The Most Eligible Bachelor

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The Most Eligible Bachelor Page 12

by Delmire Hart

  It felt so good to finally be close like this, to finally go that last step and feel the way they joined together. He wrenched his head back with a cry when Mori changed angle and hit that one spot inside of himself that had him seeing stars. Somehow the other man was able to hit it with astonishing precision after that and Takumi arched off the bed a pleasure lanced through him.

  “Mori!” he cried out as he scrabbled to hold onto something, anything to ground him. His nails raked over his partner’s shoulders and the man groaned.

  Large hands gripped under his thighs and bent Takumi even more, his knees ending up beside his ears as Mori powered into him. It was too much and the blonde cried out his pleasure as he came.

  It didn’t take long for Mori to follow him, his body going rigid as he gave a long moan from the back of his throat. He collapsed down on top of Takumi, pushing himself close and wrapping his arms tight around the body underneath him. They lay like that, panting and incoherent and just revelling in their closeness for a long time. Long enough that Mori’s cock went limp enough to slip out on his own and their stickiness became almost uncomfortable. Neither wanted to move just yet though.

  Eventually Mori moved back, just enough to look Takumi in the eye with a challenging smirk in place.

  “I hope you are ready for more, Takumi. We have a lot of time to make up for.”

  Takumi’s mock refusals quickly turned into moans as they joined their bodies together again and again.


  So it turned out there was a lot of things going on in the mansion that Takumi had no clue about. He was shocked when having left the show he got to look online at not only the highlights but all the footage. While there, he never looked much into what was going on around him because he wanted to avoid all the drama.

  Probably the biggest shock of all was Kaneko’s suicide a week after being kicked off the show. Takumi found out the day after Mori had handed him the final rose and while he disliked the man, he couldn’t help feel but sad that he felt the need to take his own life. Surely there was more to life than one bad TV show, even if he had wanted Mori? Mori himself was rather close lipped about the whole thing.

  Takumi had been worried that maybe he might feel upset over the death and his indirect involvement in it but he didn’t seem to be affected or even care in any way. He had kept a close eye on the man over the next few weeks before he was convinced that he wasn’t bottling it up or anything silly like that.

  But really, Takumi could now see why everyone thought it was oh-so-funny when he freaked out over Mori and his feelings. From the outside looking in, it was easy to see the extra attention Mori paid him, often simple things like just spending time together but he touched and just watched Takumi a lot.

  It turned out the internet fell in love with awkward, clumsy Takumi. It seemed right from the start when he tripped out of the limo and then fell asleep on the chair he gained supporters. Many people seemed to find his awkward clumsiness relatable and after the child-rescuing incident, he became the top pick online for Mori’s attentions.

  No one wonder he suddenly had a camera following him around.

  Someone had also started a weird vote thing to name him Japan’s number one housewife and it had gained an alarming amount of traction. Someone had taken a picture of him holding a tray of food, no doubt intended for Mori, and photo shopped him into a maid’s outfit. He also had mixed feelings over being adopted as some kind of housewife meme. He was, apparently, a pure, sweet cinnamon roll and too good for this world.

  Whatever that meant.

  The picture of Mori with his teeth at Takumi’s neck was also embarrassingly popular online. There was fanfiction written around that picture. Apparently, Mori was a closet vampire. Well, it possibly wasn’t that far off, he did seem to have a propensity to try to consume Takumi.

  He was even more embarrassed to admit he had read a few of the stories based around it and some were really good. Like, hot damn, they were written being sexy as fuck. Even his clumsy self! Unfortunately, Mori caught him reading one of the better written ones while he waited for the man to finish his work and decided to try out the things mentioned. Takumi had left off the erotic fictions after that, no matter how well written, least it give the older man more ideas.

  Where he had really missed the mark the most, however, was the closed twitter accounts. He looked at them the first day and seen his #SleepingBeauty tag and never bothered with it again. He still remembered that it was there, but he was in so many of other people’s selfies and videos that he didn’t see the point of doing it himself.

  Holy shit.

  The drama.

  It was like one gigantic passive aggressive catfight. Jian seemed to be the only person not involved but his tweets were few and far between, usually just of himself or something tame like food or scenery. Takumi apparently kept the #SleepingBeauty tag the entire show although he gained the #no1housewife tag as well.

  He was in nearly all the no-drama tweets but for everything else there were selfies with baiting remarks or videos of other contestants doing something stupid. There was even a fairly vicious prank war that Takumi completely missed between Riko and another girl. It had involved replacing various self-care products with other things, like dyes, and had been ramping up to be quite drastic until the other girl had been one of the original ten axed from the show at week five.

  People had been caught doing so many strange and stupid things on camera. Nothing seemed to get past the eyes of the viewers. Their shower incident had been the raciest thing involving Mori that was caught on camera but Riko and Yume had been caught making out after one too many drinks. Aoki had been getting close with one cameraman and Kaneko had been trading sexual favours for extra screen time. There had even been a drunken fistfight and what appeared to be a threesome between the twins and one of the other contestants.

  After the dress up session where Jian absolutely rocked the massive high heels Nikolai had decided, with very little subtly, that he didn’t care about getting Mori a partner as much as he cared about claiming Jian for himself. The over enthusiastic Russian presenter won many hearts with his stubborn and cheesy perusal of the Chinese man and there had been a large celebration online when Jian agreed to a date on the last day of the show.

  Apparently, that was why Takumi had been left to stress himself out alone on the final day. Jian had sought Nikolai out himself to ask the other man out on a date. There was video footage of their kiss before they disappeared behind closed doors to never be seen again on the show.

  The show had also changed life for Takumi in some very unexpected ways. Seeing as he was now somehow Japan’s sweetheart, he was often recognised in the street and was now in high demand for modelling of all things. Enrapture, the super elite fashion brand based in Tokyo he sometimes freelanced for, had been desperately headhunting him to be a permanent photographer with a side modelling contract for a street clothing line.

  He considered declining the offer when a crazy headhunting bidding war started between a number of top fashion lines. In the end, Mori suggested he take Enrapture’s offer as they were the only one to offer him a photographer’s contract as well, which said that they at least bothered to know him and what he wanted. So he had agreed and ended up with his face plastered across larger-than-life billboards in way too many malls and shopping areas.

  So life was very different. He was in front of a camera as often as he was behind one, although his clumsiness when nervous never changed; just ask Enrapture’s staff who now always had a clear path to the set with no cables. He eventually gave in and now had a following online for his modelling, photography, and ‘housewifey things’ as Mori called it.

  Once Takumi embraced it, he found he had the opportunity to meet so many more people and do so much more than before. Although his least favourite thing was appearing as a guest on any kind of show. The now infamous clumsiness inevitably came out and he would either end up flat on his ass or with something

  Or both.

  The cooking show had been the most fun thing he had ever been invited on, it had been organised by Yume as a birthday present, but also the most embarrassing. He had tripped over everything, bowls went flying, flour went flying, and he nearly took the chef out. But he learnt how to make the most divine ramen from scratch so it was a sacrifice well worth it.

  Mori dealt with Takumi’s ongoing love affair with food with some exasperation and a great deal of amusement. The man greatly enjoyed the benefits of nice meals and a happy lover but didn’t appreciate getting dragged around the supermarket or taste testing failed attempts at a recipe he found online. He still remembered Takumi’s story about his parents and endeavoured to be home for at least one meal per day and even attempted to help occasionally.

  There was more than one picture online of Mori’s grinning face while fleeing the kitchen from a spatula wielding Takumi with the comment ‘I got kicked out of my own kitchen’.

  His mother, of course, absolutely loved it and would be forever smug about helping him get a man, a job, and ‘both feet firmly on the road to happiness’. She also adored Mori and all his crazy possessive tendencies. Takumi was about to throw a fit when Mori just moved him in with him without asking, his solution to the whole ‘we don’t see each other enough’ argument.

  His mother’s response?

  ‘Well, he’s not wrong. You will see far more of each other now and what’s the point of paying double rent when you practically live there anyway?’

  That was not the point.

  Even worse, Mori took a picture of him in his apron cooking breakfast the day after he had moved him in. He put it online with the caption ‘Cooking in his new kitchen, not quite a real housewife yet.’ Takumi had actually been yelled at on the street to just marry Mori.

  What the hell was up with people?

  Mori found it hilarious. Perplexed by the odd response from the usually very private man, he had asked why he was okay with everyone knowing them and their business. He reasoning had been simple: “This way everyone knows you are mine.”

  Well then.

  The publicity had been surprisingly good for Mori’s business endeavours as well. Takumi didn’t know too much about it but his clubs were more popular than ever and the man had been approached by numerous other companies in various industries looking for a partnership with a well-known, well respected figure.

  And when Mori finally proposed, there was a picture of a bright red Takumi staring down at a beautifully simple ring in shock. Because of course the man’s method of proposal was not to actually ask but instead just slip the ring on the appropriate finger while Takumi was distracted with food. There might have been some tearful scolding to do it properly, but he did say yes in the end.

  The picture was captioned ‘Finally going to be a real housewife.’

  About the Author

  Delmire Hart

  Delmire Hart is a little ginger kiwi born in the peaceful country of New Zealand before she migrated to the wondrous crazy of Australia. Starting off as an avid fantasy reader and nerd extraordinaire, she was that one weird kid carting around brick-sized novels with glee. This closet romantic didn’t understand just what she was missing out on until she ventured into the depths of the internet seeking the perfect blend of erotic and romantic. Fantasy can be as sexy and sensual as you want it to be! Miss Hart now takes great pleasure mixing steamy gay romances with magical twists and intriguing dynamics. While always a sucker for a happy ending, she is a big believer that the journey to get there is the fun part and endeavours to create varied worlds for all to enjoy.





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  All Daine ever wanted was to just be himself and enjoy his life as it was. Becoming a vampire wasn’t even on his radar until he woke up one day turned without his consent. It might have saved his life but he really wasn’t sure about this new form. That was only compounded when he met a man that looked like sex on legs and smelt like the finest swiss imported chocolate combined with the fattest, juiciest steak cooked to perfection. At first, he thought he had hit the jackpot, until this human decided he made the perfect pet-slash-lover.

  He was a super being of the night, dammit. He wasn’t supposed to be cute.

  Aerick thought his new little lover was the most adorable, amusing, and interesting person he had ever come across, vampire or not. Now if only the stubborn thing would stop getting into trouble and accept their new life together.


  He was just pondering what the hell he should be doing with his suddenly extended life when he came upon the most delicious aroma. A limo sat at the curb near the end of the block with its bonnet popped. Someone was leaning over staring at the engine while another all but yelled down his phone. But it was the third man that caught Daine’s attention, however. His scent tickled Daine’s nostrils and it was like the finest swiss imported chocolate combined with the fattest, juiciest steak cooked to perfection.

  Daine swore he had never met anyone that smelt that good to his vampire senses. His enhanced sight took in the broad shoulders and trim waist line even through his business suit. The man was virtually sex on legs.

  It would be so worth taking a chance to see if he could get a little taste of that.

  People were surprisingly receptive to being asked straight up if he might be allowed to take a drink. Daine didn’t feel entirely comfortable always relying on his friends for his meals and had successfully bartered with a few different people. This would be the first time he was considering maybe getting a taste in a different way as well. It had been ages since he’d last gotten laid. Months ago, in fact. Cheng before he became a vampire. Even then it wasn’t a regular occurrence. He had to see if the man was actually interested in guys though.

  Unconsciously, Daine super sped up until he was right up in the man’s personal space. He started to speak but stopped as the wonderful aroma overtook him even more. Closing his eyes, Daine leaned in and took a deep inhale.

  “Holy shit, you smell amazing.” That had not been what he meant to say. He opened his eyes and looked up into amused brown eyes. The man had a handsome face to match his built figure and Daine might be trying not to drool. That could very well be his smell doing that though. “Can I have a taste? Just a little, I don’t need much.”

  Ah, shit. There was being upfront and there was being way too intense. He was being way too intense judging by how rigid the man was. Daine swore he was better at people skills than this but the man was distracting in every way and he had completely lost his brain-to-mouth filter.

  He stepped back out of the human’s space and slipped off his hoodie in what he hoped was a show of trust. The man continued to stare at him so Daine offered up a hopeful, “Please?”.

  Never hurt to be polite, right?

  The man huffed out a laugh and Daine grinned back. That was promising.

  “Is that a yes?” he asked hopefully as he tried to step up to the human’s side. In his distracted state, he didn’t rein in his eagerness and he stumbled over his own feet before landing hard on the pavement. Well, that wasn’t the best impression so far. He gave an embarrassed laugh as he hauled himself back up. At least the man hadn’t shooed him away yet.

  “How old are you?”

  “That’s rude,” he countered with a pout. This was not going the way he had hoped. Daine briefly wondered if it was even worth continuing this. What, was he worried he wasn’t legal or something?

  “How many years as a vampire?” the man insisted.

  “Not in years,” Daine muttered back an
d the man’s eyebrows jumped into his hairline.

  “You’re just a fledgling?”

  “And? Is that a problem? Look, I just want a little bit of a taste. How about we do a trade?”

  “A trade?” He seemed sceptical but he didn’t say no or move away.

  “That’s your ride over there, right?” Daine gestured behind himself to the broken-down limo. At the man’s nod, he continued, “I have a friend who’s a total gearhead and I’ve learnt a few things, I might be able to help out. So, I get you up and running and in return, I get to eat you just a little.” Daine flushed slightly at his poor choice of words. Ah well, he had put his foot in it long before now. “I mean, it doesn’t look like your friend over there is getting you guys a ride anytime soon.”

  It was true. The man on the phone was all but screaming down the line at this point, his volume was enough to make Daine wince as it assaulted his sensitive ears. It would almost be worth it just to get his peace and quiet back.

  “All right,” Daine grinned at the man’s agreement. “But only if I get a taste of my own.”

  His heart thudded wildly in his chest, was this delicious morsel of a man actually offering to take him home? Wow, he had hit the jackpot tonight.

  “Yeah,” he breathed out as he let the man’s scent wash over him again. “I’m up for that.”

  A dark smirk met his words and suddenly Daine wasn’t sure who would be eating who at the end of the night but it didn’t matter. First things first though, he needed to check out the car.

  Coming Soon

  Toru wields the element of ice, a gift from his patron goddess, Yharis. He joined the army illegally to help in the war efforts and would give his life to save the town of Niska from the invading forces.


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