Unwanted Attraction: A Billionaire Romance

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Unwanted Attraction: A Billionaire Romance Page 9

by T. R. Iyer

  He also kept calling home to check on Kayden, since he’d woken up in the middle of the night and refused to sleep until he got to play with his toys. Maximus spoke to him at regular intervals.

  Six hours lapsed, and he’d sent everyone home as it was already quite late, and Mr. and Mrs. Dawson needed to rest too. He’d requested Ethan to come down to the hospital to pick them up and drop them to his residence. He’d asked him to stay with them. This way, Kayden would have family close to him.

  Maximus was about to call and check on Kayden again when a nurse came looking for him. She guided him to a room where they had kept Ornelia after the surgery. They waited outside for the doctor.

  “Mr. King? I am Dr. Reyes. I was the chief surgeon assigned for your wife’s surgery.” The doctor shook his hand and asked him to come inside the room.

  Maximus’s eyes found Ornelia out of habit. Only this time, instead of her bright and beautiful smile, what he saw broke his heart.

  “Is she . . . is she going to be okay? My wife . . . will-will she be okay?” Maximus asked, gulping the lump that had formed in his throat. His eyes brimmed with sudden tears.

  “Don’t worry, Mr. King. She’s going to be just fine. However, she might have to go through a few months of physical therapy and use crutches for a while.” The doctor gave him a kind smile.

  “Crutches? Why?” Maximus could see Ornelia’s left leg swathed in bandage.

  “So, most of the damage that the accident did was to her leg. Her left tibia, that is the bone below her knee, was crushed. We had to put in a rod to repair the damage. It will take her a while to adjust to the rod, and it is recommended that she should not put much pressure on it in the beginning. The other issue that we took care of was a few glass shards that had found themselves beneath her skin on both of her hands, and lastly the injury to the head. However, her head injury was external, so nothing much to worry about there. She might have a headache and shoulder pain for a while though because of the contusions.”

  Maximus moved to sit down beside Ornelia’s bed. He took her hand and softly caressed it and brought it to his lips. He held it while the doctor explained everything in detail.

  “There is one more thing that you should know, Mr. King.” The doctor suddenly looked very serious, sad almost.

  “Yes, Doctor. What is it?” he asked.

  “Your wife, she was pregnant when she came in, but due to the heavy shock that her body had gone through during the accident, she miscarried the baby. The fetus was eight weeks old. We tried our best to save the baby, but . . .”

  A choked sob began to rise in Maximus’s throat.

  Had she known? Did Ornelia know about the pregnancy? If she did, he had no idea how he was going to tell this news to her.

  Maximus’s heart broke for his wife and his unborn child.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “Ugh, my head hurts,” Ornelia groaned, finally coming to her senses. She felt like a hundred dynamites burst inside her head.

  “Am I dead? Is this hell?” Why is everything so loud?” she asked tumultuously.

  “Honey, don’t say that.” Ornelia heard her mom’s voice speaking gently, while a hand caressed her aching head.

  “Where am I? Why does everything hurt so much?” she groaned again.

  “The accident, don’t you remember?” her father probed.

  What had happened the previous night came flooding back—the truck rolling over, glass breaking, her leg being stuck, the driver trying to help her, and finally her starting to lose consciousness.

  “The accident, yes, I remember. What happened to the driver? Is he okay?” she asked.

  “Yes, he is fine. Just a fractured arm,” answered Maximus. “God, woman, you had me question everything. Never, and I mean never, insist on doing things alone. I am not letting you out of my sight even for a single second.” He was fuming.

  His mood changed just as quickly as he crumbled beside her on the bedside.

  “I am sorry. I really am. If only I had known—”

  “It’s not your fault,” Maximus cut her off. “You don’t have to be sorry.” He gave her a kiss and went toward her parents to ask them if they could give them a moment alone. He still had to tell her about the miscarriage.

  They politely left, saying they were going to get a cup of coffee.

  “Ornelia, I have to tell you something,” Maximus started.

  “Yes, sure. But first, tell me how my baby is?”

  So she knew about the baby, Maximus thought.

  Maybe she’d been waiting for the right time to tell him.

  “About that . . . Nella, sweetheart, the baby . . . uh . . . didn’t survive the accident.” Maximus dropped the bomb on her.

  “My baby . . . died? What-what are you saying?” Ornelia spluttered. “What happened? Tell me you are joking! Tell me it’s just a joke, Maximus!” She was hysterical.

  Maximus looked dumbfounded at her confusion.

  “You knew that you were pregnant, right?” he cautiously asked. He was scared he had royally f*cked up again.

  “I was pregnant? How long?” Ornelia looked ready to cry as realization dawned on her.

  “The doctor said eight weeks.” Maximus held her close to him as tears trickled down her face.

  “Oh God! I didn’t even realize. How can I be so stupid? I didn’t bleed. I thought it was because of all the stress, with the wedding and work and settling in the new house. Oh, Max! How could I be so horrible?” she sobbed.

  “You’re not horrible, Nella. In fact, I think you are the most beautiful person out there. It happens, and we didn’t know. If we had known about it, we would’ve been way more careful. I would have never let you go alone anywhere.” Max tried to comfort her. “You had me so worried. You didn’t pick up my calls. I thought you left me like my mom had. I love you way too much, Ornelia. Please, I am ready to go down on my knees and beg, don’t leave me.” He held her face in his hands, wiping her tears, as his own rolled down his cheeks.

  “I love you too, and I am sorry about your mom. Why . . . why did she leave?” Ornelia asked carefully. She didn’t want him to shut down again.

  He was finally expressing his feelings.

  “She left when I was as old as Kayden. She left because she came to know my father wasn’t going to inherit any money from the family. For her, money was more important than her son. She’d met an Irish billionaire and married him. She and my father were into gambling, and she’d planned to use the inheritance. Grandpa found out about it and came to know my parents’s intentions. He revoked his will and instead of my father’s, he put in my name. That annoyed Dad to no end. He tried his best to get back into my grandpa’s good books, but alas, the gambling gobbled him up,” Maximus explained.

  “Oh, Max, I am so sorry you had to go through that. Is that why you thought I was after your money?”

  Everything slowly made sense to Ornelia.

  “Yes, maybe. I had kept it suppressed for a really long time. But when you left, when I pushed you away, I realized what I’d done and how cruel I’d been to you. But I-I really couldn’t bring myself . . . to-to show up and apologize. I . . . I had a lot going on.”

  Ornelia could see the sadness in his eyes.

  “I confided in Ethan after a few days, and he forced me into therapy. I did years of therapy before I could finally pick myself up and make necessary changes for you. I’d kept in touch with Jake throughout those years, to keep an eye on you, making sure you had everything you needed. He was understanding and kind enough to help me out, even after the way I’d treated you. The only thing he refused to do was tell me about what was going on in your life. If I had known about Kayden, I would’ve come back way earlier, Ornelia. I swear to the ever-loving God I would have.”

  Her heart melted with his every confession. He made an effort for her. He tried. The least she could do was appreciate this man and his efforts.

  “Maximus, I am so proud of you. I still think keeping an eye on
me was not cute though. Even if it was indirect, it was a bit stalkerish of you. Next time something like this happens, you come talk to me, okay?” Ornelia gave him a little peck on his lips. She really was proud of him, of his decision to opt for therapy and get help instead of carrying on with his assh*lery.

  “I love you, Ornelia.” Maximus wiped his tears and hugged his wife, like his life depended on her.

  “I love you too, Max. But I need you to loosen up a bit. You are hurting me a little.” Ornelia patted his back and pressed her lips to the nape of his neck.

  “I am sorry. I won’t touch you again, I promise.” Maximus stepped away from her bed, suddenly scared that a single touch could break her. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her more.

  “No, silly. That’s not what I meant, and you know it. Now, can you tell me how Kayden is? Does he know?” she asked, worried about her son.

  “He is fine. He was with your parents throughout the night, and he doesn’t know anything. He thinks you’re away for a holiday.” Maximus carefully sat next to her.

  It was almost comical to watch a built and tall man trying to be so gentle around her.

  “When you asked about how your baby was, did you mean Kayden?” He seemed genuinely dumbfounded about the fact that she was also unaware.

  “Yes, I meant Kayden. I really didn’t know I was pregnant again. I didn’t even think about taking a test. I was so confident it was some hormonal issue.” She really was equally as unaware as he was, and he had to know.

  “It’s okay. You don’t have to give an explanation. I just feel like a huge jerk for revealing it to you the way I did. I wish I had been more gentle about it.” He held her hand gently, trying his best not to hurt her. Her little flinch already shot an arrow straight through his heart. He could never see her hurt again.

  “There was no easier way to break such news to me. Either way would have hurt just as equally. Thank you for being with me, though. I really appreciate your being here.” Ornelia smiled up at him in admiration.

  “Thank you for coming in my life—God forbid any more accidents should ever happen—but I am really glad for the very first one that bound you and me.”

  He, indeed, was grateful. Had it been the case that her family hadn’t had that accident, his grandfather would have never found her, and neither would he.

  Now, he was ready for a peaceful and accident-free life with her and their son—white picket fence and all that.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Kayden had visited her in the hospital twice to look at how bad her “boo-boo” was. The first time he’d come around, he’d bawled his eyes out. The bandages and wounds scared the poor little guy. Ornelia requested her parents to not bring him back the next week. However, Kayden was very persistent. He really wanted to see her. He even made a pinkie promise that he wouldn’t cry.

  Like father, like son!

  He kept his promise and did not shed a single tear. Instead, he got her some ice cream and candy to cheer her up although he ended up eating most of it. Her parents spoiled the boy rotten, but she didn’t mind as long as he was healthy overall.


  Upon her discharge from the hospital after a good few weeks, Ornelia was excited to go home. The accident had destroyed most of the stuff that was supposed to be moved to their new place, but Maximus assured her that he’d replaced everything that was damaged. He’d apparently also helped out in setting up her office.

  Talk about an involved man!

  Ornelia was in love and there was no point denying it anymore. She’d decided to take a leap of faith with him when he’d proposed to her. Her heart wavered every now and again, if it really was the right decision to give him another chance. However, Maximus proved at every instance that he was doing his best as a changed man—in fact a better one—and his efforts made her happy.

  She smiled up at him as he wheeled her down from the car to their backyard. She could hear Kayden’s little, playful squeals. God, she missed her baby!

  So far, no complaints!

  “Welcome back!” everyone cheered for her.

  Never had she expected to find such good people in her life, let alone find love along the way. She started getting emotional.

  “We’re so happy to see you back, Nella. You had us scared, girl!” Emily and Jake came for a hug.

  She could see Kayden struggling in his grandpa’s arms. In a flash, her son ran to her on his tiny feet, yelling at the top of his lungs, “Welcome back, Mommy!” He lunged toward her for a hug.

  Maximus picked Kayden just in time before he collided with her leg. He placed him in her arms carefully.

  “Kayden! This boy is going to be the death of me,” her mother exclaimed, rushing to get Kayden off her lap.

  “It’s okay, Ma. It’s been way too long since I saw him. I don’t mind a little discomfort,” Ornelia assured her.

  “Yeah, is okay gwams,” Kayden sassed her, which had everyone chuckling. He sure knew how to be the cutest boy in the room.

  Meanwhile, Ethan approached her—with a woman on his toes, carrying a bouquet of flowers. Ornelia immediately asked her mother to take Kayden inside. The last thing she wanted was Kayden to get sick again.

  That made Ethan raise his brows in interest.

  “Sorry, Ethan. He is allergic to pollen. I don’t want those pretty flowers to trigger his allergies,” Ornelia explained sheepishly.

  Ethan began to apologize, but she cut him off, “No, no! You don’t have to apologize. No way you could’ve known that.”

  Ornelia’s eyes drifted to the pretty girl standing behind him, looking lost. She appeared to be in her early twenties.

  Ornelia extended her hand to her and introduced herself, “Hi there! I am Ornelia King. You must be Ethan’s secretary. I am sorry I can’t quite remember your name.”

  The girl shook her hand with a bright smile on her face. “I am Holly! Nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you. Mr. King is a lucky man.” Holly kept a strong hold on her hand, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

  Ornelia could tell she had a lot of questions.

  “Holly, those flowers are for her, not for you to hold on to,” Ethan said pointedly.

  Holly rolled her eyes at him. “I know that, Mr. Mars. Unlike you, I am very professional when it comes to my job and tasks.” Holly handed over the flowers to her.

  “Don’t mind him, Mrs. King.” She hugged Ornelia once more and moved away while giving Ethan a nasty look.

  “What was that all about?” Maximus asked what she’d wanted to ask all along.

  “I forgot to get my passport and ticket the day we were supposed to board a plane to get here. She had to go and get it for me. She’s been on my ass for it ever since,” Ethan explained.

  The incident had Ornelia chuckling. She already loved Holly and her grit. She knew they were going to be great friends.

  Ethan conveyed his wishes and greetings and went after Holly.

  Ornelia had a feeling there was something going on in Ethan’s mind, but she decided to keep mum and just speak to him about it on some other day, for she wanted to retire and rest for a little while.


  Everyone had left after a short dinner. Ornelia was sitting by the dining table and admiring her husband while he sorted her medication for the night. She had to take pain meds until her next visit to the hospital, as per her doctor’s instructions

  Maximus handed her two pills and a glass of water. “Drink up, sweet girl.” He kissed her forehead and stroked her hair while she took the pills.

  Once she was done, Maximus asked her to open her mouth and show him if she had actually taken the pills. Ornelia might have thrown her pills in a garbage can a few times in the hospital.

  “Happy? Those pills taste like sh*t, Max. I don’t like them,” Ornelia whined, earning her another kiss from him.

  “I know they do, but we have to take them until you’re better. No excuses.” Maximus went ahead and picked her up from her c
hair and carried her to their bedroom.

  Her mom had already put Kayden to sleep after dinner and retired to their own room. Her parents would be with them for a few more days before flying back to Fresno. She was very grateful to them for staying and helping out with Kayden when she wasn’t around. She’d been trying to convince them to permanently move to London. After struggling alone for almost four years, having everyone seemed like heaven to her. Kayden loved having them around too.

  “What is going on in that beautiful mind of yours?” Maximus asked as he placed her on the bed carefully.

  “Very poetic. I didn’t know my husband was a poet,” Ornelia teased, while he helped her change into more comfortable clothes to sleep in.

  “You don’t know a lot of things about me yet.” He gave her a little peck and stripped down to his boxer shorts. Maximus lay down next to her on the bed and snaked his arm under her head, spooning her gently.

  “I can’t wait to get to know more of you.” She kissed his hand and slowly closed her eyes. Exhaustion got the better of her.

  And I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

  Maximus kissed her sleepy head one last time before succumbing to a deep slumber himself.


  Ornelia looked at their wedding album fondly as the kids and Maximus shuffled behind her, getting their house ready for the day’s party.

  It was their tenth wedding anniversary. Well, technically fourteenth, but she liked saying “tenth,” because she’d only started to fall in love with her husband just ten years back.

  Their little family consisted of her, Maximus, Kayden, and their sweet little two-year-old, Samantha King. Their baby girl looked exactly like Ornelia—the same curly, dark-brown hair and bright-blue eyes. She was as much as a hellion as she was sweet. She liked whipping up trouble and then pointing to Kayden’s way. Kayden, being the big brother as he was, protected her from his mother’s wrath. Kayden and his father were already worried that she was going to be a stunner once all grown up, and they’d have to keep all the boys away from her.


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