How to Kiss a Debutante: Marsden Descendants Book Four

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How to Kiss a Debutante: Marsden Descendants Book Four Page 4

by Dawn Brower

  “I’m here to discuss the details for tonight. Though I think Will would much rather skip it altogether. Alex and Drew won’t let him stay home.” Rafe was speaking to Julian. He hadn’t turned his head to meet her gaping stare. She had to get herself together before she made a fool of herself.

  “The twins tend to have ideas no one else would ever have.” Julian shook his head. “But I’ll go. Someone has to help keep those two in line. William will let them do too much to keep them happy. He’s always been a bit of a peace keeper.”

  “I think it sounds like good fun,” Christian piped in.

  Aletha stayed silent. She wanted to crawl into the wall and make herself as invisible as possible. If her brother realized she had an interest in Rafe he’d find a way to use it against her. She would not be a pawn in anyone’s game, but especially not for Christian.

  Rafe slowly turned to meet Christian’s gaze. “I don’t believe we’ve met.” He nodded toward her brother. “I’m Rafael, Conte Leone.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” her brother said. “Christian Dewitt.” She waited for him to introduce her, but he didn’t. Her brother had already forgotten she was in the room. She should be grateful but she was more irritated than anything. Her brother was such an arse.

  Wait… Did he say Conte Leone? Aletha nearly groaned as she realized what that meant. Somehow she managed to stay silent though. She would not want to bring any unwanted attention to herself. Rafe was a lord. An Italian one, but still a freaking lord! Not that she believed anything would come from their encounter on the train, but if it were to…her family would be ecstatic for that connection. They might even think it better than an English lord. They could make it work for them either way. Her stomach soured a little bit at that thought. She had to find a way to distance herself from her family and their aspirations for her.

  “I presume you’re here for the wedding?” Rafe said.

  “My family crossed over for the event. We met William and Brianne a while back.”

  “Yes,” Julian agreed. “At the Hamptons. The Dewitts own a summer home there and so do the Marsdens. I had the pleasure of attending some interesting events while I stayed in America years ago.”

  That had been when her family had pushed her to try to snare Julian as a husband. Thankfully, that hadn’t happened… Aletha was far too bitter and she hated that. Julian turned toward her and smiled. “I’m sorry,” he began. “I wasn’t aware you were in here. Are we disturbing you?”

  Drat. He had to notice her. “I probably should return to my chambers until dinner. I’m quite fatigued.”

  Rafe turned his head and met her gaze. A slow smile formed on his face and she lost all ability to breathe. Why did he have to be so handsome? Aletha couldn’t think or move. She just continued to stare at him like a ninny. She had to gain control of herself before she did something foolish. Well, more foolish than staring at him like a besotted idiot.

  “And who are you?” Rafe asked as if they’d never met. Technically, they hadn’t been properly introduced. So, she couldn’t blame him for the subterfuge. Neither one of them should be that familiar with each other, and since they had only shared first names this was an easy way to correct that.

  “This is my sister, Aletha,” Christian begrudgingly made the introduction. “But as she said she was just leaving.”

  If she didn’t hate her brother before she did now. Why was he so ready to push her out of the room? Hadn’t he wanted her to meet eligible men and marry? Why was Rafe not good enough? Aletha ignored him and smiled at Rafe. “I really must go. Christian is right there. I would hate to interrupt this male bonding experience you’re about to embark upon.”

  “A lovely lady such as yourself could never interrupt anything so sacred.” He held his hand against his heart. “I’d much rather spend time in the company of a female such as yourself but alas it isn’t going to happen tonight.”

  “You wouldn’t miss much,” Christian grumbled. “She’s probably going to bury her head in a book anyway. No fun at all.”

  Rafe, bless him, glared at Christian and if it wasn’t rude he’d probably have pummeled him. If she hadn’t liked Rafe before she sure did now. “Do you not favor intelligence in those around you?” There was derisiveness in his voice that was unmistakable. His tone bordered on acerbic and had a hard edge to it.

  “Doesn’t mean much to me in a female,” Christian admitted.

  The muscles in Rafe’s jaw twitched and he clenched his fist. Well… This would not end well. Christian needed to stop speaking. “Don’t you have plans to discuss for tonight?” Aletha reminded them. “If you’ll pardon me I’ll leave you to them.” She met Rafe’s gaze and did her best to plead with him. “Do enjoy yourselves gentlemen.” With those words she brushed past Rafe and rushed out of the room. If Rafe was going to be at the wedding she would see him again. Suddenly, everything seemed far more joyous than it had earlier. It was downright glorious and the sunshine finally felt as if it belonged…

  Chapter 6

  This couldn’t be happening… Rafe scrubbed his hand over his face trying to wipe the sight before him from his vision. He couldn’t believe that Drew and Alex were… God. He couldn’t even think it. They really had no shame and would try anything.

  “They’re wild,” Christian Dewitt said.

  Rafe glared at him. He didn’t like Christian Dewitt and he would have happily punched him earlier, but he hated causing a scene. He could bite his tongue as long as he wasn’t doing any real harm. Rafe couldn’t imagine treating his own sisters so carelessly. It was his job to protect them and make sure no one hurt them. As he had no claim on Aletha he couldn’t really say much about how her brother spoke to her. He’d like to have a claim on her and he considered working toward having one, but the time wasn’t right. He had to be there for William and his upcoming wedding. “They have their moments,” he conceded.

  “Do they always do things like this?” Christian asked.

  “Not quite like this…” William said as he came to stand beside them. “This is something entirely new and well, unexpected.”

  They were going to make his eyes bleed from watching them. “What made them think this was a good idea?” He turned to William and raised a brow. “They can’t very well um display their creations. At least not anywhere polite society would see them.”

  William cleared his throat. “They meant for me to be the subject of this particular piece of art.” He shoved his hands into his pockets. “They uh, thought Victoria would appreciate it.”

  “So how did they become the artists subject?” He held up his hand and gestured toward them. “Not that I blame you. I don’t know if I’d ever be able to pose nude as boldly as they are. The artist is quite uh…skilled in capturing their likeness.”

  “It’s not their lack of clothing that bothers me,” William blurted out. “It’s how comfortable they are being nude with each other.” He shook his head slowly. “How often do they get…” he waved his hand at them. “In flagrante delicto with each other?” He tilted his head to the side. “Though now that I think of it there usually is a woman involved with their more scandalous acts…”

  “Wild…” Christian repeated.

  Rafe leaned over and whispered toward William. “I think we broke the new guy.”

  William chuckled. “If he plans on spending any time with Drew or Alex he has to be made of sterner stuff.”

  “True,” Rafe agreed. Alex and Drew had been doing wicked deeds for years. Sometimes Rafe thought they’d been born scandalous and that was how it became their normal. William and Rafe had been dragged into many of their schemes as they were growing up. They became more and more scandalous as the years went by. There was one thing they could always count on where the twins were concerned. They would have fun and would always end up in some sort of trouble. Though they never regretted any of it. “We might have to carry him inside when we get back to Weston House.”

  “Julian should be here. I’m go
ing to have a few words with him for bailing on us last minute.” William sighed. “I can’t really blame him though. Brianne is expecting. Since he wasn’t around for Vivian’s birth he’s a little freaked about the new baby.”

  Rafe smiled. “He’ll figure it out. I’m sure all new fathers are a mess. In some ways he is one of those ranks even though he already has Vivian. Brianne must be going crazy.”

  “She is…” William paused. “Oh lord…”

  Rafe turned his gaze in the direction William had been looking. Alex stood in all his male glory and stretched. Everything was in view for those interested in looking. Rafe was not one of those interested but the image was burned on his brain. Drew stood beside his twin and laughed. They were both covered in the clay the artist had been using to make a sculpture of them both. What were they going to do with that monstrosity? Their mother would murder them if they brought it home. “Someone go tell them to get dressed so we can leave.” He turned his attention to William. “You never did say… How did you get out of being the nude model?”

  “I blatantly refused. They should have known better.” He shrugged. “I don’t think they really expected me to do it. They were dropping their drawers before I got the word no out of my mouth. Honestly, I think they used my wedding as an excuse to do this statue. Not that they needed a reason to do something scandalous, but it is the twins. You know how they are.”

  Rafe did. He sighed and gestured toward Christian. “How much do you think he had to drink?”

  “Far more than any of us. He was having some fun with one of the waitresses at the one club we were at. I had to do something to distract him when he took things a little too far. He’s one of those entitled arse’s who thinks he has to right to touch any female he chooses and they should be grateful for the attention.”

  “I got that impression as well.” He clenched his jaw. “Why don’t you go wrangle the twins and I’ll deal with his majesty the arse hole.”

  “I don’t envy you that task. At least the twins are likeable.”

  “Too likeable,” Rafe replied and then chuckled. “That’s what gets them into so much trouble.”

  “What do you think?” Drew yelled and waved his hand over the sculpture. “Does it look like me?”

  William rolled his eyes. “Perfect likeness.” Then he walked over to him. “Perhaps you can quit blinding us with your nudity and put some bloody clothes on.”

  “He’s just jealous he’s not as gorgeous as we are,” Alex said. He brushed his hand over his chest. “No one can be as perfect as we are.”

  “Or as narcissistic…” William said and threw Alex his shirt. “Get dressed your perfectness so we can go home.”

  It didn’t take them too long to gather the twins and the drunk Christian. Rafe was actually glad that Christian was so inebriated. He was more likeable as a drunken sod, and that wasn’t saying much. Rafe was looking forward to putting his head on his pillow and sleeping for several hours. When he woke he fully planned on finding Aletha and having another conversation with her. He was smitten and he had no trouble admitting that fact.


  Aletha sat in the library at Weston House. It was one of her favorite rooms and she loved spending her time there. No one usually came looking for her there. Not many of the residents entered the room either. She didn’t think it was for lack of the ability to read or the love of all things books. They were just busy preparing for the upcoming holidays and the wedding. It was rather nice to witness a family so in tune with each other and they actually seemed to enjoy being around each other. She wished she could make the same claim for herself. She wanted to escape her family most days.

  She lifted her teacup and sipped. Then flipped the page on the book she’d chosen to read. This was a great day. It was peaceful and she found a great story to expand her imagination with.

  “Pardon the intrusion Miss Dewitt,” the butler said as he entered the room. “A telegram has arrived for you.”

  She closed the book making sure to keep her page marked with her bookmark. “Thank you. Can you please bring it to me?”

  “Of course,” the butler said and walked over to her. He handed her the telegram. “Will you require anything else?”

  “No, thank you,” Aletha said.

  “Very well,” the butler said. He bowed and then exited the library leaving Aletha alone to read her telegram.

  She tore it open and scanned the message. She nibbled on her bottom lip and considered what her grandfather had sent her. He didn’t like any of the properties she’d scouted. Of course he hadn’t… Why would he support her on anything? He did, however, love her idea for the wedding dinner and approved it. Those items would be arriving on the next ship in time for the wedding and Christmas ball. At least he hadn’t done something to stop that. She looked forward to unveiling that project at the ball.

  “Oh there you are,” a female said as she entered the room.

  Aletha glanced up from the telegram and frowned. She knew her but she was having trouble placing her name. She had pale blonde hair and eyes so gray they almost sparkled like silver. That was when it clicked who she was. Rafe’s sister… But which one? Gabrielle. “Were you looking for me for something?” Aletha scrunched her eyebrows downward.

  “Not me,” she said. “Well not exactly. Brianne wanted you to join us in the salon for some games. That is if you wish to.” She wasn’t shy or demure… Gabrielle was sweet and oh, so polite. How could Aletha refuse?

  “That sounds lovely,” she told her. “I’d be happy to join you.” She couldn’t possibly read any more after that telegram. She set the book on a nearby table to retrieve later. She glanced at it and thought perhaps she should just take it along with her. She could tuck the telegram inside so no one else saw it. Aletha picked it back up and put the telegram on the page she’d left off. She stood and followed Gabrielle out of the room.

  They walked in silence to the salon. All the ladies occupied the room along with several of the gentlemen invited for the holidays. Aletha had met them all and liked all of them. Honestly, it was her own family she disliked. She’d gladly stay in London if she got to socialize with the Marsden family and their close acquaintances.

  “Hello sister dear,” Christian said. He looked a little green. The celebration must have been a little more than he was used to. She almost asked him how much he’d had to drink but decided not to antagonize him.

  “Hello brother,” she said. Aletha started to walk away, but he reached out and grasped her arm. His fingers wound around her wrist and dug in.

  “Where are you going? I wasn’t done talking to you.”

  “Let me go,” she demanded with a hiss. “You don’t want to cause a scene.”

  “Is something amiss?” Gabrielle asked in that sugary sweet voice of hers. It came out so soft and pleasant it almost made Aletha’s teethe ache. She’d forgotten that the other woman was walking with her she’d been so quiet.

  “Mind your business,” Christian said. “This is no concern of yours.”

  Gabrielle lifted a brow. “You’re hurting her. Surely you don’t mean to leave a mark on you own sister. My brother…”

  “Is clearly not a real man if he hasn’t taught you your place,” Christian interrupted her.

  The gasp that Gabrielle admitted was so loud Aletha would have sworn the entire room had heard it. Most of them continued their conversations and she was grateful for it. “Christian perhaps you should go for a lie down. You look tired.”

  “Don’t start, Aletha. I don’t need you to tell me what to do.”

  “Perhaps you do,” Gabrielle said. “You’re a bloody wanker.”

  “What did you say?” Christian let go of Aletha’s arm and stalked forward and glared down at Gabrielle.

  “You heard me,” she told him.

  “Why you bitch,” Christian seethed as he spat out the words. “Someone should teach you how a woman should act.”

  Gabrielle reacted before Christian had a
chance to. She lifted her hand and balled her hand into a tight fist, then punched Christian in the nose. The crack of his nose breaking did echo through the room and caught everyone’s attention. Blood spurted from his nose and he covered it with his hand. If looks could kill, Gabrielle would have expired on the spot. It was probably a good thing Christian wasn’t at his best or he might have done something he’d come to regret.

  To prevent such an act Aletha wound her arm through Gabrielle’s and led her far away from Christian. Aletha was a little jealous. She’d wanted to punch her brother for years now but hadn’t dared. If she didn’t like Gabrielle before this she adored her now…

  Chapter 7

  The excitement from Gabrielle clocking Christian hadn’t died down two days after the event. The ladies loved that she had taken matters in her own hands, literally, and put him in his place. Aletha appreciated it herself but kept her thoughts to herself.

  The ladies were all gathered in the salon for afternoon tea. There were no plans for games. It was the Brianne’s day to be ‘at home’ to callers. Not that they expected anyone considering how close it was to Christmas, but they still observed the weekly appointment.

  “I still cannot believe you actually punched him,” Angeline St. John, the Marchioness of Severn said and smiled. Her dark curls were pinned in an elegant chignon and her periwinkle gown brought out the blue in her eyes. “It had to be immensely satisfying. You know…the sound of his nose crunching underneath your fist.”

  It was a little disturbing how dreamy Angeline looked as she apparently envisioned punching Christian. Aletha’s brother had not endeared himself to the ladies of the Marsden clan. He had better mind his tongue if he hoped to get invited to another one of their events.

  Gabrielle Leone sighed. “Must we discuss this again?” Her cheeks reddened as she spoke. “It was unfortunate I had to hit him. He was being completely unreasonable.”

  “You did the right thing,” Sofia said as she patted her sister’s hand. She blew out a breath in an attempt to push one of her dark curls out of her eyes. “He is a wanker of the highest order. I would have hit him a little lower.” She winked. “You know if in his man parts.”


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