She Gave Her All to the Hood’s Finest 2

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She Gave Her All to the Hood’s Finest 2 Page 14

by Shvonne Latrice

  “Great. I’m Camarih by the way.” I half smiled.

  “Nala.” She grinned.

  “My girl sells body and face products. You got yo’ phone on you?” Tony draped his arm around my neck like he always did, making me smile. I enjoyed the scent of his cologne, the feeling of his muscles and build, plus how his 6’4 height felt against my 5’4 frame.

  “Yes.” Nala frowned out of confusion. I was puzzled as well.

  As soon as she took it out, Tony made her go to my website.

  “You need the face oil shit.” He pointed. “And this skin joint right here. I saw yo’ ass cheeks were ashy when I fucked from the back so—”

  “Oh my gosh!” I exclaimed, watching as he made her add it to her cart, and then use Apple Pay to pay for it.

  “Got it.” She flashed the screen so I’d see, and I just nodded. I felt so bad for her.

  “Make sure you use that shit when it come. Can’t have you on stage and shit looking crusty as fuck,” Tony let her know as he took my hand to lead me back into the studio room.

  “Got it, boss,” was all she said, but when I glanced back, she was watching us. And still, she had that look, even after he’d been so rude.

  “Why did you do that?” I laughed finally and slapped his arm.

  Turning to face me, he said, “Fuck you want me to do? You got me used to this pretty ass face and them smooth buttery cheeks.” He cupped my ass.

  We both chortled as the music in the studio played for everyone.

  “You are so dumb.” I intertwined our fingers.

  “Nah, but on some real shit, her ass was ashy. And her skin looks dry as fuck, so she gotta step it up if she gon’ be on my team.” He talked seriously. “She pretty though and got a nice ass voice.” When I rolled my eyes, he added, “Not as pretty as you.”

  I didn’t think Tony would fuck up what we had for her, but you never knew. Niggas had done it before. I would be keeping an eye on her ass, because despite Tony seeing it as nothing more, it was quite obvious Nala didn’t feel the same.


  Ever since the night of Eitan’s performance, Armonn called himself not talking to me, and I honestly didn’t give a fuck. We’d never stayed mad at one another long, and usually, I was the one needing an apology, but this time, there was one due to him. I was gonna let him stay mad, but I knew if he invited me somewhere to get embarrassed, I would be pissed too.

  After finishing up a big lunch, which consisted of chicken pasta, I decided to walk it back to the bedroom he was working in. Armonn stayed on the computer all day long, usually scouring the internet for auditions, replying to emails, or updating his profiles on social media to increase his following. Thinking about all that en route to the bedroom had me feeling even worse about what happened with him at the concert.

  To make matters worse, Eitan and I had been texting a lot. And when I say a lot, I meant morning, noon, and even at night. Just the other day, I snuck from the bed at 2 a.m. just to reply to a message he’d sent. I looked forward to waking up to his texts as well. I didn’t know if I truly liked him or if he was just an escape from my situation with Armonn.

  “Due for a break?” I called out as I entered the bedroom.

  Armonn was seated at the small cheap computer table I’d purchased a year ago.

  “Sure.” He shut the laptop, sighing as he pushed it away to make room for the tray. “What’s this?”

  “A peace treaty, if you will.” I smiled while rubbing his head, but instead of giving one back, he prayed before eating. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, facing his way, I said, “Honey, I’m sorry about the stuff at the concert.”

  “Wow, only two weeks later.”

  “I know it took me forever. I’m used to being on the receiving end of the apologies.” I watched him scarf down the food. “I did not know that was going to happen. Camarih’s boyfriend is foolish and not really all there, so you can’t listen to things out of his mouth.”

  “Kind of hard not to when he’s so damn rude.”

  “He is, but he’s like that to everyone except Camarih. And I guess that’s okay.”

  “How is that okay?” Armonn frowned, sipping his orange soda that he loved.

  “Well, what I meant is, as long as he’s good to her, that’s all that matters.”

  Armonn dabbed his mouth with the napkin before taking another bite. He then drank some more soda before swallowing it down. After that, he was quiet for a few moments, like he was thinking.

  “The part that bothered me, Rubie, wasn’t necessarily him being rude, but what he was saying.”

  “Oh?” I felt scared for some reason. Guilty.

  “Yeah, like you’d told them about our situation. You didn’t do that, right?”

  “No. I swear I didn’t tell them anything.” And I hadn’t. Tony figured it out all on his own… basically.

  “Good then. No one needs to be in our business, and honestly, he made it seem like I’m always in your pockets, which isn’t true.” When I didn’t respond, Armonn asked, “Right?”

  “Well, I mean, you could be more self sufficient and responsible, Armonn. For instance, the two-thousand-dollar jacket you bought?”

  “I can’t ever do shit for myself. You want all my fucking money to go to you.” He rose up. “That’s the problem. You don’t care about anything else but money.”

  “If all I cared about was money, I wouldn’t be with yo’ broke ass!” I shouted, standing as well. “As a matter of fact, I have somewhere to be.” I went to put my shoes on.

  “Where the fuck you going? You’re off today!”

  “I am, and I am going to hang out with some friends.”

  “Rubie, wait.” Armonn came over to me as I put on some earrings. I was already wearing jeans and a cute top, so after putting on these ankle boots and some jewelry, I was good to go. “Baby, don’t leave. I apologize. It’s just frustrating having to depend on you.”

  “You think you’re the only one frustrated? We don’t even have money for groceries some months.”

  “I know, and as a man, that makes me feel like shit.”

  “That’s why I don’t get how you don’t see the problem with purchasing the Balmain jacket.”

  He said nothing for a few seconds.

  “Rubie, don’t leave. Let’s chill, me and you. We can watch some movies, do whatever. You know we always have fun together.” He smirked.

  Armonn was a beautiful man, and for the life of me, I didn’t understand how his modeling career hadn’t catapulted by now. He went on plenty of auditions but seemed to always come up short. His latest jeans ad was the first thing he’d gotten in over a year.

  “I would, but I actually have to go into work. I only said I was hanging with friends to upset you.” I giggled softly as I lied easily.

  Eitan had invited me to another show, and I wanted to hang out with him afterwards as planned.

  “Rubie, it’s your day off.”

  “I know, but Armonn, I am trying to get a raise. Mark already told me I’d been slacking, and then after the fiasco at the showcase, I have to do better. So coming in on my off days will show Mark I am serious. Not to mention, we need the money.”

  Armonn nodded sadly, and I felt bad. However, I didn’t feel bad enough to stay home. I wanted to see Eitan.

  “Okay. What time should I expect you. I can have the popcorn and such ready by the time you get back.”

  “It’s the weekend, so probably not until late. Let’s just reschedule.” I leaned up to kiss the corner of his mouth before grabbing my purse and leaving.

  It was already 6 p.m., and Eitan’s show began at 7 p.m. Funny enough, on the way there, his song had played, making me smile.

  This venue was larger and had a big parking lot, so after securing my car into a space, I used my rollerball perfume to freshen my scent then went inside.

  The lights were low, but there were multicolored ones on the stage and in the corners of the venue, giving it a nice amount of
illumination but setting the mood.

  “Hey.” I waved when I got to the booth where Camarih was seated in Tony’s lap.

  “Hey!” Camarih hopped up to hug me before returning to her man’s lap. She wore a yellow dress that fit her frame nicely, even the small belly.

  “Hi, Tony.” I bucked my eyes, and he nodded his head to say ‘what’s up’ as I sat down.

  Inappropriately, he ran his hands up the front of Camarih’s body before squeezing her breasts in his hands from behind, while biting his lip.

  “Baby.” Camarih cheesed, moving his hands while he kissed on her neck. This nigga was a mess.

  A waitress came over to get drink and food orders, before leaving us for a bit. During that time, Tony lit a blunt, making Camarih sit away from him when he did.

  “I have the drinks, fries, and wings.” The waitress set everything down. “Oh, but we can’t smoke in here.” She looked down at Tony.

  “Who the fuck is we?” He gave a slight frown.

  “Never mind.”

  I guess she saw he was a fool and wanted no parts.

  “Yeah, get yo’ long chin ass out my face ’fore you get backhanded ’round this muthafucka.” He took a toke on the blunt as the waitress got out of here.

  Camarih and I laughed out of shock. I couldn’t believe the way he talked. I’d never met anyone like him in my life that was this disrespectful and gave no fucks.

  “You know my man was pretty upset with how you came at him.” I sipped my cocktail.

  “Tell cuz come see me if he got an issue.” Tony laughed at his own statement as he sat back. He knew damn well Armonn wasn’t going to press him.

  “Or I can bring him the next time we’re out, and you guys can maybe squash things, be friends.”

  Tony laughed loudly, tossing his head back some.

  “I don’t roll with broke ass niggas. He a bitch on top of that. You need to quit playing and let the homie fuck. Gotta be tired of bumping pussies with that muthafucka you call a boyfriend.”

  “Houston, please leave her alone.” Camarih got closer to him as soon as he ashed the blunt.

  “Damn, Buttascotch, let the smoke clear.” He waved it.

  “It did,” she replied softly, hugging his arm.

  “You so fucking thirsty with yo’ fine ass.” He looked down into her face before they both grinned, pressed their noses together, then kissed.

  Only a psycho could act a fool then go somewhat soft for his woman in a matter of seconds. Serial killer alert.

  Eitan was announced, and I almost snapped my neck to look at the stage. Both Tony and Camarih caught me, then began cracking up, embarrassing me. I shook my head with a smile but focused on Eitan.

  He did a great job, keeping the crowd, including me, interested the entire time.

  When it was over, I rushed to the bathroom to pee and make sure I looked good. Camarih had come with me.

  “You like Eitan.” She washed her hands before fixing her hair.

  “I do. Ugh, but I love Armonn.”

  “So then go home to Armonn.”

  “But I don’t want to. Girl, I was so excited driving here, knowing I was gonna chill with Eitan afterwards.”

  “I don’t condone cheating, but I’m no one’s mother, so.” Camarih shrugged, spreading Fenty gloss across her lips.

  “Good, ’cause don’t nobody need Tony Wacko as their daddy.”

  “Excuse me.” She rubbed her belly. “My man is gonna be a great daddy.”

  “You know what, as off-kilter as that nigga is, for some reason, I agree with you.” I laughed, and she followed suit.

  We left the bathroom and treaded back to the booth where the boys were.

  “You walk like you got some good ass pussy, Camarih. Fix that shit.” Tony rose up, scowling a little bit. Everyone chortled except him. Wow… so he was serious.

  “That’s how I walk, Houston.”

  “We gon’ work on yo’ shit when we get to the house. Telling nigga’s how fire yo’ pussy is with every step you take.” He took her hand in his before dapping Eitan up with the free one.

  “Y’all out?” Eitan asked. He looked nice in a baseball jersey, jeans, and what appeared to be Gucci sneakers. I wasn’t sure because it was dark. He wore a watch too, and one chain. His two short braids seemed to be freshly done, lined up nicely on the sides.

  “Yeah. Be at the studio by ten a.m. tomorrow. We gotta talk and then work.” Tony began walking off. Camarih and I hugged halfway, since she was holding hands with him.

  “Fasho.” Eitan nodded and then turned his attention to me. “I’m not even trying to go to the studio. I wanna chill, play some video games.”

  “No, you should go. Don’t you love rapping?”

  “I do. I just hate the hard work part. And Tony as a boss is different than Tony the homie.”

  “That’s a good thing. But you should stay focused. You will have plenty of time to play video games.”

  Eitan looked me over and then smiled.

  “I guess you right. So, you trying to leave, or you wanna kick it here?”

  “We can go.”

  “I rode with that nigga so my whip is at the crib. You don’t mind driving, do you?”

  “No, why would I?” I was puzzled, but then it hit me. “Are we gonna constantly take digs at my man all night?”

  “As long as you stop calling him your man in my presence, I can drop it.”


  We exchanged coy smiles before getting out of the booth. We got to my car, and I was happy I’d cleaned it out a couple days ago, because I would have been too ashamed to let Eitan’s fine ass in it.

  “This is a cool little whip.” He surveyed my Honda.

  “Thank you. My father bought it for me in cash some years ago.”

  “Yo’ father?” He looked my way as I pulled out onto the street. He’d already put his address into my iPhone maps, so she was guiding me through the speakers. “What is he, a drug dealer?”

  “Excuse me! No! My dad is the founder and CEO of Bailey Furniture.” I glanced his way to see his reaction.

  “Oh, so he rich rich.”

  “He is. And before you ask, he has no problems supporting me, as long as I get a new boyfriend or become single.”

  “I was definitely about to ask.”

  We stopped to get some food to take to his place, and by the time we got there, it was 10 p.m. As soon as we got comfortable, preparing to eat, my phone buzzed. I saw it was Armonn, so after letting the phone use my face to unlock, I read his message on the lock screen.

  Babe: Hey how is work? Gonna be here soon?

  I had no lie to tell him, so instead, I just locked my phone and shoved it down into my purse.

  “Well now that you know about my people, tell me about yours.” I looked at Eitan.

  “I have both of my parents. I grew up pretty okay. My parents weren’t rich, but I was their only kid, so they didn’t have to spread their money thin. They’ve always been cool and supportive.”

  “I see. I wish my dad was like that.” I pondered.

  “Where ya moms?”

  “She’s dead.”

  “Damn, my bad.”

  “It’s fine. It was a car accident when I was in fifth grade. She was coming to pick me up from school, and someone hit her so hard the vehicle flipped off the embankment connected to the freeway.”

  “Oh shit.” Eitan covered his mouth. “It’s just you, no siblings?”

  “Yep. Only child. I appreciate my father though, because he stayed strong. I would hear him cry at night, but by morning, he would be all smiles for me. He never remarried and never even dated.” I shrugged.

  “Damn, that must’ve been some real love.”

  “I agree.” I nodded, eating some of my fries. “I hope I find that one day.”

  “You found it already.”

  “Nigga, I know you’re not talking about yourself.” I laughed.

  “If I was? What’s wrong with me?” />
  “Nothing, but…” I looked off for a moment. “I love my… Armonn.”

  “Then why you over here?”

  “That’s what I’m wondering too.” I exhaled heavily. “I love talking to you, and I’m even enjoying this right now. But I can’t just drop a man I love for… this.”

  “I feel you.”

  “How did you become friends with Tony? You guys seem so different. He’s rude and crazy, but you’re not.”

  Eitan also seemed a little slow sometimes, where as Tony seemed to be pretty insightful. I was gonna leave that part out though since it wasn’t the nicest comment. Plus, Eitan was sexy enough to be on the slower end of the spectrum.

  “Was getting jumped outside the school by some big ass grown men when I was fifteen. Tony’s ass, my same age, rolled up with a gun and started pistol whipping muthafuckas for me.”

  “He didn’t even know you?”

  “Nope, just helped me. Told me I was a little bitch after, but we’d been cool ever since.”

  Eitan and I laughed together. When it ceased, we just stared for a little bit, before he leaned over to kiss me. It began to intensify, and I didn’t stop it as he stood me up, leading me to his bedroom.

  Leaving the lights off and keeping our lips together as much as we could, we stripped out of our clothes. Eitan wasted no time putting a condom on and getting in between my legs on the bed. We continued kissing hard as I felt the head of his dick pressing against my opening.

  “Ah!” I whimpered when he pushed inside me.

  What was I doing?

  It felt too good for me to stop, and the way we kissed only made it better. Leaning his head down, he sucked my nipples while fucking me, and soon enough, I had cum. Turning me over, he helped me arch my back before pushing his way back in.

  “Damn, girl.” He huffed, fucking me hard from behind.

  I gripped at the sheets, crying out as I released yet again. Just five minutes later, Eitan was exploding, growling somewhat loudly.

  I planned to get up, but instead, I passed the hell out.


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