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Makenna's Trust: Titan Security Series #3

Page 5

by Cynthia P. O’Neill

  I pulled my hand back sharply, nearly falling out of my chair. Steadying myself, I grabbed his computer and phone, before reaching down toward the box Rick had delivered here. I kept my head turned away from him as I responded. “I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. The air around here is only harsh with the nasty scent of Cassia’s perfume. It’s enough to turn my stomach. How can you even stand to be around her without gagging?”

  I’d hoped my response would be enough to keep him at bay, but it wasn’t. The fool laughed at me and called me out. “You can deny all you want, but your eyes tell me you’re just as tempted as I am. And there’s no denying the smell of your arousal, the same scent that has filled and haunted my dreams each and every night for the past five years.”

  Responding to him immediately was not an option. It would only give him more fuel in which to pursue me. I needed to find some way to douse his interest and get us back on track. Granted, I did still have feelings for him, but I couldn’t succumb to them. I had gotten hurt before. I couldn’t do it again and come out whole on the other side.

  Taking my time, I placed an identical laptop and cell phone, a large and small metal box, a small watch box, along with my preferred sniper rifle—dismantled, of course, for safe shipping—a night scope attachment, and a 9 mm glock handgun all spread out on the dining table.

  I looked up to see Marcus’s eyes enlarge and him gulp hard. His hand raised and trembled as he pointed toward the guns. “What the hell is all that? You’re not here to start World War III. I don’t work for the Mafia.”

  “You’re right. But I am here to protect you. We don’t know if the charges brought against you are the only issue at hand. I couldn’t bring this on the plane, but my supervisor ensured I’d get the equipment I needed, on loan from a local branch here in New York City, so I would be prepared.”

  Marcus stayed silent, almost mesmerized by me reassembling the sniper rifle. Once I had the night scope attached and tested the empty gun to ensure it worked, he finally asked, “Are guns your weapon of choice? Why do you need these?”

  I put the rifle back on the table, patting it, as I looked at him closely, noting how guns made him nervous. “This one is my favorite. I trained as a sniper in the Air Force on this beauty, an Mk 13 Mod 7 with a Nightforce ATACR riflescope. It allows me to take out threats from close and long distances, even factoring in bullet drop, wind, and bullet drift, to reach my target. I can use it during the day or night. I’m hoping not to use this one or the 9 mm glock handgun, but it is always better to be prepared and not need it than to be left defenseless and potentially dead.”

  I shifted my jacket off my shoulders enough for him to see the shoulder holster I wore. I patted the gun that was secured into place. “This one is a Sig Sauer P229, standard issue for Titan Security agents.”

  Marcus’s face grew angry. Why? I didn’t know. I held my hand up. “Don’t freak out. I have the safety on for all the guns. While I’m trained in them, they are not my first weapons of choice.”

  “What the hell happened to your upper arm, Makenna?” He pointed to the long scar spanning several inches of my shoulder that I hadn’t realized I’d revealed. Damn. He always was protective of my skin and my body during our sexual play. He never once marked me enough to damage my skin, only heightened my response by turning my backside a deep shade of pink. Hell, he even freaked out anytime I cut my finger while fixing dinner.

  I shifted my jacket back into place. “That’s none of your concern,” I fired off at him, my tone cold and distant.

  Marcus stood, his hands pressed firmly on the table as his face became enraged. “The hell it isn’t! We may not be together right now, but I still feel protective of you. Now tell me who the fuck did that to you.”

  My brow furrowed and I felt on the verge of telling him where he could stick this damn job and walking out. But I quickly remembered my promise to Rick to make this work. I knew we were on a short timeline to ensure Marcus’s safety and try to prove his innocence. So I counted to ten in my mind and reminded myself of my reasons for being here. Once my breathing slowed and I was no longer ready to flip Marcus on his ass, I finally spoke. “It wasn’t some guy, if that’s what you’re implying. It happened while on a classified mission that I am not at liberty to discuss.”

  His eyes softened and all the anger slowly seeped out of his system as he moved around to take up the chair beside me. “You were hurt?”

  I had a hard time trying to process Marcus’s responses to me, along with his desire to be close. In one respect, he acted like a client and former friend. But in another, his level of concern for my well-being seemed as though we were a couple despite the time we’d been away from one another. I couldn’t seem to grasp why he was acting this way and why my body seemed to light up with the hope that it meant something. Tread carefully, honey. He may just be sweet-talking you. Do you recall how hurt you were when you saw him? My subconscious needed to take a flying leap and shut the heck up. I knew what he’d done, but I also knew I’d never given him a chance to explain himself or make things right. And with what Cassia revealed about being the result of me running away?

  “Makenna?” He questioned when I didn’t respond back.

  Nodding, I finally answered. “I can’t really elaborate other than being on assignment and providing protection for someone important, only no one saw the marksman situated inside the bell of a bell tower. He took out one of my comrades, wounded several others, myself included, until I managed to wing his femoral artery, causing him to drop down out of his hiding place—bleeding, before one of my buddies took the final shot to his heart that ended things.” I looked up into Marcus’s eyes. “I guess you’re wondering how bad it was?”

  He brought his hand up to caress my face, but stopped short. I’m glad he pulled back, because I wasn’t sure I was ready for that kind of touch, not from him. So he waved his hand in the air and said, “Please, continue.”

  “Thankfully it wasn’t the shoulder in which I use for sniper duty, but it did put me in the hospital, and then I dealt with physical therapy for a few months to get full range of motion back. As a result, my dad freaked and used some connections, thanks to Mr. Prescott’s security guys, to have me pulled from special ops and reassigned to cyber security.”

  “I’m glad. I don’t want to think of you in a dangerous position.” He stopped, needing a moment to think about how to phrase his next statement. He motioned toward me, then the table. “If I can be honest, I’d prefer you not be in this line of work. I don’t like you risking yourself for the safety of someone else, myself included.”

  Needing a distraction, I looked down at my watch and noticed we’d already wasted three hours since I’d arrived, and I needed to haul ass if I didn’t want mine served on a platter by my manager, Rick Caldwell. I may be indirectly related to him—his half brother, Derrick, married my sister—but I was still held accountable for my duties, and lately, I was on shaky ground.

  I purposefully redirected the conversation back to the work I needed to focus on. “Which wrist do you typically wear your watch on? Is it still the left?”

  His face had confusion written all over it. “Why are you changing the subject, love?”

  “I have a job to do, unless you’d like to get me fired and have someone else come to deal with you. And stop calling me love. We don’t mean anything to one another anymore other than this assignment.”

  I didn’t know men huffed, but Marcus sure did while sticking his left wrist out to me. “Fine. I’ll do what is asked of me, for now. But I’m not going to let up on trying to talk to you. I want to know why you ran away from me? Where you went five years ago? Why you never once—”

  Holding both hands up, I yelled out, “Stop! I know we can’t just walk around one another as if a history didn’t exist between us. Remember in the playroom, how we’d push each other to find out what our boundaries were?”

  He nodded.

  “Some of this is soft limit
s that can be approached in time, while some topics are hard limits for me, and I might never open up about them.” I tried to explain in terms a Dominant would understand.

  “Okay. I won’t push, but can we at least agree to play a game of questions, like we used to when we were first dating, first exploring one another? The same rules apply: you can pass on the question to have it asked again later, say Never if it is a topic you just aren’t willing to discuss, or answer honestly, even if it may hurt the other person a little to hear.” His eyes pleaded for me to say yes.

  “Fine. But not immediately. Cassia’s little temper fit put me off schedule. I need to get some things done before Rick calls wondering where my initial report is.”

  I opened the watch box and pulled the men’s watch from inside the case. “This was designed specifically for you to wear. Once I adjust the size, you’ll not be able to take it off until I provide the special key to disengage the locking mechanism.”

  “Makenna, why on earth do I need a watch that won’t come off? I have two or three watches that I rotate throughout the week.”

  To my surprise, he held his arm steady as I placed the watch on his wrist, made a few adjustments, and locked it onto his wrist. In some strange way, it reminded me of the collar Marcus had once given me, promising his loyalty to me, while I’d accepted being collared as his one and only submissive and love. It was symbolic in the sense that we each belonged to the other. The one thing more permanent would’ve been marriage. He’s not yours. Do your job and get on with it.

  My subconscious was right in this instance. “The watch gives the illusion of being a regular dial with hour, minute, and second hands working to keep time. It never needs to be wound, running with perpetual motion and light. But this isn’t an ordinary watch.”

  Marcus looked at the watch and moved his arm this way and that, before looking up at me with a flummoxed facial expression. “Okay, what am I missing here?” He was always quite perceptive. Don’t you mean he always knew what you wanted and how to give it to you?

  I grabbed hold of his arm and pushed a button on top of the left side of the watch. The dial disappeared as a message began to appear: Titan Watch activated—SGPS V9-01M.

  My phone rang immediately, and I answered with the response expected. “Titan Watch activation SGPS V9-01M complete. This watch is synchronized with Titan operative SOGPS V9-01F. Copy that . . . testing once . . . send confirmation to 01F.”

  When I put my phone on the table, Marcus grabbed both of my hands, causing me to stop and look his way. “What the fuck was all that?”

  I held my fingers to his lips to silence him. “We’re not done here. Hold on.”

  I wasn’t sure where Makenna was going with all this, but I was patient enough to listen and learn as long as she was talking to me and trying to get me exonerated of all charges. Hell, even if she couldn’t clear me, I was happy to have her within arm’s reach after all this time.

  Makenna grabbed a camera, aimed it directly at where we were sitting, and placed it on the end of the table. She then snagged a tablet and headed toward the door. She started to reach for the handle but decided to knock instead.

  Spencer opened it carefully, asking, “Is there something you need?”

  Handing him the tablet, she explained, “I’m going to reactivate the scrambling device. I’m sure your team already swept the cell phone and laptop Marcus is using, but we have some new software that does a more in-depth search of things, just as a safety. I’ve got a camera on us so you can see us at all times, and we will not be discussing anything you aren’t already aware of. It should take anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour.”

  I could already tell she was lying. She was wiggling her right foot back and forth on the heel of the boot and twirling her hair, a telltale sign I was quite familiar with when she was lying or withholding information.

  Spencer shook his head. “I don’t like this. We can see you, but what about sound?”

  “Our team is working on ways around the sound. Just be thankful you’ll have the ability to see us. Plus, there’s only one way in and out of here. So don’t worry.” She placed her hand on his upper arm and gave it a pat, placating him but making me a little steamed under the collar for touching him.

  Spencer eyed her carefully. I don’t know if he picked up on the lie as easily as I did. I witnessed her talking with Rick while the scrambling device was activated, and she had the ability to include sound. Spencer finally relented. “Fine, just make sure it’s quick. I don’t want my ass on the line.”

  She gave him one of her megawatt smiles. “Thanks, Spencer. I owe you one.” She then closed the door and activated the device.

  I couldn’t help but smile and shake my head as she sat down in her chair and leaned forward, grabbing my wrist with the watch. “Thank you for not ratting me out.”

  “Don’t mention it, but why didn’t you tell the truth?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “Titan has developed some highly enigmatic technology that we don’t want the government getting ahold of. We’re currently testing things out, but would like to see it kept exclusively within the confines of our offices.”

  Makenna placed her arm next to mine, lining our watches up. “I’m putting your watch in test mode briefly. Once it’s pulled out of that mode, the local office will be monitoring your location.”

  I wanted to ask more, but watched as she pushed a combination of buttons and stated a verbal command. The dials on each watch disappeared to reveal a screen saying, “Running simulation now.”

  Makenna motioned for me to stay put as she got up and walked to the top of the stairs and the furthest reaches of my condo. The watch on my wrist began to beep along with hers. When she was within thirty feet of me, the watches finally silenced. Then when she was within fifteen feet, an uppercase T superimposed over an S with an eagle in the background—one talon clutching a munitions belt and the other arrows—appeared. Finally, an automated voice stated, “Titan operative identified and confirmed: Agent Makenna Bradford.”

  Makenna sat back down, holding a laptop case, as I stared into the watch, dumbstruck at what I’d seen. “Did this thing really just do that or was I imagining things?”

  She smiled and held my wrist steady. “No, you’re not going crazy. All operatives have a watch that should activate and identify the other operative as being part of Titan Security. If someone claims to be a member of Titan and the watch does not go into recognition mode when they’re fifteen feet away, you’ll need to press this button here.”

  Makenna pointed to the button that would normally activate the dial of the watch to light up. “Depress the button for five seconds. When the screen blinks twice, we’ll know you’re in trouble, and an emergency alert will be sent directly to my watch and to the headquarters here in the city. Local agents will be dispatched to protect you and guide you to a safe location while I fend off any and all threats. Your watch acts as an identifier and a GPS locator, while mine is an operative design with more capabilities.”

  “I don’t like the idea of you risking your life for me.” I knew I was throwing fuel to the fire, but I didn’t care. I should be the one to defend and protect her, not the other way around.

  She placed my hand between both of hers and looked carefully into my eyes. “It’s my job, one I’m very good at. You need to let that go, or I’ll be pissed. Okay?”

  To my surprise, she didn’t yell or pull back from me. And the warmth of her hands surrounding mine . . . let’s just say I could easily imagine those hands all over my naked body. Don’t push it, dude. She’s not jumping as quickly from your touch, but move too fast and you’ll have the opposite effect.

  Makenna explained that the watch was a GPS monitoring system that could be worn nonstop, including in showers and baths. “Essentially this watch is like an ankle monitor, but for your protection too. Should someone try to snatch you, claiming to be a member of Titan, the FBI, or the SEC, then you’re to use your alarm button.
” Her eyes held mine as she reiterated, “Use this only in an emergency.”

  “Okay.” I didn’t want to think of all that could go wrong, and hopefully, I wouldn’t be placed in that situation. But I had to wonder: Would someone really snatch me? Was I in more danger than I realized?

  I watched silently as she grabbed my cell phone, placed it inside the smaller metallic box, connected it to wires and a micro USB stick at the bottom of the phone, and then ran a wire from the box into her personal laptop.

  She repeated the same process with my laptop.

  I watched as she powered up the cell phone and laptop she’d placed on the table earlier. They were identical copies of my own. Shaking my head in disbelief, I noticed the PC already seemed to have my wallpaper choice, a lot of my apps on the shortcut desktop screen, and . . . wait a minute. “What gives? How do you already have so many of my things on this computer?”

  She pointed to the devices and explained. “My cohorts, Ethan and Sophia, were able to log into your computer yesterday, long before I was told of your case. They made a duplicate of your laptop and cell phone, with the exception of a couple items that required someone to physically copy and move over.”

  Makenna pressed a few buttons on her own computer, pulling up two windows labeled PC and Cell Phone. I watched as the computer and phone screen window began to do different things.

  She pointed at the screen. “What you’re looking at is a program they devised that isolates and traps virus-filled data, spyware, malware, and the like, searching for loopholes and back doors in your system. We want to make sure they’re kept open on your original devices, but left off your new computer.”

  Okay, I was stumped. “New laptop? What’s wrong with my old one? And for that matter, what are you doing to my phone?”


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