Missy Goes to Hong Kong (Missy the Werecat Book 8)

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Missy Goes to Hong Kong (Missy the Werecat Book 8) Page 7

by P. G. Allison

Linda said, “Hey, if Oliver and Candace are willing to go over there and Gene and Amanda want to go along as well, helping with introductions, then I’d like to go as the “P” Branch support person. I know Les and Marsha will be busy in Kabul, supporting Missy and Mike, so they aren’t really available for that.”

  The team discussed this at length and made a call to Oliver and Candace. When it was confirmed they were definitely interested, a plan began to formulate. The “P” Branch jet was already leaving from Boston on Sunday night, after Robert’s wedding, to bring Mike, Les and Marsha to Kabul. It would be an easy stop on the way to drop people off in Berlin. When they needed it, there was a train from Berlin to Munich which only took four hours.

  Lieutenant Colonel Schermerhorn said, “I think what’s needed for this Germany adventure is a little more firepower. If you want to stir up those terrorists and make them scramble, Oliver’s presence might not be enough. I think we should see if Tracy is willing to go along as well. She’s on spring break as of today. Let’s give her a call.”


  Spring break was indeed well underway at the academy. Thousands of cadets were signing out after finishing up their last duty assignments. It was organized chaos as they headed off in all directions.

  Sharon Manton got a ride to La Guardia Airport from Ginger Gettmann, another basketball player. They talked about their disappointing loss at the Semi-Final match the night before, ending the women’s basketball season for Army.

  “I really thought we had a chance,” bemoaned Ginger. “After beating Holy Cross the way we did …”

  Sharon interrupted her with, “Hey, it was close, but they were the number one seed and now we know why. They were that good and they beat us. At least we all played our best. You heard Coach Borovsky … we didn’t beat ourselves. She said she was proud of us.”

  “I know. Of course, since we won’t be playing Sunday, now we’re headed home so I suppose that’s the bright side. Will your boyfriend Lee be meeting your flight when you arrive in Chicago?”

  “Oh, yes! I’m so looking forward to being with just him for two whole nights. My parents still think I’m coming home Sunday.” Sharon laughed. “Lee will bring me home then and I’ll have to sleep in my own room, alone, the rest of the week.”

  “Gee, are they that strict with you? Can’t you go stay with him some of those other nights?”

  “Oh, I’ll be seeing him almost every day. But they want me home with them every night. They’re old fashioned and I’m okay with that. Lee and I manage well enough. We were together those two nights last month when he came out here for our Yearling Winter Weekend. And, we’ll definitely plan some more things this summer.”

  “Well, I envy you. I don’t have anyone. I’ve focused on getting myself through West Point and, in another fifteen months, I’ll be graduating. So, there’ll be time enough for guys after that.”


  Tracy and John were halfway home to John’s place when Robert’s call came in. John was driving but Tracy switched to speakerphone so he could participate in the call as well. Were they interested in helping the team? Spending a week in Berlin? Oh, yes! Tracy had brought her passport with her, as usual, never going anywhere without it. They could be ready to leave Sunday night, right after Robert’s wedding. Absolutely!

  Robert said, “Colonel Schermerhorn is going to ask Captain Bonomo if he’ll go along. He’ll be up here for my wedding and we think having him there in Germany with the rest of you might come in handy. We don’t know what might come up but, hopefully, this will lead to something. If it does, having someone there with military connections will be good.”

  Tracy knew as one of the TAC Officers, he probably had duties at West Point that week, even though all the cadets were away on break. She also knew how the Defense Secretary had needed to call so Missy could go play with the werewolves. “Hey, will someone be calling Colonel Dzierzeski so Captain Bonomo gets to go on a secret classified mission?” She was enjoying that thought tremendously.

  “Colonel Schermerhorn will handle whatever arrangements are needed concerning that. However, we don’t think we’ll need to involve the Defense Secretary again.” Robert chuckled. “I think I heard something about emergency leave being mentioned. The captain won’t have any official orders for this but will be doing it voluntarily. Just like you and Missy are merely on vacation.”

  “Riiiight!” giggled Tracy. “Well, John and I are looking forward to this. But we’re also looking forward to watching you and Connie get married again on Sunday. See you then!” They ended the call. She turned to John and said, “I know I spoke for the two of us but I assume you’re okay with these new plans. You are, right?”

  “Yeah, I sure am.” John glanced at her with a big grin. “As long as I’m able to be with you, twenty-four-seven, then I don’t care where we are. Germany? Werewolves? Maybe some terrorists? What’s not to like?” He focused back on his driving and they continued up to his apartment in Easton, just south of Boston.


  Missy and Emily were excited about how well their team had done that day. Nope, Friday the Thirteenth had not been a jinx for them. West Point was leading in both smallbore and air rifle after day one of the two-day competition. They were paired as roommates that night at their hotel in Lexington, Kentucky. They had not gone out to celebrate but had retired early, wanting to be at their best for the next day.

  Since she and her Black Knights basketball team had lost the night before, Missy was especially pleased with how things were going now. If they could win this NCAA Rifle Championship for West Point, she felt that would somehow make things a little better for not making it into the NCAA basketball tournament.

  Knowing she was now free to attend Robert and Connie’s wedding was also helping lift Missy’s spirits. She’d be properly signing out from the academy as soon as they got back on Saturday and Mike would be there, waiting for her. She would not be teleporting this time; they would enjoy leisurely driving back to his place in Medford. She loved being with Mike and was really looking forward to that.

  Emily got off the phone with Donald and said, “He’s happy for me. He wishes us good luck. His dad will be there tomorrow and he’s excited about introducing me. In a way, though, it’s good I’m not there until tomorrow night. I mean … Ron will be introducing Nell and maybe that will be a much bigger deal.”

  Missy said, “That will be important for Ron and a big deal but you’re just as important and your meeting his dad will be just as big a deal. Maybe even bigger.”

  “Why bigger?”

  “You may not be a witch, Emily, but you still have witch genes. Just sayin’!” Missy giggled and Emily began laughing as well.

  They both ended up doing very well the next day. The championship consisted of sixty shots each for both smallbore and air rifle, equaling a total of one-hundred-twenty shots per team member. Missy was perfect in both with Emily not far behind. That was enough for West Point to get the win.

  Chapter Ten

  Sunday, Mar 15, 2020

  The wedding was a wonderful event. Robert and Connie kept telling everyone it was even better than their first time down the aisle. The reception was held at a Marriott Hotel in Peabody and was well attended. In addition to everyone on his Psychic Division team being there, there were many from other FBI groups who had worked with Robert over the years.

  Robert’s best man Edward Collinsworth sat at one of the FBI tables with Armando Sanchez. Armando headed up the Organized Crime Division in Boston and Ed had worked for him prior to joining Robert’s team. Lisa and Marie were at this table and had also previously worked for Armando; he loved to complain about losing all his best agents to Robert’s Psychic Division.

  Drew Martinson, Les and Marsha Gooding, Linda Rayburn and two other “P” Branch members were seated at the same table with Lieutenant Colonel Schermerhorn and Captain Bonomo. The captain actually ended up sitting next to Linda which seemed appropriate as they both were sin
gle and similar ages, in their mid-twenties. They were pleasantly surprised when they each learned the other would be on the “P” Branch jet to Germany that night and soon found they had a lot to talk about.

  Millicent Pratt had come up from Texas. She had been Tracy’s mentor and then, at Tracy’s request, she had gone to Cancun with Robert and Oliver when Candace had gone missing. She sat with Desiree Yerger who had brought her daughter Delilah. Lila quickly paired up with Missy’s brother Patrick and the two of them were off in their own little world, oblivious to everything going on around them. Also at that table were Oliver Bessom with Candace Axtell plus Troy Dangelmeyer with Sally Navarro.

  Troy had heard from his mother about the Zhu-Gung witches being back in New York, looking to identify Missy and making threats. He’d alerted Robert’s team the day before and “P” Branch was working to locate where these gang members were staying so they could be put under surveillance. Although none of them were reported to have come up north on this day, protective wards had been placed all around the hotel and at every entrance. Just in case. There would be no interference with the festivities at Robert’s wedding.

  Missy and Mike were at the McCrea table with Missy’s parents, Philip and Julia. So were Heather with her husband Donald Whalen plus John with Tracy. Robert had gotten very close to everyone in Missy’s family during her two-year disappearance in the mountains.

  Heather was now five months along and definitely showing; her twins were due in mid-July. She was excited about seeing Missy again and curious whether her sister could tell her anything new about her pregnancy. She asked, “Are you getting any special vibes from my babies?” She knew it was possible for Missy to sense if one or both of the girls might be a supernatural.

  Missy smiled and said, “Maybe! But it’s really too soon to say for sure. I am sensing they both are healthy right now and that’s what matters.” She pushed some of her healing energy into Heather, as she’d been doing each time she’d seen her. While that wouldn’t change whatever supernatural abilities the babies might or might not have, it assured they and their mother would continue staying strong, hale and hearty. Heather had experienced almost no morning sickness, thanks to Missy.

  Glancing at her brother over at the other table, Missy told her mother, “I see Patrick is still very infatuated with Lila.” Raising one eyebrow, she asked, “I don’t suppose that means he’s lost interest in Sandy, does it?”

  “Oh, no,” said Julia. “He’ll be visiting her during this spring break, continuing his promise they each get equal time from him. So far, he’s managed keeping them both happy with doing that. He might have to choose one of them sometime soon, though. I really don’t see him keeping up with this crazy arrangement once summer starts.”

  John had been listening and chimed in to say, “Oh, don’t be so sure about that. He says Desiree won’t be letting Lila do any serious dating for quite a while yet and Sandy is probably not going to be given much freedom either. They’re both quite willing to tolerate the current situation since, otherwise, they’d never be allowed all the freedom they’re getting now. It’s a big responsibility for him, of course, but … like you said … he’s managing.”

  Missy laughed and said, “How will he manage his Junior Prom? He can only invite one of them to that. And, since these girls are only sophomores, they don’t have proms they can invite him to yet.”

  “He’ll be taking Lila since she’s local,” answered John. “But, thanks to the point system the girls suggested for scoring his time, he’ll make that work. Whatever number of points they say the prom is worth, Lila will agree he can spend an equal amount with Sandy. They’ve been negotiating various point values for all sorts of dating events as well as non-dating events. Maybe he’ll visit Sandy for a long weekend in exchange. It all depends on what the girls have agreed that’s worth in points.”

  Tracy said, “Wow! I’m really impressed! Something tells me those girls are playing the long game and it’s Patrick who is being managed rather than him doing the managing. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.”

  There were several toasts to the bride and groom all during the delicious meal and then there was dancing. All too soon, the day of celebration came to an end and it was time for Robert and Connie to say goodbye and head off on their honeymoon. They were booked on an early morning fight to Aruba. Everyone cheered when they made their exit from the reception.

  Once they had departed, many others also left. Missy went with Mike and the group who were leaving that night on the “P” Branch jet. Sergeant First Class Town was already waiting on board and looking forward to rejoining Team Twenty-Two for the next week. He, Mike, Les and Marsha would continue over to Kabul after dropping the others in Berlin. Missy would be teleporting, of course, so she would reach Afghanistan in only two hours. The Germany group consisted of Gene, Amanda, Oliver, Candy, John, Tracy, Linda and Captain Bonomo.

  Missy waited until the jet took off from Logan Airport and then, wishing the others good luck and kissing Mike goodbye, she disappeared in a shimmer of light and was gone. Marsha went over and picked up all the clothes Missy had left behind.

  Linda was very impressed and said, “Wow! I hadn’t actually seen her do that before. Seeing is believing!”


  Emily had thoroughly enjoyed her day so far. She and Missy had been able to meet up with her parents, her brother Scott and her grandmother Eloise upon returning to the academy the night before. Missy had then left with Mike and she had attended the banquet and formal Ball with her family.

  At the banquet, she’d loved hearing what each of them thought about their experiencing the academy environment and seeing all the facilities. They’d toured through classrooms, met with her instructors, spoken with some of the TAC officers and NCO’s, and had even visited her room. There had been special Plebe-Parent Weekend activities and briefings, just for them. It hadn’t mattered all that much that she’d been away at the rifle match, especially once West Point’s championship victory had been announced and they’d been able to brag to everyone how she was a member of that team.

  Donald was also at the banquet with his dad, of course. His mom had passed away when he was twelve. But his brother Ron was there and had brought Nell with him. Emily knew Nell was still making up her mind, taking things slow, but she sensed Ron was getting very committed. He’d fallen hard and, as far as he was concerned, Nell was the one for him. Now that he was presenting her to his dad as someone special, someone Ron was serious about, their relationship would no doubt be going to a higher level. They would be spending spring break visiting Nell’s family.

  Since Emily wanted an even higher level with Donald, it was important for his Dad to meet her family and for her to be presented in a similar manner. That had gone well enough when Donald had brought his father, Ron and Nell over to her table, proudly introduced her as his girlfriend and then had asked her to dance every dance afterward.

  When she’d said goodbye to her family, they were proud and happy for her. She was doing well at West Point and it was very obvious how much she and Donald cared about each other. Scott had grudgingly given her a hug and said, “I suppose you’re going to tell him our secrets now, aren’t you?”

  She’d hugged him back and said, “Yeah. I am. We can trust him. And, I really believe he’s my soulmate.”

  Today, she and Donald had signed out and taken the bus from the Visitors Center into New York City’s Port Authority. The trip was less than two hours and gave her time to explain her plan for how they’d be staying all week at a hotel downtown rather than continuing on to her parents’ home as he’d assumed. She wanted to have him all to herself and show him all around the city. He’d gotten to know her family well enough during his visit at Christmas.

  They each had a small suitcase which they pulled along behind them as they walked the one block over to Times Square, one of the world’s busiest pedestrian areas. Donald had never been there before and was fascinated
as they strolled around for an hour before Emily finally brought him into one of the restaurants. She wanted to share some things and, after they ordered their lunch, the booth they were seated in provided the privacy for her to do that.

  She’d said, “I think it’s time we talk about some family secrets I’ve been keeping, Don. I want to be completely open about everything with you and it’s very important that I do that.”

  “Hey, you can tell me anything, Emily,” said Donald. “I think you know how I feel about you and it won’t matter whatever secrets you want to tell me. Nothing you say will change how much I care … how much I love you.” There. He’d blurted that out and was glad he’d finally said it. He could sense she was filled with some strong emotions and feelings for him and he wanted to assure her about how he felt.

  Emily was thrilled to hear his declaration of love. “I think you know I feel that way about you. That’s why I want to share this. I’m not worried it will change how you feel about me but … I do have to ask that you promise to keep my secrets. Even if someday your feelings do change and you don’t want to stay in any relationship with me, you can’t talk about this. Not ever. Can you promise me that? Can I trust you, Donald? No matter what, you must never reveal what I’m about to tell you.”

  He realized she was very serious and that his commitment was really important. “Yes, I can promise that. I do promise that. Whatever secrets you want me to keep will always be safe with me.” He stared earnestly at her and tried to convey his total sincerity.

  “Okay. But you might find them hard to believe. I need you to assure me you will never talk about this to anyone not in the know about this stuff. Even if you don’t believe or can’t believe everything, you will still need to keep quiet about it.”

  He was surprised about her reference to others “in the know”. Apparently, there was some group who already knew these hard to believe family secrets of hers. He asked, “Are some members in your family part of some cult?”


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