Rescuing Gabriella (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Bravo Series Book 3)

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Rescuing Gabriella (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Bravo Series Book 3) Page 19

by Anna Blakely

  After that, Gabby wasn’t sure where they’d take Andino, and she didn’t care. All she cared about was getting Sam out safely, along with the two teams helping her.

  As for Andino’s customers, Nate was positioned in a spot with a vantage point that allowed him to see the road clearly. He’d record and report the plates and vehicle descriptions to another team of black-ops operatives Ryker had sent in that morning.

  Those operatives were positioned in various places along the only road leading out of the property. They’d move fast, gather the men and women who’d participated in one of the worst crimes imaginable, and get the girls to a safe place until they could be taken back to the States.

  Please let the girls who’d already crossed over the stage be safe, already.

  On paper, the plan was flawless.

  Gabby tried to tune out the first several biddings. If she paid attention to the terrified young girls on that stage or to the disgusting individuals buying them, she’d vomit all over her borrowed, designer shoes.

  So she did what she’d done the night her foster brother attacked her. She let her mind travel to someplace else. Someplace far, far away.

  Gabby thought of the day she’d first met Sam. How the little spitfire of a girl had come to her defense. Kole had called her a rock star, but Sam…she was the real rock star. Actually Sam had simply been her rock.

  Most days, Gabby still couldn’t believe how welcoming the Shoemakers had been to her.

  They knew the story her other foster family had strewn about the city. They knew she’d purposely intended to cause her foster brother pain. They knew she came from a fatherless family with a crack whore for a mom.

  And they didn’t care.

  For the first time in her life, she’d been placed with a family who saw her. Really saw her. And it was all thanks to Sam.

  Please, God. Please let me save her.

  A wave of dizziness hit, but Gabby shook it away. She had to focus, now. Sam had to be on that stage soon.

  “There you are.” Andino’s voice traveled over the auctioneer’s ramblings.

  Gabby turned to her left and saw him coming toward her. Great. She’d rather hoped he’d forgotten his promise to come find her, again.

  “I thought you’d forgotten me.” She forced a smile.

  “Impossible.” He grabbed her free hand and kissed it like before. “I see you got the drink I sent over.”

  “I did. Thank you.”

  “You’ve barely touched it. Was it not to your liking?”

  She so badly wanted to give Zade an I-told-you-so glance. “Oh, no. It’s quite delicious.”

  “Well, drink up.” He smiled. “The night is young, and there is much to celebrate.”

  Shit. She needed an excuse to explain why she didn’t want to drink anymore.

  “My men and I got caught up in a discussion about business.” She smiled wider. “I’m afraid it’s gotten a bit warm. I don’t do warm champagne.”

  “I see. Well, we must rectify the situation.” Andino started to motion to the waiter.

  “No!” Gabby grabbed his arm to stop him.

  The move had been reflexive. She hadn’t thought about what she was doing, she’d simply acted.

  Oh, crap. “I need to pace myself, Hector. Like you said, the night is young. I need a clear head to ensure I don’t spend too much of Mr. Webb’s money this evening.”

  Gabby held her smile—and her breath—and waited nervously for his response. Reaching down, he gently lifted her hand from his arm and kissed it again.

  “My apologies, Gabriella. I seem to have momentarily forgotten your rule.”

  “My rule?”

  What rule?

  “Business before pleasure. Yes?”

  “Oh, yes. Of course.” Gabby chuckled nervously. “That rule. As a matter of fact, that is my number one rule.”

  You’re rambling.

  Seemingly amused, Andino looked back toward the stage where yet another woman had been put on display.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?”

  “Honestly? No.” She gently pulled her hand from his grasp. With more control she told him, “I’d hoped to see what I came for by now. Several girls have come and gone, but none like the one I described to you in your office. I assure you, Mr. Webb is willing to pay top dollar if you have the right product on site. If not, tell me. I’ll say my goodbye, now, and save us both some time.”

  “Impatient, I see.” Rather than appear ruffled by her insistence, Andino’s smile grew even wider. “We are about to take a brief intermission before continuing with the second half of the auction. I believe the young woman you are interested in will be appearing near the end of tonight’s event. You know”—he raised his hand toward her face and began toying with one of her loose curls—“I always thought feisty redheads were a myth. I’m pleased to see I was mistaken.”

  Don’t break his hand. Don’t break his hand.

  Not that she could. Zade, on the other hand…

  “You’re going to want to stop touching her.”

  Her eyes rose to meet his. She’d never heard his voice sound so deadly.

  Should that be such a turn-on?

  Seemingly unfazed—although he did stop touching her as Zade suggested—Andino turned and faced him. “It was my understanding you were here as protection for Miss Smith.”

  “I am.”

  Kole joined in. “We both are.”

  “Well, gentlemen.” Andino chuckled. “I can assure you, I am of no threat to your boss. I’m simply enamored by her natural beauty and strong will. A perfect combination in a woman, wouldn’t you agree?”

  Other than to clench his jaw shut, Zade didn’t respond.

  “Pay no attention to them, Hector.” Gabby slid her hand along the other man’s arm. “They’re upset because I won’t buy them each a girl, too. That’s what we were discussing when you walked up.”

  “Ah.” Andino chuckled some more. “Maybe next time you’ll get yours, yes?”

  Zade’s mouth slid into a cold smile. “You’re right, Mr. Andino. Tonight is all about you getting what you deserve.”

  “Easy, King,” Gabe’s warning whispered from Gabby’s earrings to her ear. “You’re supposed to be her bodyguard, not her lover.”

  Doing her best to tamper the blush she felt crawling up her neck, Gabby heard herself blurt out, “I changed my mind.” All three men turned to look at her. “Like you said”—she smiled, recovering quickly—“the night is young, and this champagne is magnificent. I suppose I could allow myself to indulge in one more drink while we wait for the intermission to end.”

  What the hell are you doing?

  Her gaze slid back to Zade’s. His expression mimicked her thoughts, but it was his fault, anyway. If he hadn’t gone all caveman on Andino, she wouldn’t have felt the need to rescue him—them—from the situation.

  “I’d love to, Gabriella. There’s a bar right over there. Shall we?”

  With a stubborn tilt of her chin she focused solely on Andino. “Actually, could I meet you there? There’s something I need to discuss with my men. It won’t take but a minute.”

  “Of course. I’ll be waiting.”

  “Thank you, Hector.”

  Gabby waited until he was far enough away before turning to Zade.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Me?” His dark brows shot up before turning into a deep scowl. “What are you doing? We just had this conversation. This isn’t the time to—”

  “You know what?” She interrupted his rant. “When I become an official member of Bravo Team, you can order me around. Until then, I suggest you chill the hell out and let me do what I came here to do. I’m playing a part, Zade. That’s why you brought me along, right?”

  “To help us get close to Andino. Not live it up like we’re at a goddamn beach party.”

  “Beach party? Really?” Fuming, Gabby slid a glance to Hector, who was talking with someone else at the bar and not watchin
g them. She turned back and arched a brow at the man currently acting like an overprotective Neanderthal. “I know my limits, Zade. I can handle two glasses of champagne. I also plan to watch the champagne as it’s poured into my glass by the bartender before he hands it straight to me. Now, if you’ll excuse me, Andino is waiting.”

  Not waiting for a response, Gabby turned and walked away. She could practically feel the heat from Zade’s stare on her back as she made her way across the room.

  Yes, Zade’s team and the others were in charge tonight, but she’d been doing a pretty damn good job at keeping it together so far. And sure, maybe she shouldn’t have jumped in between him and Andino, but this whole clandestine business was new to her.

  Wearing a mask and putting on a show to get by on the streets was one thing. Getting up close and personal with a cartel leader who would probably slit her throat without blinking an eye if he found out who they really were…that was a whole new level of crazy.

  She’d gotten nervous, worried Andino would do something to Zade if he’d kept pushing the man, so she’d blurted the first thing that had come to mind.

  The bar was within their line of sight, so she was perfectly safe. As safe as she could be in this place, anyway.

  “What would you like to drink, mi amor? We have many options available.”

  God, she hated it when Andino called her that. “I’d love more of this.” Gabby set the glass he’d sent over earlier onto the bar. “I promise not to let this one get warm.”

  Yes, she’d already cut herself off from having any more alcohol but getting another drink had been her brilliant idea. If she told him she’d changed her mind again, he’d most likely get suspicious.

  “Champagne it is.” Andino gave the bartender a nod. “Two glasses of champagne, please.” Andino gave the man a look and added, “Make sure to give the lady the good stuff.”

  “Yes, sir.” The man nodded. “Coming right up.”

  “So, Gabriella.” Andino faced her once more. “How is it you came to be in this business?”

  “I sort of fell into it, really.”

  “Do tell.”

  “Oh, it’s not at all exciting, Hector.” The bartender returned. She watched carefully as he filled her glass straight from the bottle and handed it to her. Feeling secure, she looked back up at Andino as his drink was being poured. “I’d much rather talk about you and your success. I mean, look at this place.” She let her eyes wander around the room and damn near did a double take when she caught Zade staring straight back at her.

  The man was not happy.

  “Are you all right, my dear?”

  Gabby tore her eyes from Zade and brought her focus back to the man at her side.

  “I’m fine.” She smiled. “Please, continue.” She put a hand on his arm for good measure. “I want to hear all about how you became the amazing, powerful man you are today.”

  Knowing she needed to loosen up or run the risk of blowing her cover, Gabby decided to use the situation to pay Zade back for his little alpha male moment.

  Though she was no longer looking at him, she knew Zade was still watching her closely. Very closely.

  With purposeful movements, she used her finger to trace the rim of her glass as she pretended to listen to Andino go on and on about his life accomplishments. Making it seem like an absentminded movement while she listened to Andino, who was still talking about himself, she slid her fingers lower.

  Gabby began running them up and down the crystal stem slowly, almost as if she were stroking a lover’s body.

  Andino’s eyes followed her movements, his speech almost stuttering as his focus became split between what he was saying and what she was doing. But it was the low, almost indiscernible groan reaching her ear that damn near made her smile.

  It was ridiculous, and completely inappropriate given the situation, but knowing Zade was watching—and liking—what she was doing was one hell of a turn on.

  Like long-distance foreplay.

  We should really book that beach house again after this. For a solid month, at least.

  Gabby’s sex began to swell and ache with need. She could actually feel her panties becoming damp with arousal from thinking about all the things she wanted to do with Zade.

  Things they had done to each other last night.

  Continuing on with the dangerously erotic game, she lifted the drink to her lips. When a drop of champagne started to drip off of her bottom lip, Gabby used her fingertip to catch it. Then, deliberately making the motion as seductive as she could, she stuck the digit between her lips and sucked until every drop of the cool beverage was gone.

  A low, whispered curse hit her ear before she heard, “You’re gonna pay for that later, sweetheart.”

  At the same time, Andino coughed and began ordering another drink.

  With his attention elsewhere, Gabby looked across the room at Zade. Using the glass to conceal her mouth, she whispered, “Promises, promises.”

  “Can we please keep the show g-rated for the kids at home?” Nate groaned from somewhere outside.

  Gabby put her hand to her mouth and coughed to cover her laugh. “Sorry, Nate,” she whispered into her ring. The entire scene felt like something out of a James Bond flick.

  Of course, this wasn’t a movie, and she was definitely no Bond Girl.

  This was real life, and the game they were all playing was a very dangerous one.

  When their drinks were empty, Andino escorted her back to where Zade and Kole were still standing. From the way he was looking at her, Gabby knew she most definitely would be paying for her little performance later.

  Whatever punishment he decided to dish out would be totally worth it, because the distraction had worked. She felt more relaxed than she had since coming here.

  Relaxed and ready to kick some Andino ass.

  A few minutes after rejoining Zade and Kole, however, Gabby began to feel a little too relaxed. Her head felt full and heavy, kind of like when she got a cold. The room would sway back and forth whenever she turned her head, and there was an odd tingling sensation in her fingertips and toes.

  Shit. Two glasses and she was already feeling this buzzed? That didn’t seem right.


  He had drugged her. But how? She’d seen the other man pour the drink.

  The bottle.

  The drugs must’ve already been in the bottle. Except Andino had drank from it, too. Hadn’t he?

  Through the growing haze, Gabby remembered she hadn’t actually watched Andino’s drink being poured. They’d been talking, and she’d only assumed his was from the same bottle.

  Oh, God.

  Gabby swung her gaze to Zade who was standing a foot away from her and looking straight ahead at the stage. She needed to get his attention, but how? Andino was standing right next to him.

  The com. Whisper into the com.

  Acting as if she were scratching her face, Gabby whispered his name. Zade immediately turned his head toward her. After what seemed like forever, his brows scrunched together with a questioning frown.

  With a quick glance to make sure Andino wasn’t watching them, he mouthed the words, “You okay?”

  Gabby opened her mouth. She tried to answer him. Thought maybe she’d shaken her head no, but had she, really, or was she imagining it.

  Something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong.

  Black dots filled her vision and Zade’s image became blurred. She blinked several times, but it didn’t help.

  Zade said her name loudly, or at least she thought he had. It was hard to tell because his voice was suddenly muffled and distorted, its pitch much lower than it should’ve been.

  The people standing around them started to stare, but Gabby continued trying to focus on Zade. She opened her mouth again, this time to tell him she was going to pass out. But it was too late.

  She already had.

  Chapter 15

  Two minutes earlier…

  Zade stared
straight ahead. To anyone looking, he would appear to be enthralled by the next young woman to be escorted onto the stage. In truth, he was fighting the urge to grab Gabby by the hand and haul her pretty little ass out of this hell hole.

  He’d never wanted to turn her over his knee more than he did in that moment. Naturally, the second he thought that, he pictured a scene where he did have her over his knee flashed through his mind, and…fuck.

  That was not what he needed to be thinking about.

  The auction had resumed, and Hector Andino was standing less than three feet away. The last thing Zade needed was for the bastard—or Kole—to notice the raging hard-on threatening to burst through his damn zipper.

  Lucky for him, his jacket was long enough to cover that particular area.

  He gritted his teeth together and kept staring straight ahead. Damn stubborn woman.

  If he were being honest with himself—which he wasn’t, because he was still too pissed—Gabby had done the exact right thing by stepping away with Andino when she had. Seeing him touch her had sent a rush of fury through Zade’s veins. One he damn near couldn’t control.

  So yeah, he was pissed. At himself for letting his emotions almost get the best of him during a fucking op. That didn’t happen to Zade. Not ever.

  That’s because you’ve never been on an op with Gabriella Stevens before.

  As usual, the tiny voice was right. That little show she’d put on had been solely for his benefit, and Zade damn well knew it.


  He was so busy mentally kicking his own ass, he almost missed her whispering his name.

  Zade turned his head and looked at her. Gabby was staring up at him, her eyes glassy and unfocused. She almost looked…Jesus, was she drunk?

  Are you fucking kidding me?

  He started to say something to that affect when he noticed something odd about the way she was staring back at him. Like she couldn’t focus on him…or anything else.


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