Vampish: The Hunt: (An Enemies-to-Lovers Paranormal Romance)

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Vampish: The Hunt: (An Enemies-to-Lovers Paranormal Romance) Page 9

by G. K. DeRosa

  “From what I understand, Ronin is delusional. He thinks you vampires should indulge in real blood. Do you have any idea what that would mean for the world of Azar? Or the human one? The borders would be permanently closed, and all supernaturals would suffer because you couldn’t keep your fangs in your pants.”

  He shrugged. “Like I said, I don’t care about politics. I simply want to enjoy my immortal life.”

  “Well, as long as you don’t eat humans or other supes, you do you.”

  He chuckled, the sound disturbingly warm and buttery smooth. “So you’re not going to turn me into the queen anymore? Claim my huge bounty?” He waggled a mischievous brow.

  “Not tonight. I’m tired.”

  Ransom clucked his teeth. “Red, I’m disappointed. What happened to that fire?”

  “I’ll get you next time. I’m just giving you a pass for him.” I ticked my head at the mound of ashes.

  He grinned, revealing a dimple I did not need to focus on. “Oh, one more thing. You might want this.” He opened his palm and held it out. My silver cross glistened beneath the broken streetlight. My fingers instinctively went to my neck and landed on the dangling chain. Dammit, the vamp must have broken it when he was trying to bite me.

  “Thanks,” I muttered as I snatched it from his open hand.

  “Until next time, then.” He sped off into the night, disappearing around the corner of an old motel. What the hell was Ransom’s story? I needed to find out ASAP, or I’d never be able to focus on Ronin. He was much too distracting.

  “The building’s clear.” Spark’s voice zipped over the com. “Where are you, Nix?”

  “Outside,” I answered. “Let’s go home.”




  * * *

  I stood at the window overlooking the skeletal remains of the Darklands and scowled. I couldn’t believe I was relegated to reside in this rundown part of town. Technically, my penthouse was right on the border. The river that wound its way across Nocturnis divided the crumbling territory from the rest of the realm and snaked a few yards from this once luxurious and now abandoned building.

  But I had a bounty on my head and returning to the land of the living wasn’t in the cards for me right now. I grunted as I stared beyond the river to Royal Castle, its spiraling turrets visible at a distance.

  I’d been so stupid to get caught. I had to find a way to get back in Carmen Rosa’s good graces because I did not plan on living the rest of my immortal life in this dump. With my burning need for blood, I was forced to return to the vampire realm. My needs would be too conspicuous otherwise.

  I sauntered around the penthouse I’d stumbled upon on my return from the Isle of Mordis. The apartment itself was fine with glass sliding doors and a wraparound balcony with sprawling views of Nocturnis. It was large with more than enough space for me, but there was no electricity, no running water, nothing. Even the furniture was sparse. The prior tenants must have tried to sell the furnishings for a meager supply of Blud.

  I gagged at the memories of the wretched taste. How did the Etrian Assembly really expect us to live off that hot garbage? It was nothing like the real thing. Straight from the vein. My tongue darted out, licking my lips, then the gnawing guilt reared its ever-present head. Damned humanity creeping in. I tried not to kill my blood sources, but it was so hard. Once the bloodlust kicked in, all control was lost.

  My fingers curled into fists at my side. I fought the urge to feed for so long when I was first turned. I just wanted to die. I hadn’t been kidding when I told Red that. Red. Her face danced across my vision. I didn’t even know her real name, and I shouldn’t care, but there was something about that little sicari… Besides her incredible scent.

  My mind flickered back to our encounter the day before. She’d actually tried to kill me with that enormous medieval weapon. A tiny smile pulled at the corners of my lips. She was spunky, I’d give her that. But just before she attacked… I felt something. I massaged the vacant hole in my chest. The spot where my wolf used to reside. I hadn’t felt him since the day I died, and the truth was, his absence ate at my insides. I’d been a shifter for twenty-three years, one with my wolf, and now he was gone.

  But that growl that Red had elicited… it belonged to my wolf.

  Or I was going insane.

  I never imagined I’d feel his loss so acutely. I’d always heard the mate bond was the most powerful connection we had as wolves, but no one ever spoke of the one with our wolf, our animal half. I glanced down at my ring finger, at the crescent moons that still circled below my knuckle. I didn’t miss Destiny at all. I let out a rueful chuckle. I doubted she missed me. We’d only been mated for a few days before my untimely end, and it had simply been a mating of convenience after all. Nothing like the real thing—or what I’d imagined it to be.

  Now I was just depressing myself. I needed to get out. I needed to do something. Gods, this immortal life was tiresome already. I grabbed my leather jacket off the couch and strode to the door. Nothing a little midnight snack couldn’t fix.

  The streets below were quiet, most of the starving serviles hunkered down for the night. The sicari generally roamed at this hour, stalking their prey, and most of the lower-class vampires were easy pickings. If an immortal was deprived of blood for long enough, our minds turned to mush, the endless cravings too much to handle. A shudder raced up my spine. If I ever got that bad, I’d take a stake to my own heart.

  I sauntered toward the river, toward civilization in Royal lands. Most of the blood brothels on the border were relatively safe. The sicari didn’t generally hunt us there because the humans were willing donors.

  As soon as I crossed the bridge into the Rive Gauche, the streetlights became brighter, and the sounds of life ricocheted off the stone walkways. Dozens of vampires strolled along the main drag, a mix of Royals and serviles. As long as everyone behaved, the queen had no problem with us intermingling. In fact, most of the patrons of the blood brothels were Royals. Human blood was a hot commodity, one serviles couldn’t afford which was what made them desperate enough to cross into the shifter lands of Marlwoods. Though not purely human, their blood was a close second.

  I grimaced at the thought. Tiger blood was not my favorite—too thick and tangy. Now human blood, that was the good stuff. My nostrils flared as I darted up the stairs of my favorite blood brothel, O Neg. My heart began to pound in anticipation, my fangs lengthening.

  The doors swung open, and Misty batted her long, sooty lashes. “Welcome back handsome Ransom.” A heady scent was thick in the air, emanating from the plush crimson walls and decadent furnishings. Blood and arousal—two of my favorite things. A few of the girls in scant negligees crowded around her, eyeing me. “What can we do for you tonight, sugar?”

  A blonde ran her finger down her voluptuous cleavage, untying the top of her lacy number. My mouth watered, but it wasn’t for her breasts tumbling out. My eyes locked on her jugular, the faint throbbing eliciting a wave of hunger.

  “Just blood,” I finally said.

  The girl pouted and scampered back behind her mistress. For humans, a vampire bite was intoxicating. Many became as addicted to the thrill as we were to their blood. Bloodwhores as they were called roamed the streets of Nocturnis, but most stayed away from the Darklands. The serviles were much too starved to control themselves. The Royals knew better. The Etrian Assembly wouldn’t bother Carmen Rosa about a few human bodies here or there, but the problem arose when humans were disappearing by the dozens.

  “Right this way.” Misty ushered me through the main foyer and up the stairs to the private rooms. The old hotel had been converted a few years back when the assembly had called for the creation of Blud to appease the voracious appetites of my immortal brethren. Most drank it to survive, but this, this was where the real pleasure existed.

  Misty opened the last door at the end of the long hallway, and my eyes landed on a redhead slumped across the bed. A larg
e bald male hovered over her, a sucking sound reverberating through my eardrums.

  “Oh, I’m sorry—” Misty began as the male lifted his eyes to us.

  My gaze was still fixed on the pale girl, deep auburn hair spilling over the pillow. Red. Something inside me snapped. I lunged at the vampire, my hands clamping down on his shoulders. I jerked him off her and tossed him across the room. The crash of wood splintering barely registered as I knelt down beside the girl. Her lids fluttered before slowly opening. Hazy brown irises met mine for a second before her head lolled to the slide.

  Brown not green. Not that luminescent emerald that shone more brilliantly than fire.

  “I apologize, sir,” Misty stuttered. “I thought the room was empty. I’m so sorry. And I don’t know what came over him.” I could barely make out her muttered apologies on the opposite side of the room.

  What had come over me? I stared at the human girl, so young, her complexion sallow. Dozens of bite marks marred her flesh.

  A hand clamped around my forearm and spun me around. Dark eyes bored into me. “Do you have any idea who I am?”

  I shrugged, staring the male up and down. His bald head gleamed beneath the low light, and my gaze caught on the tattoo on his left cheek. “Santa Claus?” I smirked then reached for his face. “You got a little something…”

  He swatted my hand away, and Misty gasped. “Don’t touch me,” he snarled.

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” I inched closer. “Now I see. It’s a tattoo… Cool. Did you get it in prison?”

  The male seethed, his chest and shoulders expanding with each intake of air. “You’re new, aren’t you?”

  “More or less.” I wasn’t about to tell him I’d spent the first nine months of my new life within the confines of Carmen Rosa’s castle or about my most recent stint at the Isle of Mordis. I also knew very well who this vampire was, but I wouldn’t give him the pleasure.

  He reached for my jacket collar, but I dodged his advance, waggling a finger. “Uh, uh, uh. This is the finest Italian leather my friend. I don’t want any of that blood on it.”

  The vampire narrowed his eyes as he regarded me. He was likely trying to determine why I was so fast and strong for my age. Typically, vampires grew in power with age. More blood equaled more clout in our world.

  From the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse at Misty. The poor woman was ashen, lower lip quivering. I hadn’t realized Ronin had so much authority over this brothel. Perhaps, I’d have to find a new favorite.

  “What’s your name?” he gritted out.

  “Ransom, rhymes with handsome.”

  Misty blanched.

  “Well, Ransom, if you plan on remaining in these parts, I suggest you fall in line with the hierarchy. Everything south of the river is my territory.”

  “Ew. The Darklands? How’d you get stuck with that?”

  Ronin shook his head, a sneer spreading his lips. “You know, instead of being such a smartass, you should try to seek my favor. There are many who would be dead after what you did.”

  “You could try to kill me.” I shot him another smirk, flashing my fangs. Sure, Ronin was old, but I was sired by Carmen Rosa herself. We’d be a pretty even match. Only I had nothing to lose which gave me a distinct advantage.

  “I’d prefer not to on a full stomach.” He patted his gut, which like most vampires was taut and completely flat.

  “Wonderful,” I said. “There are so many more exciting things to do in a place like this anyway.” I ticked my head at Misty. “Perhaps you could take me to my room now?”

  Ronin shook his head. “I don’t think so. You’re no longer welcome here.”


  “Or at any of my brothels.”

  “Well, now you’ve gone and done it.” I stuck my lower lip out in an exaggerated pout. “What am I supposed to eat?”

  “Eat that Blud garbage for all I care.”

  I eyed the man, one of Carmen Rosa’s former inner circle members, and wondered what the queen had seen in him. Everyone knew of King Ronin and his Children of the Night and their rebellion, even that little newbie sicari I couldn’t get out of my mind.

  “Or you could join us,” he said after a weighty silence.

  Ah, there it is.

  “I’m always looking for new Children to battle the sicari nuisance.”

  “Thanks, but no thanks. I prefer to fly solo.”

  “Fine, then starve, pretty boy.” He stalked out of the room, and Misty scampered after him.

  The mistress of the house turned back at the last second and mouthed a quick, “Sorry.”

  With one last lingering look at the redhead on the bed, I blinked quickly to force the image of Red away and trudged out behind them.

  Still hungry…




  * * *

  Two weeks later, and I’d gotten into a steady groove with my team. The days flew by in a haze of missions and training. With the absence of the sun, the days and hours blurred together, one bleeding into the next.

  I stared at my reflection as I brushed my teeth, and the corners of my lips turned down. I hated Fridays.

  Each team had one day off a week, and Friday was ours. We worked on a rotating schedule so that at least six teams patrolled the border of the Darklands at all times. Already, my team had been kicking some major ass. River frequently chose us for the tougher assignments, and all my vampire-killing dreams were coming true.

  Except I hadn’t heard another word about Ronin. Whenever I approached Marco or any of the other primi sicari chaperones, they all went silent as soon as I mentioned the guy’s name. I needed to know more about him, and more importantly I needed to find out if he was the one who’d murdered my parents.

  River’s assemblies always touted the need for us to be clearheaded and unemotional. The vampires weren’t bogged down by pesky human sentiments, so we couldn’t be either. I was certain if he knew of my possible history with Ronin, I’d be taken off the team. We weren’t here for vengeance; we were nothing more than enforcers for the queen.

  A quick knock at the bathroom door drew me from my inner monologue. I spat out the toothpaste, and called out, “Be right out.”

  “Hurry, I really have to pee,” said Vera.

  After running a brush through my auburn mane, I swung the door open to find my roommate pressing her thighs together. “Go, go, go,” I said as I scooted past her.

  She shimmied out of her PJs and popped a squat before I closed the door.

  “Geez, you really did have to go, huh?”

  “So bad.” She glanced over my shoulder. “Spark isn’t here is he?”

  I shook my head. My sort of boyfriend and I were still on the outs. We’d been so busy with missions I’d managed to put off the relationship status conversation.

  “What’s going on with you two?” she asked as she pulled her pants up and washed her hands. “I don’t see a double date in our near future.”

  “Nope, probably not. You know I’m not good at relationships, Vera. And he wants one so bad. I just have other things I need to focus on right now.”

  She nodded as she began to brush her teeth. “You gotta tell him, Nix,” she mumbled after spitting out some toothpaste.

  “I know. I’m just worried it’ll mess with the dynamic.”

  “Duh.” She shot me a smile, her lips covered in white foam. “But you guys are friends first, and we’re a team so you’ll figure it out somehow.”

  “I hope so.”

  Vera started stripping so I took that as my cue to leave. Plus, I needed coffee bad.

  Seline sat in the kitchen, perched atop a barstool at the white granite island. I still couldn’t believe I lived in this place. After the paltry huts I’d grown up in along the border and the dank stone fortress at Camp Kill, this place was heaven. Feline shifters, unlike their wolfy brethren, preferred to be on the go. Most of the prides moved around from place to place, which only all
otted for temporary housing. The Avonshires, who raised me, were nomadic by heart, so they toted Kenna and I along with their cubs wherever they went.

  Kenna. Crap, what time was it?

  “Why aren’t you dressed yet?” asked Seline as she glanced up at me over the rim of her coffee. “I thought you were meeting your little sister soon?”

  I checked out the clock and muttered a curse. “I am!” I called out over my shoulder as I raced to my room to toss on some clothes. I needed to catch the next portal train to Maginaria, the magical realm, or I’d be late.

  Three years. I hadn’t seen Kenna since she was eleven years old.

  I ran as I buttoned up my jeans and dashed out of the apartment with a quick wave to Seline. Jogging through the corridor, I thanked the goddess the Royal queen had a private portal station built for our use at the bottom floor of our building. It was supposed to be used for ops, but today getting to my sister on time was more important.

  She already resented me for abandoning her when I left to train at the Isle of Mordis, and now here I was screwing up again. I’d reached out the day after I’d arrived in Nocturnis and we’d settled on today’s meet up, despite her grumblings. I was not one of her favorite people right now. And it was my fault.

  Kenna and I had been so close before my parents died, but that night, something broke inside me and my sister had paid the price. Instead of the warm, loving sister she’d known, only a cold shell remained.

  Not anymore. I promised myself I’d fix things between us. Somehow.

  When I reached the ground floor, the silver train still stood in the station. Phew. I leapt across the platform, jumped into the first car and typed my destination into the keypad at the entrance. A second later, the vehicle began to move. I could just make out the whirling winds of the portal a few yards ahead.

  First stop, Maginaria.

  I’d chosen the realm of all things magic as our destination because it was neutral ground. Kenna wasn’t crazy about the idea of setting foot into vampire territory, and I hated the thought of returning to Marlwoods. Too many dark memories there.


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