Tempt: A Dark Billionaire Romance (Dark Odyssey Club Fantasies Book 2)

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Tempt: A Dark Billionaire Romance (Dark Odyssey Club Fantasies Book 2) Page 3

by Faith Summers

  “I needed a break.”

  “Then you’ve come to the right place.” He smiles.

  Peter would have a heart attack if he saw me here. At least I’m not taking part in the wild sex that’s going on around us. He knows I have a dark, dirty side to me but he’s never asked me about anything I get up to when I’m not with him.

  “I have haven’t I? It’s the kind of place you come to, to forget.”

  “Depends on what you’re trying to forget,” Salvatore says arching a brow. He lights up his cigar and takes a draw. “Is it Marie?”

  That’s the obvious. Marie left me eight months ago and I guess I could still use the excuse of not being myself because of that.

  What if I confessed though that I wasn’t that sad when she broke it off with me?

  “No, it’s not her.”

  “Who? And Jesus Dante, we’re talking like we’re teenaged boys not men in our forties. You don’t need to come to a club to forget a woman. You pick one and make her yours.”

  That’s what he’s like. Him and his sex crazed brothers are all the same. They took hot bloodied Italian to the next level of the meaning.

  “This situation is complicated.” And now I have Rachel’s words stuck in my damn mind. Her warning of not being there one day stuck with me .

  It grated me. I realized I didn’t know if I was okay with that and I didn’t know if I was okay with being under Peter’s thumb and watchful eye.

  That’s another thing that led me here tonight. My visit is a mixture of business and pleasure.

  “How is it complicated?”

  “It just is. You know those women who are off limits, but you want them bad?”

  “Yeah, I know that kind all too well,” he chuckles. “Who are we talking about?”

  “Peters’ daughter.” I say with caution and Salvatore quirks a brow. He knows Peter and he’s also seen Rachel several times.

  He knows me well enough to know when I’m into a woman so he must have guessed that I like her, but he’s never asked me about it.

  “God, Dante… fucking hell. She’s not a kid anymore.”

  “I know.”

  “So what’s the problem?”

  “Peter. He told me to stay away from her.”

  “Did she tell you to stay away?” he throws back.

  if this was another friend the conversation would have ended with Peter’s warning. Not Salvatore though.

  “She didn’t. But, come on Salvatore. I can’t go there and it’s making me crazy. That’s why I’m here, well one reason.”

  The other reason is a job offer he gave me. A year ago Salvatore asked me to come on board to do the marketing for the club and the Odyssey hotels. He and his brothers own a chain of hotels in the Caribbean that are basically like extensions of the club. They offer adult packages and have a club on site. It’s like sex in paradise. Same as here.

  “Dante, if you work for me I need you wholeheartedly. I offered you a million dollars as a retainer fee last time and you turned it down to continue working for Peter. I got to say I was a little offended, and jealous.” Salvatore smirks.

  “I’m sorry. At the time he needed me more and I just thought I’d help him.”

  That’s what I did all of last year. I dealt with his clientele outside of Chicago and secured new business deals that brought the man in a fortune.

  Rachel wouldn’t know this but Peters business was going down under. He was losing big time and there was talk of merging with a company who would have taken more than their fair share of takings. He would have lost his dream.

  I fixed it and then I came back and decided to work side by side with my old pal like the good old days.

  That was my first mistake.

  “You wear your heart on your sleeve Dante…”

  That was my next mistake, and possibly one I’ve been doing for longer than I realize. I wore my damn heart on my sleeve, and had too many instances where I grew closer to Rachel than I should have. A dinner here and there. A meet up here and there. talking, hugging her, just the slightest touch and that was it. It screwed me over big time.

  “I do. So what you’re saying is the job might still be open?” I ask. I need to keep my options open. That’s what I’m doing here.

  Salvatore smirks. “You’re my friend Dante. The job never closed. You always have work with me.”

  I smile at that, appreciating him more. “Thanks man.”

  “Your welcome, but is there that much trouble in paradise? I don’t want to step on Peter’s toes.”

  “I think that it may be time to uproot and do something different.” Especially since I’m also starting to suspect that Peter is trying to push Allen Rachel’s way because of me.

  If he’s doing shit like that on top of warning me away it means something’s changed in our friendship.

  That’s my fault. I didn’t do myself any favors when he confronted me about my feelings for Rachel and I couldn’t deny them. Lying felt like the wrong thing to do. Not the fact of lying to him because he’s my friend. What felt wrong was lying to deny my feelings. It felt like lying to her.

  “How about this? Why don’t you think about it for a while. I’ll need an answer from you in eight weeks if you decide to start. If not it’s cool… I’ll still need you whenever you decide to come on board.” Salvatore chuckles.

  I smile. “What’s this for, sounds like you have something planned in eight weeks.”

  “I do. Look over there.” He motions his head through the arch shaped glass windows of his lounge.

  From here I have a great view of the people on the dance floor. But that’s not what I see first when I look ahead. What I see is the naked couple inside the exhibition box fucking like animals.

  The guy has the woman pressed up against the glass as he pounds into her from behind.

  My friend here is the tech of this place and the guy who comes up with all the ideas for attractions like the box I’m looking at.

  I turn my attention back to him and he smiles.

  “In Chicago, I want more exposure on the attractions like that. I need a new campaign; fresh and punchy to sell what we already have. Then I’ll need you in the Caribbean using those skills of yours to bring in the same success we have here.”

  “That sounds like the whole empire.” It also sounds like something that can change my life. I come from wealth and I have wealth, what he’s talking about though is billions.

  “The whole fucking empire, Dante. You manage it and the original retainer stands, plus I’ll triple whatever Peter’s giving you.”

  Fucking hell… I’d be some kind of an idiot to turn that down.

  Salvatore gives me a pensive stare. It’s all temptation staring me in the face. He’s throwing money at me because he knows I’m that good. He already makes billions. This guy knows I can make him even more than that.

  It’s just my best friend that takes me for granted. I’m the fool who plays the game.

  “Thank you. I guess I’ll see you more often then, since I am considering it.” I’d be a fool not to.

  “Let’s grab a drink then,” he says getting up.

  We put out our cigars and head to the bar across from us.

  He orders whiskey and I’m just about to get a scotch when something catches my eye.

  Not something.



  Jesus Christ. What is she doing here?

  She’s across from me on the floor below us. The floor that has all the people having group sex.

  She’s talking it up with a guy in a booth and she’s not wearing a mask. That means she’s planning on spending the night with him tonight. That’s what you do here and what taking off your mask signifies.

  I scan over her body. It’s bad enough when I see her on the regular in normal clothes. the woman in lingerie is something else. something else I’ve never seen, but only dreamt about.

  A little like now. we’re probably thirty feet away from e
ach other, but even from here she looks like temptation.

  She’s got her hair down so it hangs about her shoulders and she’s wearing a black baby doll slip that hugs her frame, accentuating her cleavage and her curves.

  The woman looks like a goddess and the guy she’s talking to is lapping it up , eating out of the palms of her hands.

  “Well hell,” Salvatore says when he follows my gaze. “Is that little Rachel?”


  “Fuck, well. If you want to play dodge Peter it’s your loss man and that guy’s gain. You know they won’t just be talking like that all night right?”

  “Salvatore,” I frown.

  “Like fuck Dante. Come on this is The Dark Odyssey. Peter’s not here.” he says with a wicked chuckle. “My club is made for exploration of whatever fantasy you want. It’s a place where all kinds of wild happens. You should try out wild sometimes. You might like it. Forbidden fruit is the sweetest of all. You should taste it… at least.”

  He’s like the fucking devil whispering in my ear and his enticement to lead me into temptation is working the longer I watch her. My fucking cock is hardening up and I find myself thinking of all the ways I’d like to take her.

  Shit… I’m going to get myself in more trouble.

  The fact she’s even here means she’s looking for sex.

  She’s looking for sex with some random stranger.

  Can I let her do that?

  Chapter Five


  His name is Brad. I met him on the dance floor and we came up here.

  This guy is gorgeous but I know he just wants me to have sex with him, now.

  “Have you seen the sex dungeon?” he asks.

  “I have…” I answer and feign a coy smile.

  His eyes sparkle with curiosity and he looks me over.

  It was that look that got me talking to him earlier. Then again I think I would have ticked that box for anyone who looked at me the way he did.

  It’s like a wild mating call.

  One look is all that’s needed here and you get your hook up for the night.

  It’s all the better when the hook up is a six foot blond Greek god with silver eyes and a face that could give a few male models a run for their money.

  Not so good when he just wants to get to the sex straight away.

  “What did you do inside there?” he asks taking a lock of my hair and allowing it to curl about his finger. He leans in closer and I rest against the wall.

  “Stuff,” I answer and he smiles.

  “Like that?”

  He points across from us at the threesome in the booth. There’s a woman riding a guys cock while another pounds into her ass.

  Watching people have sex has always been a big turn on for me. It’s just how they look. It’s different here because you’re free to do whatever you want.

  “No, I don’t like to be shared,” I answer and he tilts his head to the side.

  “So me and my friends can’t share you? I promise we’d go gentle.” He’s being serious.

  If I’d known he wanted to share me I wouldn’t have taken off my mask.

  I glance over at his two friends at the bar who are just as hot as he is.

  I’m here to forget Dante. I’m sure the three of them taking me would be a massive step in that direction. I don’t know about going that wild though. Three guys… fuck, am I really that desperate?

  “I’m sorry, no,” I say and it feels like the right answer.

  “What about just me?”

  “No,” comes a firm voice I’d recognize anywhere, just not here. I would never imagine that voice here at the club.

  But there he is. He’s paces away from us and he’s staring Brad down.

  “Who are you?” Brad asks, while I turn every shade of red.

  “You don’t want to know who I am,” Dante answers surprising me. The tense , hard manner he answers makes Brad back down. People don’t come here to fight and I doubt he wants to get into a fight with Dante.

  Brad told me he’s a fitness instructor and he’s got muscle for sure, but not a body that rivals Dante’s.

  “Come,” Dante says stretching his hand out to me to take.

  Just perfect, he’s here treating me like a child. I glower at him with his outstretched hand. I’m such an idiot. I could have at least waited until I was away from the open to take my mask off. I doubt he would have recognized me with it on.

  But… what is he doing here anyway?

  My heart sinks as the answer comes to me in an instant. He’s here for the same thing as me. Sex.

  “Princesa,” he says with more insistence. There’s a tick in his jaw that worsens the longer I stare back at him.

  Rolling my eyes, I accept defeat and take his hand, allowing him to lead me away. We go through the back passage and I’m glad he waits until we’re out of ear shot before he starts bitching at me. We stop just before the doors to the fantasy rooms and he gives me a hard stare.

  “What are you doing here, Rachel?” he asks.

  I look at him and shake my head. This isn’t happening and because it’s not I walk away from him.

  “Rachel,” he calls after me but I keep going, heels clicking against the marble flooring.

  He catches up to me and tugs on my arm.

  “Fuck, stop, why are you walking away from me?”

  “The question is why am I not? Let go of me.”

  “No. Rachel you’re in a sex club.”

  Now this is a perfect example of the fucking pot calling the kettle black.

  “Are you somewhere else that’s not here? Because from where I’m standing you’re here too.”

  “I’m not here for sex,” he answers and I laugh.

  It’s not laughter of humor though, it’s a crude one. “I’m supposed to believe that? The thing is, so what if you are here for sex? I don’t care. At least I won’t lie to you… I am here for sex. Do you know why? It’s what adults do. Legally I’ve been an adult for nearly nine years. There’s no way you think you can march me out of this club. So goodbye.”

  He answers by tightening his grip on me. I try to pull against his grasp, he doesn’t let go.

  “Rachel, don’t.”

  “Why? Why shouldn’t I go be with someone who wants me? You don’t.” God, it must be my rage or the spell of stupid that’s come to get me since he came back on the market.

  That wasn’t how I imagined telling him how I felt.

  He stares back at me with wide eyes and his full lips parted. “Rachel—”

  “No, don’t say anything. Just don’t. Pretend I never said anything. Pretend I—”

  He cuts off my next words by reaching for me and crushing his lips to mine. It

  happens so quickly the shock prevents me from realizing he’s giving me the kiss I’ve always dreamed of.

  I dreamed of the kiss and this moment forever, but the way he feels and the way he tastes is so much more than the dream or anything I could ever imagine.

  The real life Dante tastes like passion and sex. Like hot sinful desire and temptation rolled into one.

  I run my fingers over the hard walls of his chest and my pussy aches with the need I’ve always felt for this man to be inside me.

  The dream fades though when he slows his kisses and presses his forehead to mine. The spell breaks and my heart starts beating wildly.

  Dante just kissed me.

  So that means I was right. He must feel something for me if he kissed me.

  “I want you,” he whispers. “I have always wanted you.”

  “I want you too,” I answer returning to his lips.

  “We shouldn’t do this Princesa,” he groans but I think he must be trying to convince himself. Not me.

  I’m not listening. I pull him back into the hunger of the kiss and he moves with me until he has me pressed up against the wall where hot and hungry kisses consume us. Every kiss makes me want him even more.

  Where we are is still
public. People are passing by. I’m aware of that and I’m aware of the press of his cock into my abdomen.

  I grind against him and he pulls away again. this time taking my hand. he leads me through the doors to the fantasy room, we don’t go down the path though that would take us to an assortment of themed rooms. He takes me down an alley way and we stop in a crevice. It’s dark, too dark, but he switches on a little light over my head that shines down on me. It’s a dim amber glow like the kind you’d use for a night light, but a little brighter. Bright enough for us to see each other’s faces.

  His is worried.

  “Dante… please don’t stop touching me,” I say. It sounds like a plea.

  I lean against the wall and he plants his hands either side of me. “I don’t want to.”

  “Then don’t.”

  “Rachel, if I touch you one more time everything will change between us forever.”

  “Do you want things to stay the same? You avoiding me and me not knowing what I’m supposed to do. you didn’t even want to get coffee with me.”

  He hangs his head down.

  “Rachel, I avoided you because of how I feel about you. You’re off limits to me. I’m your father’s best friend. I’m twenty years older than you.”

  “I don’t care. I’ve never cared.” I reach up and touch his handsome face.


  “No…” I gaze up at him and cast aside the nerves that usually take me when I’m around him. I’m getting the chance I’ve always wanted with him. Now isn’t the time for nerves. It’s time to take what I want and be with him the way I want. “I used to imagine what it would be like to be with you.”

  “What… did you imagine?” His voice dips low.

  “You’d start with a kiss… but then the way you’d touch me would send me over the edge.”

  His gaze drops to my breasts and he reaches out to fill his palms with them. His large, strong hands touching me in such an intimate way sets my body on fire.

  “Was it like this?” he asks keeping his gaze trained on me.

  “Yes,” I answer on the edge of a moan.

  “After that pool party for your eighteenth birthday I imagined going into your room and touching you like this. You’d allow me to feel you up and suck your tits.”


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