom lip between my teeth as I stare at him.

  “That’s the right response.” He softly slaps the side of my butt and winks. “Eat, I’m going to order dinner and put on the movie.” He kisses the side of my head and stands.

  I knife a piece of brie and place it on a cracker, adding some of the honey that’s spread on the platter. Taking a bite, I moan. This is really good. The brie is just warm enough that is melts in my mouth.

  “This is amazing,” I tell Finn, covering my mouth with my hand.

  “I’m glad you like it. I really didn’t do much besides put the brie in the oven for a bit then pour honey and top it with the slivered almonds.

  “Well, it’s really good,” I take another bite and wash it down with champagne. “And it’s all extremely romantic,” I add.

  “We hit a rough patch. That happens to all couples. I believe we’re both adults and can work through things together. If we didn’t want to be together, then we wouldn’t. It’s that simple.”

  “Thank you.” I reach for his hand and squeeze.

  Finn nods. “I ordered Italian. It should arrive in about thirty minutes or so.”

  “Perfect. Are you ready to lose your Harry Potter virginity?” My eyes widen.

  “Dirty, dirty, I approve,” Finn chuckles.

  We watch the first movie while we drink more champagne and snack on the brie. When the food arrives, we pause it to set up our plates and answer all of Finn’s questions. It’s a perfect evening. I lean into him once we’re done eating as he wraps his arms around me. I’m captivated by the scene in front of me. No matter how many times I watch these movies, I’ll never tire of them.

  Finn’s fingers brush up and down my arms, competing for attention from the screen. I sigh and shift so I’m closer, wrapping my arms around his waist and placing my head on his shoulder. I can’t believe I almost threw this away. Nothing would ever replace this feeling or Finn. He’s the man I never thought I’d find—The one. I was almost certain he didn’t exist, but he was right in front of me the whole time.

  As the movie comes to an end, Finn says, “I’ll admit that was much better than I imagined.”

  “They’re amazing,” I sigh. “I guess it’s kinda late to start the second one, huh?” I check the time on my phone.

  “If I didn’t have to wake up at five in the morning for work, then we could.” Finn yawns and stretches his arms. “How about tomorrow? We’ll start earlier?”

  “Yes,” I squeal.

  “But, I still have more surprises.” I narrow my eyes as I try to think of what else he could have done.

  Finn stands and heads into his kitchen, returning with a container holding four cupcakes. I sit up and smile. “Are those Harry Potter cupcakes?”

  “Yup!” His proud grin melts my heart.

  “How did you?” I look at the cupcakes, each one with frosting the color of the Hogwarts houses, and a sorting hat made of caramel on top.

  “Let’s just say I used my charm on Mrs. Engle. That and she’s Team Finn and Abbie’s number one fan.

  “They’re adorable.” I go to pick the yellow frosted cupcake.

  “Wait,” Finn stops me. “Aren’t you supposed t
o pick the color of the house you belong to?”

  He’s cute. “Yeah.” I take a bite of the cupcake and pluck off the sorting hat.

  Finn stares at the other three with furrowed eyebrows.

  “I think you’re a Gryffindor or Slytherin,” I say, hiding my amusement behind a mouth full of sweetness.

  “You say that as if I’m supposed to be offended, but I’ll tell you, Slytherins seem to rule.” I giggle at his answer. “What are you?”

  “A Hufflepuff,” I say with pride, holding up my cupcake.

  “Oh, yeah? How are you so sure?”

  “Because I know all things Harry Potter…and I’ve taken the quiz,” I shrug.

  “There’s a quiz?” Finn’s eyebrows jump on his forehead.

  “Duh,” I shake my head as if he asked the most absurd question in the world.

  “Well, let me take it.” He reaches his hand out, eyebrows high on his forehead as he waits expectantly.

  I grab my phone and search for the quiz I took on the Pottermore website. Handing him the phone, I finish my cupcake and eye the others. I was craving Mrs. Engle’s cupcakes so badly. This hit the spot.

  “Don’t even think about it until I finish this quiz,” Finn says without even looking at me.

  I laugh and sigh. “Hurry, or I’ll eat them all.”

  “For being a Hufflepuff, you’re not very patient,” Finn teases.

  “Maybe I have a bit of Slytherin in me.” My eyes dance with humor.

  “Done! And you were right, I’m a Gryffindor,” Finn smiles with pride.

  “Ah, I know my Hogwarts knowledge.” I then grab the blue cupcake and begin to eat the Ravenclaw one. Finn Grabs the red and takes a bite.

  I lean forward and wipe the red frosting from the side of his lip. Before I can wipe my finger, Finn grabs my hand and licks the frosting. My body heats at the feel of his wet tongue running against the pad of my finger, and my stomach drops. He winks and takes another bite.

  “Trouble,” I say jokingly.

  “Your favorite kind,” Finn doesn’t hesitate to respond.

  “That’s true.” I finish my cupcake and pat my belly. “Do you want water?” I ask him as I stand.


  I grab two water bottles from the fridge and look at the fort as I make my way back. Finn did all of this for me. I would bet my entire life’s earnings that he’s never done something like this for anyone else, just like I’ve never shared so much of myself with another man.

  He’s the person I want by my side as I navigate life. I don’t need to be alone to find my worth, my self-confidence can grow with Finn by my side, supporting me as I support him in his own growth and evolution.

  “Here you go.” I take a seat again.

  “Thanks, babe.” Finn yawns again.

  “Okay, I’ll let you get rest. Thank you for tonight,” I kiss his cheek and collect the plates. I know how early he needs to be at the ranch and just how much hard work goes into it.

  I feel Finn press against my back and his hands land on either side of me on the edge of the sink as I’m washing the dishes. His face buries into the crook of my neck as his breath tickles my sensitive skin.

  “Stay with me,” he murmurs against my neck as he drops a kiss.

  I shiver as desire pools between my legs.

  “You need sleep,” I say playfully.

  “We’ll sleep.” He moves his mouth back to my neck and trails more kisses along my sensitive skin, his tongue peeking out to tease me.

  “Not if you continue to do that.” I place the plates on the drying rack and rinse my hands, trying my hardest to remain calm, but my heart is pounding as my body reacts to each kiss.

  “This is just a pre-show for tomorrow morning.”

  “Are you going to wake me up at four for morning sex before you leave to work?”

  “I’d never…” he chuckles against me, his scruff scratching my skin in the most pleasurable way.

  “Finn…” I warn, leaning back against him.

  “I don’t want to be without you,” he confesses. “Not tonight.”

  I turn in his arms, hugging him and pressing my cheek against his chest, listening to the beat his heart drums. “I’m right here.”

  “I love you so much. I wanted to tell you for a couple weeks now, but then…” he trails off, and my heart squeezes.

  Hearing him say that makes the butterflies in my belly go wild. I tilt my head back so I can look into his eyes when I say, “I love you, too. I really do.”

  “Good, because we’ve got a bunch of haters to prove wrong.” He winks.

  I giggle and bury my face in his chest. “Yeah. I can’t believe I told Mrs. Walker off today.”

  “I’ve never been prouder of you.” Finn runs a hand down my back. “So…will you stay?”

  I press my chin into his chest again and look up at him. “Yeah.”

  “Yes!” I laugh at his enthusiasm and yelp when he carries me, wrapping my legs around his waist, and takes me to his bedroom. I feel his semi-hard cock rub against me, adding to the heated desire he was already rising in me by kissing my neck.

  Finn kneels on the bed, still holding my body around his and gently lays me on my back. His mouth moves over mine in a lazy kiss, his tongue sweeping against mine in slow, languid strokes. His hips gyrate against mine, imitating his tongue.

  I moan into the kiss and dig my nails into his back. “Finn…sleep.” My words are swallowed up with his tender kisses.

  “First, I want to make love to you.” His hand brushes my hair away from my face, and he pierces into my eyes.

  My hands move from his back and trail to his face, holding it in my palms. “Yes,” the single word falls from my lips before I kiss him with less patience than he did.

  I take his bottom lip between my teeth and tug slightly before kissing him with wild abandon.

  “Babe…” Finn growls. His hands move up and down the sides of my body, stopping at the hem of my shirt. I arch my back, inviting him to remove it. Finn doesn’t hesitate, lifting it up my body and over my head. His hands instantly go to my breasts, palming them over my bra as his thumb grazes my pebbled nipples. I’ve missed his touch.

  “You’re perfect.” His voice is husky. He leans down to kiss my shoulder, dropping a path of kisses up to my neck and down the center of my throat to my chest. His teeth nip the swell of my breast, and I moan, lifting my hips.

  “We’re taking it slow tonight,” he says.

  My legs drop from his waist, opening so he can fit better between them. Finn lowers the cups of my bra, exposing my breasts to him. His eyes darken as he looks up and finds my eyes. My chest rises and falls with my heavy breathing in anticipation of his next move.

  Finn lowers his head, his tongue peeking out and flicking my hardened nipple. He then flattens his tongue and swirls it around, causing pleasure to spike up and down my body. When he teases me with his teeth, I’m a goner. I don’t think I could ever live without him, without the way he makes me feel.

  I press Finn’s head to my body and hold him there, begging for more. His chuckles tickle my skin, and I loosen my hold.

  “I love it when you beg.” His eyebrow arches, and a crooked smirk appears on his smug face. I lift my head and kiss it away, thrusting my tongue into his mouth. Finn groans and wraps his arms around me, turning us, so I’m on top of him. I straddle his hips and hold my body up with my hands on his chest. I move one to the back and unclasp my bra, letting it fall down my arms. Finn moans as I grab it and fling it on the floor.

  “You were saying?” I smile.

  “You…” He points at me. “You’re the real trouble here.”

  “I’ve learned from the best.” I rock my hips into his, and his cock hardens in his jeans. Sneaking my hands under his t-shirt, I scrape my nails up his stomach and chest, taking the fabric up with me. Finn’s stomach clenches under my touch. Mesmerized by his reaction, I can’t take my eyes off his body.

  “Whoa,” I cr
y out in surprise when his hand grips the back of my neck and pulls me down, kissing me. We’re a mess of tangled tongues, clashing teeth, and desperate hands.

  Finn’s hands move down my body and slip into the top of my jeans, his fingers pressing into my butt. He holds my lower body to his as his mouth moves to my neck, kissing the part right below my ear before taking my lobe between his teeth and sucking.

  “Finn…” I moan, melting into him and taking his lips in mine again. Everything about this moment is making me anxious and excited. I need him. I need to feel him inside of me. I need to feel us uniting and making love.

  My hands fumble with the belt and buttons on his jeans. Finn’s hands skim around from the back of my jeans to the front. Skillfully, he snaps the button on my jeans and lowers the zipper so his hand can sneak into my underwear. He barely brushes my clit, and I spasm. My hands fall from his jeans and hold on to his chest. I rock my hips into his hands, but I can’t get him all the way into my jeans.

  “Naked,” Finn bites out. Grateful my shoes have been off since I got here, I kneel off the bed and lower my jeans and underwear together. Finn leans up on his elbows, watching me with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

  “That pussy is mine,” he growls. God, his words shoot straight to my core.

  “You want it?” I take a step back. Finn’s eyes sweep up and down my body in appreciation, a deep husky groan sounding from the back of his throat. “Come and get it.” I giggle and turn around, bolting out of the room.

  “Abbie!” Finn’s voice booms, his heavy steps are close behind me as I slow down between cackles.

  “Ahhh,” I call out as his arm loops around my waist when I make it to the living room.

  “Gotcha,” he whispers into my ear. Goosebumps pop up all over my skin in excited anticipation of what’s to come.

  “I’ve never had a woman run away from me while naked.”

  I turn around in his arms, a small smile marking my lips.

  “Shit,” Finn whispers. “Sorry. I’m so sorry.” His eyes fall shut.

  I place my hands on his face and brush my lips with his. “It’s a good thing I’m not like other women you’ve been with.”


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