Little Women

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Little Women Page 27

by Issam Garrouri

  "What did you are saying to him?" asked Mrs. March.

  "I best stated I become too young to do some thing approximately it yet, that I didn't want to have secrets and techniques from you, and he must talk to father. I turned into very grateful for his kindness, and would be his friend, however nothing extra, for a protracted while."

  Mrs. March smiled, as if well pleased, and Jo clapped her arms, exclaiming, with amusing, "You are almost equal to Caroline Percy, who turned into a pattern of prudence! Tell on, Meg. What did he say to that?"

  "He writes in a one of a kind way completely, telling me that he in no way despatched any love letter in any respect, and is very sorry that my roguish sister, Jo, need to take liberties with our names. It's very kind and respectful, but suppose how dreadful for me!"

  Meg leaned against her mom, searching the photo of despair, and Jo tramped approximately the room, calling Laurie names. All of a surprising she stopped, caught up the 2 notes, and after looking at them closely, stated decidedly, "I don't believe Brooke ever saw either of those letters. Teddy wrote each, and keeps yours to crow over me with due to the fact I would not tell him my secret."

  "Don't have any secrets, Jo. Tell it to Mother and preserve out of hassle, as I must have executed," stated Meg warningly.

  "Bless you, baby! Mother instructed me."

  "That will do, Jo. I'll comfort Meg at the same time as you cross and get Laurie. I shall sift the problem to the bottom, and placed a forestall to such pranks right away."

  Away ran Jo, and Mrs. March gently informed Meg Mr. Brooke's real emotions. "Now, dear, what are your personal? Do you love him sufficient to wait until he can make a domestic for you, or will you preserve your self pretty loose for the prevailing?"

  "I've been so scared and worried, I don't want to have whatever to do with lovers for a long at the same time as, possibly in no way," spoke back Meg petulantly. "If John would not recognise something about this nonsense, do not tell him, and make Jo and Laurie hold their tongues. I won't be deceived and plagued and made a fool of. It's a disgrace!"

  Seeing Meg's usually gentle temper become roused and her pride hurt by way of this mischievous shaggy dog story, Mrs. March soothed her with the aid of guarantees of whole silence and outstanding discretion for the future. The immediate Laurie's step was heard inside the hall, Meg fled into the observe, and Mrs. March received the culprit by myself. Jo had now not told him why he turned into wanted, fearing he would not come, but he knew the minute he saw Mrs. March's face, and stood twirling his hat with a guilty air which convicted him without delay. Jo turned into brushed off, however chose to march up and down the hall like a sentinel, having a few fear that the prisoner might bolt. The sound of voices in the parlor rose and fell for half of an hour, but what took place at some stage in that interview the ladies never knew.

  When they had been called in, Laurie turned into standing by means of their mother with the sort of penitent face that Jo forgave him on the spot, however did no longer assume it sensible to betray the fact. Meg received his humble apology, and turned into tons comforted by way of the guarantee that Brooke knew nothing of the shaggy dog story.

  "I'll in no way inform him to my dying day, wild horses shan't drag it out of me, so you'll forgive me, Meg, and I'll do anything to expose how out-and-out sorry I am," he brought, searching very tons ashamed of himself.

  "I'll try, however it turned into a totally ungentlemanly aspect to do, I failed to suppose you can be so sly and malicious, Laurie," responded Meg, trying to cover her maidenly confusion under a gravely reproachful air.

  "It turned into altogether abominable, and I don't deserve to be spoken to for a month, however you'll, although, might not you?" And Laurie folded his fingers collectively with such and imploring gesture, as he spoke in his irresistibly persuasive tone, that it changed into impossible to frown upon him despite his scandalous conduct.

  Meg pardoned him, and Mrs. March's grave face secure, despite her efforts to keep sober, when she heard him declare that he would atone for his sins by way of all sorts of penances, and abase himself like a malicious program earlier than the injured damsel.

  Jo stood aloof, meanwhile, seeking to harden her heart against him, and succeeding handiest in primming up her face into an expression of complete disapprobation. Laurie checked out her a few times, however as she showed no signal of relenting, he felt injured, and turned his back on her till the others were achieved with him, when he made her a low bow and walked off without a phrase.

  As soon as he had long past, she wanted she had been extra forgiving, and when Meg and her mom went upstairs, she felt lonely and longed for Teddy. After resisting for some time, she yielded to the impulse, and armed with a ebook to return, went over to the big house.

  "Is Mr. Laurence in?" asked Jo, of a housemaid, who become coming downstairs.

  "Yes, Miss, however I do not consider he is seeable simply but."

  "Why now not? Is he sick?"

  "La, no Miss, however he's had a scene with Mr. Laurie, who's in considered one of his tantrums approximately some thing, which vexes the antique gentleman, so I dursn't move nigh him."

  "Where is Laurie?"

  "Shut up in his room, and he won't solution, even though I've been a-tapping. I do not know what's to emerge as of the dinner, for it is prepared, and there may be no person to consume it."

  "I'll move and spot what the matter is. I'm not fearful of either of them."

  Up went Jo, and knocked smartly at the door of Laurie's little take a look at.

  "Stop that, or I'll open the door and make you!" called out the younger gentleman in a threatening tone.

  Jo at once knocked again. The door flew open, and in she bounced before Laurie could get over his marvel. Seeing that he truely become out of temper, Jo, who knew how to control him, assumed a contrite expression, and going artistically down upon her knees, said meekly, "Please forgive me for being so pass. I got here to make it up, and can not leave till I actually have."

  "It's all right. Get up, and don't be a goose, Jo," was the cavalier reply to her petition.

  "Thank you, I will. Could I ask what is the problem? You don't look precisely clean for your mind."

  "I've been shaken, and I won't endure it!" growled Laurie indignantly.

  "Who did it?" demanded Jo.

  "Grandfather. If it have been anyone else I'd have..." And the injured kids finished his sentence by way of an energetic gesture of the right arm.

  "That's not anything. I regularly shake you, and you don't mind," said Jo soothingly.

  "Pooh! You're a female, and it's a laugh, however I'll allow no man to shake me!"

  "I do not suppose anyone would care to attempt it, in case you looked as just like a thundercloud as you do now. Why have been you dealt with so?"

  "Just because I would not say what your mom wanted me for. I'd promised not to inform, and of route I wasn't going to interrupt my word."

  "Couldn't you satisfy your grandpa in any other way?"

  "No, he could have the fact, the whole fact, and not anything but the reality. I'd have instructed my a part of the scrape, if I should with out bringing Meg in. As I could not, I held my tongue, and bore the scolding until the vintage gentleman collared me. Then I bolted, for worry I should overlook myself."

  "It wasn't exceptional, but he's sorry, I recognise, so move down and make up. I'll assist you."

  "Hanged if I do! I'm now not going to be lectured and pummelled via anyone, only for a chunk of a frolic. I became sorry about Meg, and begged pardon like a person, but I won't do it again, when I wasn't in the incorrect."

  "He failed to understand that."

  "He should trust me, and not act as if I become a baby. It's no use, Jo, he is got to research that I'm in a position to attend to myself, and don't need everyone's apron string to maintain on through."

  "What pepper pots you are!" sighed Jo. "How do you suggest to settle this affair?"

  "Well, he must beg pardon, a
nd consider me once I say I can't tell him what the fuss's approximately."

  "Bless you! He might not do that."

  "I might not move down till he does."

  "Now, Teddy, be sensible. Let it bypass, and I'll explain what I can. You cannot live right here, so what's using being melodramatic?"

  "I do not intend to live right here lengthy, besides. I'll slip off and take a journey somewhere, and when Grandpa misses me he'll come spherical fast enough."

  "I dare say, but you ought no longer to go and worry him."

  "Don't preach. I'll go to Washington and spot Brooke. It's homosexual there, and I'll enjoy myself after the problems."

  "What a laugh you'll have! I desire I ought to run off too," said Jo, forgetting her a part of mentor in active visions of martial lifestyles at the capital.

  "Come on, then! Why not? You cross and marvel your father, and I'll fire up vintage Brooke. It could be an excellent joke. Let's do it, Jo. We'll go away a letter saying we're all right, and trot off immediately. I've were given money sufficient. It will do you desirable, and no harm, as you go to your father."

  For a moment Jo seemed as if she could agree, for wild because the plan was, it simply suitable her. She changed into uninterested in care and confinement, longed for trade, and mind of her father blended temptingly with the novel charms of camps and hospitals, liberty and amusing. Her eyes kindled as they turned wistfully in the direction of the window, but they fell on the old residence opposite, and she shook her head with sorrowful choice.

  "If I turned into a boy, we'd run away collectively, and have a capital time, but as I'm a miserable lady, I have to be right and forestall at domestic. Don't tempt me, Teddy, it's a crazy plan."

  "That's the a laugh of it," started Laurie, who had got a willful match on him and turned into possessed to break out of bounds in some manner.

  "Hold your tongue!" cried Jo, masking her ears. "'Prunes and prisms' are my doom, and I might also as properly make up my thoughts to it. I got here here to moralize, not to listen matters that make me bypass to consider."

  "I recognise Meg would moist-blanket such an offer, however I idea you had greater spirit," commenced Laurie insinuatingly.

  "Bad boy, be quiet! Sit down and think about your very own sins, don't cross making me add to mine. If I get your grandpa to apologize for the shaking, will you surrender walking away?" asked Jo severely.

  "Yes, but you may not do it," responded Laurie, who wished to make up, but felt that his outraged dignity ought to be appeased first.

  "If I can manage the younger one, I can the old one," muttered Jo, as she walked away, leaving Laurie bent over a railroad map with his head propped up on each hands.

  "Come in!" and Mr. Laurence's gruff voice sounded gruffer than ever, as Jo tapped at his door.

  "It's simplest me, Sir, come to return a e-book," she said blandly, as she entered.

  "Want any more?" requested the old gentleman, searching grim and vexed, but trying now not to reveal it.

  "Yes, please. I like old Sam so properly, I assume I'll try the second volume," returned Jo, hoping to propitiate him through accepting a second dose of Boswell's Johnson, as he had recommended that energetic work.

  The shaggy eyebrows unbent a bit as he rolled the steps closer to the shelf wherein the Johnsonian literature changed into placed. Jo skipped up, and sitting on the top step, affected to be attempting to find her e-book, however turned into genuinely wondering how first-rate to introduce the damaging object of her visit. Mr. Laurence seemed to suspect that some thing become brewing in her thoughts, for after taking several brisk turns about the room, he faced round on her, speakme so all at once that Rasselas tumbled face downward on the floor.

  "What has that boy been approximately? Don't attempt to defend him. I realize he has been in mischief by the way he acted whilst he got here domestic. I can not get a phrase from him, and once I threatened to shake the truth out of him he bolted upstairs and locked himself into his room."

  "He did wrong, however we forgave him, and all promised now not to mention a word to all and sundry," started out Jo reluctantly.

  "That won't do. He shall not shelter himself in the back of a promise from you softhearted women. If he's accomplished something amiss, he shall confess, beg pardon, and be punished. Out with it, Jo. I won't be saved in the darkish."

  Mr. Laurence looked so alarming and spoke so sharply that Jo might have gladly run away, if she could, but she become perched aloft on the stairs, and he stood at the foot, a lion within the path, so she had to stay and courageous it out.

  "Indeed, Sir, I can not inform. Mother forbade it. Laurie has confessed, requested pardon, and been punished pretty enough. We don't keep silence to guard him, but someone else, and it will make extra trouble if you intervene. Please do not. It changed into partially my fault, however it's all proper now. So allow's forget it, and talk approximately the Rambler or something fine."

  "Hang the Rambler! Come down and supply me your word that this harum-scarum boy of mine hasn't executed whatever ungrateful or impertinent. If he has, in any case your kindness to him, I'll thrash him with my personal hands."

  The threat sounded awful, but did now not alarm Jo, for she knew the irascible vintage gentleman would by no means carry a finger in opposition to his grandson, anything he would possibly say to the contrary. She obediently descended, and made as mild of the prank as she ought to without betraying Meg or forgetting the truth.

  "Hum... Ha... Properly, if the boy held his tongue due to the fact he promised, and not from obstinacy, I'll forgive him. He's a cussed fellow and hard to manage," said Mr. Laurence, rubbing up his hair until it looked as if he have been out in a gale, and smoothing the frown from his brow with an air of alleviation.

  "So am I, but a type phrase will govern me while all the king's horses and all the king's men could not," said Jo, attempting to say a type phrase for her buddy, who appeared to get out of 1 scrape most effective to fall into some other.

  "You think I'm no longer type to him, hey?" became the sharp solution.

  "Oh, pricey no, Sir. You are instead too kind once in a while, and then only a trifle hasty whilst he attempts your persistence. Don't you believe you studied you're?"

  Jo became determined to have it out now, and tried to look pretty placid, though she quaked a bit after her ambitious speech. To her incredible comfort and marvel, the antique gentleman only threw his spectacles onto the desk with a rattle and exclaimed frankly, "You're right, girl, I am! I love the boy, but he tries my persistence past bearing, and I recognise how it will stop, if we pass on so."

  "I'll let you know, he'll run away." Jo changed into sorry for that speech the minute it became made. She intended to warn him that Laurie would not undergo much restraint, and hoped he might be more forebearing with the lad.

  Mr. Laurence's ruddy face modified all of sudden, and he sat down, with a troubled look at the photograph of a handsome guy, which hung over his table. It became Laurie's father, who had run away in his young people, and married in opposition to the imperious antique guy's will. Jo fancied he remembered and regretted the past, and she wanted she had held her tongue.

  "He might not do it unless he is very an awful lot involved, and simplest threatens it occasionally, while he gets tired of analyzing. I frequently think I have to like to, especially considering the fact that my hair become reduce, so if you ever pass over us, you can advertise for two boys and appearance most of the ships sure for India."

  She laughed as she spoke, and Mr. Laurence regarded relieved, certainly taking the whole as a joke.

  "You hussy, how dare you communicate in that manner? Where's your admire for me, and your proper citing? Bless the men and women! What torments they are, but we can't do with out them," he said, pinching her cheeks desirable-humoredly. "Go and convey that boy right down to his dinner, inform him it's all proper, and recommend him no longer to place on tragedy airs along with his grandfather. I may not endure it."

  "He won't come, Sir. He feels badly due to the fact you failed to accept as true with him when he stated he couldn't tell. I suppose the shaking hurt his emotions very much."

  Jo attempted to look pathetic however have to have failed, for Mr. Laurence started out to chortle, and she knew the day turned into gained.

  "I'm sorry for that, and ought to thank him for not shaking me, I assume. What the dickens does the guy anticipate?" and the antique gentleman seemed a trifle ashamed of his personal testiness.

  "If I were you, I'd write him an apology, Sir. He says he may not come down until he has one, and talks approximately Washington, and is going on in an absurd way. A formal apology will make him see how silly he's, and produce him down quite amiable. Try it. He likes fun, and this way is higher than speakme. I'll convey it up, and educate him his duty."


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