South Coast Brothers Part 1

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South Coast Brothers Part 1 Page 13

by Kacey Hamford

  “Tiffany? Why not Cammie? It’s been three weeks since I’ve seen her.”

  “She’s busy, sugar.” I shrugged my shoulders and hoped that she didn’t ask any more questions.

  “Is it because of Liam?” She sobbed, I looked over at her and she had tears running down her face.

  “Hey, what’s all this?” I asked as I wiped her tears away. “Why would it be because of Liam?”

  “Because.” Sniff. “She lost a baby.” Sniff.

  “Come here.” I held onto her hand as she held onto Liam with her other one and pulled her into my lap. “Why the tears?”

  “I miss her.” I whispered. “She’s my closest friend.” She nuzzled herself into me and I held onto her tight. We sat there for a few minutes until we heard someone come in the door.

  “Hello!” Tiffany called out. I looked over my shoulder and she was looking around for us.

  “Out here.” I called to her, she looked up and waved. “I gotta go, sugar. But I’ll be back as soon as I can. Ok?” She nodded and I helped her off my lap. I gave her a kiss goodbye and Liam too.

  “Love you.” She said against my lips.

  “Love you, too.” I mumbled as we kissed. I pulled back and wiped the rest of her tears away. “See you soon.” She smiled at me and I turned towards Tiffany. “Don’t let her do too much.”

  “I won’t.” She promised. I walk back through the house and stopped to look over my shoulder, Tiffany had Liam cradled in her arms and Heather was laughing and smiling. Her moods haven’t been too bad with the changes to her body but I did notice sometimes she got overly emotional.

  “WE HAVE to go and get her!” I shouted, annoyed at the rest of my brothers for not doing anything about this yet.

  “Blade, calm down. We’re going in. CG is sorting out when the best time is going to be.” Prez said as he glared at me.

  “Do we have to worry? She’s just a sweet bun.” Bump said, waving his hand in the air like it was no big deal. My fists clenched and unclenched when he said this, I was having to restrain myself not to stand up and knock him out.

  “She’s one of the good ones.” Riz chuckled, winking at Bump.

  “We can go in tomorrow night, I’ve been going over their cameras from the last couple of weeks and all the Old Ladies leave for a few hours every Wednesday night.” CG said as he looked from the Prez to me.

  “What about the club whores?” I asked.

  “They will probably be there.” CG said.

  “They’ll get hurt.” I said.

  “Do you remember what they did to Michelle?” Ripped growled. “If they’re smart, they’ll run.” He shrugged his shoulders. Michelle got caught in a crossfire of shooting while she was trying to get help for Heather, she was shot straight in the head.

  “So, tomorrow night then. We’ll have church beforehand and sort out the plan.” Prez said. He stopped when we heard shouting and screaming. “What the hell?” He asked as he slammed down the gavel and we all left the room.

  * * *


  “WE’RE SAYING goodbye to Michelle today, you can’t be here.” Roxy said to me crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Why can’t I?” I asked. “I want to say goodbye too.” I was looking around, a few of the sweet buns had gathered together, trying to look smart in their short skirts and shirts that were way too tight for them. I was looking for Cammie and I couldn’t see her anywhere.

  “You’re the reason she is dead!” Roxy screamed at me. I gasped and took a step back, shaking my head. I thought she got shot at when the other MC club had targeted the club house, how was that my fault?

  “Me?” I asked, placing my hand on my tummy, I was starting to feel sick.

  “Yes, you. She went for help, when you were having that brat.” She sneered at me pointing at Liam who was fast asleep in his pushchair.

  “I don’t understand… Where’s Cammie?” I needed to talk to her, she would tell me the truth. Roxy started laughing at me. “What?” I asked, was I missing something?

  “He didn’t tell you?” She laughed. I looked at her blankly. “The high and mighty Heather being kept out of the loop. The woman who came to work off her dead husband’s debt and she steals the best man here. Michelle’s man.” She kept walking closer and closer to me until she was in my personal space.

  “I… I didn’t know he was with Michelle… I didn’t have a choice but to come here, Blade chose me.” I said quietly. Feeling slightly threatened by her and the other girls staring at me with their arms crossed over their chests.

  “You.” She said pointing her finger at my chest. “Are a man stealer… A whore… A fat, washed up excuse for a woman, Blade won’t want you much longer.” She scoffed in my face.

  “Hey!” Tiffany yelled. Roxy’s head snapped to look at her.

  “Don’t even get me started on you.” She said. I’d had enough. I pushed at her chest until she moved back. She looked surprised at me.

  “You are the whore.” I told her. “Not me, I’m an Old Lady. Blade loves me.” I said pointing at myself.

  “Hahaha, loves you?” She asked, smirking. “He loves you so much that he told you all about Cammie? That she was taken.” My eyes widened as I registered what she said.

  “What?” I asked shaking my head. She was lying, she knew how close me and Cammie were, she was just trying to hurt me. If something had happened to her, Blade would have told me.

  “The Satan MC brothers took her, they’re probably having loads of fun with her now.” She smiled.

  “YOU’RE LYING!” I screamed as I lunged towards her, pushing her onto the floor, which wasn’t a great move as I cried out in pain.

  “What’s going on out here?” Prez roared. Roxy pushed me to the floor and stood up. I cried out in pain again and I saw Blade walking towards me. He didn’t look happy.

  “Sugar, you ok?” He asked as he picked me up off the floor. I shook my head, tears running down my face.

  “Is what she said, true? Has Cammie been taken?” I asked him.

  He shook his head. “Club business, sugar.”

  “Don’t you dare, club business me.” I shouted at him. “She’s my best friend, she’s like a sister to me. Where is she?” I continued to shout at him in front of everyone.

  “Bedroom, NOW!” He yelled at me. Grabbing the top of my arm and dragging me with him. I pulled to stop him and he glared at me.

  “Liam.” I said.

  “Tiffany, watch him.” He growled at her and her head nodded frantically as she grabbed the pushchair and pushed Liam away from everyone else.

  Once he pushed me inside the bedroom and released my arm I walked away from him to stand on the other side of the room. He paced in front of me, running his hands over his short hair and down his face. He looked at me and was about to say something when he stopped himself, and carried on pacing.

  “Where’s Cammie?” I asked.

  “That’s club business.” He growled at me through gritted teeth. He stalked towards me and as I backed away from him my back hit the bedroom wall. He placed both of his hands on the wall beside my head and leaned his face closer to me. “You’re my Old Lady. You do not talk to me that way in front of anyone else. You hear me?” I nodded. I couldn’t stop the tears from falling down my face.

  “Fuck!” He shouted as he pushed away from me. “I don’t want to upset you, sugar. I can’t tell you anything.”

  “But…” I started when he cut me off.

  “Don’t you see, I told Willow everything and the Satan MC knew that. They took her away from me, pumped her for information and killed her anyway.”

  “Kade, I’m s…”

  “No, I don’t wanna hear your apologies. You don’t get to know what’s going on, I’m sorry, sugar. I’m not making that same mistake again.”

  I nodded my head and looked at him. “Can you bring her home? Please?” I sobbed, sliding down the wall until my bum hit the floor.

  “Sugar.” I felt Blade in
front of me. I looked up at him. “We’re trying the best we can.”

  “That’s not good enough.” I yelled pushing him away from me, he fell onto his ass and looked at me. “I want them dead, I want them punished. They took away Cammie from me. They took away our chance of having a large family, a brother or sister for Liam. A baby of our own, made from you and me. They took away my ability to grow a child inside of me, do you have any idea how that feels? To feel empty? To have these emotions running through my body and not sure how to cope with it. I try and stay strong for you and Liam but I’m not coping well, I hate the fact that we can’t have any more children. That I can’t give that to you.” I pulled my knees up to my chest, laid my forehead on my knees and cried, cried like I never had before.

  * * *


  SHIT, how did I not know how she was feeling? She looked like she was doing well, she settled into a routine with Liam and she seemed happy. We were all happy and finally a family.

  “Sugar.” I said as I hooked my arm under her legs and one around her back and picked her off of the floor. I held her close and I sat on the edge of the bed, trying to calm her down. “We’ll get her back, it’ll be ok. I promise.” I whispered into her ear as I ran my hand up and down her back. She nodded against my chest and I held her close until I noticed that she had fallen asleep. I laid her on the bed and covered her over with a blanket, I lightly kissed her lips and left the room.

  I headed straight for the bar, when I walked in the brothers were sitting around as usual. A few watching TV, a few drinking and a couple with the sweet buns. I stood in front of Prez, Ripped and CG who had a deck of cards out. “We don’t wait, we go in tonight. I’m not leaving her there another night.”

  “What about the Old Ladies?” CG asked.

  “Get them out, find a way. We do this tonight.” I said slamming my hand down on the table.

  “Since when were you in charge?” Ripped chuckled.

  “I do this tonight, with or without your help.” I growled, looking at Uno. He stared me down and finally he shrugged his shoulders and nodded his head.

  “CG, get the Old Ladies out.” Prez said to him, he stood up. “Brothers, church, eight o’clock tonight.” He was answered with nods. “Now, where’s that baby? I want to see him.” I looked around and couldn’t see Tiffany anywhere.

  “Tiff took him back to our room.” CG said as he was tapping away on his laptop.

  “Your room?” I asked him with a chuckle. “What’s going on there?”

  “Nothing, she is sweet and a great fuck.” He shrugged his shoulders.

  “Umm, Blade I think he’s hungry. Where’s Heather?” Tiffany asked quietly, looking at the back of CG’s head.

  “It’s ok, sweetheart, I’ll feed him.” She nodded and pushed his pushchair towards me and left straight away, going out through the front door of the club house.

  “Shit!” CG swore, shaking his head.

  “Don’t worry, son. She’ll get over it and start giving you head again soon.” He slapped him on the back and pulled Liam out of his pushchair. “Hey there little fella. We look forward to when you join this biker club.” Liam was looking at him, his fists flying in the air and his lips pouting.

  “Come on, little man. Let’s go and warm up your bottle.” I took him from the Prez and walked towards the kitchen to get his milk ready.

  * * *


  I OPENED my eyes and wondered where I was, usually when I woke up I got a lovely view of either Blade or the bright blue sky, green fields and the sea in the distance. So I was a bit confused when all I could see was a blank wall. I rolled over and saw Blade and Liam next to me on the bed.

  “Hi, sugar.” Blade smiled.

  “Hi. How’s my sweet boy?” I asked as I pushed myself up into a sitting position and saw that Liam was sucking away greedily on his bottle.

  “He’s good. How are you feeling?” I looked down at my hands, embarrassed about my meltdown earlier. I was worried about Cammie.

  “Ok. Sorry about earlier.”

  “Don’t be. It’s good to get it all out, why didn’t you tell me how you were feeling?” He asked as Liam finished his bottle and Blade put him on his shoulder and began rubbing his back.

  “I felt silly, crying over the fact that I can’t carry any more children. There are a lot of people who are a lot worse off than me in the world.”

  “Sugar, I’m sorry that happened to you. I promise I won’t let anything else happen to you, or Liam.” I nodded and climbed onto my knees so I could steal a kiss from him. As I pulled away his phone began ringing, he handed me Liam and climbed off the bed looking at his phone. “I gotta take this.” I nodded and smiled at him. He quickly answered it. “Everything ok…” Was all I heard before he left the room. I laid Liam on the bed beside me and he kicked his legs and waved his arms in the air, I was so lucky to have him. Some women had to go through their lives never being able to have a child of their own. I felt their pain, but I was lucky enough to be able to carry Liam first.


  THE DOORBELL RANG just as I was about to leave, I opened the door and was surprised to see Wayne and Dwayne standing there.

  “What you doing here?” I growled.

  “Prez sent us, to watch over Heather and the baby while you’re at church.” Wayne said shrugging his shoulders. I thought that was strange but I was glad. If things went wrong with the Satan MC tonight I could rest easy knowing that Heather and Liam were protected. These prospects had great potential so I was glad it was them.

  “Dwayne, you patrol outside, Wayne you can be inside as Heather knows you a little better. Come on.” I nodded my head inside the house and Wayne followed me in. “Sugar?” I called out.

  “I thought you’d left?” She asked as she held Liam close to her as she walked around the corner to the hall way that me and Wayne were standing in. “Oh, hi, Wayne.”

  “Heather.” He said nodding his head at her.

  “Wayne and Dwayne are gonna be keeping you company while I’m at church.”

  “Ok.” She smiled, rocking Liam in her arms. She knew better than to argue with me.

  “I gotta go, see you later tonight. It’ll probably be a late one.” I told her as I kissed her once again.

  “Ok. Stay safe and come home to us.” She whispered so Wayne couldn’t hear us.

  “Always.” I kissed her once more before I walked out the front door, jumped on my bike and sped off down the road. I loved riding on the Devon roads towards the club house, some were small narrow lanes and I could open up my bike and let go.

  “I SENT an invite to the Old Ladies for a new club that is opening up in town.” CG said as he watched his laptop. “Looks like they’re leaving now.” He had hacked into their security cameras, they had cameras everywhere apart from the Prez’s office. He had found where they were keeping Cammie, he had seen some of the guys dragging her from a room and taking her back to the same one.

  “Let’s ride.” Prez called out as he threw the gavel down and stood up. We all hurried out of the room and headed towards our bikes. Once we were ready, Prez led the way followed by Ripped, the VP and we all followed in line. There were seven of us in total; Prez, VP, Riz, CG, Bump, Itch and myself.

  WE PULLED RIGHT UP to the gate at the Satan MC compound, Prez pulled off his helmet and looked at the scared prospect who couldn’t have been more than seventeen. He went to push the emergency intruder button.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I was you, kid.” The kid hesitated. “Shit is going down here tonight, the best thing you can do is get rid of that jacket and join a respectable MC club.” He nodded and ran away after opening the gates for us. No one seemed to be around and we rolled our bikes into the compound and I motioned to stow them away by the back exit. We all climbed off our bikes, the brothers grabbed their guns ready for any action that was about to go down and I had my trusty knife and gun. I wouldn’t be leaving this compound without Cammie.

sp; “Blade, you know this compound. Tell us where you want us.” Prez said.

  “I reckon, Ripped and Riz on the back door.” I pointed behind us. “Me and Prez head for the front door and Bump and Itch, you keep an eye on outside and CG head in that side door while Bump covers you and go and find our girl.” Everyone nodded in agreement and we made our way into the clubhouse. We all entered our designated doors at the same time so the MC would be distracted and not focused on just two of us. I breathed a sigh of relief when I only saw two club whores in the bar area. We sneaked up and covered their mouths before they could speak. They tried to scream and I placed the point of my blade against her neck.

  “Don’t scream or I’ll kill you both, got it?” I looked at them both and they nodded frantically.

  “I’m gonna let you go, you’re gonna walk out of here and never come back. If you tell anyone we were here, we’ll know and come after you.” Prez growled at them. They just kept nodding and we released them and they held hands and ran for the door.

  “Who are you?” Someone shouted, we turned around and saw a Satan brother, Prez didn’t hesitate he raised his gun and shot him.

  “Fuck, the rest of them would have heard that.” I swore.

  “Better him than us, come on.” Prez said as he made his way towards the hall as a couple of guys came running down it, as soon as they saw us they started firing and we jumped behind a table and used it as cover. Taking in turns to peer around it and taking a shot. Prez hit one guy with one shot and I threw my knife and got the other guy in the throat. “Why don’t you use a gun?” Prez complained.

  “I remember you was the one that gave me Blade as my name.” I chuckled as I pulled my knife out of his throat and wiped his blood off on my jeans. “Besides, now he gets to suffer a little bit.”

  We heard some other shots ring off in the distance and we hurried to where they came from in case any of our brothers were hurt or in trouble. We saw a couple of Satan brothers heading towards Ripped and Riz; Prez and I both grabbed our guns and shot them in the head before they got too close. Ripped and Riz spun around, nodded their thanks and carried on down the hall. That was four we had killed already. I looked across the clubhouse and saw CG headed down a corridor and I followed him. Prez following me and Itch following him, we walked into a room at the end of the hall and I saw Cammie laying on the floor, her back to us.


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