
Home > Paranormal > McGyver > Page 29
McGyver Page 29

by Candace Blevins

  “Your mother was my wife in public and my property behind closed doors. Reyna knew from the beginning that I intended to keep her a secret until she’s ready to be seen in public. We’re on a timetable, because USCIS will almost certainly require our marriage to be public knowledge before they’ll give her citizenship, but we have a little time, still.”

  “And when she wants children, will you give them to her? What happens if her biological clock starts ticking this fall?”

  Reyna looked down, obviously uncomfortable. “Tell me, Reyna. You’re under orders to be honest.”

  “Unless I tell her she doesn’t have to be, and I’m giving her the option of whether to tell you or not, for this question.”

  Iris looked at the two of them. Reyna had been leaned into her husband or owner or whatever, and she still was, but it was subtly different.

  “Maybe you can go handle a phone call or something,” she told her father. “I think this is a question for just us girls.”

  He nodded, patted Reyna’s leg through the robe, extricated himself, and left.

  “Tell me.” Iris used her dominant voice again.

  “I have to get my citizenship and have a three point five GPA in my college classes before he’ll consider the prospect, ma’am. He insists he’ll have to introduce me to society as his wife, and I’ll have to go out into public and hold my head up and speak to people. I don’t like doing that, but I’ll have to learn, if I’m to have children.”

  Iris had read through the immigration site, but it’d been a lot of information to take in. “It takes two or three years for your citizenship, right?”

  “Yes, ma’am. He’s set things up so I can leave at any time, and I’ll be set for life with a home and a bank account that will easily sustain me for fifty or more years. I wanted to be a slave with no option to leave, and it’s one of my requests he refused to honor.”

  “What else has he refused to honor?”

  “I wanted to never leave the property, ma’am. To be locked in the house with limited access outside while leashed, and to never have to go in public. I’m required to go to the grocery store with my translator once a week. I have to buy the ingredients for the things I cook for him. During the summer, he insists I swim in the sun three times a week. He makes me do my yoga classes outside, though he allows it in the shade. I have to run outside, even in the winter, when it’s cold.” She took a breath. “He’s going to make me start going out without my translator eventually, so I’ll have to speak directly to people I don’t know. He’s going to make me take a yoga class, and not just have the instructor come here for private lessons.”

  Iris approved, and she breathed a little easier. “You can come back now.”

  Her father opened the door and walked back in, and she shook her head. He frequently left business guests in here and then listened to their conversation while they were gone. She’d known he was listening.

  Reyna looked surprised, though, so she hadn’t known. Interesting.

  “I’d like to spend the night, assuming my father can get me home tomorrow evening, since I have plans with Danny tomorrow night, but I want to spend more time getting to know you. I’m told you aren’t used to wearing clothes, and I don’t think that robe is working for you. Tell me, what would make you most comfortable while I’m here?”

  She looked to her husband for an answer, but Iris didn’t think it was her looking for approval, but her asking him what to do because she wasn’t used to making those kinds of decisions.

  Iris addressed her father. “Figure it out, Daddy. How do you want your wife and daughter to interact? A couple of times, I’ve caught myself resorting to the voice I used when I’ve Topped people, and I want to be her friend and not a Top, but…” Fuck. “I want to eat dinner with the two of you, and maybe play cards or go for a walk. How does this work? She’s important to you and I want to get to know her. She’s family.”

  “Show her your wrists and ankles, slave.”

  Reyna pushed her sleeves up to display titanium rings on her wrists, and then moved the robe to show them on her ankles as well. Iris had noted the metal band around her neck when Reyna had first come down. They all appeared solid, with no visible locks. Iris didn’t know if they were eternity collars, or whether her apparently sadistic father had hired a jeweler to make them onto his slave, and she wasn’t inclined to ask.

  Iris looked at her father. “Yeah, she’s your slave. I get it. I assume there may be bruises or whip marks if she takes the robe off. I told you, I’ve played around enough to understand. I’m leaving it up to you to figure out how to let us get to know each other in a way that will be the least uncomfortable for Reyna. I’ll deal with nudity if that’s what will make her the most comfortable.”

  He sighed. “I think perhaps allowing a thong and bra might be the best compromise. Last month, we started weekly maintenance on Tuesday nights, which has cut down on the need for punishments a great deal. Her ass is bruised, but not terribly. I got rough with her tits this morning before work, and they have some older bruising as well as some fresh. She’s also pierced in…” He shook his head. “You don’t need all the details, but the piercings may show through the thong and bra, so don’t be surprised.”

  He called the house manager, who put the blindfold on Reyna when he entered. “Take the slave to her room, put her in a matching thong and bra, and return her to me, please. You’ll have to unlock the closet. I had some undergarments purchased in her size before she arrived, but the boxes have never been opened. I’m certain you’ll find a black set, but any color will be fine, if the black isn’t easy to locate.”

  The house manager casually ordered, “Hands, slave.”

  Reyna clasped her hands behind her back, and he pulled a thin leash from his pocket and attached it to both wrist cuffs, forcing her arms to remain at her back. He released the belt of the robe, which bared her front to him but not to Iris, and he ordered, “Forward, slave.”

  She began walking, and the house manager followed without letting the leash grow taut. Iris understood releasing the robe allowed her to walk without tripping over it, since she wouldn’t have her hands to hold it up.

  He heard the man order the slave to turn right a few seconds later.

  “Everyone in the house carries a leash around?”

  “All my top people, yes. She’s always moved around blindfolded, and has only seen her turret, my office, the kitchen and dining room, my bedroom, both swimming pools, and a few other rooms as needed. Certainly not the entire house. She’d be overwhelmed.” He brushed his hand through his hair. “Sometimes I walk her with voice commands, other times I hold her arm and expect her to follow my lead without verbal cues.” He sat on the sofa again. “I don’t like your boyfriend and his club knowing about her.”

  “Don’t fuck with them and they won’t fuck with you, Daddy.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Do you need to talk to him yourself?”

  “Yes, but not over the phone. I’ll fly back with you tomorrow.”

  “And Reyna?”

  “Stays home. Leaving terrifies her. I insist, because she needs to work through it, but a plane ride to your home isn’t in the cards for her yet. We’ll have to work up to it.”

  Iris called Ranger and told him they could head back to Chattanooga and her father would fly her home the next day. She thanked them again, for taking such good care of her.

  She met her father’s gaze. “The MC knows Knox is about to bring someone into the country to marry, too. Is she a sex slave?”

  “Same broker, slightly different situation. Knox has been allowed the use of Reyna, and the situation works for him. He wants a wife who can be his in public, so the optics are being manufactured so as not to appear…” He sighed. “It’ll look like he met her on vacation, they continued talking once he was home, and he went back, spent a month with her, and then flew her home with him.”

  “Total power exchange, or merely submissive?” />
  “He’s the ultimate at micromanaging. Total is an understatement.”

  “You’ll keep a close eye? I worry his Asperger’s will interfere with his ability to understand when she isn’t happy.”

  “My primary house manager is also a slave trainer. I’m responsible for all training, but there’s always someone close by to manage her and keep track of her, even when I’m not. I have several, because they work in shifts. One of them will go to work for Knox once Tala joins him, and will report to me any issues I need to address with Knox. He’s fully aware of this, and understands.” He smiled. “He actually wasn’t sure he should be responsible for someone until we worked it out so he’ll have some oversight. He’ll be unbelievably strict, but also careful with her. He’s going to be fine.”

  “Can the managers punish Reyna?”

  “They make a note of any punishable actions, and I handle discipline in the evening. They can restrain her or put her in a cage, if she’s acting out.” He chuckled. “She misbehaved on grocery day once, so she’d be restrained for the day and wouldn’t have to go out. She had to go out three times that week as a result. Scavenger hunts, so she had to go to multiple places to acquire the items, with dire consequences spelled out if she failed. She quickly learned not to try to manipulate me.”

  “You do love her. Why did you tell me you don’t?”

  “I loved your mother, Iris. I don’t feel the same for Reyna. It’s different. I didn’t lie.”

  “A different kind of love is fine. I can see your love for her. I can hear it in your voice.”

  “Perhaps. If so, I haven’t admitted it to myself yet. As of now, I cherish her and adore her. It’s enough.”

  “What did you say in your wedding vows?”

  He chuckled. “I promised to cherish her and take care of her. She promised to love and obey me. Our ceremony was presided over by a local judge with a submissive wife.”

  “It was wrong for you to keep this from me.”

  “I couldn’t tell you, Princess. Without knowing you were familiar with the lifestyle, there was no way. Reyna’s lived with her mother all her life. She worked as a seamstress for a department store, altering dresses and pants and such. She and her mother lived in an apartment on the same street as the store. She was either at home, walking the half-block between home and work, or in a windowless, dark room in the back of the store for the past seven or eight years. Her mother did all the grocery shopping, and Reyna bought her clothes and shoes at a discount from the store. She’s the perfect woman for me, but there was no way to explain her without explaining our relationship, and… I couldn’t. Even if I’d known you’d been to the clubs, I’m still not sure I’d have been able to.”

  “Surely she dated?”

  “Men she met at the store asked her out. She only saw them long enough to fit their suits. She’s beautiful, so of course they asked her out, but she never went. One was apparently a Dom, and he basically ordered her to go out with him, and she couldn’t say no. They dated a few months, and he taught her the joys of submission. He broke up with her and broke her heart, but it showed her what she wanted. She made some online friends while she was with him. One of them talked her into putting a profile up on a site for…” He shrugged. “Filipino women looking for a power exchange relationship with men in the U.S.”

  “And you were on that site?”

  “No. I went through a broker. He found and vetted ten women he thought would interest me, and he made arrangements for me to meet them when I visited. Reyna was perfect for me. I didn’t even meet the last four.”

  Iris heard the house manager’s footsteps and directional orders, and looked to the door. He walked Reyna in, removed the blindfold and leash, and closed the door as he left. Reyna remained just inside the doorway with her hands behind her back, even though they’d been released. She seemed to be looking at her husband’s feet.

  “Permission to enter. At ease. You may sit beside me again.”

  Iris wanted to know where the tiny woman would normally sit, but decided not to ask. It was morbid curiosity at this point, and not really any of her business. She could see for herself that Reyna chose this life, and she understood why, a little. From this point forward, it was about getting to know his father’s wife, and not about poking into their sex lives.

  Also, she could now see that, while Reyna was indeed quite slim, she had curves in all the right places.

  Iris needed to get the conversation away from sex, though.

  “Daddy tells me you worked as a seamstress, and that you’ve asked for art supplies. I’d love to see some of your art, if you feel comfortable sharing it. What medium do you prefer?”

  “Ink mostly, ma’am. Also pencil and charcoal. I’m learning to use color, and right now I prefer markers. There are these expensive markers I’d never hoped to afford, and your father purchased every set they make for me. I’m also learning to use watercolors.” She looked at him, and he nodded, so she kept talking. “He’s allowed me a social media account so I can share my work and interact with other artists. Nothing personal, ever, but it’s been nice to compliment their work and have them compliment mine. We share how we got certain effects, and talk about different brands of paints and pens and markers.”

  “I’d rather you didn’t follow her.”

  Iris must’ve looked upset, because her father explained, “She has anonymity online. There are people out there who follow everyone you follow. Also, everyone tries to figure out why you’ve followed someone, since you generally only follow people you know.”

  “But I want to see what she posts.”

  “I’ll have her email you the things she posts. Will that work?”

  Iris smiled and asked Reyna, “You have access to email?”

  Reyna shrugged. “Another of those things I didn’t want, but my May-ari insisted upon, ma’am. I email my mom and talk to her on video chat, and I use it for communication with my yoga teacher, and English teacher.”

  Iris turned to her father. “Since I doubt she calls her English teacher ma’am or sir, this means there are people in her life she’s used to speaking with freely. I’d like you to consider allowing her to treat me as a friend, so she isn’t required to use a form of respect when we talk.”

  Reyna shook her head, and Iris leaned forward. “Why not, Reyna? I want to hear from you on this, not just my father.”

  “I don’t have to use a term of respect when I’m in that room, ma’am. Just that room. I’m property everywhere else. It would be hard not to…” She shrugged. “Please, ma’am. Let me show you respect.”

  Iris looked at her father. “I withdraw my request.”

  He smiled. “Thank you for asking me and not her. She should’ve let me explain, but I think she understood you needed to hear it from her, so there won’t be consequences for answering a question clearly aimed at me.” He rubbed Reyna’s arm and told Iris. “We’ll revisit the ways she shows respect in the fall. Before our final interviews for her citizenship, we’ll need to look like a normal married couple. Her agoraphobia is noted in her immigration paperwork, and she’s under the care of a kink-friendly psychologist who’ll report she’s happy living with me, and that she’s making strides towards being more comfortable away from home. I flew her to the U.S. on my private jet. I’m not sure she’d survive airport security. Just coming through customs was a nightmare for her.”

  “I can help with the publicity, when the time comes. A casual mention about going on a shopping spree with her or something — a shop that opens before or after business hours, just for us. We can make it work. The positive message of your daughter and wife getting along can’t hurt, either.” Iris turned to Reyna. “You and I are going to talk at least once a week. I’m going to tell you about what’s going on with me, and you’ll show me your artwork and tell me about what you’ve cooked, or maybe that you reached a goal. I assume that since he’s making you run, you have either time or distance goals to meet.”

p; She nodded. “I enjoy my yoga classes, but I hate to run.”


  Iris’s heart skipped a beat at her father’s harsh tone of voice.

  “I know you don’t want to hear about it, Master, but you told me to be honest with Iris.”

  Tiny little Reyna didn’t back down to her Master. She was demure and respectful, but she spoke up for herself and wasn’t cowed.

  Iris smiled at both of them. “She has a point, Daddy. I’d like to go for a swim. I’d love it if Reyna could swim with me while you go do…. something. I trust you both have figured out I’m not going not be a raving, jealous bitch, right?” Iris stood. “Don’t answer me now. I know you get the final say, but I have a feeling you want to talk to Reyna and get an idea of how she’s handling things. We have some child-sized bathing suits that should fit her. I’ll set a few of them out, just in case. You’ll be able to find me in the pool.”

  Chapter 35

  Iris boarded the plane in front of her father and took a window seat. He stopped to talk to the pilots before taking his seat beside her.

  “I’ll buy Reyna some cocktail dresses, and will require she fully dress for a formal dinner one night a week, to get her used to them. She’ll be dressed appropriately when you visit, in the future. No pants or shorts, but skirts and dresses.”

  “Thanks. I don’t want to mess with her routine, but I think clothing might be more appropriate.” She sighed. “I understand that the lifestyle isn’t about what’s appropriate, but if you plan to introduce her as your wife in the next fourteen months, you should probably be working towards that aim sooner than this fall.”


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