Tailored for Love

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by Liliana Rhodes

  Tailored for Love

  The Billionaire’s Whim, Book 3

  Liliana Rhodes

  Tailored for Love, The Billionaire’s Whim book 3

  Copyright © 2020 by Liliana Rhodes

  Cover Design by CT Cover Creations

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews.


  About Tailored for Love

  1. Deborah

  2. Deborah

  3. Deborah

  4. Will

  5. Deborah

  6. Deborah

  7. Will

  8. Deborah

  9. Deborah

  10. Deborah

  11. Deborah

  12. Will

  13. Deborah

  14. Deborah

  15. Deborah

  16. Will

  17. Deborah

  18. Bill

  19. Deborah

  20. Stewart

  21. Deborah

  22. Deborah

  23. Deborah

  Bonus Scene - Tailored for Love

  I. Excerpt - Won’t Fall Again

  About Won’t Fall Again


  I. A Chance to Remember

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Also by Liliana Rhodes

  About the Author

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  About Tailored for Love

  That first day I saw you changed everything for me

  Life hasn't been easy for Deborah Hansen. With a pile of debt and college loans coming due, the twenty-five year old takes a job as a tailor in a fine department store. When tall, dark, and handsome "Mr. Sexy" walks into her department, Deborah decides to follow her new motto of living with no regrets.

  But William King isn't just any sexy man. Tortured by the dangerous secrets in his past, the elusive billionaire has rejected every relationship. But no matter how much he fights, he finds himself unable to resist Deborah’s charms.

  Will his secrets bring them closer or push Deborah away?

  This novel was originally published as No Regrets, it is now book 3 in The Billionaire’s Whim series.

  Book 1: My Boss’s Whim

  Book 2: Playing the Game

  Book 3: Tailored for Love

  Book 4: Won’t Fall Again

  Book 5: Love to Hate You

  Book 6: Better as Friends

  Chapter One


  The sun beat down, barely giving any escape. Even under the trees there was no relief. Walking past the old brick campus buildings I had my classes in, I wondered why I had never felt so much heat radiating off the bricks before. Up ahead in the clearing, students and school administrators milled about, waiting. Just beyond them were rows of white wooden chairs facing a long stage.

  As I approached the small crowd of people in their caps and gowns, I wished I thought to bring my sunglasses. Squinting as I looked around, I slipped the black silky material of my graduation gown on like a coat over the tan jeans and cotton button down shirt I wore, grateful to not have to mess up my chin-length bob.

  I hoped to look casual, like I didn't care about graduation, but the truth was I cared much more than I wanted to admit. Zipping the gown up the front and then draping the red honors sash over my shoulders, I looked like all the other Canyon Cove University graduates. Except maybe a little rounder and definitely shorter.

  My weight had been a sensitive issue since my neighbor Patty asked me why I was so fat. I was four at the time and at my chubbiest. I didn't know what fat was, but by the tone of her voice, I knew it was a bad thing. I ran home crying and told my grandmother what happened.

  Of course Grandma tried to make me feel better by saying we all came in different shapes and sizes, but it didn't matter. The damage had been done. Since then, I was always aware of how much larger I was compared to others. I knew sometimes it was all in my head, but I couldn't help it. It was like Patty had permanently taken up residence in my head.

  Luckily for me, the older I got, the less I cared about what others thought. Sometime in high school when I really began caring about clothes, I realized how unfair it was that big girls couldn't dress cute.

  It was around that time that I would go shopping with my girlfriends at the mall and while they had endless stores to choose from, I was lucky to have one. Usually that one store only carried conservative old lady clothes that I was far from wearing as a teen. I was a young girl, I didn't want to dress like my grandma. That was when I started making my own clothes.

  As I walked around, I looked at the faces of the other graduates, hoping to find someone familiar. I didn't recognize anyone. Between working a couple of jobs and school, I didn't have much of a social life. Watching them hug and smile at each other, I felt really out of place, like I missed out on something. It didn't help that at twenty-five, they were younger than me by a few years. Shit, why am I here?

  "Deborah! Deborah Hansen!"

  Recognizing Ashley Boone's voice, I turned around, breathing a sigh of relief that I wasn't completely alone but thinking it odd to see her here. Ashley had been my boss at the Winslow Museum for Motion Pictures and was the sweetest person ever. She even offered me her job when she decided to become a stay at home mom. I was happy to call Ashley my friend.

  "Ashley! What are you doing here?" I asked as I walked towards her. Looking beautiful as usual with her long dark hair, pouty lips, and an orange print sundress that hugged her curves, Ashley held her infant son Jacob. I was reminded of paintings of the Madonna and child. "Wait, that didn't come out right," I said, laughing. "I'm glad to see you, but how did you know? I didn't tell you about this."

  She laughed as she hugged me. "I know you better than you think," she said as she grinned at me. "You mentioned graduating this semester so I looked up the date. I knew you wouldn't miss walking."

  "You're right, but I really don't know why I'm here. This is stupid. I don't even know anyone here, and I don't have anyone here, either. Well, I didn't until you came."

  "You should be happy, Deborah. You're finally graduating! You should walk and be proud! You'll never get another chance to do this."

  "I know. That's the only reason I'm here. I don't want to look back and regret the things I didn't do. There have been so many things in my life...I almost didn't finish school, but I knew I'd regret that, too. Before my grandma died, she said life was too short to regret the things you didn't do. She had so many regrets. She made me promise I'd follow my heart and never regret anything."

  "She sounds like she was a wise, wonderful woman."

  "She was something else, that's for sure," I said, laughing as I remembered her spunkiness. "I miss her. You know, she raised me. I couldn't ask for a better life growing up even though we had no money. Speaking of money, where's Mr. Billionaire?"

  "He'll be here later to pick up the baby for his nap. Then you and I are going to Joyeux. Joshua feels awful about not calling you and demanded I bring you by his shop so he could finally meet you in person."

  "That sounds great!"

  "Graduates," a woman's voice called out over the crowd. "Please line up. The procession will begin shortly."

  "I'll meet you back here when it's over," Ashley said. "Go line up! Make your grandma even prouder than I'm sure she already is.

  Ashley gave me a big hug, careful to not disturb Jacob, who was sleeping. Smiling sheepishly at her, I felt tears fill my eyes and quickly blinked, trying to stop them from falling. It was useless though, so I blotted the corners of my eyes with my fingertips, trying to save my makeup.

  "Dammit Ash, you made me cry! I'll look like a raccoon accepting my diploma," I joked, hoping to make my tears stop. "Please, go so you can get a seat. I'd feel awful if you had to stand in this heat the entire time."

  As Ashley left, I found my spot in line with the other H's. Looking around at my fellow graduates, I straightened my honors sash and looked up through the tall trees at the cloudless sky.

  This is for you, Grandma, I thought. I really hope you're up there watching. I looked down at the ground. Or watching from down there where you always said you'd be.

  As I laughed to myself, Pomp and Circumstance played and the long procession walked under the famed wrought iron arch of the university and towards the stage set up on the grassy campus plaza. I continued to think about my grandma as I walked, remembering her wicked sense of humor and all the things she taught me about life.

  As I sat on a wooden folding chair surrounded by a sea full of strangers, the heat of the black graduation cap and gown started to get to me. What I wouldn't do for a breeze or even a little rain. I knew I should've stayed home.

  Suddenly the bright sun slipped behind a small dark cloud and it began to rain. Some people ran for cover. Most of the graduates stayed in their seats, grateful for the break in the heat. I laughed and looked back up at the sky. Ah-ha! I knew you'd be up there! Thanks, Grandma.

  Chapter Two


  Shortly after receiving my diploma, the steady drizzle became a downpour. I spotted Ashley near the walkway just beyond the graduation arch, kissing Jacob on the forehead as she handed him to a smiling Xander, who held an umbrella.

  Xander was the perfect handsome complement to Ashley. Together, they looked like they had just stepped out of a magazine. With his perfectly trimmed beard and hair a little on the longer side, I could see why Ashley fell for him. And to watch how he looked at her, you could see the intense love in his eyes. In both their eyes, really.

  I waved to them as I headed towards my car. They looked so happy. I couldn't help it. For a brief second, I was jealous. It wasn't that I wanted a family or even a husband. I didn't even want to be bothered with a boyfriend right now. The last thing I needed was that kind of distraction. It's just that since Grandma died, there were times I felt really alone.

  "That was a beautiful ceremony, Deb," Ashley said once she caught up with me.

  "Yeah, I guess it wasn't that bad. Thankfully the rain made them cut it short."

  "We can take my car. It's in the lot across the street. Are you parked there, too?"

  "Ha, no. I popped all the money I had into the meter and hoped I wouldn't get a ticket," I said as I pointed to the navy four-door piece of shit that used to be my grandmother's car. "I need to take my car, I'm sure the meter's up. How about if I follow you to Joshua's?"

  "Sure, I'll pull around to meet you," she said before heading towards the parking lot.

  I unlocked my car and slipped in behind the steering wheel, throwing the cap and gown onto the seat beside me. Turning the key in the ignition, I felt my stomach drop when nothing happened. The car was silent.

  "Shit! Not now! No, not now!" I yelled as I turned the key again. But the only sound I heard was the click of my keys against the console. "Please, please, please start!" As Ashley pulled up next to me in her beautiful, expensive SUV, I shook my head and begged. "Not in front of her. Please start. Don't make her feel sorry for me."

  Pulling the key out then shoving it back into the ignition and twisting it hard, the car suddenly came to life. I breathed a sigh of relief before pulling out into traffic behind Ashley.

  After a quick drive on the freeway, we got off an exit that brought us closer to the center of the city of Canyon Cove. As we stopped at a red light, I looked over at the car stopped beside mine in the next lane. It was a shiny black sports coupe, and I slowly realized I knew the car. Doug? It couldn't be...could it?

  Doug Murray was my last boyfriend and at almost a year, my longest relationship. We met the first year of college and had an immediate attraction to each other. He played lacrosse and had a laid back style I found irresistible. With spiky brown hair and dimples in his cheeks when he smiled, every girl turned their heads to look when Doug entered the room.

  Surprised to see him, I stared until Doug turned and looked back at me. I smiled and waved, but I could see by his face that he didn't know who I was. As recognition slowly filled his face, he covered his mouth with one hand, pointed at me with the other, and laughed.

  The traffic light couldn't change fast enough. I knew I was heavier than the last time he saw me, but his laughter felt like he reached into my chest and yanked my heart out and stomped on it. Wishing I could say something to him to put him in his place, I lifted my hand up and extended my middle finger at him as the light turned green.

  When Ashley and I reached the parking lot of Fashion Plaza, I stepped out of my car, still shaken up by Doug's mocking.

  "You alright? You don't look so good." Ashley said as we followed the path from the parking lot into the shopping area.

  "Yes, I'm fine," I said then sighed. "No, I'm really not. It's my ex. I just saw him."

  "When? Now? What happened?"

  "Yeah, just now. At the traffic light. It's just so odd because he was such an ass just now, but when we were together, he really wasn't. He was actually really sweet. We even stayed friends for a while afterwards, but I guess we lost touch."

  "Sounds like you're leaving something out."

  "Yeah, I guess I ignored the obvious. I feel bad about that," I said as I thought about the past. "Doug went to college full time so he graduated a couple of years ago. It was around that time that my grandmother took a turn for the worse. Between that and all the time I was spending with Doug while he decided what to do with his degree, my grades started to suffer.

  "I guess I should've been more honest with Doug, but I was so upset about my grandma that I shut down. I broke up with Doug and we decided to stay friends. He'd invite me over and we'd hang out. It was nice.

  "I should've seen the signs though. I don't think he was over me. Maybe he thought if we stayed friends we'd get back together. I really don't know, he never said anything." I thought quietly for a moment before continuing. "I remember one day he played a song and told me to listen to the end, that those lyrics really made him think of me. Maybe I should've paid more attention."

  "What did it say?"

  "Something about how he knew I would be the star in another person's sky and why couldn't it be his." I shook my head as I realized what he was saying then. "Eventually he stopped returning my calls. That was about a year ago." My voice trailed off as I mentally kicked myself. "Boy, am I dense."

  "No Deb, you said it yourself, you were going through a lot. Don't be so hard on yourself. He was an asshole for what he just did. Forget about him and just focus on meeting Joshua. You'll love him, he's great."

  Entering the store, all my worries slipped away. Ashley continued to talk, but I barely heard her. Mannequins modeled some of the most fashion-forward styles I had seen not only in Canyon Cove but even on the cover of Vogue. Joyeux was everything I dreamed about for myself.

  Ashley touching my arm brought me back to reality, and I followed her gaze towards the back of the store where she exchanged waves with an attractive man I recognized as Joshua Cane. With his brown hair perfectly slicked back, just a hint of stubble on his cheek, and his welcoming smile, he looked just as perfect as he did when he was featured in magazines.

  Standing beside him was a nervous young woman with flaxen hair who looked like she hadn't eaten in years. After giving instructions to her, he then snapped his fingers at her twin. It wasn't until the two women were running around
doing his bidding that he sauntered over to us, wearing a dark pair of almost too tight jeans and a tucked-in button shirt in a bronze print that accentuated his tanned skin.

  "Ashley, you gorgeous thing you," he said before kissing her on both cheeks. "I have some fabulous new items for you. My assistant Corrie will escort you to the dressing room where everything's waiting. If you need anything, she will be at your beck and call."

  "Well, aren't you just all business?" Ashley teased him. "Joshua, this is Deborah--"

  "Of course it is, darling." He extended his hand in my direction and I shook it. "I recognize her from the University newspaper. Did you know she took first place in ready-to-wear?"

  "Really? I had no idea! Why didn't you tell me?" Ashley asked me.

  "It's not a big deal. I mean of course I was thrilled to win, but..." I didn't know what else to say without talking about how it was just a school competition with so many categories that everyone won something. Even if I did think I won the best category, I thought there were others with more creative designs.

  "But you don't think you really deserved it, do you?" Joshua said.

  "No, I...I worked hard for it. I knew my work spoke for itself and deserved to win, I just..." Didn't think I should win is what I thought, but those words I knew were best kept to myself.

  "Corrie, please take Mrs. Boone to try on my fall collection," Joshua called out to one of the women before he turned back to Ashley. "We need to catch up sometime and I'd love to see that adorable baby of yours, but today is business. I want to focus my attention on this talented designer you've brought me."


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