Little Women

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Little Women Page 2

by Issam Garrouri

  "Yes, a nice long letter. He is well, and thinks he shall get through the bloodless season higher than we feared. He sends all forms of loving needs for Christmas, and an especial message to you girls," said Mrs. March, patting her pocket as though she had got a treasure there.

  "Hurry and get done! Don't prevent to quirk your little finger and simper over your plate, Amy," cried Jo, choking on her tea and losing her bread, butter aspect down, at the carpet in her haste to get on the treat.

  Beth ate no extra, however crept away to sit in her shadowy corner and brood over the satisfaction to come back, till the others were ready.

  "I think it become so extraordinary in Father to move as chaplain when he become too vintage to be drafted, and no longer sturdy sufficient for a soldier," stated Meg warmly.

  "Don't I want I could cross as a drummer, a vivan—what is its name? Or a nurse, so I will be near him and assist him," exclaimed Jo, with a groan.

  "It ought to be very unpleasant to sleep in a tent, and devour all kinds of awful-tasting matters, and drink out of a tin mug," sighed Amy.

  "When will he come home, Marmee?" asked Beth, with a touch quiver in her voice.

  "Not for lots months, dear, until he's sick. He will stay and do his paintings faithfully as long as he can, and we won't ask for him returned a minute sooner than he can be spared. Now come and listen the letter."

  They all drew to the hearth, Mother inside the large chair with Beth at her feet, Meg and Amy perched on either arm of the chair, and Jo leaning at the lower back, where no one would see any signal of emotion if the letter need to appear to be touching. Very few letters were written in the ones difficult times that have been now not touching, specifically those which fathers despatched domestic. In this one little changed into said of the hardships endured, the dangers faced, or the homesickness conquered. It changed into a contented, hopeful letter, complete of active descriptions of camp lifestyles, marches, and army information, and most effective at the cease did the author's coronary heart over-go with the flow with fatherly love and longing for the little women at home.

  "Give them all of my pricey love and a kiss. Tell them I think about them with the aid of day, pray for them via night time, and find my fine comfort in their affection at all times. A yr appears very lengthy to wait before I see them, however remind them that at the same time as we wait we may additionally all work, in order that those hard days need not be wasted. I recognize they will remember all I said to them, that they may be loving children to you, will do their duty faithfully, combat their bosom enemies bravely, and triumph over themselves so beautifully that when I come lower back to them I can be fonder and prouder than ever of my little girls." Everybody sniffed after they got here to that part. Jo wasn't ashamed of the extremely good tear that dropped off the quit of her nose, and Amy by no means minded the rumpling of her curls as she concealed her face on her mother's shoulder and sobbed out, "I am a egocentric female! But I'll genuinely attempt to be higher, so he mayn't be disenchanted in me by-and-through."

  "We all will," cried Meg. "I assume an excessive amount of of my looks and hate to paintings, however may not any extra, if I can help it."

  "I'll try to be what he loves to call me, 'a bit female' and now not be rough and wild, however do my duty here as opposed to trying to be some place else," stated Jo, questioning that keeping her mood at home become a miles more difficult task than facing a revolt or two down South.

  Beth stated not anything, but wiped away her tears with the blue military sock and started to knit with all her might, losing no time in doing the responsibility that lay nearest her, while she resolved in her quiet little soul to be all that Father hoped to locate her while the yr brought round the glad coming home.

  Mrs. March broke the silence that followed Jo's words, by way of pronouncing in her cheery voice, "Do you recall the way you used to play Pilgrims Progress when you have been little things? Nothing overjoyed you extra than to have me tie my piece bags for your backs for burdens, provide you with hats and sticks and rolls of paper, and assist you to tour thru the residence from the cellar, which was the City of Destruction, up, up, to the housetop, where you had all of the adorable things you can acquire to make a Celestial City."

  "What a laugh it turned into, particularly going by means of the lions, preventing Apollyon, and passing via the valley where the hob-goblins have been," stated Jo.

  "I preferred the region where the bundles fell off and tumbled downstairs," said Meg.

  "I don't bear in mind lots about it, besides that I became fearful of the cellar and the dark entry, and always preferred the cake and milk we had up at the pinnacle. If I wasn't too antique for such matters, I'd as a substitute like to play it yet again," stated Amy, who began to speak of renouncing infantile matters at the mature age of twelve.

  "We never are too vintage for this, my pricey, because it is a play we are playing all of the time in one way or any other. Our burdens are here, our street is before us, and the craving for goodness and happiness is the guide that leads us through many issues and errors to the peace that's a real Celestial City. Now, my little pilgrims, suppose you begin once more, not in play, however in earnest, and spot how a long way on you may get earlier than Father comes domestic."

  "Really, Mother? Where are our bundles?" asked Amy, who become a completely literal young girl.

  "Each of you informed what your burden turned into simply now, besides Beth. I as a substitute think she hasn't were given any," stated her mother.

  "Yes, I even have. Mine is dishes and dusters, and envying women with quality pianos, and being scared of humans."

  Beth's package deal changed into this sort of funny one that everybody desired to giggle, however nobody did, for it would have harm her emotions very an awful lot.

  "Let us do it," stated Meg thoughtfully. "It is most effective some other name for trying to be appropriate, and the tale can also assist us, for although we do need to be excellent, it is tough work and we forget, and don't do our satisfactory."

  "We were in the Slough of Despond tonight, and Mother came and pulled us out as Help did inside the e-book. We need to have our roll of instructions, like Christian. What lets do approximately that?" requested Jo, extremely joyful with the flamboyant which lent a bit romance to the very dull mission of doing her duty.

  "Look below your pillows Christmas morning, and you will discover your guidebook," replied Mrs. March.

  They talked over the brand new plan even as vintage Hannah cleared the table, then out came the 4 little work baskets, and the needles flew because the women made sheets for Aunt March. It changed into uninteresting sewing, but this night nobody grumbled. They followed Jo's plan of dividing the lengthy seams into four parts, and calling the quarters Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, and in that manner got on capitally, specifically after they talked about the specific nations as they stitched their manner through them.

  At 9 they stopped work, and sang, as normal, earlier than they went to bed. No one but Beth ought to get a good deal music out of the old piano, however she had a manner of softly touching the yellow keys and making a nice accompaniment to the easy songs they sang. Meg had a voice like a flute, and she or he and her mom led the little choir. Amy chirped like a cricket, and Jo wandered thru the airs at her own candy will, always popping out at the incorrect area with a croak or a quaver that spoiled the maximum pensive tune. They had always carried out this from the time they may lisp...

  Crinkle, crinkle, 'ittle 'tar,

  and it had grow to be a family custom, for the mom became a born singer. The first sound in the morning changed into her voice as she went approximately the house singing like a lark, and the ultimate sound at night time was the same cheery sound, for the girls never grew too vintage for that acquainted lullaby.



  Jo was the first to wake inside the grey dawn of Christmas morning. No stockings hung at the fireplace, and for a moment
she felt as a lot disappointed as she did long in the past, while her little sock fell down as it turned into stuffed so full of goodies. Then she remembered her mother's promise and, slipping her hand beneath her pillow, drew out a touch pink-covered e book. She knew it thoroughly, for it become that beautiful antique tale of the high-quality life ever lived, and Jo felt that it was a true guidebook for any pilgrim taking place a protracted journey. She woke Meg with a "Merry Christmas," and bade her see what become beneath her pillow. A inexperienced-covered e book regarded, with the identical photograph internal, and a few words written by their mother, which made their one gift very precious of their eyes. Presently Beth and Amy woke to rummage and find their little books additionally, one dove-colored, the other blue, and all sat searching at and talking approximately them, at the same time as the east grew rosy with the approaching day.

  In spite of her small vanities, Margaret had a candy and pious nature, which unconsciously motivated her sisters, specifically Jo, who loved her very tenderly, and obeyed her because her recommendation turned into so lightly given.

  "Girls," stated Meg critically, looking from the tumbled head beside her to the two little night time-capped ones inside the room past, "Mother needs us to read and love and mind those books, and we should begin right now. We used to be faithful about it, however when you consider that Father went away and all this battle hassle unsettled us, we've got neglected many stuff. You can do as you please, but I shall hold my e-book on the desk right here and study a little each morning as soon as I wake, for I are aware of it will do me correct and assist me thru the day."

  Then she opened her new ebook and began to examine. Jo put her arm round her and, leaning cheek to cheek, examine additionally, with the quiet expression so seldom seen on her restless face.

  "How suitable Meg is! Come, Amy, allow's do as they do. I'll assist you with the hard phrases, and they will explain matters if we don't understand," whispered Beth, very lots inspired with the aid of the quite books and her sisters' instance.

  "I'm satisfied mine is blue," said Amy. And then the rooms were very nevertheless while the pages had been softly grew to become, and the iciness sunshine crept in to touch the bright heads and serious faces with a Christmas greeting.

  "Where is Mother?" requested Meg, as she and Jo ran right down to thank her for his or her presents, half of an hour later.

  "Goodness best knows. Some poor creeter came a-beggin', and your ma went instantly off to see what turned into wanted. There by no means became any such female for givin' away vittles and drink, clothes and firin'," replied Hannah, who had lived with the circle of relatives for the reason that Meg become born, and was taken into consideration through all of them extra as a friend than a servant.

  "She could be returned soon, I assume, so fry your desserts, and feature everything geared up," stated Meg, searching over the gives which have been collected in a basket and saved under the couch, prepared to be produced at the right time. "Why, wherein is Amy's bottle of cologne?" she introduced, as the little flask did now not seem.

  "She took it out a minute ago, and went off with it to position a ribbon on it, or a few such notion," answered Jo, dancing approximately the room to take the first stiffness off the brand new military slippers.

  "How first-rate my handkerchiefs appearance, do not they? Hannah washed and ironed them for me, and I marked all of them myself," said Beth, looking proudly at the truly choppy letters which had cost her such hard work.

  "Bless the child! She's long gone and positioned 'Mother' on them instead of 'M. March'. How humorous!" cried Jo, taking one up.

  "Isn't that right? I notion it was higher to do it so, because Meg's initials are M.M., and I do not want every body to use these but Marmee," stated Beth, searching bothered.

  "It's all right, dear, and a completely quite concept, pretty practical too, for no one can ever mistake now. It will please her very much, I recognise," said Meg, with a frown for Jo and a grin for Beth.

  "There's Mother. Hide the basket, brief!" cried Jo, as a door slammed and steps sounded in the hall.

  Amy came in swiftly, and seemed rather abashed whilst she noticed her sisters all anticipating her.

  "Where have you ever been, and what are you hiding behind you?" requested Meg, surprised to peer, with the aid of her hood and cloak, that lazy Amy had been out so early.

  "Don't snigger at me, Jo! I didn't mean absolutely everyone must know till the time came. I most effective supposed to trade the little bottle for a massive one, and I gave all my money to get it, and I'm simply trying no longer to be egocentric any more."

  As she spoke, Amy showed the good-looking flask which replaced the reasonably-priced one, and regarded so earnest and humble in her little effort to overlook herself that Meg hugged her immediate, and Jo reported her 'a trump', even as Beth ran to the window, and picked her best rose to decoration the stately bottle.

  "You see I felt ashamed of my present, after reading and speakme about being appropriate this morning, so I ran next door and changed it the minute I was up, and I'm so satisfied, for mine is the handsomest now."

  Another bang of the street door despatched the basket underneath the couch, and the girls to the table, keen for breakfast.

  "Merry Christmas, Marmee! Many of them! Thank you for our books. We study a few, and suggest to every day," all of them cried in chorus.

  "Merry Christmas, little daughters! I'm glad you started immediately, and hope you will maintain on. But I need to say one phrase earlier than we take a seat down. Not a long way away from here lies a bad female with a bit newborn baby. Six children are huddled into one mattress to hold from freezing, for they have no hearth. There is nothing to devour over there, and the oldest boy came to inform me they have been suffering hunger and cold. My ladies, will you supply them your breakfast as a Christmas present?"

  They had been all strangely hungry, having waited almost an hour, and for a minute nobody spoke, best a minute, for Jo exclaimed impetuously, "I'm so happy you came before we commenced!"

  "May I move and assist bring the matters to the poor little kids?" asked Beth eagerly.

  "I shall take the cream and the muffings," added Amy, heroically giving up the item she maximum favored.

  Meg was already covering the buckwheats, and piling the bread into one huge plate.

  "I concept you would do it," said Mrs. March, smiling as if satisfied. "You shall all go and assist me, and while we come lower back we can have bread and milk for breakfast, and make it up at dinnertime."

  They had been soon geared up, and the procession set out. Fortunately it changed into early, and they went through returned streets, so few humans saw them, and nobody laughed at the queer celebration.

  A negative, bare, miserable room it turned into, with broken windows, no hearth, ragged bedclothes, a sick mother, wailing baby, and a collection of pale, hungry youngsters cuddled under one vintage quilt, seeking to keep warm.

  How the large eyes stared and the blue lips smiled as the women went in.

  "Ach, mein Gott! It is ideal angels come to us!" stated the poor female, crying for joy.

  "Funny angels in hoods and mittens," said Jo, and set them to laughing.

  In a few minutes it truely did appear as though kind spirits had been at paintings there. Hannah, who had carried wood, made a fireplace, and stopped up the broken panes with old hats and her personal cloak. Mrs. March gave the mother tea and gruel, and comforted her with guarantees of help, whilst she dressed the little infant as tenderly as though it were her own. The girls interim unfold the table, set the youngsters round the fire, and fed them like so many hungry birds, guffawing, talking, and trying to recognize the funny broken English.

  "Das ist intestine!" "Die Engel-kinder!" cried the poor matters as they ate and warmed their pink palms on the relaxed blaze. The women had never been referred to as angel children earlier than, and notion it very agreeable, mainly Jo, who had been taken into consideration a 'Sancho' ever due t
o the fact that she become born. That became a totally satisfied breakfast, although they did not get any of it. And after they went away, leaving comfort behind, I suppose there have been no longer in all of the town four merrier people than the hungry little girls who gave away their breakfasts and contented themselves with bread and milk on Christmas morning.

  "That's loving our neighbor higher than ourselves, and I like it," said Meg, as they set out their provides even as their mother turned into upstairs gathering clothes for the terrible Hummels.

  Not a totally brilliant show, but there was a tremendous deal of love carried out up inside the few little bundles, and the tall vase of red roses, white chrysanthemums, and trailing vines, which stood in the middle, gave quite an stylish air to the table.

  "She's coming! Strike up, Beth! Open the door, Amy! Three cheers for Marmee!" cried Jo, prancing about while Meg went to conduct Mother to the seat of honor.

  Beth performed her gayest march, Amy threw open the door, and Meg enacted escort with great dignity. Mrs. March changed into each surprised and touched, and smiled with her eyes full as she tested her gives and read the little notes which followed them. The slippers went on without delay, a new handkerchief turned into slipped into her pocket, well scented with Amy's cologne, the rose was fastened in her bosom, and the nice gloves had been suggested a really perfect healthy.


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