UnWreck Me (Savage Beast MC Book 7)

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UnWreck Me (Savage Beast MC Book 7) Page 9

by Hayley Faiman

  “Talk to me, Avah. Tell me about this stalker.”

  Avah’s eyes slide to the side, breaking contact with my own as she inhales a shaky breath, then she shifts her gaze back to meet mine.

  “He’s been watching me. I think it’s an old client, but I don’t know who for sure. I have my suspicions, but I can’t be sure and if it’s who I suspect, he’s untouchable and it wouldn’t matter, he’s going to get me if he wants me and he’s going to hurt me, Hawk.”

  Her voice is trembling, it’s shaking, and the fear is so strong that I can practically taste it coming off of her in waves.

  “You think I’d ever let you get hurt?” I ask.

  Her eyes water with unshed tears and she shakes her head. “You won’t have a choice, Hawk. If it’s who I think it is, he’s powerful, so powerful. He’s playing with me right now and when he’s ready, I’m his. It won’t matter. It doesn’t matter.”

  “Avah,” I grunt. “Never lettin’ anyone hurt you, honey.”

  She leans forward, her lips brushing mine.

  “It won’t be your choice.”

  Chapter Ten


  All thoughts of everything go out the window as soon as her lips touch mine. Reaching down, I wrap my hands around the backs of her thighs and pick her up. Her legs wrap around my waist and I hear the fabric of her too-tight skirt rip when they do.

  Growling, I turn around and start to walk toward the bedroom. Avah rips her lips from mine, breathing heavily as she looks into my eyes. Her lips are already swollen and pink from my mouth on hers, her breathing coming out in pants.

  “Hawk,” she exhales.

  “Gonna fuck you, honey, then you can tell me all the details. I can’t fucking think with your cunt being so close and me not being lost inside of it.”

  “God, you’re awful,” she moans.

  “Fuck yeah, I am.”

  Once we’re in her room, I toss her pretty ass on her bed. Walking toward her, I grin at the sight of her disheveled clothes, the way her skirt is torn and her legs are spread haphazardly, her heels still on her feet.

  Reaching for my cut, I start to peel it off. She shakes her head, rising to her knees as she tugs her shirt from her skirt waistband. “Leave your cut on, Hawk.”

  Chuckling, I reach out and wrap my hand around the side of her throat. “You like it, honey? Fucking a Beast?”

  She hums as she begins to shimmy her ripped-up skirt and panties down her thighs. Her green eyes don’t move from mine, they’re unwavering as she watches me, and my heart fucking aches at the sight.

  “I do, Hawk. But mostly…” she exhales shakily. “Mostly, I just like fucking you.”

  Grinning, I strip my clothes off, even my cut. Later I’ll put it back on and fuck her with it on, but right now, I want all of my body touching and feeling all of hers. It’s been too fucking long. Once I’m completely naked, I look up and chuckle at the sight of her, also bare.

  “Avah,” I moan.

  She wraps her arms around her middle and shakes her head. “Just come over here and fuck me, Hawk. Don’t look.”

  My brows rise in surprise. “Don’t look? That’s like tellin’ me not to breathe.”

  “I’m fat, just don’t. I haven’t been exercising or restricting my food.”

  I let out a snort, reaching for her hands and tugging them away from her midsection. She’s gained weight, everywhere, and fuck me but does it look good on her, too. Licking my lips, I sink my teeth into my bottom lip and shake my head.

  “You’ve never looked better, Avah. Just for that shit, you’re riding me so I can see everything.”

  Her eyes widen, but I don’t give her the opportunity to deny me. Leaning forward, I touch my mouth to hers and slip my tongue inside of her mouth, tasting her, claiming her. I cup her breast with one of my hands, the other I slip between her legs and slide it through her folds.

  Avah doesn’t hesitate to take what she needs from me, even if it’s just my fingers. Her hips jerk as she begins to search for her pleasure. Breaking the kiss, she lifts one of her hands and wraps her fingers around the back of my neck, with the other she grips my bicep tightly, her nails digging into my flesh.

  “Hawk,” she moans, her hips jerking against my fingers. “It’s been so long,” she whispers against my mouth.

  I grunt, my fingers slipping inside of her before making a come-hither motion, the palm of my hand pressing against her clit. “Come, honey. I want to feel your pussy clench around my fingers, then I’m going to feel it clench around my dick.”

  “Fuck,” she groans just as her pussy flutters against my fingers. “Yes.”

  When she comes, it’s with a jerk of her hips and a sigh that escapes her sweet lips, brushing over mine in a way that I didn’t know she possessed. She’s softer since I left her, I don’t know how, I’d figure life without endless amounts of money, without the fancy apartment, working every day, that it would make her harder, but it hasn’t.

  Avah is softer—everywhere.

  Climbing onto the bed, I press my back against the headboard and hold out my hand for her. She looks back at me from over her shoulder, her green eyes full of a doubt that I’ve never seen before.

  Avah is all sultry looks and seduction, at least she was. Right now, she’s not the woman I left. She’s not as confident, not as bold, and I find that I am not turned off, not in the least. Slowly, she turns around and climbs over me, her knees on either side of my hips, her warm wet cunt pressing against my hard dick.

  Lifting my hand, I grip the back of her neck and squeeze gently. “You gonna ride me, honey?” I ask.

  Her teeth sink into her bottom lip, her palms press against my chest and her nails dig into my flesh. She looks down at my chest before she lifts her gaze up to meet my own.

  “Hawk,” she breathes. “I haven’t, not since you.”

  My fingers flex against her neck and guilt fills me. I’ve fucked other women, endlessly, since I walked away from her. I’ll probably do it again, never been faithful, never really saw the need. Sex is sex, your woman is your woman, and that’s not the same as getting off.

  “Fuck me, Avah. Show me what you’ve been missing.”

  She nods once, then adjusts herself and I let out a growl as she lowers herself on my cock, taking all of me inside of her warmth. She lets out a shaky breath once I’m completely rooted deep inside of her.

  We don’t say another word. Her hips roll, they shift and buck and I do nothing but watch her, all of her, as they do. She’s magnificent. She’s free and her confidence comes back, but it’s not the way it was months ago, this is different.

  This is her true self taking over and it’s the most spectacular thing that I’ve ever witnessed. I realize in this moment that everything has changed. She’s not Avah, the escort with the rockin’ body that’s a great lay. She’s not Avah the friend of my daughter who has daddy issues and likes it dirty.

  She’s just Avah.

  My Avah.



  I’m pretty sad. Pathetic, really. Hawk appeared in my hallway, and seconds later, my legs fall completely open and I just let him slide right back inside. I do exactly what he demanded I do, I showed him just how much I missed him and I have no doubt that I only fucked myself over doing that.

  I make a move to roll off of the bed, embarrassment filling me almost instantly after my orgasm. He doesn’t let me though. I’m still straddling him, his half-mast cock still deep inside of me when his arms wrap around me and he forces me to lie on his chest.

  My breasts press against his skin and I have to bite back the moan at the sensation of his bare hairy chest against my own. Closing my eyes, I decide to give myself this moment, it will probably be my last with him.

  “You’re going to need to tell me who is stalking you, Avah,” he rasps, his lips close to my ear.

  Pressing my lips together, I pinch my eyes closed and press my body even closer to his, wishing that I could melt into h
im and disappear. I don’t want to have this conversation, because I know he’ll want to do something stupid and it will get him thrown in jail, or worse.

  “I can’t tell you,” I whisper.

  One of his hands slides up my back, it tangles in my hair and I don’t realize what’s happening until my head is wrenched back and my breath hitches at the sensation of my hair being pulled. My inner thighs flex and I subconsciously clench my pussy around him.

  Hawk lets out a grunt, then a groan at the sensation. “That won’t get you out of telling me,” he warns. “Stay just like that though, feels fucking phenomenal.”

  I do as he demands, mainly because he’s absolutely right.

  “I really can’t tell you. It’s too dangerous. It’s better that this be the last time we see one another and he takes me.”

  He growls, the sound coming from deep inside of his chest and it isn’t meant to be a sexy growl, it’s supposed to be intimidating, but all I want to do when I hear it, is fuck him again—hard. His grip tightens in my hair, tugging at my scalp and causing a painful burning sensation, but I accept it, love it all at the same time.

  “Tell me, Avah, or you don’t get to come again,” he threatens, changing tactics, probably feeling just how turned on I am right now.

  I hum, licking my lips. “I can take care of it myself, Hawk. I don’t need your dick to make me come.”

  He chuckles. “You won’t be saying that when your hands are tied to the bed and I keep you on the edge for hours, maybe even days.”

  “You wouldn’t,” I whimper.

  There’s a moment of silence, then I feel his lips touch the hollow of my throat. “I would, honey, and I would enjoy it. I may do it anyway, just because the idea turns me the fuck on.”

  My pussy clenches again causing him to let out a moan.

  “Avah,” he warns. “Tell me.”

  Closing my eyes, I force myself to take a calming breath. It doesn’t work. I’m still needy, still want more from him, still need to come and I still don’t want to tell him who is stalking me, or who I think it is.

  “You don’t tell me, I got no choice, honey.”

  My eyes open instantly at his tone, his words, his unvoiced warning. “No choice for what?” I demand.

  He chuckles, lifting his hips slightly. He’s hard again and I sigh at the feeling, the way he fills me, not only my pussy, but my heart too. That’s the most dangerous part, at least when it comes to him. I should not feel this way, but I do and I can’t stop it, I can’t help myself.

  “Taking you home.”

  Pressing my lips together, my breath hitches and I try to hide the reaction, but I can see that he heard it. His lips curve up into a shit-eating grin and his body starts to shake in a silent laugh. Biting the inside of my cheek, I try not to tell him to fuck himself, mainly because I want him to fuck me, but it’s really difficult to keep my mouth shut.

  “I am home,” I whisper.

  He snorts. “Baby, you ain’t home.”

  I open my mouth to argue with him, but he doesn’t allow it. Instead, he guides my head closer to him, forcing me to bend and then his lips are on mine. He slants my head, and his tongue fills my mouth at the same time his hips thrust upward.

  The hand that was on my back travels down to my hip and he grabs a hold of me there, the hand still buried in my hair unmoving as he holds me still and fucks me from underneath. I can’t move, my body held still by his firm grasp.

  I whimper, my eyes sliding closed as he takes from me everything that I’m willing to give, though that’s everything that I have, because it’s his. All his. Even if I fucking hate the fact that I’m so weak when it comes to him.

  “I am home,” I moan.

  He laughs again, obviously I’m hilarious, and it doesn’t surprise me that he’d think that because when it comes to Hawk, I’m pathetically powerless. My body climbs higher and higher with each upward thrust of his hips, his pelvis hitting my already sensitive clit expertly.

  Maybe that’s what it is about him. He doesn’t take from me just to take. He gives, too. He makes sure I’m satisfied, he always knows exactly what I need, even if I don’t. He’s the first man to truly care if I get there, if I’m happy, if I’m satisfied.

  I’ve had clients who get me off, but they do it for themselves only. Hawk isn’t that way, he’s genuine in wanting to make sure I leave his bed and his body completely sated. I gasp, my eyes flying open when he stops.

  I’m close, so damn close, I’m teetering on the edge and we’ve been together enough times that he knows exactly how close I am to falling over into an abyss. He tugs my head back farther, making it impossible for me to speak.

  “You’ll tell me, Avah. You don’t and you won’t come. I’m not fucking around, this is serious,” he grinds out, all of his humor completely vanished.

  “You’re an asshole,” I grind back. It takes everything that I have to even say the words.

  Wordlessly, he flips me onto my back, his hands still holding me hostage, his dick buried deep, his eyes focused on mine and nowhere else. He’s dead ass serious, he is not fucking around and if I’m not mistaken, I see worry etched in his features and something changes inside of me, something shifts.

  “Hawk,” I breathe.

  He shakes his head. “Now,” he demands.

  “A senator.”

  Chapter Eleven


  I don’t say a word. Not a single one. Instead, I fuck her until we come and we’re both satisfied, then I stay buried inside of her and stare into her eyes. Those fucking green eyes, they own me, every fucking part of me. I don’t know when or how it happened, but it did and I’m hers just as much as she is mine.

  We catch our breaths as we continue to stare into one another’s gazes. “Say something,” she exhales.

  Shaking my head, I lick my lips, wondering why someone so fucking young and beautiful wants anything to do with me. Then I decide, I don’t give a fuck why. It doesn’t matter why. All that matters is she wants me and I’m keeping her.

  “Pack your shit. You’re coming home.”

  Pushing off of her, I release my hold and roll onto my back. Avah follows me, pushing up next to me, her long black hair falling around her like curtains as she looks down at me, her mouth opening and closing a few times before she finally gathers her words.

  “I don’t think you really understand, Hawk. This is a senator, not just some local whatever. This is a big deal. If he comes after me, and he will, that puts everyone in danger.”

  I roll to my side, lifting my hand, I cup her cheek. My eyes search hers and I see terror swimming in her gaze. With a sigh, I refuse to accept her shit. The thought of a senator coming after me doesn’t fill me with happy thoughts, however, if she’s scared of this guy, it’s a real concern.

  “You’re going to tell me everything,” I demand.

  She presses her lips together and I watch as she bites the inside of her cheek. I’m sure she wants to say a million things, but she doesn’t. Instead, she leans forward, her lips touching mine.

  “Not here,” she whispers against my mouth.

  Shifting my hand from her cheek, I slide my palm around to cup the back of her head. Sliding my tongue out, I taste her lips, keep it a brief and light taste.

  “Shower,” I grunt. “Then sleep.”

  She nods her head, slipping off of the bed. Following behind her, I watch as she starts the water. Closing the bathroom door, I lean close to her, careful not to raise my voice.

  “He got your place bugged?” I rasp.

  She shifts her head from side to side, her eyes wide. “I don’t think so, but he’s been here. He left me some notes and flowers. He’s been to my work too, but I haven’t seen his face. He’s either hidden in the shadows or comes up behind me.”

  “Coward,” I grind out.

  She shrugs a shoulder, giving me a forced smile. “No reason to be, it’s not like I can go to the police.”

  If it wasn’t so g
oddamn true, I would laugh. “We’re going to a hotel tonight. Tomorrow, we head home.”

  “What about Keaston?”

  My eyes widen in surprise. “You need to tell me something about him?”

  She inclines her head, her eyes narrowing in my direction. “I told you, he was helping me. I can’t just walk away and allow the wolves to feast on him, Hawk,” she hisses.

  I throw back my head in laughter. She’s funny, my girl. “Baby, he wanted between your legs. He wasn’t protecting you out of the sheer goodness of his heart.”

  She stiffens, wrinkling her nose up at me. “Doesn’t matter, Hawk. I can’t just leave him. Without him being around, I would already be gone.”

  With a heavy sigh, I tilt my head back and look up at the ceiling, wondering which one of my bad deeds I’m paying for in this exact moment. Dipping my chin, I look into her eyes and give her a smile.

  “It’s what you want? Him to come to Eagar?” I ask.

  She licks her lips before she sinks her teeth into her bottom lip and gives me a nod as she leans toward me, tilting her head a bit farther to look directly into my tipped-down gaze. “I think it’s the right thing to do.”

  “You don’t want to fuck him?” I ask.

  She laughs softly. “No, Hawk. I don’t want to fuck him.”

  “You only want to fuck me?” I ask, my lips twitching into a grin.

  Avah lifts her hand, placing her palm against my chest before she drags her fingers through the hair at my chest and down my belly, then she wraps her fingers around my cock and gently squeezes. Her pouty lips part as she watches me. I let out a growl, wishing I was closer to twenty than sixty and I could get hard again so quickly and fuck her again.

  “You’re the only man I want to fuck,” she breathes. “Daddy.”

  I let out a groan. Fuck me, but I love that shit and I know how goddamn wrong it is, considering she truly is young enough to be my daughter. “Be a good girl and go sit on the edge of that counter. I’m going to eat you, honey.”


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