UnWreck Me (Savage Beast MC Book 7)

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UnWreck Me (Savage Beast MC Book 7) Page 16

by Hayley Faiman

  Worm shrugs a shoulder. “Before you do anything, you need to ask Dragon. This is his club and Hawk is his man.”

  Hawk is my man. But I don’t argue. I can’t overrun the senator, not with his men at his side twenty-four seven.

  “Is he ready to talk to me?” I ask.

  He jerks his chin in a nod. “C’mon, he’s in his office.”

  Hurrying behind Worm, I don’t even bother putting on shoes. I run through the clubhouse completely barefoot. I ignore the looks from all of the people who are standing around.

  The party has stopped, the sex as well. The men are all gathered around, even men that I’ve never met before. They all watch me as I hurry by, I can feel their gazes on me, but they don’t matter.

  I ignore them all as I rush toward the dark hallway and Dragon’s office. Dragon is sitting behind his desk, Wolfe is sitting across from him, Mountain is standing in the middle of the room with his arms crossed over his chest, and Taz is leaning up against the wall. Worm stands to the side and allows me to pass.

  Dragon’s gaze flicks up to meet mine and he gives me a ghost of a smile. “Just tell me what the plan is,” I demand.

  His lips curve up into a real grin and he lets out a chuckle. “We don’t have one. Worm said the security is without a doubt tight. We didn’t even know this place existed. We thought all he had was a place in DC and LA.”

  “Fuck,” I hiss.

  He nods his head. “So, we need to do recon. It could take a few days, maybe even a couple of weeks, I need to know that you’re going to sit tight while we do this. Don’t do any crazy shit, yeah?”

  Pressing my lips together, I release them then bite the inside of my cheek. I want to tell Dragon and the rest of these men to go and fuck themselves, but I don’t. Instead, I just silently nod.

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  “You don’t, I’ll put a goddamn guard on you. He’ll watch you shit if he has to, Avah. I am not fucking around with this. You’re my responsibility, you’re Hawk’s and I know you ain’t branded, but you’re his. However, something happens to you, I can’t send anyone in to save you. You might be in his bed, but you are not branded.”

  His words hit me straight in the gut, they’re a punch that instantly takes my breath away. Nodding, I try not to cry. Instead, I continue to nod, my head moving rapidly up and down, unable to stop the movement.

  “We will get him back, Avah, and when we do, the senator will no longer be a problem, okay?” Dragon says.

  Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip, I inhale a deep breath, then let it out. “Okay,” I exhale.

  “Go back up to your room, do you need that guard?”

  I think about a stranger watching me poop and my nose wrinkles. “No thanks,” I whisper.

  His lips twitch into a grin and he gives me a wink. “Okay, babe.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  True to his word, a few hours later that crazy fuck, Walsh walks into the dungeon with a woman. She’s a pretty little thing, obviously young and completely fucking naked, wearing nothing except a collar around her neck with a black leash clipped to the center.

  I’m not sure if I should be turned on or disgusted. My cock twitches at the sight of her completely nude body, but inside I’m disgusted, mainly because I’m fairly fucking certain that this girl is not here by choice.

  My body betrays me as I continue to watch her walk behind Walsh, her tits gently swaying with each step that she takes, the way her ass moves as he shifts her around, walking her in a full circle like she’s a show animal and I’m a judge.

  “Better than the trash that you have in your clubhouse, no?” he asks, stopping her directly in front of my cell.

  Her head is tipped down in a subservient stance, but I can see the way her chest rises and falls with her quick breaths. She’s either scared or turned on, and I have a feeling it’s the first rather than the latter.

  I don’t answer him, because he wants praise and he won’t get it. Sure, she’s beautiful as most women are, but she’s here against her will and I’m not into raping women. I fully consider anything that happens to her rape if she’s been bought and paid for like she’s inhuman.

  “Look up at him,” he growls, pulling at her neck in one hard tug.

  She lifts her head, her eyes finding mine and I keep my face impassive as I watch her through the cage. She’s pretty. Probably around Avah’s age. Her face is bare of makeup, but she doesn’t need it. Her eyes are big and blue, her lips pink and full.

  “She’s new,” he informs me, as though I give a fuck. “Soon she’ll have a body like Avah’s, probably better. I’ve decided I want a blonde Barbie with this one. The doctor will be by in a few days to examine her and come up with a surgical plan. It will take a while until perfection is achieved, but it will be worth it. Want to know why it will be a few days before the doctor arrives?” he asks.

  I don’t answer him, knowing that he’ll continue speaking, because he’s the kind of man who wants to hear his own voice. He thinks of himself as important, he thinks of himself as special, he just generally thinks of himself all the time.

  “Avah will be here by then and I can kill two birds with one stone, because she has really fucking let herself go since Layne’s untimely demise.”

  I’m unable to control my reaction to his words. A growl forms deep in my throat and I watch as that fuck’s eyes light up at the sound. He wants to make me pay for protecting her, for wanting to keep her. He won’t win. He thinks that he is smarter than me, that he’s more powerful than the Beasts and he’s not.

  What he is, is cocky. That doesn’t typically work out in the end, the cocky fuckers who think they’re untouchable, those are the ones that fall the hardest. And Edward Walsh will fall, by my hand.

  “We could have a good thing, your club and me. I know you realize that this, here,” he says, tilting his head to the side. “I have men that want this, that need it. My circle is small, but the reach is wide. I know clubs have these deals and I’m willing to bring this lucrative opportunity to you, Orson.”

  Clenching my teeth together, I gnash them a few times as I attempt to calm myself. “You think that kidnapping my woman, raping her in front of me, hurting her, and eventually killing her will make me want to work with you?” I ask through my gritted teeth.

  He snorts. “I think that the fact that I won’t do that to the lovely Tristiana will be enough to be an incentive. I have a man who still wants her. He’s willing to pay a lot more than I personally think she’s worth, but he’s desperate.”

  “That shit’s done. She’s married, it’s fucking done,” I snap. “He tries to touch a hair on her head and I’ll skin him alive and I’ll fucking enjoy it,” I bark. “Every goddamn second of it.”

  Walsh’s lips curve up into a grin. I’m panting and breathing heavily, my gaze flicks down to the girl who looks terrified by my outburst, before they shift back up to meet his. Walsh tugs the girl backward. She stumbles, but doesn’t fall before she’s able to stabilize herself.

  “You’ll do nothing of the sort.” He chuckles. “You’ll do whatever I want because you’re the one in a cage and I’m the one who is free. It’s funny you think that you still have some sort of control over any of this. You fucked with what I wanted, and now you’re going to do whatever I want.”

  “You stalked her for months. Why didn’t you just fucking take her when I wasn’t around, then?” I growl.

  He’s quiet for a moment, pretending to contemplate my words. I’m under no illusion that he’s contemplating a damn fucking thing. Instead, he’s just playing mind games. Too goddamn bad that shit doesn’t work on me, never did and never will.

  “You’re not going to blackmail me into this. We don’t deal in human trafficking and we sure as fuck do not deal with blackmail and threats. No fucking way, man. No. Fucking. Way.”

  Walsh shrugs a shoulder, his eyes finding mine as he holds my gaze. “We’ll see. Everyone has a price. Every fu
cking one does. It’s either cash money or something else. Don’t worry, I’ll find yours, Orson. But for now, let’s have some fun with this new pet.”

  Walsh turns around, tugging the woman over to the bed and demands she climbs onto the mattress. Her back is to me, her ass in perfect view. Then he instructs her to spread her thighs and bend over. Inwardly I groan, wishing I didn’t like sex so much, wishing that I didn’t find her so goddamn attractive.

  “I’ll get her ready for you, then I’ll let you play.”

  “No,” I grunt.

  “You don’t have a choice, because if you don’t do what I say, I’ll use my cane on her.”


  Fucking shit.


  There’s a knock on the bedroom door and I run over to it. I didn’t sleep last night, not a single wink. I sat in Hawk’s bed, wearing his T-shirt and I alternated between crying and staring off into space, wondering if he was okay.

  I feel weak.

  I feel exactly like one of those weak women. In this moment, I’m the exact opposite of everything that I ever wanted to be in life.

  The person on the other side of the door knocks again, but I’m too worn out to run and open it. I didn’t lock it the last time I came up here, I don’t know why, but I left it unlocked just in case Hawk appeared.

  My phone rings and I immediately pick it up, not looking at the caller ID before answering it.

  “Hello,” I say in a rush.

  “Where are you?” Graham hisses. “They’re going to fire you for being a no-show.”

  He doesn’t sound the least bit upset about that, and right now, I could give a fuck about my job. Work doesn’t matter, money doesn’t matter, nothing matters but Hawk.

  “I quit,” I state.

  I hear Graham’s voice, but I don’t bother listening to him, instead, I end the call and toss my phone to the side. I’m sure I’ve made a mistake. I could have made up some kind of emergency, a sick grandmother or something, but what’s the point? I’m not going back there anyway. I’m not leaving Orson.

  The door slowly opens and I don’t know who I expect to see on the opposite side, but it isn’t Taz. He’s Trista’s husband and he’s good to her now, but first impressions are a bitch and we both gave one another really bad ones—equally.

  “Yeah?” I ask.

  He clears his throat, his gaze drifting down to his boots before he brings his eyes back up to meet mine. He shifts from side to side, then finally gathers the courage to speak. I don’t know what he’s about to say, but judging by the way he’s acting, it’s not something that I’m going to like.

  “Just tell me,” I whisper.

  He’s quiet for another moment, then he inhales a deep breath before he lets it out on an exhale. “It’s going to be longer than a couple of days. That place he’s staying, it’s completely locked down. They thought it was just a house in a neighborhood, but Worm did some digging and it’s under serious fucking surveillance.”

  “There’s more, isn’t there?”

  He nods his head, his chin jerking. “Not yet, which is fucking terrible. He and his men have stayed put all fucking night, but we lost communication with Hawk’s phone.”

  “Which means?”

  “Either he knows it’s being tracked or it’s just plain dead. Either way, if they move, we won’t know it, not unless we have eyes on him twenty-four seven.”

  “So there are eyes on him?” I growl as I shift out of bed.

  He shakes his head once. “Not yet. We can’t be seen, babe. Walsh can’t know we’re there.”

  “Do you know how hard it is watching you guys circle jerk one another and not just walk up to that house demanding Hawk be released?”

  Taz bursts out laughing, obviously finding my words fucking hilarious, but I am not kidding and I want to beat the shit out of him right now. Although, that’s kind of the norm for us. Eventually, he stops laughing and shoots a smirk in my direction.

  “Trust us, babe. We got this and we’ll get him home soon. I just wanted to update you.”

  I shake my head. “That was a non-update,” I inform him.

  “If you even think about walking out of here, that prospect will be assigned to you, no fucking joke.”

  Crossing my arms beneath my breasts, I look down at my bare feet and imagine one of the prospects watching me go to the bathroom again, and I shiver in disgust. Stupid Dragon and his visual, I can’t unsee the image in my head.

  “Fine,” I grind out.

  “Coffee and donuts downstairs, went to town and picked them up earlier. Trista was in a mood.”

  Without another word, he turns around and walks out of the room. I don’t bother putting on a bra or pants, but I do slip my feet into my sandals and throw my hair up in a messy bun before I make my way down to donuts, because stuffing my face with something sweet like that sounds a hell of a lot better than sitting in my room crying like a bitch.

  I’m not surprised to see that the clubhouse is still overly full of men. Trista is sitting at our table, a small pink box in front of her and two paper coffee cups. I hurry over to her, past the groups of people who are watching me, again.

  Sinking down in the chair across from her, I let out a sigh. “Taz got plain glazed for everyone, but he got chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and sprinkles for us, plus maple bars.”

  My eyes widen as she opens the box and four delicious donuts stare back at me, and a dozen donut holes.

  “That man is a saint, he’s officially won me over,” I exclaim, reaching for a chocolate.

  That first bite of the chocolate sprinkle piece of heaven, it’s too much, too good, too perfect. I moan as my eyes roll in the back of my head and Trista laughs, then she does the same.

  “You know that shit tastes better when you’re pregnant, do not ask me how.”

  Opening my eyes, I try not to show the sadness of her words on my face. It doesn’t work though, she cringes and opens her mouth to say something, but I shake my head. This is her moment of happiness and I’m not going to be a buzzkill.

  “When do you get to find out the sex and all of that?” I ask.

  She looks down at her donut, then back up at me. “About ten more weeks. I can’t wait. Taz says he doesn’t care, but I really want a boy first.”

  “Why?” I ask. I’m genuinely curious.

  Her lips curve up into an even bigger smile. “I want a mini-Taz. Wouldn’t that be so sweet?”

  She’s gone. Totally and completely smitten, and I love it. Then I imagine what a mini-Hawk would look like. A little baby badass Orson. That’s what I want and what I’ll never have. Even when we get him back, babies are not in our future and that breaks my heart.

  I want everything with him. Every single thing.

  I love the asshole.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  After donuts and coffee, after dressing and attempting to brush my ratty-assed hair, I put one of Hawk’s black T-shirts back on, tying it at the waist and slipping a pair of black leggings on. I make my way to the bar and wonder how long I’ll have to be stuck inside of this place before there is some kind of plan.

  Dragon is standing in the middle of the room, his head tipped down as he talks on his phone, and I start to walk over to him when a woman reaches out to me. She wraps her hand around my forearm and stops me.

  Spinning around, I blink at the sight of her. She’s a gorgeous black-haired woman, she actually looks a lot like me and it startles me. Her lips curve up into a small smile as she gives me a small nod.

  “I wanted to introduce myself. We haven’t met yet,” she offers. “I’m Dragon’s wife, Bellarosa.”

  Looking behind me at the grumpy asshole himself, I’m shocked that this petite, soft-spoken creature is his. “I’m Avah,” I exhale.

  She laughs softly. “I know. I just wanted to say, I understand you. I was you.”

  Frowning, I shift my gaze to the side, then bring it back to meet hers. “Y
ou were me?” I ask.

  “I was a call girl in New York before I came here. If you need to talk about anything, please, just let me know. I’m here.”

  Gulping down the huge lump in my throat, I nod my head a couple of times. “Okay,” I whisper.

  “The adjustment can be hard, but it’s worth it.”

  I don’t tell her that I’ve been living on my own and out of the life for months now, because I don’t know if you are ever truly out of it, I think it’s something that just lingers in the back of your mind forever.

  “Thank you,” I breathe. “I appreciate it.”

  She gives me a kind smile just as someone approaches. The man approaches her side and slides his arm around her shoulders. Shifting my head, I look up at him and realize that it’s Dragon. I was kind of lost in what she said, I didn’t realize it was even him until I really looked.

  “That was Worm. He’s holed up in his place, working on this shit. He said that there is no way we can get in or hack into the security system. This poses an issue. Without eyes on them, we’re kind of fucked.”

  “What happens now?” I ask.

  My entire body is trembling. I’m nervous, I want to go and get him right now. I want to sacrifice myself, because to be honest when this is all done and I leave here, I’m not going to have much of a life anyway. Hawk is my life—Orson is my life.

  He opens his mouth when his phone rings. He digs the device out of his pocket and looks down, frowning at the sight. His thumb hesitantly slides across the screen and my heart skips a beat as he puts it up to his ear, because I know in my gut that this is it—this is the call.

  “Dragon,” he answers.

  There is a long moment of silence, his frown continues to deepen, his stance widens and his chest puffs out and I know, I just know that it’s either the senator on the other end, or someone involved in this.

  “Your terms?” he demands.

  Sucking in a breath, I hold it as I wait for what’s to come. “Absolutely not,” he barks. His gaze flicks to mine and he hisses. “Can’t do that, either.”


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