Tailored for Love

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Tailored for Love Page 10

by Liliana Rhodes

  "Yes, Miss."

  "Can you tell me what room Mr. William King is staying in?"

  "No, I'm sorry, I don't have the specifics, but I can tell you that your room is connected to another suite and a deluxe guest-room."

  Realizing there was a locked door in the bedroom, I wondered if Will was on the other end. "Thank you for your help," I said into the phone.

  "My pleasure, Miss."

  Chewing on my lip, I walked up to the door. Could he be in there? I pressed my ear up against the door and thought I heard something, and my heart almost leapt out of my chest. It has to be him!

  I knocked softly and waited, but nothing happened. Knocking a little louder, I held my breath as I heard shuffling on the other side of the door. The handle turned and I stepped back as the door slowly opened. Dianna peeked around from behind the door.

  "Dammit, Dianna!" I said, then immediately felt bad. "I mean hi, sorry."

  "Well, hello to you too," she said as she stepped into my room. "I just got in, how did you know I was here? My plane was early."

  "I didn't. I was hoping you were Will."

  "Will? You mean Mr. Sexy came with you? What did the big boss man have to say about that?"

  "They're the same person." I said then sighed, realizing how much had happened in the past day.

  "You mean Will owns Hargrove's? But I thought it was a family owned store. That's not his last name. That explains why he looked familiar though."

  "Hargrove is a family name. What do you mean that explains why he looked familiar?"

  "His portrait is probably up on the top floor. You know, where they interviewed you for the contest," she said as she stared out at the view.

  "Are you kidding me? Am I that blind?"

  I thought back and remembered Will telling me to call him by his name and how surprised he seemed that I didn't recognize him. How could I not notice his picture?

  "You should see my room! It's gorgeous," she said as she looked around my suite. "Ok, it's a little smaller than yours but still, isn't this place amazing?"

  "Yeah, fabulous," I said unenthusiastically.

  "What's wrong? You're in the City of Love with a gorgeous billionaire. If you have a problem with that, I'd be more than willing to fill in for you. Just look at those roses! And the petals on the bed are a nice touch. He is getting lucky tonight!"

  "No, he's not. We broke up."

  "What are you talking about? You couldn't have done more than fly together. What happened?"

  "Dianna, he owns Hargrove's. I just won the Designer Challenge. I can't show at Fashion Week now. It was rigged. I'll just be nothing more than the owner's girlfriend."

  "Did he say that? Because last I knew, you didn't even know he was the owner, so why would anyone even know he had a girlfriend? Or even care?"

  "He's the owner, of course it was rigged. And it does matter! I'm not good enough to have my own collection on display, and this proves it."

  "No Deb, he's the owner. Do you think he even has time to bother with something as insignificant as a contest? And I saw your collection. It's gorgeous! Look at it yourself if you don't want to believe me."

  Dianna looked around the bedroom and when she didn't see what she searched for, she went into the main room of my suite. Not knowing what to expect, I followed her and was surprised to see my bags sitting beside the door. Placing my old hard-sided suitcase on the couch, she opened it up and one by one pulled out the pieces of my collection, ending with the ocean blue gown.

  "Look at these! How can you say these aren't worthy of winning?"

  "You're right, they're good, but are they good enough? We're not just talking about Hargrove's but Fashion Week in Paris!"

  "Then make something new. Add something to the collection to prove to yourself how good you really are."

  "Are you crazy? There's no time!"

  "Give me a break Deborah, I know you. I've seen how you sketch whenever you get a new idea. I bet you have new sketches already, and I also bet that if we go out right now, something will spark your imagination."

  "You're right. And you can't go to Paris and not visit the Eiffel Tower. I mean, look at it out there." I looked out the window again and noticed the sun had begun its descent. "Let's go for a walk. Plus if we don't go tonight, I'm not sure if we'll get the time to before we go."

  Dianna and I grabbed our handbags and left the hotel. With the sun almost beyond the horizon, a deep orange haze glowed just above the skyline as the Eiffel Tower beckoned us with its lights. We walked quietly at first, just taking in the scenery, until I spotted her slyly looking over at me a couple of times.

  "Okay, what is it?" I asked.

  "I have to know. Are you going to show your collection?"

  "I think I am. I mean, my collection is really strong and I'm proud of it. I did win the contest after all. You're right, Will's got better things to do than to rig a contest. I don't know what I was thinking."

  "I'm glad. You really do deserve it. I've been working at Hargrove's for a few years now and I've never seen a collection as good as yours. I even tried one year, but my designs just...well, they sucked," she said, laughing. "I made it to the interview before they promptly laughed me back onto the sales floor."

  "That's terrible, Dianna!"

  "No, it's really fine. I have no regrets. It was just something I really wanted to try, but I'm really not creative enough. Not like you."

  As we walked past the squared trees lining the Champs de Mars, I began to lose myself in our surroundings. The Eiffel Tower made me think of modern mesh fabric. As I looked at its shape, I suddenly thought of an A-line dress. Just simple and elegant like the building in front of us.

  "Oh wait, wait!" I said to Dianna.

  Moving aside to let the other walkers pass, I pulled a notepad and pencil out of my bag. Frantically, I began sketching a sleeveless, form-fitting dress that easily went from day to night. As the dress followed the A shape, a softly ruffled hem finished the dress at mid-thigh.

  "That's gorgeous! See what I mean, Deb? That's talent right there. I can even see how the Eiffel Tower inspired that dress."

  "Thanks! We have to head back. I think I have some ivory crepe that will be perfect for this dress. I want to make the pattern tonight. Maybe they'll even let me send it down the runway!"

  Excited didn't begin to explain how I felt. I loved this new dress and I had to make it a reality. I felt my confidence coming back and wondered how I let it slip away so easily. Briefly, I thought I should apologize to Will for overreacting, but the thought zipped out of my mind as quickly as it entered. All I could think about was creating that dress.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I spent most of the night creating a pattern for the new dress and then cutting the fabric. It was the quickest I had ever designed anything and I couldn't believe how much I loved it.

  Out of the corner of my eye, the sun began to rise. I kept the curtains open so I could look out at my inspiration as I worked on the dress. I couldn't have made the progress I did without seeing it right there. The view from the suite was perfect.

  I couldn't wait to tell Will about the new dress and how inspired I got. That was until I realized he thought we had broken up. How could I forget that? What if he didn't want to talk to me? Or worse, what if he flew back home? He didn't even know how I really felt about him.

  A soft knock on the door pulled me out of my funk. I knew it was Dianna. That meant it was time for us to head over to the Carrousel du Louvre where all Fashion Week activities would take place.

  "Have you been working all night?" Dianna asked.

  "Yes, and I really think it's perfect," I said as I pulled the dress onto a dress form. "I just need to do some minor adjustments, but most of those will come during the fitting anyway. Are you ready to go?"

  "You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to this. How many people can say they worked on a collection at Fashion Week? Don't answer that, you'll ruin it f
or me."

  "I packed up everything else already. I know you need your morning coffee, so we can ask the concierge for a place to stop at on our way."

  "Sounds good. I'm ready to have some café au lait, just saying it sounds special. Have you spoken to Will?"

  I didn't want to answer her. Feeling foolish, I tried to think of a quick change of topic but drew a blank. Instead, as I packed up the new dress, I shook my head, hoping she'd drop it.

  "You said the front desk told you there are three rooms attached together. Why didn't you knock on the last door?"

  "I got so wrapped up in designing this and having it ready on time, I completely forgot they said that. Plus it's not like I'm going to knock on the door in the middle of the night. What if it's not even him?"

  She rolled her eyes, making it clear she wasn't falling for my bullshit. Ignoring her, I finished packing up the things I needed for the fittings.

  "Why are you doing this?" she asked. "I mean, there's a gorgeous man who came all the way out here with you and you're ignoring him! Sure, you're busy and all, but the last thing he probably remembers is you yelling at him. I know how upset you were when I got here. I can only imagine how you acted towards him when you found out."

  "Okay, you're right! Happy? I'm an idiot and honestly I'm too embarrassed by how I acted to see him. Do you have any idea how I felt when I saw that heart made of rose petals on the bed? I mean seriously, who does that? I don't deserve him."

  "You are an idiot, Deborah. And if you really think fate didn't bring you two together, then you're a bigger moron than I thought. I saw how he looks at you. It's like nothing in the world even exists but you. You can manage a few minutes to make sure things are okay between the two of you."

  I sighed, knowing she was right. I needed to talk to Will and I might as well do it now before things got too crazy with Fashion Week. Who knew what Will thought of me now or if he even thought of me at all? He seemed really angry when he left me in the hall, but I didn't want to lose him because of my own stupidity.

  Putting my ear to the other hotel room door in the main living space of my suite, I listened like I did at Dianna's door but didn't hear anything. Did he leave? Is he staying somewhere else? It was early, so maybe he was still asleep. I shouldn't bother him.

  As I stepped away from the door, Dianna entered the room with her arms folded tightly over her chest. She didn't need to say anything for me to know what she thought. I was chickening out.

  Taking a deep breath, I gathered my courage then softly knocked on the door and waited a second before giving up. Dianna let out an annoyed sigh, reached around me, and knocked loudly before walking away. I was just about to run after her when the door opened.

  "I'm busy," Will said as he let go of the door and re-entered his room.

  Following him, I immediately felt bad. Will chose to stay in an ordinary guest room while Dianna and I had spacious, luxurious suites. Even in his anger towards me, he let me enjoy the posh finery and the view.

  Wearing a black suit, Will walked back and forth through the room as he packed things into his suitcase. Slowly it dawned on me what was going on.

  "What are you doing?" I asked him as I looked into his suitcase. "Where are you going?"

  "I'm going home," he said between clenched teeth.

  "No, you can't leave."

  "I have no interest in fashion and unless you've changed your mind, Hargrove's doesn't have a collection to present. I have no reason to stay." He was quiet while he continued packing then looked at me. The green flecks in his eyes flashed angrily then softened. "I'm sorry. I should have told you exactly who I was. I liked that you weren't into me because of Hargrove's, and I didn't tell you because I didn't want to risk things changing."

  "I was wrong," I whispered.


  "I was wrong," I said quietly.

  "Speak up, I can't hear you."

  I cleared my throat and finally spoke at a normal volume. "I was wrong."

  "What was that?" he said as he turned away with his crooked grin.

  "You jerk! You heard me."


  "And I'm sorry I made such a big deal over something stupid. But you have to see it from my side."

  "I do understand, Deborah. I know your concerns are valid, but I really have nothing to do with the Designer Challenge. I was just as surprised when I found out you won and immediately wanted to surprise you with this trip."

  "Dianna helped talk some sense into me. I even designed an amazing new dress that I added to the collection."

  "I'm glad. You really do deserve this opportunity. And since we're up a little early, why don't we go for a drive today? Just you and me."

  "Just the two of us?"

  "Yes. It's morning, so there's plenty of time. Let's drive out to the countryside. I hear it's beautiful."

  "I don't know, Will. I'm supposed to do measurements today. The next time I see the models, I'll be dressing them for the runway. Let me meet the models and see what I can do. In the meantime, bring your bags to my room."

  Standing on tiptoes, I reached up, pulled him down to me, and kissed him. All was right in the world again.

  Chapter Fifteen


  As the taxi arrived at the Louvre, the first thing I noticed was the glass pyramid, which looked even more impressive than in photos. Dianna and I peeled ourselves off the windows as we soaked in as much of Paris as we could during the ride. Expecting a long day on my feet, I dressed comfortably in a pair of tan linen cropped pants with a black floral print empire waist top.

  Apparently all this time there were cocoons in my stomach just waiting for me to arrive at the Carrousel du Louvre, because as soon as I got out of the taxi, hundreds of butterflies filled my stomach.

  Entering the mall that hosted Fashion Week, we were in awe as we walked along the gleaming ivory marble floors, not much different than those at work, but somehow much more glamorous to us. Following the flow of people wearing some of the most eclectic styles, I felt a little plain being dressed so casually but knew I was finally where I dreamed of being.

  While the show didn't start for another couple of days, today was really important because it was the first time we would meet our models and the last time we would see them until an hour before show time. The measurements we got today needed to be perfect.

  Even everyone with their black glossy Fashion Week access passes dangling around their necks seemed special. After collecting our passes, I looked at mine for a moment and smiled at seeing 'Deborah Hansen, Designer' printed across it.

  A short red-haired woman with 'volunteer' on her badge showed us the space Hargrove's arranged for us to use for fittings and alterations. It was a white room with just enough room for two sewing machines, several dress forms, a long table, and a three-way mirror that reminded me of Will the day I took his measurements.

  My palms were moist as I unpacked my designs and waited for the models to arrive. I had a lot of work ahead of me since I designed the clothes for a bigger girl than what the models would be.

  "Look," Dianna said as she elbowed me, "the Amazons have arrived."

  Stifling a giggle, I looked at the doorway. A group of ten tall, overly thin women walked into the room chatting with each other. My eyes darted quickly over their bodies as the butterflies in my stomach morphed into a twisted knot.

  "Oh no, it's even worse than I imagined," I said under my breath.

  All I could see were protruding collarbones, sunken cheeks, and clothes that hung off bodies no different than a plastic hanger. The models looked unhealthy. Some of the problems I saw could be fixed with hair and make-up, but the part that mattered to me the most was their bodies, and these models were much too thin.

  "Are you okay?" Dianna asked quietly. "You look a little green."

  Breathing deeply as I tried to calm myself, I opened my mouth to speak but squeaked instead. My throat felt like one of the models got lodged in there. Tears slowly st
ung my eyes so I looked around, trying to stop them from spilling onto my cheeks.

  As I blinked and fought back tears, Will walked through the door with Stewart close behind him. Don't let him see me like this! Turning away, I hoped to somehow disappear or blend into the wall. It didn't work.

  "I see your models have arrived," he said as he approached then lowered his head to my ear. "Did something happen? Is everything okay?"

  The dam burst. "They're too skinny," I said, then covered my face with my hands.

  "Yes well, they're models. Someone thinks they should look like the walking dead. You knew they'd be thin. I don't understand what's wrong."

  "Everything! My designs are ruined. I'll have to start over. I can use my sketches, but I have two days to make everything over again."

  "You can't use what you have?"

  I shook my head. Just by looking at them, I could tell all my samples were a waste. Every detail, from the ruching to the draping, would have to be completely redone. My samples were worthless now. With that amount of work, it would be easier to start from scratch. The biggest problem was I didn't have time. It was close to impossible to recreate all of my designs in less than two days.

  Will stormed off without a word and barked something at one of the models that sent her running off in tears. While he glared at her abandoned friend, she said something to him before she also left.

  In the blink of an eye, an elegant older woman with 'Mimi' on the access pass hanging around her neck entered and began talking to Will. Based on the way she carried herself, she might have been a model back in the day. Will's voice boomed throughout the room as he spoke, this time in French. I wasn't sure if I should be worried or impressed that he could yell in another language.

  With her face red, she barked something at the eight remaining models and they began filing out into the hall. With a quick turn on her heel, she exited the room and my dream went from impossible to non-existent. The sickly toothpick models were bad, but no models were worse. How would my collection go down the runway without them?


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