Rescuing Gabriella (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Bravo Series Book 3)

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Rescuing Gabriella (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Bravo Series Book 3) Page 17

by Anna Blakely

  A shadow similar to Kole’s darkened Zade’s expression. “He shouldn’t have told you that. You don’t need to worry about—”

  She put a finger to his lips. “I’m glad he told me. It helps me to understand your need to protect me even more.” When he shook his head, Gabby let her hand drop back to her side.

  “What happened to Kat has no bearing on my need to keep you safe, Gabby. That need would be there whether Kat had been taken or not.”

  “But you blame yourself for what happened to her.”

  “I did.” He shrugged. “I don’t know, maybe I still do.” He put a hand to her cheek. “But God, baby. If something happened to you—”

  “It won’t.”

  “You can’t know that.”

  He had a point. “Maybe not, but I’ve come too far to back out, now.”

  “I know.” He tucked some hair behind her ear. “I understand your need to do this. Don’t like it. Fucking hate it, actually. But I understand it.”

  Gabby pressed a palm over his beating heart. It was one of her favorite places to touch him. “I promise I’ll be careful, Zade. Like I told Kole, I don’t have a death wish. I want to get out of this thing alive so I can continue having a life after this.”

  Suddenly nervous, Zade asked, “You think that life could include someone like me?”

  Her heart began cheering again. “No.” She shook her head and did her best not to smile.

  “Oh.” His adorable face fell.

  Unable to keep him on the hook for too long, Gabby leaned up and framed his face with both hands. “I don’t want someone like you in my life, Zade. I want you.” She pressed her lips to his. “Only you.”

  Zade took what was meant to be a quick, loving gesture and deepened into something so much more. Forty-five minutes later, they were scrambling to find the clothes they’d strewn all over the suite, getting re-dressed, and making themselves appear presentable once more.

  Gabby forced herself to put her teenage-esque hormones on pause until later. Once the auction was over and Sam was safe, she’d return to the land of Zade.

  Until then, she needed to keep a clear head and focus on the task at hand. Her sister’s life depended on it, as did hers.

  For the first time in her life, Gabby had found someone to share her life with. Someone who, for reasons she still didn’t quite understand, wanted to share his life with her, too.

  Zade King had managed to worm his way into her shielded heart, and if all went well, Gabby had no intentions of ever letting him go.

  Chapter 13

  “You don’t have to do this.” Zade glanced at Gabby from his place behind the wheel. Despite her efforts to hide it, he could tell she was nervous as hell.

  She should be scared. After all, she was getting ready to crawl into a snake pit with the deadliest viper in existence.

  “Yes,” she told him with a straightened spine. “I do.”

  The gnawing feeling in his gut had him shaking his head before she’d even finished speaking. “No, you don’t. Say the word and we turn around and head back to the hotel. Bravo and the others will deal with Andino. We’ll find Sam and get you both out of Mexico. In fact, I’d love nothing more than to put you on the next flight out of here.”

  “You know I can’t do that, Zade.” Gabby drew in a long breath before letting it out slowly. “I’m good. Just ready for this to be over.”

  His jaw clenched, his knuckles turning white as he squeezed the steering wheel to the point he thought it would snap.

  Something touched his thigh, making him jump. He realized it was only Gabby’s hand.

  “Relax, Zade.” She smiled over at him. “We went through the plan about a billion times. We go in, I buy my sister, we leave.”

  Goddamn, she was beautiful. Gabby was always beautiful, but she was dressed for the part tonight.

  “Have I told you how beautiful you look in that dress?”

  Her eyes lit up. “Yes, but I still like hearing it.” Gabby glanced down at the long, black, sequined dress. “Although, I’m still not sure where Ghost and his men managed to find an evening gown that fits me perfectly.”

  “Never underestimate the men of…” Kole cut himself off from his seat in the back.

  Shit. Zade had almost forgotten the man was there.

  “They’re Delta Force, aren’t they? Don’t worry, I’m not going to say anything.”

  Zade’s head spun toward Gabby’s. From the corner of his eye, he saw Kole sit up straight, as well. “Why would you say that?”

  She waved them both off. “I know you can’t confirm or deny, but it’s so blatantly obvious.”

  “You’re right. We can’t divulge what team they’re on.”

  A smug expression crossed over her face. “It’s okay. That pretty much does confirm my suspicions. Not that it really matters. I don’t care what team they’re on. As long as they can keep you guys safe and help me get my sister out of there, that’s all I care about.”

  “And keep you safe,” Zade reminded her.

  Her smile softened. “Of course.”

  It drove him nuts the way she put everyone above herself. Gabby had promised him she didn’t have a death wish, and he didn’t think that was the case. He did, however, know if things went sideways, she wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice herself for her sister. Or him and Kole.

  Yeah, that shit’s not happening, sweetheart. Not on my watch.

  Another woman’s face flashed through his mind, but Zade pushed it away. Now was not the time to think of Kat and that whole fucked-up situation. Besides, he’d thought a lot about what Kole had said to him in the bar—was that just last night?

  He wouldn’t even think about blaming his teammates if they’d been in the same position he’d been in when she was taken. So maybe it was time he gave himself a break, too.

  Zade looked over at Gabby again. Her hair was swept up into a pile of curls on top of her head. Several loose tendrils fell in a messy-yet-perfect way, framing her gorgeous face.

  Diamond studded earrings adorned her delicate earlobes. Attached to those were thin, studded chains that ran to a clasp positioned at the middle of her outer ears. She also wore a matching necklace, ring, and bracelet as well.

  They’d found the costume jewelry at a shop inside the resort. It was very pretty, but it also served a purpose.

  Microscopic cameras had been embedded in the center jewel on her necklace, and the clasps on her earrings were actually receivers that worked the same way their ear coms did. Nate had even added a tiny mic in her ring.

  It was all merely a precaution, but no fucking way was he going to take any chances tonight. Not with her.

  Zade’s one main goal tonight was to keep Gabby safe. With Delta having their backs, it shouldn’t be a problem.

  Speaking of Delta…

  “What made you say that about Ghost and his team?”

  She shrugged one of her bare shoulders, and Zade had to swallow down his desire to lean over and plant a kiss on her there.

  Not now, dickhead. Jesus, you’d think he was a damn teenager again.

  “When we first went to meet them, Matt almost slipped up and said it. Plus, you guys mentioned Ghost and his team, but have never said what team they’re actually on. If they were SEALs, you would’ve said it. They’re obviously very well-trained in all this covert stuff, and as careful as everyone’s been to not mention what they are, that makes me think Delta.”

  “But why Delta?” Kole leaned up between their seat. “I mean, how do you even know about that sort of stuff?”

  “Uh…I read?” Gabby looked back at him from over her shoulder.

  “You read about Delta Force?” Zade felt his brows arch high.

  “Sure. I read about all sorts of things. Plus, a lot of my romance novels are about special forces teams like that.”

  “Romance novels, huh?” Kole’s voice turned all smooth and sexy. “So like, mommy porn?”

  Zade couldn’t help but laugh right
along with Kole.

  Gabby’s jaw dropped. “It is not mommy porn. For your information, the stories I read are deep and meaningful. They’re beautiful love stories about couples overcoming insurmountable odds in order to find their happily ever after.”

  “Yep.” Kole smirked. “And men read those nudie magazines for the articles.”

  Gabby laughed, the sound sending a strong dose of something wonderful straight into Zade’s heart.

  “They do have good articles,” Zade chimed in.

  “I know, right?” Kole slapped him on his shoulder. “That’s what I tried telling Sarah when she found an old stash of mine in the cabin once.”

  “Did she toss them out?”

  “Worse. She burned them.”

  Zade and Gabby both laughed while Kole feigned devastation over losing his treasured magazines. Zade knew the truth, though.

  After meeting Sarah, Kole lost interest in any other woman—in person or on paper.

  Feeling a bit more relaxed than before, Zade turned onto the gravel road leading to the address Andino had given Gabby. The road was tree-lined, and seemed to be leading them into the middle of nowhere.

  No huge surprise given the type of business they were about to conduct.

  The road ended at a large, iron gate. It was closed and was currently being guarded by two heavily armed men.

  Zade looked around but couldn’t see anyone else. Of course, it was getting dark, and they were dealing with Hector Andino. There was no doubt in his mind Andino had other men scattered about.

  So do we, asshole.

  Still…“I don’t like this.”

  “Of course you don’t,” Kole said flippantly. “But we’re here, and your girl’s all dressed up and ready to party.” To Gabby, Kole asked, “You ready?”

  Zade watched her reaction carefully. If she hesitated or appeared unsure in any way, he was turning the car around and saying fuck it to the plan.

  Of course, she didn’t hesitate because his Gabby was one of the strongest, bravest women he’d ever known. She was going to fit right in with the other Bravo wives.

  Whoa. He was skipping about a thousand steps with that thought. Oddly, it didn’t scare him to imagine him and Gabby married. Not even a little bit.

  Truth be told, the idea excited the hell out of him. But it was an idea that would have to wait, because right now, they had a job to do. His?

  To protect the woman he loved.

  That same woman took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Gabby locked her beautiful eyes on his and said, “Let’s go get my sister.”

  Zade reached over and linked his fingers with hers. “You’ve got this.”

  With Gabby’s nod of agreement, he pressed his foot on the gas pedal and eased the SUV forward, stopping at the gate. As expected, the two guards came forward.

  Rolling down his and Gabby’s windows, Zade waited while a man came to each one.

  “Good evening, gentlemen. I believe Mr. Andino is expecting me.” Gabby handed the slip of paper she’d received to the man on her side of the vehicle.

  “Name?” The guy’s eyes wandered down to her very visible cleavage.

  Gabby cleared her throat. “Excuse me.”

  The man’s gaze snapped back to her face.

  “Hi.” She smiled. “Welcome back.” Her sarcastic tone making Kole snicker from his spot in the back. “The name’s Gabriella Smith.”

  Looking embarrassed at being called out for his ogling, the man got on his phone and waited for someone—either Andino himself or one of his lackeys—to pick up.

  After announcing Gabby’s arrival, he also told the person on the other end she had two men escorting her. With a quick nod, he ended the call and motioned for the other guard to open the gate.

  Zade rolled the windows up and drove forward.

  “Well that was easier than I thought.” Gabby sounded relieved.

  She was more nervous than she wanted to let on. Not that he blamed her.

  “You did great, baby.” He gave her a smile and a wink. “This will all be over before you know it.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “I’ll be right by your side the entire time.”

  Kole cleared his throat loudly. “Ahem.”

  “Correction, we’ll be right by your side the entire time.”

  Gabby chuckled softly. “Well I, for one, can’t wait until this night is over.”

  That makes two of us.

  Eventually the trees gave way to a clearing and one of Andino’s many mansions came into view. It was enormous, beautiful, and creepy, all at the same time.

  A low whistle came from the back seat. “Dude, this place is huge,” Kole commented, clearly impressed.

  “It’s like a Spanish revival home had a baby with that hotel from The Shining.”

  Zade burst out laughing at Gabby’s unique description. As he pulled around the large, circle drive he had to admit… “You’re right. It is.”

  The home’s beige stone walls, arched windows, and ceramic tiled roof definitely fit with the Spanish-style feel. But it’s intimidating size and layout, along with the yellow sconces near the arched entryway sent its creep-factor to the top end of Zade’s scale.

  Following directions from yet another set of armed guards, Zade pulled the SUV into a parking spot near a few early arrivals.

  “It’s not quite eight-fifteen yet,” Kole noted. “Guess some people couldn’t wait for the fun to begin.”

  Suddenly quiet, Gabby reached for the door, but Zade kept his tight grip on her other hand. “Wait for Kole to open the door for you.”

  “We work for you, tonight. Remember?” Kole smirked as he slid over to his door and got out of the vehicle.

  “Right.” Gabby shook her head. “That was stupid.”

  “Not stupid, baby.” He waited for her to look back over at him. “I know you’re anxious to get in there and find Samantha, but we’ve all got a part to play. And like last night, I need you to be that same, take-no-prisoners woman we all met in the club last night. Don’t forget…you’re in charge. Okay?”

  “Okay.” Gabby licked her lips and blew out a breath. With a lift of her chin and spine, she added, “You’re right. I can do this.”

  Because he could—and because the windows were tinted enough no one could see in from the sides or back—Zade pulled her to him and pressed his lips to hers. “Yes, you can.”

  He started for his door, but this time, Gabby stopped him.


  Zade looked back at her thinking maybe she’d changed her mind. “Yeah?”

  “If push comes to shove, you get Sam out of here.”

  Understanding made his heart ache. “We’re all getting out of here. Together. Got it?”

  “I know that’s what we want to happen, but I’m saying if things don’t go as planned, Sam’s the priority.” Her eyes began to well. “Promise me, Zade. Promise you’ll get my sister out.”

  He lifted her hand and kissed her smooth knuckles. “I promise if Sam is in there, we will get her out.”

  You too, baby.

  There was no way in hell Zade was going to leave Gabby behind. No matter what the cost.

  As they got out of the car, Kole went over the intel they had on the house.

  “If Nate’s schematics of this place are correct, and I’m sure they are, I’m guessing the auction will take place in the common area, over there.” Kole tipped his chin toward the more elaborate entrance of the three they could see.

  Each one was guarded by at least one man, but that particular door had two. They began walking in that direction.

  “Pretty sure those guys will tell us if we’re headed for the wrong door,” Gabby spoke low so only they could hear.

  Falling in place behind her, Zade and Kole got into their roles as bodyguards. Not hard to do since his main goal in this whole operation was to keep Gabby safe.

  After tonight, it’ll be my main goal in life, if she’ll have me.

>   And damn if he wasn’t praying like hell she would.

  “Five guards where you are, one on the east and west ends of the house, and three more covering the north,” Ghost informed them all through their coms.

  Using one of Nate’s many, patent-pending software and hardware designs he’d dubbed the Stealth Drone, they had an undetectable, UAV—or unmanned aerial vehicle—flying high in the night sky above the property.

  It could reach altitudes matching that of any military-grade drone in existence, as well as detecting human heat signals at levels surpassing the government’s devices, but with near silent movement.

  Hence the nickname, Stealth Drone.

  “You get that okay, baby?” Zade whispered to Gabby who was two steps ahead of them.

  She coughed into her hand. “Yep.”

  Like before, they’d tested the system multiple times before arriving, but Zade couldn’t help but check it again. This was Gabby they were talking about. She was his to protect and keep safe.

  “Good girl.”

  “As expected, SD can’t see through the ceramic roof, but at least there won’t be any surprises outside,” Nate informed them.

  “Speaking of outside”—Gabe’s deep voice came through—“we’re in position and ready. We’ll wait until you give the signal, Zade, and then we will go after the guards. Once we take care of them, we’ll all make our way inside to you.”

  The ‘we’ his team leader was referring to was Gabe, Matt, Ghost, Truck, Fletch, and Hollywood. According to their plan, Gabe and Matt were in charge of taking out the two guards by the gate while Ghost and his team members took care of any others waiting in the wings.

  “We’ve each got one tango in our sights,” Ghost informed them.

  “There are a handful of others scattered between your positions and the house,” Nate made sure they knew.

  Using the van they’d set up for the club scene the night before, Nate was tucked safely away in the trees at the end of the turnoff.

  “Damn,” Kole shook his head as he listened to Nate spout off where Andino’s men were stationed. “You’d think the guy was paranoid or something.”


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