Missy Goes to Hong Kong (Missy the Werecat Book 8)

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Missy Goes to Hong Kong (Missy the Werecat Book 8) Page 29

by P. G. Allison

  “Oh, all right. You’re no fun. I’ll let you go do your important stuff.” Tracy sniffed. “Never mind poor ole me. Suffering such suffocating stuff, slowly slipping somewhere …”

  John laughed. “Enough! I know it’s Beltane. You and Missy behave yourselves, now, okay? Last weekend’s excitement was quite enough. I love you. Bye!”


  That night, the celebrations at Cullum Hall were many, with only one week of classes remaining. The end-of-term exams would then be all the following week. The cadets would continue staying at the academy after that until Graduation Day on May twenty-third. Thus, with it truly being crunch time … the amount of effort needed these remaining days would be intense and enormous … most wanted to take a break that Friday night and just relax. Yeah, they’d buckle down and study like crazy, come tomorrow. But tonight? It was time to party.

  Prior to arriving at Cullum Hall, however, those in Khan’s Klass wanted to celebrate Sergeant Town’s departure. He was returning to Afghanistan and rejoining Team Twenty-Two after helping Major Khan all year. The major said he could manage well enough these last couple of weeks, especially since the focus was more on Farsi.

  Thus, as the end of class approached, Major Khan said, “Okay, that’s it for tonight.” He was speaking in English, so they all knew what was next. All, except for Sergeant Town. “As you know, this is when we say goodbye to my excellent assistant, Sergeant Town. Without his help, this year’s special class would not have been possible. Kelsey? I understand you want to present a special gift, is that right?”

  As the others all cheered, Kelsey and Mitch stepped outside the classroom but they returned moments later. Kelsey was carrying a cake while Mitch was laden down with several gifts. Kelsey said, “We all wanted to express our appreciation, Sarge. We hope you won’t forget us. And, we want you to know we will never forget you.”

  Sergeant Town was quite surprised and very moved; he had not expected this. “Wow. And, someone actually baked me a cake?” Everyone laughed. “Well, I can assure you, each and every one of you, that I won’t be forgetting how special this special language class has been. Or, how special all of you future leaders are and will be in the years ahead. Thank you!”

  There were quite a few joke gifts and various fun items but, what the sergeant found most valuable was a plaque which they presented to him at the end. It was very ornate, engraved on a brass plate mounted on a wooden base, with West Point emblems, that day’s date and all of their names. He stared at the inscription for a full minute, however, before suddenly exclaiming, “Oh, shit! You put the wrong rank on this!” He looked up to see he was surrounded by smiling faces.

  Major Khan grinned … they’d all been waiting for this. The inscription showed MSG rather than SFC in front of the sergeant’s name. “Actually, sergeant, that’s not a mistake.” Captain Bonomo handed the major a document, which he began reading. “Attention to orders …” The Army had promoted Sergeant Town to Master Sergeant that day, a few months early, just for this occasion.

  They all said their goodbyes and were excited to be giving the new master sergeant a proper send off. Missy, of course, reminded him she’d be joining him in a month for her summer assignment with Team Twenty-Two. She would be leaving on Monday, June eighth, after being Maid of Honor at the wedding for Mike’s sister Michelle.

  All the cadets from KK@KK then did make their way over to join in the festivities at Cullum Hall, which were now well under way. Their usual tables were there, reserved and waiting for them, along with several of their friends. Let the good times roll!


  Saturday, May 2, 2020

  Missy and Brooke were rooming together at their hotel in Worcester, Massachusetts. They’d played a double header at Holy Cross that afternoon and would return there the next day for their final game of the regular season. They’d played well enough that year to make it into the Patriot’s League Tournament which would begin later that week.

  Brooke said, “How come you decided to stay with the team tonight, Missy? Where was Mike?” Her sister Janey had been there that day, cheering them on along with Chrissy, of course. Barry and Bridget had been there as well.

  Missy laughed and said, “Hey! I got that special pass last weekend and look how that turned out. Mike and I got kidnapped.”

  “You do lead a rather exciting life, Missy.” Brooke had been amazed how Missy had taken everything in stride, returning to classes and playing softball that week as though nothing had happened. She was aware Missy and Tracy had signed out Tuesday for the alleged police line-up event, but since the girls had returned right away, that didn’t seem like that big a deal.

  “Actually, although poor Mike probably needs a little less excitement, that’s not the reason he’s not here. He needed to finish a couple papers and get some studying done. His classes are now over and, like us, his exams are coming up. Only, his are this week with the last one next Friday. I won’t see him again until after that.”

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Monday, May 4, 2020

  Simon Yang had been on the phone with Shiu-Yuen Chong for several minutes, trying to explain why all of the higher ranking Zhu-Gung members were still in prison. “I’m sorry, the laws here are very strict and there’s no getting around the regulations concerning pretrial detention without bail.”

  “Well, what went wrong? How did this happen?”

  “None of my sources have learned how the FBI managed to arrive where Wagner and Antony were holding the girl and her friends when they did,” replied Simon.

  “Well, there must have been an informant. This witch Missy McCrea who they kidnapped … you’re saying she was definitely knocked out. So, if it wasn’t her, who could it have been?”

  “Wagner assured me none of our people were talking,” explained Simon. “He had Barnabas interrogate everyone, checking for that possibility, before they decided to grab the girl. That decision was actually because they believed she must have been somehow responsible for their recent problems. They had ruled out all the other witches and were convinced she was involved.”

  Shiu-Yuen asked, “What about all those arrests afterwards? You’re saying all our people are now in prison, making deals, or else already being sent back here?”

  “Yes. It’s obvious the FBI was already watching them, waiting for the right moment to make a sweep. After arresting Wagner and Antony, they began rounding up everyone else. They also located all the drugs and girls. One of my sources was able to confirm there had been ongoing surveillance for quite a while.”

  “Perhaps Wagner and Antony were correct about Missy McCrea being involved,” said Shiu-Yuen. “I’m sure she had help but, at this point, it does little good determining who and how. We will have to review our opportunities and decide what to do next. It does not seem likely we can establish operations there in New York.”

  Simon said, “I will continue working to get everyone released on bail. But that’s going to take much more time, if anything can even be done. Will you be sending a team here to break them out? I know they were planning to do that for Peter Hoi and the others. However, other matters were being worked first and they never managed to do that.”

  “Yes, that’s part of what we must decide about. But my coven is now missing four of its witch members and I’m not able to send more witches over there right now.”


  Robert’s team had reviewed all the Zhu-Gung communications which Lisa and Marie had managed obtaining over the past two weeks, thanks to the devices Missy had infected. Many of those devices were now inactive, of course, due to all the arrests made. Robert called Missy to let her know things were still looking like the Zhu-Gung organization was done in New York.

  Missy said, “I’d like to believe that’s true, but I think we need to do more. We thought that before and then they returned. It’s obvious they want to operate here in the U.S. Since New York isn’t good for them right now, they may decide to try somewhere else.�

  “Well, that’s why we’re monitoring them in Hong Kong,” said Robert. “Drew says he’s added some more people over there.”

  “Yeah, but they attacked me personally. And, they attacked Mike. I’m going to talk to Drew about my going over there. I want to do that in three weeks after we make some appropriate arrangements. I think it’s time I confront their leader and everyone else in that coven.”

  “Wow. Are you sure about that, Missy?”

  “Yes. Our confronting the WIJO leaders and convincing them all hell would break loose if they continued any further attacks is working. Right? You’re getting ready to force Abu Habib and all the other WIJO spies to leave the U.S.”

  “True,” agreed Robert. “But they’re worried about demons, thanks to you, Oliver and Tracy. This would be very different.”

  “Not really. Just as WIJO doesn’t want to worry about our demons, I don’t think Zhu-Gung will want to worry about all the supernaturals we have over here. I will explain that to Zhu-Gung in ways that make them fully understand that. They’re not welcome here and I intend to make that very, very clear to them.”

  “Okay. I’ll let you work that out with Drew. By the way … since you mentioned getting rid of Abu Habib and the others … Drew tells me you might have convinced Ayleen Malik to switch sides.”

  Missy chuckled and said, “We’ll see. I’ll be popping in to check on her these next few nights. If I’m really convinced she’s willing to do that, I’ll have her fly up Thursday. I’m sure Gene and Amanda have told you that’s our next full moon celebration.”

  “Hmmm. Interesting. It would be a huge help if she’s willing to renounce WIJO and stay loyal to Nolan Miller instead. Good luck, Missy!”


  Missy did visit Ayleen, in her spirit form. She did that while leaving her sleeping body back in her room. Ayleen was with Nolan, of course. While Missy didn’t wish to be a voyeur, per se, she considered it necessary to determine just where Ayleen truly was in all of this. After a few such visits, however, Missy was pleased. Her senses revealed that Ayleen was truly sincere in her feelings for Nolan. It seemed love was winning this time!


  Thursday, May 7, 2020

  Linda Rayburn met Ayleen’s flight at Logan Airport. When Ayleen passed through the secure area where only passengers were allowed and entered the terminal, she found Linda waiting for her. She was nervous, since this was the first time she was not acting as a WIJO spy but was instead taking steps to embrace things she’d been taught to despise. And to fear. “Linda Rayburn?” She recognized Linda from the photos Missy had sent her.

  Linda smiled and said, “Yes. Welcome to Boston! Do you have any other bags?”

  “No, this is it.” Ayleen had a small carry-on bag she was pulling behind her.

  “Great. Let’s go out to my car. Then, I’ll drive you to Missy’s place. It will take us at least an hour to get there, with the traffic this time of day. But, that will give us a chance to talk.”

  “Good,” said Ayleen. “Missy told me you were there in Germany. With the … you know.”

  Linda laughed and said, “Yes, once we’re in the car, I’ll tell you all about it.”

  By the time they reached the huge estate now owned by Missy and which was residence to a large staff who maintained the historic property, Ayleen had begun to relax. Not only did Linda know most of her secrets, secrets she had been carefully hiding for years in her role as a spy, but Linda was not judging her.

  Instead, Linda educated her all about werewolves, supernatural beings Ayleen had only heard about as mythical creatures. Linda assured her these beings were not demons and were not evil as a result of being a werewolf. While indeed some might be evil and corrupt, like the previous Alpha of this pack had been, that was due to their human nature rather than because of their animal nature.

  Of course, there were many traits which these individuals did receive from their wolf, or in Missy’s case from her cat. They did need to control their predatory urges and desires. Dominance was also a strong factor. They recognized and respected the hierarchy associated with those who were their leaders. While physical prowess was important, the strongest were leaders because of their intellect and willpower as well.

  “And Missy … she is able to lead this group?” asked Ayleen. “She explained about killing the man who was in charge. The Alpha, right? And, she told me why she needed to do that.”

  “Oh, yes,” explained Linda. “In the short time she’s taken over as Alpha for this pack, she has proven to be a wonderful leader they can rely on. And, she does that without causing fear in anyone, which is quite different from how things were done under the Alpha she replaced. Of course … should anyone doubt her ability … well, the pack has that video they made. Perhaps I’ll show that to you once they all Shift and go off for their run.”

  Having now arrived, Linda pulled into an empty space in the crowded parking lot. Then, they both headed in to look for Missy. Linda would stay close to Ayleen, introducing her to various people and being her guide since Missy would be far too busy. Once inside, it quickly became obvious just how busy that would be.

  Missy saw them and came right over, however, bringing a sizeable group along with her. She was wearing a white dress which Alice had picked out for this occasion and looked gorgeous. With her dark red hair loose and framing her face, she was very noticeable. After giving both Ayleen and Linda a hug, she said, “You’re here! Great. Thanks for agreeing to come.”

  Leading Ayleen over to where a microphone had been set up, she called out saying, “Attention, everyone! Listen up! I want to introduce one of my special guests.” Waiting until the crowded room quieted down, Missy then said, “This is Ayleen Malik from Washington D.C. She’s an intern, helping our senators and congressmen run the country. And, she knows how to keep a secret. I’ve invited her to tonight’s event so she can fully understand how important werewolves are. We Shifters need influencers like Ayleen helping us and I know Ayleen will be very successful in doing that.”

  Ayleen was quite taken aback by Missy’s introduction, which she had not anticipated. She smiled at everyone and managed to get through her moment in the spotlight. Then, as she processed what Missy had said, she realized it was probably all true. She would no longer by spying for WIJO but now wanted to live her future life with Nolan. As the congressman’s wife, she no doubt would become an influencer. And, Missy both knew that and was counting on that. Ayleen gained further respect for Missy and looked forward to what the rest of the evening would reveal.

  The meeting was a huge social gathering, of course, and Ayleen was very impressed by all the families there. Linda brought her around and she soon stopped thinking of them as werewolves but as normal, regular people. Yes, there were many comments alluding to the fact these people had a dual nature. But, witnessing how they all interacted and were interested in her experiences, many knowing senators and congressmen she was familiar with, she more and more was convinced. As Missy had assured her, these were not evil people or monsters.

  And, there was an undercurrent which she gradually picked up on. These people considered Missy to be, for lack of any better description, their savior. She was responsible for helping them or getting them help because of the decisions she was making and the people she was bringing to the pack. People like Alice Mathews who Ayleen was also very impressed with. There was a great deal being done on behalf of all the women. This, indeed, was far beyond anything Ayleen had ever seen.

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Thursday, May 7, 2020

  After introducing Ayleen, Missy returned to where Fred was hosting several Alphas from other packs. After Thomas Turek and the other Alphas who had visited the previous month, her reputation had quickly spread. They had approved of her and now, many others wanted to visit. Fred had been selective but had ended up accepting eight. Now, Missy was meeting with each of them, individually. But, only briefly, as she had an entire pack who were anxiously wait
ing for her to spend more time with them.

  Craig Perry was from Los Angeles and had met Thomas Turek back when they both attended the same university. They’d been close friends ever since. He had been especially keen to meet this new werecat Alpha who had impressed Tom so much. When it was his turn to have a few minutes with Missy, he mentioned Tom.

  Missy smiled and said, “Your friend was very skeptical, at first. Did Fred explain about that?”

  “Yes, he did. Thomas misled your Fred, I’m afraid. But it was important for many of us to understand how a werecat could do this and Tom came here to check you out. To be honest, we didn’t realize any of you werecats actually existed. So, no apologies.”

  “That’s fine, I’m not looking for any,” said Missy. “And, for my first few years, I worried I was unique. I lived as a cat and wondered. But, it turns out, there are a few of us. I only know one other werecat, however. And, it was only recently I started meeting any werewolves.”

  Craig nodded and said, “I can only guess how that might have been. I always knew about werewolves, of course. My dad was the Alpha. When I was able to Shift, that made him very happy. I’ve worked hard to make him proud ever since.”

  “The welfare of my pack is something I take very seriously.” Missy paused and, as she was doing with the other Alphas, she asked her next question. “Can I ask you to keep a secret, Craig?”

  “Sure. Of course.” He was very impressed with all he’d noticed about Missy’s pack and their strong acceptance of her as their leader.

  “My pack knows this about me. But, I’m only sharing this with other Alphas. I’m more than just a Shifter. I’m also a witch.”


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