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UnWreck Me (Savage Beast MC Book 7)

Page 29

by Hayley Faiman

  His eyes widen and he snorts, then I watch as he lifts his hand and wraps it around the back of his neck, rubbing his neck. “You could have a point, maybe.”

  “Maybe?” I ask, arching a brow.

  He shrugs a shoulder. “What do you want to do with transports? We don’t have mattresses anymore,” he grumbles.

  “We need to do it ourselves, cut out the middleman. We’ve had nothing but fucking issues with that part of the process.”

  “Yeah, well, we have issues with suppliers too, we gonna do that shit ourselves too?”

  “Don’t be a smart-ass,” I snort.

  There’s a long moment of silence, then he lets out a grunt. “You got a plan for that shit?”

  Shrugging a shoulder, I lift my gaze to my new wife. She turns her head, her gaze finding mine and her lips curve up into a small smile. Her teeth sink down into her bottom lip as she continues to watch me, and I want nothing more than to tell Dragon to figure his shit out and go fuck my new wife.

  I don’t.

  “Travel at night, put a fucking sticker or some shit on the side of the van and just drive. It can’t be that hard. Keep it simple. Sometimes when you’re too complicated, that’s when shit goes down.”

  Dragon presses his lips together, then he nods his head a couple of times. “We try it your way for a while, we get fucked, it’s on you.”

  “I’m cool with that. Get a route together with Wolfe and you’re on deck.”

  He doesn’t say anything else, instead, he straightens and heads toward his own wife. I take that moment to do the same and make my way toward Avah. When I reach her, I hold out my hand for her.

  “Are you silently asking me to dance?” she asks.

  I grunt, not willing to actually say the words. Her lips curve up into a small smile and she dips her chin. “I’ll dance with you, husband,” she breathes.


  Taking her in my arms, I look into her eyes and I dance with my wife. Never in a million years did I think that I would ever have a wife again, never would I think that I would have more children, especially at my age, but never did I think that I would ever truly fall in love.

  I am just that, too.

  I am head over heels, completely and totally in love with Avah.

  UnBind Me


  Chapter One


  I watch her from across the dance floor. The men have been circling her, especially the fucking prospects, but if they even think about talking to her, I’ll gut them—slowly or maybe quickly. I’m not sure how much of a rage I would fly into. I’ve never been possessive over a woman before, over anything really.

  “You gonna ask her to dance or just eye fuck her from across the room?” Pinkie asks from beside me.

  I’m honestly surprised that she’s here, with the families still running around. Jerking my chin, I don’t look down at her, mainly because I can’t keep my eyes off of Taylee. She’s fucking gorgeous.

  “She ain’t ready for anything,” I murmur.

  Pinkie snorts. “Boy, she’s ready for a dance. I didn’t ask you if you were going to fuck her on the dance floor.”

  Licking my lips, I finally look over to Pinkie. She’s wearing something oddly appropriate. I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen her so covered up before. I give her a smile. Then, without saying a word, I turn away from her and start to make my way toward Taylee.

  “Tay?” I ask when I approach her.

  She doesn’t turn around right away and I wonder if she hasn’t heard me, then the other people around her slowly disperse and she tilts her head back to look up at me. She inhales and I watch her nostrils flare as she watches me.

  “Daniel,” she breathes.

  I gave her my name a few days ago and I shouldn’t have. When she says it, my cock goes rock fucking hard. I shouldn’t have told her until she was ready for more, until she was ready to be mine.

  “Dance with me?”

  She blinks, then rolls her lips together. “What about Pinkie? Why aren’t you dancing with her?”

  Blinking, I can’t help but let out a snort. “Why would I?”

  “You were talking to her.”

  Lifting my hand to my face, I slide my palm down and try to cover up not only my smile, but my laugh as well. This fucking woman. She’s jealous and it’s not only cute, but it’s funny, and it’s sexy as all hell.

  “Don’t want to dance with Pinkie, don’t want to do anything with anyone, except you.”

  “Why?” she snaps, almost as if it’s a knee-jerk reaction.

  “Because,” I say as I reach for her hand.

  I don’t kiss her the way that I want. I don’t throw her over my shoulder and take her to my room, I just tug her to me and wrap her in my arms. I slow dance with her and hope that one day soon, she’ll let me do so much more.


  Daniel’s fingers wrap around my waist as he holds me close to him. I feel like a teenager as I lift my arms and wrap my hands around the back of his neck. Tilting my head back, I look into his dark eyes and I wonder how on earth I’m going to be able to accept him.

  It would be easy to just lie down and let him have his way with me, but I don’t know if I could ever feel again, not when it comes to sex and I want to feel everything with Daniel. Every single thing.

  Daniel tugs me a bit closer, bending down, I feel his cheek against mine and his breath against my ear.

  “You’re beautiful tonight, Taylee,” he rasps.

  I shiver, unable to keep the goose bumps from breaking out against my flesh. My body wants him, but I can’t trust my body, not anymore, not after Edward Walsh. He ruined something inside of me, he did things to me, forced me to feel things. I simply can’t trust myself.

  “Don’t,” I exhale.

  Daniel hums, then lifts his head. His eyes find mine before he lifts his hand and cups my cheek. His thumb slides across my bottom lip as he watches me in silence for a long moment. Then, as if the spell is broken, he clears his throat.

  “You’ll beg me, baby.”

  “I won’t,” I whisper.

  His lips tug up into a smirk. It’s cocky and adorable—I hate it, mainly because I love it so much.

  “You will, and it’s going to be beautiful.”

  Before I can respond, the song is over and he releases me before turning his back to me and walking away toward the bar. I stand and watch him for a long moment, then decide that I need to take myself to bed before I do something really stupid like jump his bones.

  Chapter Two


  I’m focused on my work, on my computer, as I try to hack into the system that the Donkey Punchers have in place. It’s not necessarily a high-tech system at all whatsoever, however, it is old school and minimal which means they manually have more control than the newer systems of today.

  “Have you solved the problems of the world yet?” Pinkie asks.

  Turning my head, I jerk my chin up at her. “Just workin’ on our problems, babe.”

  She smiles as she moves around the bar, taking inventory and checking up on supplies and shit. I watch her for a moment, then turn back to my computer. I should have known that she wasn’t finished with whatever she had to say.

  “Seen a lot of men come and go from here,” she announces.

  Arching a brow, I slowly turn my head and look over to her again. She’s watching me, and it’s clear she has something to say.

  “And?” I ask, when she doesn’t say anything right away.

  “Be patient with her, Worm. She’s been through hell.”

  Nodding my head, I don’t say anything as I turn back to my work. As I try to figure out this club and the way they operate, try to figure out how I’m going to be patient with Taylee and at the same time get her to open up to me from the inside out.

  “Holy shit,” I whisper as I reach for my phone.

  I got inside. I got inside of the goddamn clubhouse and
I wish that I could pretend that I never saw this shit. I can’t look away, no matter how completely disgusted I am. Picking up my phone, I call Dragon, my gaze glued to my computer screen.


  “You close to the clubhouse, I got into the Punchers’ main building.”

  “The fuck you did?” he grunts.

  I hum before I clear my throat. “You’re definitely going to want to see this,” I rasp.

  “On my way, you recording it for later?”

  I chuckle, then end the call. I am recording it, but I don’t think he’ll want to see it later. I wish that I wasn’t seeing it now. In fact, I hope that I never have to see anything like this again. These sick fucking bastards. The rumors are true and that is worse than imaginable.

  I thought the Skulls were weird, keeping their women in cages, doing that whole submissive thing with them, but it’s nothing like this, nothing at all. I wish I could erase my whole fucking memory of this shit.


  Walking into the bar, I pause at the sight of Daniel sitting at one of the pub tables alone, two computers in front of him and a bottle of beer. I head toward him, far too curious about what he’s looking at than I should be. I stop a few feet away, my eyes glued to the screen, and I freeze.

  I can’t look away.

  My gaze is frozen at the scene in front of me.

  He’s watching it, too. There is a woman lying on a table, a line of men at her legs. One after the other is thrust into her body over and over. They come on her stomach, then another walks right up to her, dick in his hand, and fucks her.

  She’s looking to the side, but I can see her eyes, I know those eyes. They’re dead, she’s lost inside of her head, lost in a world that is better than the one she’s living in at this moment, I know because I was her a few months ago when Edward Walsh, when Hawk, was doing the same to me.

  I start to tremble, losing count of how many men use this girl’s body. One, then another, then another, and then another. Daniel watches too, he doesn’t look away, he’s so intently watching that he doesn’t even realize I’m standing a few feet behind him.

  I hear the door to the main room open, and I look to the side as Dragon walks into the room. Before he realizes I’m watching, I slowly back away against the dark shadowed wall, then I turn and head back to my room.

  Sitting down on the edge of my bed, I look down at my lap and wonder if I read Daniel all wrong. Did I really get so fooled by his good looks and seeming charm that I missed the man that he is deep down inside?

  Is this what this club is about? Did I completely misjudge him? Misjudge this whole club? I thought that they were rough and gritty, that they weren’t completely on the up-and-up, but they were at least good beneath it all.

  Maybe they aren’t.

  Maybe they were just pretending.

  I have nowhere to go and nobody to run to for help either. Tears fill my eyes and for the first time since I was with Edward Walsh, I feel like I’m being held captive all over again. Except this time, I feel as if I’ve been betrayed even worse than when my own brother betrayed me.

  Chapter Three


  Once Dragon looks at the feed, he thankfully doesn’t make me go back to the beginning. He grunts, lifting his hand, and wraps his fingers around the back of his neck. Wordlessly, he watches for a few more minutes.

  As he watches, all I can think about is Taylee. I haven’t seen her this morning and usually she’s out and about helping Pinkie with shit around here, which is the main reason I set up out here in the bar instead of in my room—I want to see her.

  “Church in an hour,” he growls before he walks away.

  Instead of shutting my system down, I move it into the room where we hold church and get it all set up there before I go in search of Taylee.

  It isn’t hard to find her, she’s in the first place that I look, her bedroom. Knocking on the door, I push it open slightly and peek inside to see her sitting on the edge of the bed, staring straight ahead and unmoving.

  “Tay?” I call out.

  She doesn’t move, not even a flinch. Stepping inside, I close her door behind me and make my way toward her. Sinking down in front of her, I hesitate to reach out, but decide that I need to touch her.

  Wrapping my hands around the outsides of her thighs, I squeeze as I call out her name two more times. She jerks and blinks, her eyes widening when she realizes that not only am I in front of her, but I’m close and I’m touching her, something I haven’t really done.

  I’ve been keeping my distance, trying to ease my way into her arms, her life, and if I’m being totally honest, her bed, but that time is over. I’m finished being patient. Fuck that, I want her, and I want her now.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” I ask, keeping my voice low and soft, knowing that she doesn’t need rough or harshness.

  She slowly lifts her head, her eyes find mine and I see the hurt deep inside of her. She’s not trying to hide it, but instead giving it to me tenfold.

  “I don’t think I can be here anymore. I thought you were different, that this club was different from Edward, but you’re not. You’re all the same,” she whispers.

  Jerking my head back, my eyes widen at her words. My lips part as I watch her. My initial reaction is to stand up, turn around and walk away from her. That accusation is complete fucking bullshit and if she can think that, then she doesn’t know fucking shit.


  She didn’t just come up with this conclusion, something happened. Then it hits me. She must have seen the video feed I’d hacked into. She had to have. Pressing my lips together in a straight line, I fight the urge to walk away and decide to stay, to talk, something I don’t think I’ve ever done before.

  “That was the club that came here, that is the club we’re fighting,” I say.

  She nods her head, her gaze searching mine. “What you were watching, that girl, I’m her,” she whispers.

  I hum, my heart breaking for the girl she was, but that’s not her, not anymore. “No, you’re not, Taylee. You were, maybe, but you aren’t anymore.”


  He’s staring at me, watching me, and silently pleading with me. I’m not sure what he wants me to say, but if he thinks that I’m going to just accept what they were doing to that girl, if he thinks that I’m going to be okay with him watching it, intently, he’s wrong.

  “I am, Daniel. I am her. There is no changing that.”

  He clears his throat and shakes his head. “Baby, you aren’t. Look at you. Never knew a woman or man, for that matter, as strong as you.”

  “Daniel,” I whisper.

  He shakes his head. “We do bad shit. We do illegal shit. What we don’t do is torture innocents. Not at all.”

  “I watched your group torture my brother, Edward, and the others,” I exhale, knowing that they are not innocent. Nothing about them was innocent. They do bad shit. They kill and torture.

  “Were those people innocents?” he asks, still crouched in front of me, his hands gripping the sides of my thighs.

  I move my head slowly from side to side, knowing that they weren’t. They were pure fucking evil. All four of them and I was actually glad to see them die, I wanted to watch every second of their torture, I wanted to watch their last breath leave their body. I liked it, and I don’t know what that says about me.

  “They hurt you, they took from you, all of them, and they deserved exactly what they got,” he says, answering his own question.

  Tears fill my eyes and I press my trembling lips together. Daniel doesn’t allow me to retreat into myself though, instead he shifts closer to me, lifting his hands from my thighs, he cups my cheeks as he wipes the tears from them.

  “I am weak.”

  “Not even for a goddamn minute.”

  I lean forward slightly, my breath hitches when my lips brush his. “You scare me. I wasn’t scared of boys, of men, before all of that happened. Now you terrify me.”

chuckles, his lips curving up into a grin. “You scare the absolute fucking shit out of me, Taylee, and I haven’t been through what you have.”

  Before I realize what’s happening, his soft warm lips touch mine, they press against my own and I let out a moan at the sensation of his mouth against mine. Then when his tongue slips inside of me, I can’t hold back the groan.

  Need and desire instantly fill me, a sensation that I haven’t felt in a while, a true ache shimmies throughout my entire body. I want him. Not just because my body was trained for that by that sicko, Edward, but because I simply want this man.

  Chapter Four


  Taylee trembles and I am unable to hide my smile, knowing that I’m the one who made her do just that. Nibbling on her bottom lip, I’m careful not to bite her too hard, unsure of what she can handle and what would upset her.

  She doesn’t protest when my hands slide down her neck and travel to her waist, gripping her tightly. Her breathing starts to become labored, and she lets out a whimper as my lips begin to slide down her throat, sucking on the hollow.

  Gripping the sides of her shirt, I want to rip it to shreds, but I don’t, knowing it could frighten her. “Daniel,” she calls out, interrupting my train of thought.

  Lifting my gaze, I continue to suck on her neck as I peer up at her through my lashes.

  “I need something more.”

  Her cheeks tint pink from my words and my lips slowly spread into a smile. Without another word, I do what I want, which is rip her flimsy shirt into pieces. Tossing the fabric pieces to the side, I stand and take a step back.


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