Little Women

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Little Women Page 16

by Issam Garrouri

  "We'll bear in mind, Mother!" and that they did.



  Beth changed into postmistress, for, being most at domestic, she should attend to it frequently, and dearly appreciated the day by day task of unlocking the little door and distributing the mail. One July day she got here in along with her hands full, and went about the residence leaving letters and parcels like the penny put up.

  "Here's your posy, Mother! Laurie by no means forgets that," she said, placing the sparkling nosegay in the vase that stood in 'Marmee's corner', and become stored provided by means of the affectionate boy.

  "Miss Meg March, one letter and a glove," continued Beth, turning in the articles to her sister, who sat near her mother, sewing wristbands.

  "Why, I left a pair over there, and here is most effective one," said Meg, searching at the grey cotton glove. "Didn't you drop the opposite inside the garden?"

  "No, I'm positive I didn't, for there has been only one in the office."

  "I hate to have ordinary gloves! Never mind, the opposite can be discovered. My letter is simplest a translation of the German track I wanted. I assume Mr. Brooke did it, for this isn't Laurie's writing."

  Mrs. March glanced at Meg, who become looking very quite in her gingham morning gown, with the little curls blowing about her brow, and very womanly, as she sat stitching at her little worktable, full of tidy white rolls, so unconscious of the concept in her mother's thoughts as she sewed and sang, even as her arms flew and her mind were busied with girlish fancies as innocent and sparkling as the pansies in her belt, that Mrs. March smiled and changed into glad.

  "Two letters for Doctor Jo, a e-book, and a humorous old hat, which blanketed the complete publish workplace and glued out of doors," stated Beth, giggling as she went into the observe wherein Jo sat writing.

  "What a sly fellow Laurie is! I stated I wished bigger hats were the style, due to the fact I burn my face each hot day. He stated, 'Why mind the fashion? Wear a big hat, and be comfy!' I said I could if I had one, and he has despatched me this, to strive me. I'll wear it for a laugh, and display him I don't care for the style." And putting the vintage extensive-brim on a bust of Plato, Jo examine her letters.

  One from her mom made her cheeks glow and her eyes fill, for it said to her...

  My Dear:

  I write a little word to inform you with how much delight I watch your efforts to manipulate your temper. You say nothing approximately your trials, failures, or successes, and think, perhaps, that nobody sees them but the Friend whose assist you each day ask, if I may also believe the nicely-worn cover of your guidebook. I, too, have visible all of them, and heartily consider inside the sincerity of your decision, because it starts offevolved to bear fruit. Go on, pricey, patiently and bravely, and continually accept as true with that no one sympathizes extra tenderly with you than your loving...


  "That does me top! That's really worth millions of money and pecks of praise. Oh, Marmee, I do strive! I will hold on attempting, and no longer get tired, seeing that I have you ever to help me."

  Laying her head on her fingers, Jo moist her little romance with a few glad tears, for she had idea that nobody saw and appreciated her efforts to be top, and this warranty became doubly precious, doubly encouraging, because unexpected and from the individual whose commendation she maximum valued. Feeling stronger than ever to meet and subdue her Apollyon, she pinned the be aware inner her frock, as a guard and a reminder, lest she be taken unaware, and proceeded to open her other letter, quite prepared for both top or horrific news. In a big, speeding hand, Laurie wrote...

  Dear Jo, What ho!

  Some English ladies and boys are coming to peer me the next day and I need to have a jolly time. If it is excellent, I'm going to pitch my tent in Longmeadow, and row up the complete group to lunch and croquet—have a fireplace, make messes, gypsy fashion, and all sorts of larks. They are excellent people, and like such matters. Brooke will visit preserve us boys consistent, and Kate Vaughn will play propriety for the women. I want you all to come back, cannot permit Beth off at any rate, and no person shall fear her. Don't trouble about rations, I'll see to that and the whole lot else, only do come, there may be a good fellow!

  In a tearing hurry, Yours ever, Laurie.

  "Here's richness!" cried Jo, flying in to inform the information to Meg.

  "Of route we will go, Mother? It might be this kind of help to Laurie, for I can row, and Meg see to the lunch, and the kids be useful in a few way."

  "I wish the Vaughns are not nice grown-up people. Do you know some thing about them, Jo?" requested Meg.

  "Only that there are four of them. Kate is older than you, Fred and Frank (twins) about my age, and a little girl (Grace), who's nine or ten. Laurie knew them abroad, and liked the lads. I fancied, from the manner he primmed up his mouth in speaking of her, that he didn't appreciate Kate lots."

  "I'm so happy my French print is smooth, it's simply the thing and so turning into!" found Meg complacently. "Have you whatever first rate, Jo?"

  "Scarlet and gray boating fit, excellent sufficient for me. I shall row and tramp about, so I do not need any starch to think about. You'll come, Betty?"

  "If you may not allow any boys speak to me."

  "Not a boy!"

  "I like to please Laurie, and I'm not terrified of Mr. Brooke, he is so kind. But I do not need to play, or sing, or say something. I'll paintings difficult and now not trouble everybody, and you will take care of me, Jo, so I'll cross."

  "That's my exact girl. You do try to combat off your shyness, and I love you for it. Fighting faults isn't always easy, as I understand, and a cheery word sort of offers a boost. Thank you, Mother," And Jo gave the thin cheek a thankful kiss, greater precious to Mrs. March than if it had given back the rosy roundness of her youth.

  "I had a field of chocolate drops, and the photo I desired to replicate," stated Amy, showing her mail.

  "And I were given a observe from Mr. Laurence, asking me to come over and play to him tonight, before the lamps are lighted, and I shall go," added Beth, whose friendship with the old gentleman prospered finely.

  "Now let's fly spherical, and do double responsibility nowadays, in order that we are able to play day after today with free minds," stated Jo, preparing to replace her pen with a broom.

  When the solar peeped into the ladies' room early subsequent morning to vow them a fine day, he noticed a comical sight. Each had made such training for the fete as regarded essential and right. Meg had a further row of little curlpapers throughout her forehead, Jo had copiously anointed her stricken face with cold cream, Beth had taken Joanna to bed with her to compensate for the imminent separation, and Amy had capped the climax by way of placing a clothespin on her nostril to uplift the offending characteristic. It became one in every of the kind artists use to preserve the paper on their drawing boards, consequently pretty appropriate and effective for the cause it became now being put. This humorous spectacle regarded to amuse the sun, for he burst out with such radiance that Jo awoke and roused her sisters by means of a hearty snigger at Amy's ornament.

  Sunshine and laughter have been desirable omens for a pleasure party, and soon a active bustle started in both houses. Beth, who become equipped first, saved reporting what went on round the corner, and enlivened her sisters' bathrooms with the aid of frequent telegrams from the window.

  "There is going the person with the tent! I see Mrs. Barker doing up the lunch in a abate and a remarkable basket. Now Mr. Laurence is asking up at the sky and the weathercock. I want he might go too. There's Laurie, looking like a sailor, pleasant boy! Oh, mercy me! Here's a carriage full of humans, a tall female, a bit woman, and two dreadful boys. One is lame, terrible aspect, he is got a crutch. Laurie failed to inform us that. Be quick, women! It's getting overdue. Why, there's Ned Moffat, I do claim. Meg, isn't that the man who bowed to you at some point while we have been buying?"

  "So it's
miles. How queer that he need to come. I concept he became on the mountains. There is Sallie. I'm happy she got lower back in time. Am I all proper, Jo?" cried Meg in a flutter.

  "A regular daisy. Hold up your dress and positioned your hat on instantly, it seems sentimental tipped that manner and could fly off at the primary puff. Now then, come on!"

  "Oh, Jo, you are not going to put on that lousy hat? It's too absurd! You shall not make a guy of yourself," remonstrated Meg, as Jo tied down with a pink ribbon the large-brimmed, old fashioned leghorn Laurie had despatched for a shaggy dog story.

  "I just will, although, for it is capital, so shady, light, and huge. It will make fun, and I do not thoughts being a guy if I'm relaxed." With that Jo marched at once and the rest accompanied, a brilliant little band of sisters, all searching their excellent in summer season fits, with satisfied faces beneath the jaunty hatbrims.

  Laurie ran to fulfill and present them to his pals in the maximum cordial manner. The garden became the reception room, and for several mins a lively scene turned into enacted there. Meg changed into thankful to look that Miss Kate, although twenty, become dressed with a simplicity which American women could do well to mimic, and who became an awful lot flattered with the aid of Mr. Ned's assurances that he came mainly to see her. Jo understood why Laurie 'primmed up his mouth' while talking of Kate, for that young female had a standoff-don't-touch-me air, which contrasted strongly with the unfastened and clean demeanor of the other girls. Beth took an commentary of the new boys and determined that the lame one was now not 'dreadful', however gentle and feeble, and he or she could be type to him on that account. Amy found Grace a properly-mannered, merry, little individual, and after staring dumbly at each other for a few minutes, they all at once became excellent friends.

  Tents, lunch, and croquet utensils having been sent on ahead, the party changed into soon embarked, and the 2 boats pushed off together, leaving Mr. Laurence waving his hat at the shore. Laurie and Jo rowed one boat, Mr. Brooke and Ned the other, while Fred Vaughn, the riotous twin, did his excellent to disappointed both with the aid of paddling approximately in a wherry like a disturbed water malicious program. Jo's funny hat deserved a vote of thanks, for it became of standard application. It broke the ice within the starting with the aid of generating fun, it created pretty a clean breeze, flapping from side to side as she rowed, and might make an outstanding umbrella for the whole birthday celebration, if a bath came up, she said. Miss Kate decided that she was 'peculiar', however instead smart, and smiled upon her from afar.

  Meg, in the other boat, become delightfully located, face to face with the rowers, who both widespread the prospect and feathered their oars with unusual 'ability and dexterity'. Mr. Brooke became a grave, silent younger guy, with handsome brown eyes and a nice voice. Meg appreciated his quiet manners and considered him a walking encyclopedia of useful knowledge. He by no means talked to her much, but he checked out her a good deal, and she felt positive that he did no longer regard her with aversion. Ned, being in college, of direction put on all of the airs which freshmen assume it their bounden responsibility to anticipate. He turned into not very clever, but very good-natured, and altogether an brilliant individual to hold on a picnic. Sallie Gardiner become absorbed in keeping her white pique get dressed smooth and chattering with the ever-present Fred, who stored Beth in steady terror through his pranks.

  It turned into now not some distance to Longmeadow, but the tent changed into pitched and the wickets down by the time they arrived. A quality inexperienced discipline, with three wide-spreading alright inside the center and a easy strip of turf for croquet.

  "Welcome to Camp Laurence!" stated the younger host, as they landed with exclamations of pleasure.

  "Brooke is commander in leader, I am commissary standard, the alternative fellows are personnel officers, and also you, ladies, are agency. The tent is in your especial benefit and that all rightis your drawing room, that is the messroom and the third is the camp kitchen. Now, let's have a sport before it receives warm, after which we'll see about dinner."

  Frank, Beth, Amy, and Grace sat down to look at the game played by using the opposite eight. Mr. Brooke selected Meg, Kate, and Fred. Laurie took Sallie, Jo, and Ned. The English played properly, however the Americans played better, and contested each inch of the ground as strongly as though the spirit of '76 stimulated them. Jo and Fred had several skirmishes and as soon as narrowly escaped high words. Jo turned into through the final wicket and had overlooked the stroke, which failure ruffled her a bargain. Fred changed into close behind her and his turn got here before hers. He gave a stroke, his ball hit the wicket, and stopped an inch on the incorrect side. No one was very near, and running as much as look at, he gave it a sly nudge together with his toe, which put it just an inch on the right aspect.

  "I'm through! Now, Miss Jo, I'll settle you, and get in first," cried the younger gentleman, swinging his mallet for every other blow.

  "You pushed it. I saw you. It's my turn now," stated Jo sharply.

  "Upon my phrase, I didn't circulate it. It rolled a chunk, perhaps, however that is allowed. So, stand off please, and allow me have a pass at the stake."

  "We don't cheat in America, however you could, if you choose," said Jo angrily.

  "Yankees are a deal the maximum elaborate, anyone knows. There you cross!" lower back Fred, croqueting her ball some distance away.

  Jo opened her lips to say some thing rude, but checked herself in time, colored as much as her brow and stood a minute, hammering down a wicket with all her may, at the same time as Fred hit the stake and declared himself out with a whole lot exultation. She went off to get her ball, and become a long time locating it the various timber, however she came returned, searching cool and quiet, and waited her flip patiently. It took numerous strokes to regain the location she had lost, and when she got there, the other facet had nearly won, for Kate's ball was the closing but one and lay close to the stake.

  "By George, it is all up with us! Goodbye, Kate. Miss Jo owes me one, so that you are finished," cried Fred excitedly, as all of them drew close to to look the finish.

  "Yankees have a trick of being generous to their enemies," said Jo, with a look that made the lad redden, "specially once they beat them," she added, as, leaving Kate's ball untouched, she won the sport with the aid of a clever stroke.

  Laurie threw up his hat, then remembered that it would not do to exult over the defeat of his guests, and stopped inside the middle of the cheer to whisper to his pal, "Good for you, Jo! He did cheat, I saw him. We can't tell him so, but he won't do it again, take my phrase for it."

  Meg drew her aside, underneath pretense of pinning up a unfastened braid, and said approvingly, "It was dreadfully provoking, however you saved your mood, and I'm so satisfied, Jo."

  "Don't praise me, Meg, for I may want to box his ears this minute. I have to honestly have boiled over if I hadn't stayed some of the nettles until I got my rage under manipulate sufficient to hold my tongue. It's simmering now, so I hope he will hold out of my manner," back Jo, biting her lips as she glowered at Fred from underneath her big hat.

  "Time for lunch," said Mr. Brooke, looking at his watch. "Commissary widespread, will you make the hearth and get water, while Miss March, Miss Sallie, and I spread the table? Who can make exact espresso?"

  "Jo can," stated Meg, glad to suggest her sister. So Jo, feeling that her overdue training in cookery have been to do her honor, went to preside over the coffeepot, at the same time as the children accumulated dry sticks, and the boys made a fireplace and were given water from a spring close to by way of. Miss Kate sketched and Frank talked to Beth, who changed into making little mats of braided rushes to serve as plates.

  The commander in chief and his aides soon unfold the tablecloth with an inviting array of eatables and drinkables, prettily decorated with green leaves. Jo announced that the coffee turned into equipped, and every person settled themselves to a hearty meal, for youngsters is seldom dyspeptic
, and exercise develops healthful appetites. A very merry lunch it become, for the entirety appeared clean and humorous, and frequent peals of laughter startled a venerable horse who fed close to by. There changed into a pleasant inequality within the desk, which produced many mishaps to cups and plates, acorns dropped in the milk, little black ants partook of the refreshments without being invited, and fuzzy caterpillars swung down from the tree to see what changed into occurring. Three white-headed kids peeped over the fence, and an objectionable dog barked at them from the opposite side of the river with all his may and important.

  "There's salt right here," said Laurie, as he handed Jo a saucer of berries.

  "Thank you, I opt for spiders," she replied, fishing up unwary infants who had long past to a creamy dying. "How dare you ring a bell in me of that horrid night meal, while yours is so great in each way?" added Jo, as they each laughed and ate out of 1 plate, the china having run short.

  "I had an uncommonly top time that day, and have not got over it but. This isn't any credit to me, you know, I don't do something. It's you and Meg and Brooke who make it all cross, and I'm no stop obliged to you. What lets do when we can not devour anymore?" asked Laurie, feeling that his trump card were performed while lunch changed into over.


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