Bodyguards: A Twin Menage Romance (Mandarin Connection Book 9)

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Bodyguards: A Twin Menage Romance (Mandarin Connection Book 9) Page 13

by Stephanie Brother

  He plants me on the bed, ravaging me, taking me to my core, and I climax, gushing all over his thighs. He roars, pulling back, tonguing my clit, licking me, swallowing our juices, and I beg him to fuck my mouth.

  I feel and taste him as he lunges, and we eat each other, gulping and licking and humping, bucking against our faces, as we come again and again.

  He comes, and my mouth and throat fill with his sperm.

  He flips me around, and I am on my knees, as he takes me from behind, ramming all the way up through my aching womb.

  I scream, again and again, as we fuck a hole in the cosmos, the stars exploding, comets and meteors and galaxies flying past and through our bodies, and the melding happens.

  And, it’s horrifying, and beautiful and fantastic and terrifying and stupendous, and then I fall over and he collapses on top of me.

  And then, it’s dark, once more.

  “Decided to start without me,” Brad says, sounding disappointed.

  He kicks his way through the broken glass, the shattered tables, and the shards and field of debris that Chad and my coupling caused.

  He picks up a broken beer bottle.

  “Waste of good beer!” he says, sadly.

  Travis peers around the room, and I can see he’s edgy.

  “Put your gun away, Travis,” Chad orders.

  Travis, eyes wide, stares.

  “Who said that?” he asks.

  “That was my dumb, horny-ass brother, Chad!” Brad says.

  “Over there, on the bed!” he says, pointing.

  “Bruddah? Brad, mon, they be no one dere!” Travis says, his patois accent large and unbounded in his fear.

  Brad strides over to us.

  “Right here, dude! Look! And, Cheryl, too!” he says, and burps.

  Travis eyes get even wider.

  “Dey ghosts, mon! Dread ghosts!” he wails.

  Travis, a man for whom I’ve never seen anything produce fear, is absolutely terrified.

  I look over at Chad, who is still resting his face in my crotch.

  His eyes glow green.

  I can see my own yellow eyes, reflecting in his.

  Brad’s are beginning to glow, as well.


  Oh, well, I am definitely up for more sexy time fun!

  Travis shrieks and runs out of the room, slamming open the doorway to the stairs, and sprints down the stairwell, three at a time.

  “Be careful! You’ll trip and fall,” I call after him.

  Brad shrugs, and closes the door to the room.

  Then, he disrobes, and comes to lay by my side.

  “You smell delicious, Cheryl,” he says, and kisses my nipples. He shoves Chad aside, and mounts me, as I spread my thighs wide to him.

  We make love, and it’s every bit as good as Chad and I.

  Our fucking rouses Chad, and he sits back, watching us.

  His cock rises, and he strokes it, and then has me roll to expose my ass to him.

  I’m so wet, he slides into my hole with ease, and cups my breasts with his large hands.

  I can feel Brad’s dick in my pussy, and Chad’s cock in my ass, pressing the thin skin between them, as they push and shove in a delightful rhythm.

  It’s the rhythm of “Twilight of the Butterflies,” and I hum it as we fuck.

  Harder, faster, higher, louder – we ravage each other’s bodies, my mouth kissing each man in turn, their huge members tearing into me, forcing my flesh to open to them.

  My vocalizations begin to cause the very room to shake, and I sing louder!

  The earth feels as though it moves, as I come, with the orgasms making me buck and thrash, the cocks of my twin bodyguards pulsating in unison as they shoot out their creamy loads!

  We’re on another plane, inside the sun, a star going supernova, and explosion of pleasure!

  We meld.

  And, this time, it’s nothing but the white light of ecstasy!



  Dr. Tatt sits Tinsley and I down in his office.

  “We’ve never seen this before, and he’s certainly not faking it, I can tell you that one hundred percent. It took us quite a while to convince Mr. Stone that it was 2018. He’s lost every memory from the last nine years of his life, and we have no medical explanation for it, considering we don’t know where he was,” Dr. Tatt explains.

  “And some fisherman just found him washed up on a beach?” I ask.

  “They knew that it was Noah Stone, and there was a rewarded, so they immediately brought him to the nearest hospital,” Dr. Tatt confirms.

  “Where was he all those months?” Tinsley asks me.

  “I’ll bet Olivia had something to do with this,” I whisper to Tinsley.

  “So, what do we do? What are our next steps? How do we get his memory back?” Tinsley asks.

  We’re both desperate for answers.

  “The short answer is, we don’t know. There are plenty of trials and experimental things we could do, but this is an entirely different situation than any we’ve seen. Trials and experimental drugs, may not do anything for your father, and your husband Mrs. Stone,” Dr. Tatt says.

  I freeze and wonder if Tinsley is going to burst into tears.

  They aren’t married yet.

  They may never be married now.

  We go back and forth in an endless circle of questions and answers we don’t want to hear.

  It’s clear the doctors can do nothing for us.

  “Well where do we start with the trials?” Tinsley asks.

  “I think I have an explanation,” I say.

  Something about a previous conversation comes to mind.

  Once we are out in the hallway, I find my wife.

  “Leigha, do you think Olivia managed to inject my father with that serum?” I ask her quietly.

  “That’s exactly what I was thinking. My father formulated it for her, but he can formulate an antidote, he has his labs back,” Leigha says too quickly.

  “I’ll go call him,” she says.

  Then without another word she off to call her father.

  I haven’t had the balls to face my father yet.

  I don’t know what’s in store for me when I see the old man.

  “Dad?” I ask.

  I knock on the door to his hospital room.

  “Evan? Is that you? You’re all grown up,” My father tells me.

  “And I’m married now, and I have a son with another woman,” I tell him.

  I’m still unsure of what to say.

  “Well, you’re just like your old man,” my father laughs.

  Good god it feels amazing to hear my dad laugh again.

  “I’m glad you’re alive,” I tell him honestly.

  “Me too,” My father says.

  Then he smiles and we hug for a moment.

  “I really thought I was never going to see you again. Don’t worry about the memory loss, okay? We’re going to find a way to fix it, and then everything is going to be worked out. Don’t worry about Olivia, or Duke Whittaker, we’re going to get you the antidote,” I tell my father.

  “The antidote? From Olivia?” My father is instantly confused.

  So, I try to explain to him the hell of the last three years, how we found Ava, and that Olivia has been a thorn in our side, how she must’ve gotten him with the memory serum, that my mother actually had a brain tumor and is recovering, that Lauren is dead.

  “I think this is going to take a little bit of time,” My father muses.

  “There is one thing I was wondering about,” he adds.

  “What’s that?” I ask.

  “Who’s the father of Tinsley’s baby?” The words leave his mouth.

  I can’t contain my shock.

  Poor Tinsley.

  “Dad, you are. Sebastian is yours and Tinsley’s son, you’ve been fighting to be together for the last nine years, it’s been a hell of a ride. I’m going to help you remember everything,” I tell him.

  My father is stoic for a moment.

  Then I see the dread wipe across his features.

  “How could I have done that Tinsley? Gotten her pregnant?” he laments.

  “Dad you’re in love, you are engaged,” I remind him.

  “I just can’t believe I would’ve done that to Tinsley. I care for her as a friend, and there have always been those underlying feelings of attraction, but I’m sure that I wouldn’t have ever acted on them,” My father says.

  “Holy shit,” is all I can say.

  “You love each other, dad, you didn’t do anything wrong,” I tell him.

  My father nods but it’s going to take some more convincing.

  Noah is dreaming. Now and again are all mixed up in his head.

  He thinks it’s a side-effect of the serum.

  He wonders if Olivia and the Duke knew it was an OCTAVIUS treatment.

  In the dream, Noah Stone is sitting in his mansion in London, in the Great Room.

  With him are Lucius, Aidan, Athena, Levi, Tinsley, Evan Stone, Leigha Bergmann-Stone, and Ava. Elizabeth is watching the babies.

  He’s remembering the night before, and the darkness, and the fight with Olivia and the Duke.

  The dream shifts.

  “Do you have any new information, Lucius?” Noah Stone asks.

  “Nothing since last reported,” he says, examining his fingernails.

  “Okay, everyone, I guess that’s it. Lizzie, can you please stay, I have something I need to discuss with you?” Noah asks.

  Elizabeth nods, and hands the twins to Ava and Athena.

  “Who’s a good baby? Who is? That’s right, little on, you are!” Ava croons.

  Athena giggles, and sniffs.

  Where is his son? Sebastian?

  The dream provides no answers to him.

  “Oops. This one needs a new diaper! Let’s go, kiddo!” dream-Athena says, laughing.

  The others leave the room, one by one. Tinsley gives Noah a long, kiss, and makes him promise not to be too long.

  He smiles.

  He remembers, in his subconscious state, what he and Lizzie had decided.

  “Elizabeth, please close the door,” he says, reaching for two tumblers.

  He pours the whiskey as she shuts it tight.

  “Have a seat,” he says, extending his hand to show her he’d like her to sit directly across from him.

  She takes her place in the smooth, buttery leather of the chair.

  “So I had a tumor, and now all my memories are mixed together and I can’t remember what I’ve done; what I was forced to do,” she says, as Noah pushes her glass towards her.

  She picks it up and sniffs it, wrinkling her nose.

  “Sometimes I can’t identify reality. What’s going on in my head. You know?” she smiles.

  “It’s quite confusing,” Noah agrees. He takes a long sip of whiskey.

  It feels good, warming him.

  “Tinsley insists on keeping me around, but I just don’t feel like I belong here. Even if Ava and Evan are our children, Noah, I just feel like a burden,” she says. Noah nods.

  “I know. It’s really something. It’s hard to believe I’m looking at the woman who I believed to be Lauren all these years, but is actually Elizabeth. And how we’ve both aged,” he replies, swirling the glass.

  “I know the feeling, Lizzie,” he says as he sets the glass down on his desk.

  “I’ve got Ava back. Evan is a grown man with a family. Tinsley and I have a family, and I remember none of it,” he tells her.

  Noah can’t decide if he’s angry or sad. Or both…

  “Wouldn’t it just be better if we left? Went somewhere and disappeared for a little bit?” Elizabeth muses.

  Noah stares at the mother of two of his children. So much has happened since they had made love to make their kids.

  He sighs.

  “That’s the dream, but I don’t think leaving the people who love us behind would do anyone else any good,” Noah says.

  “I know,” Elizabeth says mournfully.

  “It’s hard not to take the easy way out,” he smiles at her.

  “I believe I’ve done enough of that as well,” Elizabeth replies.

  She lifts the whiskey to her nose again.

  Again, it wrinkles.

  She sips it.

  Makes a face. Sets it back down on the smooth desk top.

  “So where to from here?” Noah asks.

  There’s a long silence. The dream stretches it out, makes it seem infinite.

  Noah turns over in his bed, moaning.

  They look at each other, and even through the years, the connection of friendship still stands.

  “Duke Whittaker, obviously has some other plans, and if Olivia is behind a lot of this, then I think it’s safe to say, that I’ve got to protect my family, even if I’m missing the last nine years,” Noah says, and drains the whiskey.

  The dream-whiskey is tasteless.

  “And you’ll need help,” Elizabeth nods.

  She picks up her own glass, and empties it in one long gulp.

  She sets it down, with finality.

  “Someone who dropped off the map, and simply reappeared. I believe my name is still feared in some circles,” Elizabeth says with a snide smile.

  Noah growls, in his sleep, and rolls over onto his stomach, finally at peace. His face is buried into his pillow. He shouts suddenly, and then wisps of smoke curl up from around his face.

  He rolls over onto his back, ignoring the smoking pillow.

  Eventually, it goes out.

  Noah Stone sleeps soundly.

  Like a rock.

  The next morning, Evan Stone and his wife, Leigha walk down the hallway towards his father’s room.

  They are still deeply in love, and holding hands.

  Maybe it’s the newlywed phase, but everyone notices their shameless PDA.

  They don’t care. They only have eyes for each other.

  He thinks about how lucky he is.

  His former lover, Victoire, is the mother of his child. He thinks to a time when they will have developed a cure that will solve Noah’s problem.

  Ever since he was exposed by Olivia, and Lauren, to the serum.

  But when they get to Noah’s room, it’s empty.

  “Excuse me, where is Noah Stone?” I ask the nurse at the desk.

  “Mr. Stone was checked out last night by Elizabeth Darlington,” the nurse tells me.

  My father is gone, and he took Elizabeth with him.

  Oh, no.

  Oh, God, no!

  Evan picks up the phone.

  He dials a number from memory.

  “Merc. It’s Evan. Dad’s gone, and so is Lizzie. Tell Om Jaeger that there were two holes burned into his pillow. Where his eyes rested.”





  Author – Dr.P.Jooshneshi

  “The original concept had been developed as a side-project to the Ronald Reagan funded MGM-118A Peacekeeper Rail Garrison initiative in 1986. Needing a reliable command control and communications hub, that would deliver a failsafe backup, General Motors was approached by the Air Force to create a mobile command center. (See F.R. REYNOLDS, 255.7, pages 32-35)

  The Suburban station wagon truck platform was chosen, for both its ruggedness and versatility. Fitting easily into a civilian livery, it was a marvel of technical engineering.

  Several other options had been tried, including maritime solutions, whereby container ships could be outfitted with secure SKIF modules, airborne solutions, and even parallel-computer applications that would use the civilian internet. (Ibid) (See EA SPORTS, 122.9, full report)




  These programs were tested via innocuous sounding names such as SETI-AT-HOME, and other similar internetworked applications. Of course, the advent of the cellular telephone increased the data sets that could be mined for this information, surreptitiously, and under the guise of games for the masses. After many attempts, it was found that only soldiers fitting a particular psychological profile could be trusted with the responsibility of operating and maintaining such a key component of the United States Nuclear arsenal.







  Additional background material supplied at the request of Admiral Reginald Decker (DECEASED) and collated by RISC.

  “Upon being recruited by the Alpha Team, Kevin Mitchum had been selected for special enhanced training and testing. He was given command of MCC-1701, a purpose-built 2001 Chevrolet Suburban K2500. The vehicle was only a Suburban in appearance, having been built of composite fiber, nanotubes, and Kevlar up-armor. The electronics alone allowed for anti-radar, anti-IR and countermeasures to defeat EMP, chemical and biological agents, and other radio spectrum attacks.

  A miniaturized Gatling gun was installed, as were anti-personnel mines, grenade launchers, and other offensive and defensive measures.

  The Sub was fully amphibious, and could operate submerged for twelve hours. Lithium ion batteries powered the basic components. An 8.1L gasoline engine provided mobile propulsion. But the main power source was a 5kW radioisotope thermal generator, hidden underneath the vehicle. A true miracle, it was the size of a pack of cigarettes.


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