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Rescuing Gabriella (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Bravo Series Book 3)

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by Anna Blakely

  Liv was Olivia McQueen, their boss’s wife. From what Zade understood, the guy kidnapped Olivia not once, but twice. The second time he tortured Liv and would have killed her had Jake and Trevor not shown up when they did.

  “My point in mentioning Cetro was to make you understand how good Andino is. The man knows how to play the game.”

  “Actually, he’s a fucking master at it,” Ghost added grimly. “I earned my nickname with good reason.” He pointed at the large screen. “But this guy’s every bit as good me, if not better. One minute, he’s there. The next, he’s nowhere to be found.”

  “Sounds like you’re speaking from personal experience,” Matt commented.

  Ghost nodded. “My team was assigned a surveillance op a few months back. Our instructions were to watch Andino from a safe distance and gather as much intel on the guy and his lackies as possible, but we were under strict orders not to make contact.” He looked over his shoulder at the man’s picture. “Hollywood snapped that pic, along with several others. Over a period of two weeks, we were able to use facial rec to get positive I.D.’s on not only Andino, but also a handful of his men.”

  Hollywood was another member of Ghost’s Delta team.

  Curious, Matt asked, “So what happened?”

  “Don’t know.” A muscle in Ghost’s jaw bulged. “From everything we saw, he was working to set something up.”

  “A sale?” Nate asked, sounding disgusted. Not one member of Bravo could stomach the idea of a business such as the one this Andino guy supposedly ran.

  “We thought so. In the days before he took off, Andino held a few shady, closed-door meetings with his minions, but we couldn’t risk getting too close to figure out what they were discussing. Then one night, poof! The bastard and his men slipped away without a trace.”

  Just like Gabby. Ignoring that train of thought, Zade looked over at Ghost. “Any chance he made you or one of your guys?”

  Ghost narrowed his eyes in a playful glare. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t ask that, King.”

  “Sorry, man.” Zade raised his palms. “Had to ask.”

  With a sideways smirk, the well-trained captain shook his head. “Wasn’t us, but something sure spooked the guy. Whatever it was, we were left with nothing but a bunch of pics and a shit ton of speculation.”

  “Could’ve been any number of things,” Ryker pointed out. “Delta isn’t the only group who’s been watching Andino and his men. Hell, before their assignment, we were actually close to getting an agent on the inside, ourselves.”

  “Close?” Nate looked at the Homeland agent quizzically.

  “Same thing. A deal was about to be made, or so we thought, but Andino never showed.”

  “Not to be the Debby Downer of the group”—Matt leaned forward in his chair and rested his elbows on the table— “but if Delta couldn’t get to Andino and your guy also failed, what makes you think we’ll have any better luck?”

  “Same reason we always do.” Ryker smirked.

  “Because Delta’s rules don’t apply to us?” Matt raised a knowing brow in Ghost’s direction before returning his focus back to the Homeland agent.

  “It’s true, you and your guys can get closer without fearing the types of repercussions we could face.”

  Matt snorted. “Meaning, if shit hits the fan, it’s our asses on the line, not the government’s.”

  “Same story, different bad guy,” Kole quipped. “We take all the risks while Uncle Sam gets all the glory.”

  Ghost’s mouth spread into an unapologetic grin. “All part of the job, right boys?” The comment garnered a few eye rolls and muttered curses. “But it’s more than that. We can’t risk Andino or any of his associates recognizing one of my men from our previous surveillance attempts. We don’t think it would happen, but there’s too much at stake to risk it.”

  Gabe sat up a little straighter. Addressing Ryker, he got down to business. “Fine. Let’s say you locate Hector Andino again and we go in. Then what? We run surveillance, make contact, go under to set up a buy…what’s our main objective, here?”

  “It’s possible you’ll end up doing all of those,” Ryker answered honestly. “At this point, we want to start with surveillance, but we have to play this thing close to the vest. We’ve lost Andino twice now. Word around town is he’s prepping for one hell of a sale. His biggest yet, as a matter of fact.”

  Zade’s stomach became a pit of dread. “How big are we talking?”

  “Over thirty girls,” Ghost answered for Ryker. “Give or take.”

  Ryker’s nod confirmed the other man’s statement. “Something tells me, this guy gets spooked again, our asses will be left high and dry. Bottom line, gentlemen…we can’t risk losing Andino a third time. Too many innocent lives are at stake, and every time he slips through our fingers, more girls are at risk of being taken and sold.”

  Andino had girls in his possession right this second? Zade’s entire body itched to get out there and stop the bastard.

  They needed to quit talking and start acting. Now.

  “How do we find him?”

  Ghost took the lead and answered the question. “There’s been some chatter in the past couple of days. Andino’s supposedly been spotted back in La Paz.”

  “Back?” Kole asked. “He go there often?”

  “Andino owns a nightclub there. Actually, Andino controls nearly all of the real estate there, as well as the people.” To the entire group, Ghost explained further, “For those who are unfamiliar, La Paz is the capital of Baja California Sur, which makes up the southern half of the long peninsula on Mexico’s west coast. Word is Hector Andino’s been hanging out at his nightclub more frequently, lately. We haven’t been able to prove it yet, but Agent Ryker and my commander both agree the best course of action would be to send your team in first for confirmation of Andino’s presence and go from there.”

  “You want us to go to Mexico and hang out at a nightclub?” Matt looked around the table. “As far as assignments go, I guess that doesn’t sound too bad.”

  “That’s what I was thinking.” Nate shot Kole a look, the spark of a new idea shining in his widened eyes. “Hey, we could have a belated bachelor party for you. You know, since you and Sarah both shit all over my idea for one before you two tied the knot.”

  Kole rolled his eyes. “It’s a nightclub, not a strip club. Besides, it’s a little late for a bachelor party, seeing as how I’m already married.”

  Nate sighed. “I wasn’t talking strippers, dumbass. Even if I wanted that, and let’s be very clear, I do not, Gracie would have my ass. I just meant we could use the situation to liven it up a little. You know, hanging out with the guys.”

  “We aren’t going there to party,” Zade reminded the two men.

  “No, but it sure would help our cover if it looked like we were.” Nate eyed Zade closely for a few seconds. The way he was staring made Zade nervous as hell.


  “You’re still single,” Nate pointed out the obvious.

  “And?” Zade asked, afraid of the answer he’d receive.

  A wide grin spread across Nate’s face. “It could be your bachelor party.”

  “A guys’ getaway.” Matt nodded. “I like it.”

  Zade shook his head. “I’ll pass, thanks.”

  “Actually.” Gabe looked over at Zade. “That’s not bad.”

  “I agree.” Trevor looked over at Bravo’s team leader. “Given La Paz is one of the world’s most dangerous cities due to cartel activity, it’s likely you’ll need a plausible explanation as to why you’re there. A bachelor party weekend seems as good as any.”

  “You’re single, too,” Zade quickly reminded Gabe. “Why can’t this be your bachelor party?”

  The man looked back at him as if he’d lost his damn mind. “Not happening.”

  “Why not?”

  “’Cause I’m the team leader and I say so.”

  Great. The guy chose now to pull rank.
/>   Nate laughed. “Look at it this way, Zade. Maybe you’ll find a sweet senorita to help take your mind off Gabby.”

  His friend’s attempt to make the situation better failed.

  Fucking. Miserably.

  Matt, Kole, and Gabe all looked at Nate with confused expressions while Zade glared over at Nate with a look that he wished could kill.

  “Hold up. Who’s Gabby?” Kole shot Zade a look.

  Before Zade could formulate a response, Matt’s lips curled into a half-grin. “You sly dog. You been holding out on us, King?”

  Nate’s a dead man. “No.”

  Matt didn’t buy it for a minute. “So what’s Carter talking about?”

  “Nothing.” Zade slid Nate another death stare. “It’s nothing.”

  “Sorry, man.” Nate looked chagrined. “I forgot they didn’t know about her.”

  “So there is a ‘her’.” Kole smirked from across the table.

  “No. There’s no ‘her’.” Not anymore. “Can we please focus on the job?”

  When the others attempted to continue their razzing, Gabe held up a hand to stop them. “King’s right.” He waited for the guys to quiet down before speaking again. “We’ll definitely stand out in a crowd, so we need a plausible story as to why we’re hanging out in the city and at Andino’s nightclub.” He turned to Zade and smiled. “Congratulations, King. Can’t wait to celebrate your upcoming nuptials.”

  Fuck. Me.

  Zade knew it was only a cover, but he also knew his team. These guys were going to have way too much fun with this shit.

  He could see it now. They’d buy him drinks, play it up with the ladies. Hell, knowing them, they’d probably take things too far and even try to get a few of the ladies to give him one last hoorah before his fake big day with a non-existent bride.

  An instant and harsh pang settled in his chest as he thought of the woman he wanted to be with for real. Like the other jobs Bravo had taken on recently, part of him wanted nothing more than to stay here and continue his search for Gabby.

  But that wasn’t an option. For one, Zade had already let one of his teammates down before and refused to let that happen again. And two, like Ghost said…there was too much at stake to let Andino disappear again.

  With that in mind, Zade re-focused on the conversation around him. Soon, with help from Trevor, Ryker, and Ghost, a solid plan was put into place.

  They’d fly to La Paz the next morning, get settled in, and begin the mission.

  Zade just prayed they’d be able to put an end to Hector Andino’s reign of terror in time to save those innocent girls.

  Chapter 2

  Please, Gabriella. Please do this for us.

  Those whispered words, pleading words, rolled through Gabriella’s mind. They were words she couldn’t stop hearing. Words that gave her the strength to continue on.

  For the third night in a row, Gabby sat alone at the small, round table. She sipped her drink and pondered the answer to the question she’d asked herself a billion times since coming here.

  You had to be crazy to think this would work.

  She’d purposely chosen this spot that first night because it was in the far back corner of the club. Hidden in the shadows, it gave her the perfect vantage spot to see pretty much everything happening in the busy club.

  From here, she could see the people dancing, the bar on the opposite side of the room, and those sitting at the other tables identical to hers. For the past few nights, she’d seen everything from couples dancing to fighting, to practically making love right there on the dance floor.

  There’d been not-so-discreet drug deals, money exchanged for other services Gabby had no desire to become privy to…you name it, she pretty much saw it. Unfortunately, she’d come up empty on the one thing she needed. The reason she was here in the first place.

  The one person she’d risked everything to find.

  That familiar sinking feeling began to settle in. The one threatening to convince her she was already too late. Gabby ignored it.

  For weeks, she’d been searching. Down every street. Every dark alley. She’d even gone to the places she’d vowed never to return to. Places she’d tried desperately to forget.

  Each time she thought she was close, she hit a dead end. In Chicago. Atlanta. New Orleans…

  Taking another, miniscule sip, Gabby silently ordered herself not to think about New Orleans. If she did, she’d think about how excited she’d been. How, even though part of her had known it was a long shot, she’d convinced herself that time would be different. She’d find what she’d spent weeks searching for, and everything would go back to normal.

  If Gabby allowed herself to go there, she’d recall just how hopeless she’d felt when her lead turned out to be worthless. How she’d felt worthless and how those feelings of self-doubt and deprecation had sent her running to Grand Isle. Unable to go back home and admit to the only people to ever care about her that she’d failed them. Miserably.

  Once those thoughts settled in as they always seemed to do, Gabby would remember Zade. Sweet, sexy Zade.

  The incredible man had given her the escape she’d so desperately needed. And though he had no way of knowing, he’d offered her the most precious gift anyone could have given…A moment in time where she could forget what had happened.

  It started out as a one-time thing. A way to relieve the unsurmountable stress that had been threatening to destroy her sense of being.

  When they’d first met, she’d given Zade a fake last name, a phony story of a family that didn’t exist, who’d given her the most wonderful childhood a kid could ever ask for. None of it had been real.

  Nothing except the feelings she’d begun to develop for a man she’d just met. It was crazy. Stupid, even. He could’ve fed her full of shit as easily as she had him, but Gabby’s instincts were usually pretty spot-on. Something told her the muscular, private security expert was the what-you-see-is-what-you-get type.

  He was also the caring, thoughtful, and blow-your-mind-in-bed type. Sure, he’d given her the most incredible orgasms she’d ever experienced, but that wasn’t why she hadn’t stopped thinking about him.

  It was because, for a beautiful moment in time while hiding away on that tiny island, Zade King had somehow made her start to believe everything would be okay. That she was actually worth something.

  God, when he’d asked her to come back to Texas with him, she’d been so tempted to say yes. To forget her old life and pretend she hadn’t failed the one person who’d been there for her when she needed them most. To start a life with the man who, after only three days, she knew she could love.

  So she ran. As fast and far as she possibly could.

  As much as she wanted it, there was no way she could continue on with the fantasy. Because that’s all it had been. Zade had practically offered her the moon, and what had she done? She’d reverted back to her self-protecting ways and had lied to him…about everything.

  Gabby may not have had the chance to get to know him like she wanted, but of one thing she was certain. A man like Zade deserved someone much better than her.

  Allowing herself a bigger swig that time, Gabby used the slow burn to bring her thoughts back into focus. Enough time had been wasted chasing down false leads. She sure as hell couldn’t afford to waste any more by thinking of impossible dreams.

  The club’s DJ changed the loud music mid-song, taking the beat from a loud, thumping rhythm to a sexy salsa. Gabby sat there, watching the dancers merge into duos, their hips swaying back and forth as their feet moved seamlessly, refusing to accept she’d hit another dead end.

  This most recent lead had to pan out. It had to. For her, there was no other choice.

  I can’t fail them. I can’t fail her.

  Three hours later, while nursing her second drink of the night, Gabby was about to give up and call it a night when the door to the club opened, and her growing disappointment came to a sudden and abrupt halt.

  Three m
en entered the club together, the one in the middle giving off a particularly strong vibe. One of strength and power. Importance.

  Though it was dark out, he wore sunglasses, but when he turned and looked over the crowd, he reached up and removed them.

  Holy shit.

  She’d spent weeks and nearly every cent of her savings trying to track down the man who’d taken Sam. Had cashed in every single favor ever owed to her. Even stooped so low as to contact several slimy, crooked characters from her past. Ones she thought might be able to help.

  All in an effort to find him.

  Now here he was—standing twenty feet away. And Gabby had no idea what to do next.

  Her mind became a whirl of ideas. Some bad. Some really bad. Others downright suicidal.

  But Sam was counting on her. So were Sam’s parents. They’d offered Gabby a life at a time when it seemed hers was all but over. Risking that life to save their only daughter was the least she could do.

  Through the underground grapevine, Gabby had heard more than once that the powerful man who’d just graced the club with his presence had a weakness for redheads. Especially beautiful, American redheads with green eyes.

  Check, check, and check.

  Growing up, Gabby never had much. Nothing, really. Nothing but her looks. She learned at an early age how to use her big, green eyes to her advantage.

  Whether the occasion called for puppy dog eyes, an innocent smile, or the look of a seductive temptress, she’d pretty much mastered them all. She’d also mastered the art of deception, which was why it had been so easy to lie to Zade.

  No. Do not start thinking about him, now.

  Going with the only thing she could think of, Gabby took a swig of liquid courage and stood. Before she could change her own mind, she pulled at the too-tiny skirt she’d purchased for this specific occasion, straightened her shoulders, lifted her chin, and put on her most confident face before walking toward the man and his two sidekicks, now standing at the end of the bar.

  Forcing herself to not look in his direction, she put a little extra sway in her step. Knowing the three-inch heels she’d chosen were doing exactly what they were designed to, Gabby allowed her hips to move with sensual purpose.


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