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Rescuing Gabriella (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Bravo Series Book 3)

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by Anna Blakely

  Okay, that made sense. She’d told him that first night about how close she was to her parents and sister. “When do you get another break?”

  “Not until school’s out in mid-May.”

  That also made sense. As an elementary teacher, it wasn’t like she could take off whenever she wanted. Damn, he wished she could.

  Taking a chance, and trying hard not to sound as desperate as he felt, Zade said, “All right. What about this summer?”

  A slight show of panic crossed her face, and he rushed to put her at ease. “I’m sorry, Gabby. I know we just met, and I don’t mean to come off pushy or anything. I just…” He sighed, giving her his boyish smile. “There’s a connection between us. And I don’t think I’m the only one who feels it.”

  She smiled up at him, her hand cupping his jaw. “No.” Her red hair swooshed against the rough pillowcase. “You’re not the only one who feels it.”

  “Thank Christ.” Zade leaned down and gave her a hard, short kiss. “So is that a yes to summer?”

  Gabby’s smile grew wider, but there was a flash of something odd that crossed over her. It was gone as quickly as it appeared.

  “I’d love nothing more than to spend the summer with you.”

  It was his turn to smile. “Good. I’m going to go wash up.” He kissed her again, because he could. “Wish the shower in this place was bigger than a Cracker Jack box. I’d haul you in there with me.”

  She chuckled, causing her perky, perfectly proportioned breasts to jiggle, and damn, if he didn’t feel his lower body starting to stir again.

  “You’re insatiable, you know that?”

  Zade leaned down and took one of her rose-colored peaks between his lips. With a flick of his tongue, he let the tip move back and forth before swirling around the hardening nub.

  She moaned, and he felt her fingers grab ahold of the hair on the back of his head, her body telling him she was every bit as hungry for him as he was her.

  Knowing she was probably a bit sore and that he really did need that shower, Zade reluctantly released her breast with a ‘pop’. Her heavy-lidded eyes smoldered back at his with such intense emotion it almost felt as though she was committing his face to memory.

  The same way he had hers with every glance they’d shared.

  “Don’t move from this spot.”

  Her thin brows turned inward. “Why not?”

  He shrugged. “If we only have one more night before I fly back to Texas, I want to spend every second I can with you.”

  An emotion Zade couldn’t quite place filled her mesmerizing stare. “I feel the same way.”

  His heart swelled as he kissed the tip of her cute-as-hell nose before hopping off the bed. “Guess I’d better hurry.” He winked at her from over his shoulder as he made his way to the bathroom.

  From behind him, Gabby laughed. The sweet, feminine sound was laced with that natural rasp he’d almost instantly fell in love with.

  That’s not the only thing you love.

  The thought took him off guard as he disposed of the used condom and started the shower. Standing under the too-short showerhead, he thought about how crazy it was to even be thinking that way.

  They’d known each other three days, for crying out loud. And, as much as he appreciated the thought, love at first sight was a myth. Wasn’t it?

  For the entirety of the shower, Zade analyzed what he thought he was feeling for this woman. Was it possible to be falling in love with someone he barely knew?

  Physically, he knew all sorts of things about Gabby. What she liked. What turned her on. What made her writhe beneath his touch, and what made her scream his name in ecstasy.

  But other than the basic, where are you from type questions, they’d spent most of their time together in bed. Something completely out of character for him.

  Through the years, Zade had met plenty of women who were fine with a little no-strings fun. Same as most guys he knew. Until Matt, his teammate and friend, reconnected with his childhood sweetheart, the guy had been the poster boy for casual, one-night-stands.

  Either way, male or female, it wasn’t Zade’s place to judge. After all, sex was as natural as eating or sleeping. A basal need for both men and women alike. So he didn’t care what other people did.

  Personally, however, sex meant more to Zade than most. And he wasn’t ashamed to admit it.

  Whether it be his upbringing or some innate characteristic, he’d always regarded sex as something special. Personal.

  Since high school, he’d been the butt of jokes from his friends. Later, in the military it got even worse. Even his Bravo teammates would sometimes razz him about being the emotional one on the team, but he didn’t care.

  Zade lived his life the way he wanted. The way he felt was right for him. And he didn’t give two shits what anyone else thought.

  Despite the fact they’d only known each other a few days, Zade knew in his heart his time with Gabby meant more to her than a simple weekend fling. He’d seen it in her eyes. Felt it in her ravishing touch.

  His cock twitched as he ran his lather-filled hand over it and below. He had a feeling he and his hand were going to become even more acquainted over these next couple months, until he could see Gabby again.

  Thankfully he’d stored up every enticing, delicious memory he could in only three days’ time. They’d have to hold him over until her school let out for summer break. Speaking of memories…

  Time to make some new ones.

  After a quick rinse-off, Zade stepped out of the shower and dried himself off. Foregoing the clothes—because, why bother?—he wrapped the towel around his waist and headed for the door. He started talking as he turned the knob.

  “I was thinking, if you want, we could try that little diner on the east end of Highway One the bartender told us about the other…”

  He stopped short when he noticed the empty bed. With a quick glance, he noticed her coffee was still on the nightstand, and the bag of pastries was still where he’d left it on the dresser.

  Assuming she’d gone in search of something cool to drink, Zade sauntered down the short hallway in that direction. He frowned when he found the kitchen empty.

  Spinning around, it took less than a second to scan the adjoining living room which was also empty. An uneasy feeling began to claw its way into his gut, but Zade pushed it back.

  Not one to borrow trouble, he calmly made his way back down the hallway to the rental’s second bedroom, thinking maybe she’d gone in there for some reason. But it was empty, as well.

  With a bit more urgency, Zade went outside to the back deck. Still, no Gabby. Officially worried now, he raced back into the house, hollering her name as he double-checked each room again.

  Only this time, when he’d made it back to the bedroom, he noticed something he’d missed before. Something that left his stomach churning and his heart lying in pieces on the floor.

  Gabby’s things were gone. Her clothes. Her shoes. Her bag. Everything. And on the nightstand, next to the coffee he’d brought her, was piece of paper. It was folded with a large Z written on the top flap.

  Jaw clenched, Zade slowly shuffled over to where it lay. Swallowing against the painful knot already forming in his throat, he picked it up and read it.


  These past three days have been the best I can ever remember. You gave me hope at a time when I thought there was none. I’ll never forget that or you. Thank you.



  Zade plopped his towel-covered ass down onto the mattress. A note. She’d left him a fucking note.

  Christ, King…you’re such an idiot.

  Crumbling the paper in his tightened fist, he knew it was ridiculous to be this upset over a woman he’d just met. But damn if he could help it.

  He could’ve sworn Gabby was different. Someone he’d had a real connection with. A woman who’d miraculously come to care about him as much as he had her. Boy was he wrong.

ou pushed her too far.

  That tiny voice was right. He never should’ve mentioned coming to Dallas for the summer.

  Even so, she could’ve said no. The least she could’ve done was wait until he was out of the shower to say goodbye. Hell even some fake-ass story explaining her sudden departure would have been better than the freakin’ cryptic note she’d left behind.

  Maybe that was the whole point. Maybe she’d been planning to slip away undetected the entire time.

  After running his free hand over the scruff on his face, Zade pinched the bridge of his nose and tried not to chew his own ass out for having been so stupid. It was hard as hell not to. The woman had completely fooled him.

  As crazy as it was, his heart physically hurt from the sudden void she’d left. Gabby had seemed so different from any other woman he’d gotten to know romantically.

  She’d seemed so real. So genuine. The looks she’d given him and the way she’d been…Gabby had made him believe she’d started to care about him, too. And like a dumbass, he’d fallen for it. Hook, line, and sinker.

  Another thought crashed its way through causing Zade to hop up and go to the dresser where he’d also left his wallet. Fully expecting it to be empty, he was surprised to find all his credit cards and cash still present and accounted for. It was both a relief and confusing as hell.

  If she hadn’t spent the weekend planning to scam him, then why? It wasn’t because she actually gave a damn about him. That was obvious. If she had, she wouldn’t have ghosted him the way she had…right?

  Opening his fist, Zade smoothed the crinkled paper and read the written words again. The logical part of his brain said to forget her. Told himself Gabby had been lying when she said she wanted to see him again after their time here was over.

  Zade continued to sit where they’d made love more than once, doing his damnedest to accept the sultry woman had simply used him for a weekend of great sex. That she’d gotten her fill and then left without giving him a second thought.

  But there was another part of him, the emotional part that seemed to be Zade’s perpetual driving force, that refused to believe he’d meant nothing to her. At least he hoped he’d meant something.

  Her words rang through his head again.

  You gave me hope when I thought there was none.

  Suddenly, his heart ached for a different reason. He thought of the guarded way she’d looked at him the first night they met. How shy and almost closed-off she’d seemed when he’d finally gotten up the nerve to approach her at one of the local bars.

  At the time, Zade assumed she was simply weary of a strange man trying to pick her up or take advantage of her. His assumption was further solidified when, as time went on and they talked some more, she’d begun to relax.

  Looking back, Zade couldn’t help but wonder if what he’d first read as trepidation had actually been…hopelessness.

  So many questions began rolling through his mind, but as he got himself dressed and began packing for his trip back home, there was one that stood out over the rest.

  What happened to make you lose hope, sweetheart?

  It was a question Zade intended to ask Gabriella Smith, the second he saw her again. And come hell or high water, he would find her.

  Because he and Gabby? They weren’t even close to being done. Not by a long shot.

  Chapter 1

  One month later…


  The sound of gunfire was deafening inside the car. Warm liquid splattered the entire right side of Zade’s face as he struggled to keep his composure. He closed his eyes, his heart racing as he said a silent prayer.

  This is it. I’m going to die now.

  He couldn’t believe it. Didn’t want to believe it. After all his years serving proudly as a United States Marine, and more recently as a member of one of the country’s most elite black ops security teams, he was going to die here? Like this?

  Sweat beaded on Zade’s forehead, his chest heaving with shallow breaths as he thought about his mom and dad. His two younger sisters. And the man who’d just been ruthlessly executed in the seat beside him.

  Zade thought of his R.I.S.C. family…especially his buddy Matt. His stomach churned knowing his last act on this earth was to fail one of his best friends and the woman he was supposed to protect.

  He heard her scream. Saw that bastard take her from the back seat, and he couldn’t do a fucking thing to stop it.

  Zade yelled. He pleaded. But it was too late. Seconds later, he was looking down the barrel of the assassin’s gun as the man pulled the trigger…


  Zade sat straight up in bed, gasping for air as he looked around his darkened bedroom. He forced himself to swallow a choking breath, trying with herculean effort to bring his racing pulse back to a healthy, even beat.

  With a curse, he ran a hand over his sweaty face before throwing the covers off and walking to the bathroom. His legs trembled the entire way.

  Flipping the switch on the wall, Zade’s eyes squinted together, reflexively protecting themselves against the harsh light. Blinking quickly, he gave his vision a few seconds to adjust before turning on the faucet.

  Cupping his hands below the running water, Zade waited until they were nearly overflowing before leaning down and splashing it over his face. He repeated the action a few more times before turning the faucet off and grabbing the nearest hand towel.

  For several seconds, he stood still, pressing the terrycloth tightly against his face. Breathing in and out slowly, Zade waited as the final remnants of the recurring nightmare’s effects dissipated from his body.

  The same damn dream had been preventing him from getting a good night’s sleep since the day of the shooting several weeks ago. The only exception to this were the nights he’d spent in Grand Isle…with Gabby.

  Zade’s chest tightened as he thought of the woman he’d been searching for. She’d made him smile. Brought him laughter. And Gabby had—for a few days, at least—replaced his nightmares with wonderful dreams. And somehow, during their short time together, she’d also managed to give him hope for a future he’d begun to think was uncertain.

  Zade knew she wasn’t perfect—no one was. Like his, her body housed a few scars. He’d seen them, kissed them but hadn’t asked about their cause. Though she tried her best to hide it, he’d also sensed a hint of darkness buried behind those stunning green eyes.

  There hadn’t been enough time for him to delve into those parts of her world, but he would. He just needed to find her first.

  Since his return to the team, Zade’s down-time between jobs had been eaten up by his efforts to figure out who and where she really was.

  He’d tried calling the school in Chicago where she told him she taught third grade. They’d never heard of her. Zade then spent countless hours looking up every single Gabriella Smith known to man and had still come up empty.

  From everything he’d found so far, the woman he met in the tiny bar on Grand Isle didn’t seem to exist.

  But Zade knew she was real. As real as the note he kept folded in his wallet.

  After his online searching had yielded no results, Zade thought of the note. He had Nate run the paper for prints. Not surprisingly, they’d come up empty.

  Zade had handled it too many times. Read it over and over again on the flight home…and since. In turn, he’d inadvertently replaced any prints Gabby may have left with his own.

  For now, the note and his memories were the only things he had to prove her existence. Those and the love he’d only just begun to feel before she vanished. Even so, Zade refused to give up hope.

  With every resource imaginable at his fingertips, it was only a matter of time before he figured out who the woman claiming to be Gabriella Smith really was. Until then, he needed to get his head out of his ass and back with his team, where he belonged.

  Right on cue, Zade’s phone began to ring from its place on his nightstand. Knowing there was only one reason someone wou
ld call him so early in the morning, he tossed the towel onto the sink’s countertop and quickly made his way to his phone, stubbing his toe on his bedframe as he went.

  “Shit!” Pain shot up his toe and into his foot as he began hopping on the other one. Muttering several low curses Zade grabbed his cell and answered it.

  “King,” he ground out, leaning down and rubbing his tender toe.

  “Bad time?” Gabe, his team leader, asked.

  “No.” Zade straightened his spine and breathed through the pain. “Just stubbed my toe. What’s up?”

  “Bravo’s been called up. We’re meeting with Ryker and Matthews in an hour. Bring your go-bag.”

  He drew in a silent breath. “Copy that.”

  There was a pause before Gabe said, “I know this isn’t your first op since coming back, but King…This one could get ugly. You good to go?”

  Zade understood what his leader was asking. He needed to know if Zade’s head was clear enough to execute the mission and have his brothers’ backs.

  “Yeah, Dawson,” he assured the other man. “I’m good.”

  “All right, then. See you in an hour.”

  After ending the call, Zade took a quick shower before grabbing his large, black duffle from the closet floor and double-checking its contents to make sure he had everything he needed.

  Once that was finished, he zipped it up tightly and got dressed in a pair of jeans, black T, and his combat boots before making his bed and heading out.

  The twenty-minute drive to R.I.S.C.’s downtown office gave him the time he needed to prepare for whatever lie ahead. Knowing his teammates were counting on him was one hell of a motivator for getting his head on straight.

  R.I.S.C.—which stood for Rescue, Intel, Security, and Capture—was the private security company Zade started working for after ending his time with the Marines. All former military, each of their operatives brought something special to the table. Unique talents and strengths that, when combined, made them damn near unstoppable.


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