Quagmire's Revenge

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Quagmire's Revenge Page 6

by Alisa Guttadauro

  Once they were a little more ahead, the group stopped to have a snack and drink water. “How are you holding up?” Radkiel asked Adorna. She smiled, “I’ll admit I’m tired, but I’m more worried than anything else. Ruby came running over to them, “Hurry; there’s something wrong with Thaddeus!” Gregor was holding the writhing man up, “I don’t know what happened, all of a sudden he screamed out in pain and grabbed his head!” Radkiel and Adorna tried to calm the feeler as he shook and held his head. He collapsed into their arms, and tried to talk. Adorna gave him some water and Radkiel said, “Take it slow Thaddeus, what did you see?”

  “Dark…ness,” he sputtered out, “St…storm…” and then he passed out.

  Part Two

  Raven ran out after Phinnia, “Nooo, Raven, come back!” cried Willow. Willow and the others all ran out, wands and weapons in hand. They saw Raven fighting off a winged beast with her sword, and Willow cast a lightning bolt at the beast. Stark was standing over Herald who was wounded on the ground. Serena ran over, “No!” she cried, as tears formed in her eyes. Stark looked at her and realized she was in love with the injured man. He felt guilty for having misjudged him, but then he shook it off. “Serena, he’ll be okay, it’s just a small cut.” Serena looked at Stark gratefully and nodded, “Go help the others.” Stark ran in front of Raven and stabbed at the beast with his sword. When it evaporated, another appeared. There were six in total. Phinnia and Daffilda cast a spell together and the last two creatures turned to stone.

  Willow flicked her wand at them and they crumbled into dust. “Whew,” Raven was trying to catch her breath, “What is going on?” Harmonia went over to Herald with a healing poultice for his wound, “That, was another warning. Quagmire must be getting stronger. Let’s hope that Adorna, Radkiel, and the others get back to Dragoness soon or the whole kingdom will be in danger of the dragon’s wrath.” “I don’t understand,” replied Raven, “I thought those years ago, our people got along with the dragons and we were all at peace, what changed?” Stark answered as he helped Herald to his feet, “Unfortunately, we won’t know that until the others get back. The Murk brothers must have gotten hold of Quagmire as a baby, and had stolen his egg. Then, they raised him to become evil. It's the only answer I can come up with without knowing all of the facts.” Calioth replied, “I have a feeling you are correct in your assumption, Stark,” she looked at the sky, “It’s getting dark, let’s go back inside and prepare ourselves in case there’s another attack.”

  At Murk Island, at the bottom of a volcano, was Quagmire’s lair. The volcano wasn’t active, well, unless someone or something, decided to activate it. Nefari laughed as his brother related to him how his minions injured the wizard Herald. “That’s the least of those loathsome idiots’ problems,” Querd hissed. Quagmire opened one eye and yawned. The two brothers jumped out of the way as flames shot out of the napping dragon’s nostrils, “You’re disturbing my sleep!” the annoyed beast hissed. Panting, Nefari replied, “All you do is sleep, while we do all the work.” Quagmire went to open his mouth again, and Querd put his hands up to cover his face as he cowered, “Okay okay, don’t get into a snit!” “Fools!” hissed the dragon, “You’re wasting time, you should be hunting for the onyx, and the other eggs, before someone else beats you to it, and if that happens…” Querd gulped, “That’s not going to happen, no one else knows about the other dragon eggs.” Quagmire grinned so wickedly, that both brothers stepped back, “You two underestimate the powers of those you do not understand, we are not dealing with amateurs. Your ineffective tricks have not been faring well. A wizard was able to escape the tower with a witch!” The angry dragon swished his huge tail, and the brothers grabbed onto each other as the ground shook. Nefari replied, “Master, we are saving the best for battle. We are just giving them a taste for what is to come.” Querd nodded in agreement. “I suggest,” roared the impatient beast, “that you imbeciles go on the quest yourselves to find those eggs, instead of those dim-witted puppets you call, ‘warriors!’ The hot breath of wind from the angry dragon almost blew their hair off their heads. “And I mean NOW!” The Murk brothers looked at each other and Querd spoke up, “Whatever you say, Quagmire, please have patience.” The dragon started to grin again, as he lifted his head, and the brothers took off, without looking back.

  Thaddeus was feeling much better and sat up, “I fear we need to hurry our journey, something is amiss at Dragoness, there’s been trouble, and I can feel Quagmire’s anger. He grows more impatient with every moment.” Ruby said, “If the Murk brothers are so powerful, how come they haven’t just attacked us outright? What is stopping them?” Thaddeus grinned, “Ah, that’s just it, they may be powerful, in their own right, but neither of them is too bright. Their skills aren’t honed. They are very lazy and do not practice as we all do. They want glory and do not want to work for it. This is why Quagmire grows angrier and more impatient; he was brought up by two evil, self righteous, conceited beings. When their parents, were killed, they no longer had anyone to instruct them or teach them how to fight. All of the evil beings that had served Dracha and Xenos abandoned them, and their supposed aunt, Iniquitous, didn’t have much use for them. She had her own agenda. The twins have been getting by with the evil creatures they’ve created at the flick of their ill- fated wands, by performing substandard spells. Quagmire was a much younger dragon when his mistress was killed. After her death, he only had the brothers to, let’s say, care for him. My belief is that the brothers want to take over the kingdom, but intend on Quagmire doing it for them.” Suddenly Radkiel whispered, “Quiet, I hear rustling.” Everyone stood on guard, listening. Adorna shivered as she felt a chill up her spine. “I feel like we’re being watched,” she whispered back. “Everyone stays close to me,” Radkiel said, as he led the way higher into the mountain. Ruby screamed,”AAAAHHHH!” Gregor whipped around ready to pounce, and then he started laughing. A fluffy brown owl was perched on Ruby’s shoulder, its bright topaz colored eyes blinking furiously. “What the…” started Ruby, with a nervous giggle. “I was going to tell you this later,” said Adorna, “You’re to be an Avian wizard.” “But, I’m a witch,” protested Ruby. “True,” agreed Radkiel, but you are only half witch. You get your wizardry skills from your father.” Ruby’s mouth fell open, as did Gregor’s. “I really wish I was made aware of these things ahead of time!” huffed the teen. “I completely understand, soothed Adorna, but these were all things that were going to be revealed to you on your eighteenth birthday. Just like Raven’s powers were revealed to her. Unfortunately, your revelations are coming a little earlier than expected because of the attack on the kingdom. Thaddeus reminded them of their new feathered friend, “This lovely bird seems to have a message for us.” In one of the owl’s claws, there was a curled up message. “Go ahead Ruby, open it,” encouraged Adorna. Ruby’s hand trembled as she reached for the note.

  The beautiful owl willingly lifted his claw and released the note into Ruby’s hand. He blinked at her, as he watched her open it. Ruby read the words to herself, and then cleared her throat, “It says, my dear child, I bestow this gift upon you, his name is Boon, he will help light the rest of the way up the mountain. I cannot leave my post as I need to see to all goings on throughout the mountain. Have no fear, you are welcome here, but heed this warning, make haste as time is running out…” Ruby wiped a tear from her eye as she pet the animal’s head. It made a noise that sounded like purring. Radkiel smiled, “Well Ruby it looks like you have your familiar.” A familiar was a term used for a witches’ pet. “The threat must be serious if Isoldina is able to put aside her disdain from the past.” “Let us not waste another moment,” said Thaddeus, “Onward and upward.”

  The ugly vulture flew down and landed on Quagmire’s neck. “Ah, my friend,” said the foul breathed dragon, “What news do you bring me?” The bird squawked and hissed, “The sister’s powers grow stronger. They are vigorous in their training and will soon be guided by the green goddess.” “Yesss, that is t
o be expected, ranted Quagmire, I need to find those dragon eggs and the black stone before they do. If they get to them first…, he slammed down his tail in a rage, as he squeezed the vulture’s skinny neck, “We all lose!”

  Gregor took off his shoe to take a stone out of it, and rubbed his sore foot, “Can’t we stop for a while,” he complained, “I’m getting tired.” Ruby shot him a dirty look. “What?” he asked her in disbelief, “You’re not tired?” She retorted, “I am, but I wasn’t going to say anything.”

  “Okay, so you’re better than me!” Gregor shot back. Ruby’s eye started twitching. Adorna clapped her hands, “Please! We are all tired, and I’m guessing hungry too. “We’ll stop at the next spring or brook, and rest a bit.” Thaddeus said, “Up ahead, I hear a waterfall.” Gregor took off his backpack and placed it on the ground. Abruptly, he jumped as his bag began to move. He pointed and yelled, “Hey, there’s something moving in there!” Radkiel took his Wizard’s staff and poked at the bag. “Owwie, owwie!” a voice screeched, and then a little head with purple eyes popped out of the bag. “A mountain mum!” giggled Ruby. “How did it get in my pack?” wondered Gregor, as he scratched his head. “It’s a baby,” remarked Adorna. “What are we going to do with it,” groused Radkiel, “We have no time to return it to its home.” Thaddeus replied, “We will have to take it with us, we can return him or her, after our business with the goddess is completed.” Ruby gently picked up the furry creature and cradled it in her arms. Her new familiar didn’t look pleased, and let out a screech. Ruby smirked and scolded; “Now don’t you be jealous, Boon, after all, it’s only a baby, and you and I just met!” The beautiful bird cast his eyes down, and Ruby ruffled his feathers, “Besides, you are much more mature than this little babe, and I’ll need your help to keep it out of trouble.” At that, the owl puffed out his chest proudly.” Thaddeus tried not to laugh. “Now that that’s settled,” said Adorna, can we please continue? I am starting to feel uneasy.” “As am I,” replied Thaddeus, sounding worried.

  After everyone had some water and a snack, they continued up the mountain. Radkiel put his hand up, “Stop!” Ruby began, “What…” “Thaddeus yelled, “Get down!” Everyone ducked down and crawled behind a big rock. Thaddeus took out his wand, ready to strike at any moment.

  Suddenly they heard a loud screech; it was coming from above them, in the sky. “Ruby, guard the mum,” hissed Thaddeus, vultures are known to eat small animals.” Ruby hid the little mum in her backpack and held it tight to her body. Gregor took out his sword and stood in front of Ruby. Adorna cast a bubble around them to keep the vulture away from them. Sludge, the black vulture, swooped down and tried to penetrate the bubble but failed. “Maybe I cannot get to you now,” Croaked the filthy bird of prey, but soon you will feel the wrath of Quagmire!” The feathered enemy continued, “You’ve been warned!” Boon tried to fly up, but bounced back, forgetting about the bubble. “Boon no!” cried Ruby. Gregor pushed her back. The owl flew back to Ruby and stood on her shoulder. “Ha!” the cruel vulture cackled, “That talentless fowl thinks he can hurt me!” Boon’s feathers bristled as Ruby held his feet down on her shoulder. She whispered to him, “Ignore that excrement, he cannot hold a Wicket’s candle to you!” Radkiel, not wanting to break the protective bubble yelled, “Be gone you vile rot, before I zap you into oblivion!” The filthy bird squawked again, “You’ve been warned,” and he took off. Waiting a few moments to make sure he was really gone, Adorna released the spell, and the bubble evaporated. Radkiel stepped out and looked around, “He’s gone.” Gregor asked, “How did he get here in the first place, I thought we were pretty safe here.” “We are not safe anywhere right now,” surmised Thaddeus, “In fact, we are in more danger than we ever were before.”

  “How are you feeling sir,” asked Phinnia. “Please, call me Herald,” said their new friend, “There is no need to address me formally, we are equals.” Phinnia was both touched and startled by his genuineness, and she curtsied. Herald looked at her, and she blushed, then they both laughed. Raven had called out, “Come and eat!” Willow, Raven and Daffilda prepared a warm, hearty meal and set the table in the training room of the potions shop in a cheerful manner. Queen Kerina brought some beautiful flowers from the troll gardens to decorate the table, and add some relaxing scents to the room. Everyone was quiet as they served themselves the yummy meal of shepherd’s pie, biscuits with elderberry jam, corn on the cob, and Kerina’s special herb salad. For dessert they had prickle pear pudding, which was very rich, but tasty.

  Everyone was very hungry, and there was silence as they enjoyed the meal. When the table was cleared, and everything was put away, they sat back down to discuss where they should go from there. Stark spoke up first, “I don’t know about anyone else, but I think we should either plan on meeting up with the others, or we stay here and conjure up every defensive spell, weapon, and army, we can muster.” Phinnia said as she raised her brow, “If we depart to meet up with the others, we leave Dragoness vulnerable, I don’t like it!” She stamped her foot. “As much as I want to be with my sister, I have to agree with Phinnia,” replied Raven sadly. Everyone jumped as Kerina slammed her small hand on the table, “This is nonsense, utter nonsense! What we need is a solid plan, we need to figure out a way to draw that nasty dragon and those horrid Murk brothers into a trap, and then, we take care of them once and for all, and good riddance!” She thundered. Willow was shocked that such loud sound could come from the little wicket. She smiled, “Well, we have a few different ideas here; we will have to vote on them, to be fair.”

  “Never mind what’s fair, sister!” Retorted Stark, “We need to do what’s right, what’s going to protect us and our kingdom!” “Might I make a suggestion,” asked Harmonia. Everyone turned to face the feeler. “I propose that Callioth, Serena, Willow, and I make another seeing potion, to determine if we can get a vision of where the others are at, or if Callioth or I could connect with Thaddeus. In the mean time, the rest of you could follow the second idea Stark had and start gathering up supplies, and an army, so we can be ready for another attack. We are seriously running out of time, I can feel it.” Serena looked around the table, “All agreed?” Everyone nodded, and Herald said, “I can help Stark gather an army, but we will need to venture to Beauteous.” Serena touched his shoulder and he smiled, “It’s okay, I am almost as good as new.”

  Stark smiled grimly, “Then we start at once.” Herald turned himself into a large eagle and Stark pointed his own wand at himself and said, “Minutia!” Then he took his smaller self, climbed onto the avian wizard’s back, and they took off.

  “Whew, that was scary!” exclaimed Ruby. Then she smiled as the cute little mum baby cuddled closer to her. Boon made a noise and fluttered his wings to show his annoyance at the small creature. Ruby was about to scold him when Gregor said, “Shhh! what is that now?”

  Everyone listened, then Radkiel said in an annoyed tone, “I don’t hear anything.” “Oh,” exclaimed Adorna, “I hear it,” she pointed to Gregor’s backpack. “Not again,” groaned Gregor. “I hope you do not have another little furry creature in there,” replied Thaddeus. Suddenly, the flap of the backpack shot open and a long piece of metal stuck out. Then they heard a small giggle. Gregor smacked his forehead, “Telli, I’ve forgotten all about you!” The enchanted telescope grunted in disapproval. Ruby smirked, “I think you hurt her feelings.” Gregor carefully took the ornate object out of his bag, and apologized to it. Radkiel tried not to laugh as Adorna gave him a dirty look. “She’s doing something.” Gregor whispered. The odd telescope sounded like it was crunching glass as it switched lenses and moved its gears. “I think she’s trying to show us something,” Gregor surmised with a dumbfounded look on his face. “Well, look into it!” said Ruby excitedly. Gregor looked nervously at the others as they urged him on, and then he looked at their surroundings. Worried that they would never reach the top of the mountain, and deciding they needed all the help they could get, he closed his left eye, looked i
nto Telli with his right, and then he gasped. He almost dropped the enchanted object as he pointed toward the top of the mountain. “What?!” Everyone shouted at once. Even Boon screeched in annoyance. Ruby couldn’t take it anymore and she grabbed the telescope out of Gregor’s hand, and looked through it. “Oh,” she shouted happily, “I see it, it’s the top of the mountain, and it’s beautiful! If you keep looking through the telescope there are silver arrows that point out the way, if you take away the telescope, you can’t see it though. Oh, and there’s something else! There’s a beautiful multicolored bird.” Gregor tried to take the telescope back, but Ruby slapped his hand away, “She’s spelling something out, with birdseed, Oh but it’s in ruin code.”

  “Wait, “exclaimed Thaddeus, Do not put the telescope down or you will lose the vision, Pappa gave me the ruin alphabet in case we needed it for the map, I will take it out, and help you decipher the message. The message read, “Take heed when following these last few steps, enemies around will impede your reps, look to the map and the lighted ways, nothing is as it seems these days.” Thaddeus cried out as if in pain, and Adorna ran to his side, “What is it?” she said gently. “Something is not right. That message is a warning. We have to look out for, he gasped, an imposter!” The group looked at each other stunned, and then they all began to talk at once. “Quiet!” yelled Radkiel, “We have to think about this. Who could be the imposter and …” Telli started making noise again and shifted into a round shape, almost like a crystal ball.

  Thaddeus gently took it from Ruby’s shaking hands, and set it down. Everyone sat down around it and their jaws dropped at what they were seeing. When the fog cleared from the glass, they saw a vision; it was Isoldina and Sagacity, the missing wizard, both looking worn and sad. They were sitting together in a dark cave and it looked like their hands and feet were bound. They both looked defeated as they tried to loosen their binds, and called out for help. Then the vision abruptly disappeared. Telli turned back into a telescope, and flew to Gregor. Now it was Radkiel who smacked himself in the head, “So that’s what happened to Sagacity. He’s been kidnapped, as well as the green goddess.” “How can two such powerful people have been overtaken?” asked Gregor. “There is only one way,” surmised Thaddeus, “Sagacity’s wand was taken. He had to be with the green goddess at the time, for both of them to be captured.”


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