Against All Odds

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Against All Odds Page 14

by E. L. Todd

  “I don’t think so. He didn’t seem to realize your mother was gone.”

  She stared at my dresser in silence.

  “You know, I’m sure your father wouldn’t mind—”

  “No.” She silenced me with her words. “I will never ask him for anything. He’s dead to me.”

  Perhaps telling her I was in touch her with her dad was a bad idea. She seemed revolted by just his name. I backed off, knowing she was headstrong when it came to this subject. “Then we’ll talk to my parents. They love you like their own.”

  “They’re very nice people.”

  “Trinity will be thrilled too. She likes you.”

  A hidden smile pulled at her lips. “She likes me a lot more than you.”

  “Who doesn’t?” I teased.

  She gripped my hand and held it. “Can I sleep here tonight?”

  “I was hoping you would.”

  “Good. Because I haven’t gotten a good night’s rest in a long time.”

  “Neither have I.” I wanted to make a move for her clothes but I restrained myself. She rose then opened a drawer. After she picked out her clothes, she held them in her hands.

  “I’ll give you some privacy.” I stood up to leave.

  “No, it’s okay.” She gently pulled her shirt away, exposing her bra. She had a flat stomach that had the distant definition of muscle. Her waist was petite, forming an hourglass frame. Her hips were wide, and my mouth went dry at the sight. The curve of her breasts caught my attention. They were perky and round. I stared because she gave me permission to look.

  Then she pulled my shirt over her body. When her jeans were off, I couldn’t see her underwear. But just knowing they were there and nothing covered her got me excited. She finally let me see her skin, showing me she was serious about this relationship. She was comfortable with me. She trusted me.

  We got into bed then curled out bodies around each other. I stared at her, wanting to taste her everywhere. My hand automatically moved to her hips and I ran my thumb over the warm skin. I looked into her eyes then her lips.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered.

  My heart accelerated and I felt my body tense in desire. “Why don’t you kiss me?”

  A smirk stretched her lips. “I’d love to.”


  After we greeted my parents, my dad breathed a sigh of relief.

  “For a second, I thought you chased her away.” He kept one arm around my mom’s waist.

  “We’re so glad we’re wrong.” Mom beamed in happiness.

  I didn’t bother telling them the details of our relationship. It was none of their business anyway. “I wanted to ask for a favor.”

  “Sure,” Dad said. “What do you need?”

  Beatrice stood beside me, her hand held in mind.

  “Can Beatrice stay with you guys for a few weeks?” I asked. “Until she can afford her own place?”

  Mom’s eyes widened. “You don’t even need to ask. Of course, she can stay. We’d be thrilled. Our own kids never appreciate us.”

  “Why doesn’t she stay with you?” Dad asked.

  “Not that we don’t want you here.” Mom glared at her Dad.

  “I’m just curious,” Dad said. “That’s all.”

  “I don’t feel comfortable living with a guy that long,” Beatrice explained. “I just don’t want to rush our relationship.”

  Much to my misfortune.

  Mom was even happier than before. “Conrad, marry her.”

  “They don’t make them like that anymore,” Dad said.

  I rolled my eyes, trying not to strangle them. “Could you guys just play it cool?”

  “Play it cool?” Dad asked. “Is that the phrase kids are saying nowadays?”

  “Forget it,” I said.

  “I think your parents are nice,” Beatrice said.

  Dad smiled brightly. “She likes us.”

  “Because she needs a place to stay,” I snapped.

  “Do your parent live too far away?” Dad asked.

  “Uh…” Beatrice struggled with a response. “They live in Vermont, so it’s a bit of a commute.”

  “I see.” My dad’s eyes showed his doubt. Only I caught it. “Well, bring your stuff over. We have plenty of space. Trinity will be excited to see you.”

  “And we can go shopping,” Mom said. “And get our nails done and our hair…”

  My parents were so annoying. “We’ll bring everything by,” I said, pulling Beatrice to the door.

  “Don’t you want to stay for dinner?” Mom asked.

  “No.” I pulled Beatrice out until we were safe from their annoyance.

  Chapter Eighteen


  My parents were freaking out.

  “You’ve only been working there for a week,” Dad said. “And you’re going to London?”

  “It’s for research.” I put my bag by the door.

  “Didn’t a terrorist attack just happen there?” Mom questioned.

  “Which is what I’m investigating…”

  Dad was about to have a heart attack. “Is it safe there?”

  “I think so,” I said. “Heath isn’t worried about it.”

  “Heath is the man you work for?” Mom questioned.

  “Yeah,” I answered. “You two need to chill out. I’ll be fine. We’re just interviewing people.”

  “This guy is a total stranger,” Dad said. “How can you trust him?”

  My parents had never been overprotective, but they were getting a late start. “You guys need to back off. I’m an adult and I can make my own decisions.”

  “Why can’t you write for an entertainment magazine?” Dad asked. “You know, something that stays on American soil?”

  “Music is boring,” I said. “This article actually matters. It’s not like I’m going into a war zone.”

  “But people were murdered,” Mom said. She was about to break down into tears. “Ro, it’s not safe. What if there’s another attack?”

  “In the same place?” I asked incredulously.

  “Or nearby,” Dad argued.

  “The United States could be bombed at any moment,” I argued.

  “Not the same thing, Ro.” Dad stared me down. “Maybe you should think about this…”

  There was a knock on the door.

  “That’s him. I got to go.” I grabbed my bag and opened the front door. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” Heath wore dark jeans and a blazer. “Ready?”

  “So ready.” I stepped out.

  “Sean Preston.” Dad extended his hand to him. “Roland’s father.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Heath shook his hand. He didn’t recognize his name, but I’m sure the size of our house gave him a good idea of the wealth my father possessed. Then he turned to my mom. “I’m Heath. Nice to meet you.”

  Mom shook his hand. “Likewise.”

  “Let’s go,” I said. I didn’t want them to get weird in front of my boss.

  “So, do you take trips like this often?” Dad asked Heath.

  “Pretty often,” Heath said. “I travel a lot for work. I usually only go in with the police, so if you’re worried about Roland, he’ll be fine. I care about my job and take pride in it, but I would never risk my life for news. If something is too dangerous, I back off. My editor understands.”

  Dad released a sigh.

  Mom relaxed a little.

  “Let’s hit the road,” I said. I turned toward his car.

  “Hold it right there.” Dad came to me then hugged me hard. He held onto me for a long time, embracing me like I was going to leave for college again. “Be safe, okay?”

  “Dad, I’ll be fine.” He was treating me like I was five.

  He took off his Rolex then put it around my wrist.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You see this button here?” He pointed at a side knob.


  “Press it twice if you need help. A special operative group will come
to your aid at any time and in any place. Remember, press it twice.” He held up two fingers.

  “Are you a secret agent or something?”

  “I’m not in the mood right now,” he said with a serious face. “Do not take that off until you come back.”

  “Okay, geez.”

  “I mean it, Roland Preston.”

  He only used my whole name when he was dead serious. “I promise.”

  He backed off. “Thank you.”

  Mom hugged me next and tried to hold back her emotion. “I love you, honey.”

  I sighed, hating that this was becoming an emotional episode. “I love you too, Mom.”

  “Please keep us updated,” she asked.

  “I will.” I pulled away and spotted Heath watching our interaction. He didn’t smile or seem amused. He just stared.

  Dad hugged me again. “I love you, Son.”

  “Why does this have to be such a big deal?” I asked with a sigh.

  “Say it back,” Dad commanded.

  “I love you too.”

  He pulled away. “Okay. Now you can go.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked sarcastically. “Do you have a secret weapon you want me to have?”

  Dad put his arm around mom and stared at me. But he didn’t have a response.

  “Let’s get out of here before they start crying,” I said as I walked passed Heath.

  “It was nice meeting you,” Heath said as he waved.

  “You too,” Dad said.

  After we left my house and headed down the road, I breathed easy. “Sorry about that.”

  “No need to apologize,” he said coolly.

  “My parents are just…weird.”

  “Weird?” he asked. “It just seems like they care.”

  “Too much,” I said immediately.

  “That’s never a bad thing.”

  I released a sarcastic laugh. “You have no idea…”

  Heath fell silent and turned on the radio.

  When I recalled his family living in Ireland, I realized my mistake. I got to my parents every day and he didn’t. “Sorry…I didn’t mean to be insensitive.”

  “You’re fine, Ro,” he said with a weak smile.


  “Isn’t that what people call you?”

  “Yeah…in my family.”

  “Is it cool if I call you that?”

  “Yeah, sure.” It didn’t make a difference to me.


  After the plane landed, I was eager to go out and do something. “How should we spend our first night here?”

  “I like beer,” he blurted.

  “Let’s head to a pub,” I said excitedly.

  “That doesn’t sound too bad. Let’s check in first.”


  After we checked in at the Four Seasons, we left our bags in the room. We had two queen beds and a nice view of the park. I would never get used to the cars driving on the opposite side of the road. I stared out the window and watched the traffic move.

  Heath changed into a collared shirt and a tie. He wore slacks and dress shoes. I wore something similar, and since it was so cold here, I thought it was a good decision.

  After we left the hotel, we found a local bar on the corner. The TV’s were airing a soccer game, and the people in the bar cheered when Manchester United scored. We sat in the booth then ordered our beers.

  I scanned the bar and looked for a pretty lady. “Are British girls hot?”

  His eyes moved to mine as he took a drink of his beer. “Not sure.”

  “They always say Swedish woman are beautiful. I wonder if English girls are.”

  “Have you been to Sweden?” he asked.

  “No. Have you?”

  “A few times.”

  “So, where there?”

  He shrugged. “None that I remember.” He raised his glass and clanked it against mine. “Cheers, mate.”


  We watched the game as the night wore one, and I ordered fish and chips just to get the full experience. Then I eyed the watch on my wrist, surprised that my dad had such a handy gadget. Uncle Mike always wore a watch, so I wonder if his did the same. I was surprise my dad hadn’t already given Skye and I one. Maybe he thought we would abuse it or refuse to wear it.

  “You’re close with your family?” Heath asked without looking at me.

  “For the most part…”

  “Do you have any siblings?”

  “An older sister. But she’s super annoying.”

  He chuckled. “I have five brothers.”

  “Five?” I asked incredulously. “Damn, you mom got busy.”


  “That’s nice you don’t have a sister. Girls are really annoying.”

  “My brothers are annoying too.”

  “Do any of them live in the states?” I asked.

  “No.” A twinge of sadness was in his voice.

  I wondered why he still lived here. Maybe he hoped he’d get back together with his ex-girlfriend in time. Maybe he was just waiting around. Should I ask? He did call me Ro, something only my close friends called me. “If you miss your family, why don’t you just move back?”

  He drank his beer again before he answered. “There isn’t as many opportunities in Ireland as there are in the States. Our land tends to be full of farmers and landscapers. Work is harder to get.”

  “Oh,” I said. “Did you go to college there?”

  “I did,” he answered.

  “Is your accent good with the ladies?” I asked as I wiggled my eyebrows. “I bet it makes them melt.”

  His eyes lit up with a smile. “I think they find it charming.”

  “I wish I could speak with an accent,” I said. “I’d be seducing girls left and right.”

  “I’m sure you do that already.”

  “Eh,” I said with a shrug. “Not really.”

  “Why?” he asked. “You’re a good looking guy.”

  “Yeah, but most girls want a relationship. That’s not what I’m interested in.”

  “And what are you interested in?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “Getting laid. Having fun. Stuff like that…”

  “Have you ever been in a relationship before?”

  “No,” I said without hesitation.

  “Any particular reason why?”

  “I haven’t met anyone I can’t get enough of.”

  He drank his beer again and let his elbows rest on the table.

  “What about you?” I asked. “You’ve always been a relationship type of guy?”

  “For the most part,” he answered. “I prefer monogamy. The sex is better.”

  “Really?” I asked in surprise.

  “Yeah. After you get to know someone, you understand what they like and don’t like. Trust forms between you. You take each other to new places. The adventure is worthwhile. When it’s a one-night stand, it can be awkward and uncomfortable. You don’t know what the other person wants, and of course, they’ll never tell you. Relationships are just easier.”

  I’d never had a girlfriend before so I didn’t know the difference. Sex seemed to be pretty great when it was meaningless. I knew what I was doing and how to make it enjoyable for the girl. And the better I pleased her, the more she pleased me. “How long have you been working for Knockout?”

  “Three years,” he answered.

  “Have you ever dated anyone at work?”

  “No. No one has ever caught my attention.”

  “That secretary is cute but she’s…aggressive.”

  He smirked. “She’s rough around the edges. But if you’re going to be Nora’s secretary, you have to be that way.”

  “I guess that’s true.”

  “So, do you want to do anything else tonight?”

  I looked at the time on my Rolex. “It’s already pretty late.”

  “Yeah.” He took another drink of his beer and was almost finished with it. “I have serious jetlag any

  After we paid the tab, we walked back to the hotel. It was freezing cold, and I kept my jacket tight around me. Heath didn’t seem to mind the climate. It was like he was used to it.

  Once we were back in the room, he removed his shirt and tie and got ready for bed. “You care if I sleep in my boxers?”

  “No.” As long as we were in different beds, I didn’t care what he wore.

  He moved to the floor and did a few push ups and sit-ups. He was lean and tone like a soccer player. He didn’t’ have any fat, and he had a little muscle. I was a little bigger, but I had a lean body like my father. “What are you doing?”

  “I didn’t exercise today so I wanted to get something in.” He stood up then breathed hard.

  “What do you normally do?”

  “Run or swim.”

  “Swim?” I asked.

  “Yeah. It’s peaceful.”

  I got into bed and played with my phone. “We’re heading to that magazine tomorrow?”

  “Yep. Make sure you got your notebook and your attention.”

  “That won’t be a problem.” I checked a message from Conrad. You’re in London?

  Yep. Got here a few hours ago.

  Thanks for letting me know.

  You seemed too busy not getting laid.

  Shut the hell up, asshole.

  I laughed out loud, catching Heath’s notice. Touchy subject, huh?

  Have fun fucking those British whores without teeth.

  Hey, it’s good they don’t have teeth. They suck cock better.

  You’re going to hell, Ro.

  So are you. I put my phone on my nightstand then turned off the light.

  “Someone from home?” Heath asked.

  “Yeah, my friend Conrad.”

  “Jealous you’re in London?”

  “Yep.” I closed my eyes and felt my body relax.

  Heath rolled over and got comfortable. “He’s probably just concerned.”

  “It seems like everyone is.” If my eyes weren’t closed, I’d roll them.

  “Consider it a compliment.”

  “I try…when they aren’t being annoying.” I felt my mind wander and then my dreams start to form. Soon, I was gone, fast asleep.


  We had breakfast in the hotel restaurant.

  “Sleep well?” Heath asked.

  “I was out pretty much the moment my head hit the pillow.” I demolished my pancakes then moved onto the rest of my food.


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