South Coast Brothers Part 1

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South Coast Brothers Part 1 Page 19

by Kacey Hamford

“Heather come and have some of this stuff, it’s yummy.” Cammie called out. I nodded my head and walked back towards them, grabbing the bottle and emptying its contents.

  By the time we arrived at the club us girls were already a little tipsy.

  “Where’s Solar?” I asked, only now realising he wasn’t on the bus.

  “He’s joining us in a bit.” Mason told me as I stepped off the bus and headed to the back of the queue, arm in arm with Cammie. “Ladies!” He called out, we stopped and turned around to face him. “We don’t have to wait, we can go straight in.” He held his hand out for Cammie, she took it but didn’t let me go either.

  “Is this one of your clubs?” I asked.

  “Yep, we know it’s a safe one. The bouncers are hand-picked by us. Only the best.” I looked up at the sign before we walked in. ‘Maze’ what a strange name for a club. I wondered where the name came from. Once I walked inside, I got my answer. There was a long dark corridor we had to walk down and then inside there were mirrors everywhere, which made you feel a bit disorientated, like you were in a maze.

  “Shit, I’m gonna walk into a mirror,” I complained as we walked up to the large bar spreading across the back wall on both sides of the club so there wasn’t a long wait for drinks.

  “They’re all along the walls, you’ll be fine.” Mason said, passing us all a drink. In total there was ten of us. It was busy and people were already filling up the dance floor. This was my first proper night out in ages. A clubhouse party didn’t count and I was determined to enjoy it.

  “Oh, I love this song. Let’s dance.” Daisy screamed as she grabbed mine and Cammie’s hands and dragged us to the middle of the dance floor. Snap! ‘Rhythm Is A Dancer’ was playing and we were dancing to the beat and throwing our hands in the air, laughing and having a good time. I glanced over to the bar and saw the guys watching us, Mason was keeping a close eye on Cammie. I nodded my head at him to join us. He smiled and he, Toes and Tat strolled towards us as Rednex ‘Cotton Eye Joe’ re-mix came on. We all started attempting to line dance, it was funny watching the guys linking arms and swinging around. I hadn’t laughed so much in ages.

  “I love this old music!” I called out.

  “Where did you come from, where did you go, where did you come from Cotton Eye Joe!” We all sung out together. I looked around as I felt someone watching me and didn’t know if Solar had made it in yet. I couldn’t see anyone so I carried on dancing and Tat started swinging me around on the dancefloor.

  “I need a drink!” I called out to them and made my way to the bar. Everyone else was still dancing. I leant over the bar, making sure the barman could see the generous amount of cleavage I had on display tonight. He was smiling at me within two minutes.

  “What can I get you?”

  “Vodka and red bull please, double.” He nodded his head and I looked to my left as I felt a hand resting on my bum. I stepped away from the guy and shook my head, he stepped closer to me again and within seconds he was being dragged away by Toes. I saw the guy look at his cut and he was soon surrendering and walking away.

  “You ok?” Toes asked, standing at my side. I nodded as the bar man passed me my drink and I downed it in one. I looked back over the dancefloor and Cammie, Mason, Penny and Tat were still dancing, Daisy had disappeared and I couldn’t see her anywhere. I walked over to join them, swaying my hips to the music, Sisqo ‘Thong Song’. It had a good beat to bump and grind too, it was just a shame I had no one to dance with. After a few seconds, I felt hands on my hips and a strong body against me, I went to turn around and he started moving his hips. I looked over to Cammie and she nodded in encouragement and had a big smile on her face, I thought what the hell, I was just going to enjoy it. I worked my bum into his hard cock that I could feel through his jeans. When he first started dancing with me, I was curious to what he looked like, I looked at all the mirrors around us but all I could see were the other people in the club dancing. He ran his face over my neck and his stubble tickled me, I could feel myself getting excited and turned on, I was not one for a one night stand with a stranger. As the song was finishing he spun me around so fast, grabbing hold of my hips and slammed his lips down onto mine. I knew those lips anywhere and soon my mouth opened up for him and our tongues were entwined. Was I dreaming? Was I really that drunk? I couldn’t get enough of him and I wound my arms around his neck and he picked me up and I wound my legs around his back, not caring that the whole club could see my underwear. I felt him moving, not sure where we were going, we broke apart so he could see where he was walking and I trailed my lips over his chin and neck. Kissing and biting him. I heard him growl as I was pushed into a wall. We didn’t talk, we kissed and we touched. Soon enough, my dress was pushed up to my waist and my underwear was ripped from my body, I looked around to make sure no one could see us, we were in a secluded dark corner and the beat from the music was vibrating off the walls. He trailed a finger over my wet folds and pushed it inside of me, I bucked my hips against his hand and he inserted another finger. Thrusting inside of me as he kissed and nibbled the sensitive area of my neck, before I knew it I was crying out. I could feel and hear the sounds of a belt being loosened and then I felt the large head of his cock at my entrance. I moved my hips, letting him know I was ready and that I wanted this. He pushed inside of me with one movement and I felt myself needing to adjust to his size. He had me stretched and I could feel myself pulsing around him. He started to move, his head resting on my shoulder and I could feel every breath on my neck; he had one hand on my hip and one on my bum. My arms were wound around his neck and he slammed into me, slamming me against the wall. It felt amazing and I knew that I would be coming again very soon. His rhythm didn’t stop, he pounded in and out of me, making sure that I would still feel where he had been tomorrow. My arms tightened around his neck and my legs squeezed his waist as I felt the build-up, he pulled my legs apart further as he tucked his arm under my left leg pulling me towards him as he ploughed into me harder, I screamed out, shortly followed by him. We didn’t move, we stayed still until our breathing had evened out. I was feeling more sober all of a sudden and wondered what the hell I had just done.

  “Put me down,” I demanded smacking him lightly on the arm. As he pulled out of me I felt our combined release seeping down my leg. Once my feet hit the floor, I pulled my dress into position and ran my fingers through my hair.

  “Sugar, I missed you,” he whispered as he placed his forehead against mine again. I wanted to be mad at him for leaving. I found all I wanted to do was hold him close to me and beg him not to leave me again. I needed answers and I wasn’t going to put up with any club business shit. “How’s Liam? Who has him?”

  “He’s good, he…”

  “Shit.” Blade swore as he dug his ringing phone out of his pocket. “Sugar, I…” I cut him off by grabbing his phone to see who it was.

  “Ashlyn?” I screamed at him, throwing his phone towards him. I shook my head and stormed away from him.

  “Heather!” I heard him call my name but I headed straight for the exit. As soon as I was outside, I heard a rumble of a bike and was so relieved to see Solar pull up. I ran towards him, jumped on the back of his bike and screamed at him to go.


  I SPENT ALL NIGHT AWAKE, every time I moved I could feel where Blade had been only hours before. His touch and kisses overwhelmed me. I loved him with all that I had, I felt a need to be close to him, I trusted him and he let me down, again. Not only had he walked out on me, but now he had fucked me against a wall in a public club while he was seeing another woman. Who the hell was Ashlyn? Why was I not enough for him? I rolled over on to my side when I heard Liam gurgling, I looked at him and he had arms and legs flying about. I pulled him into my arms and laid him on the bed next to me, he was always happy first thing, active. I looked at the clock and was surprised to see that it was already eight in the morning, normally my boy would have been awake and wanting food by now. I climbed out of bed, changed
his nappy and carried him to the kitchen to get his milk ready. As it was still early, I didn’t bother changing out of my sleep shorts and vest top, I didn’t run a brush through my hair either. I’d be very surprised if I ran into anyone. I liked this time of the morning, just me and my boy. I made his bottle and we headed into the bar area. As Liam fed I always caught up with the news on the big screen TV. I was surprised when I walked into the room to see it wasn’t empty. There was silence as I entered and I looked up to see Cammie, Mason, Daisy and Blade looking at me.

  “What’s he doing here?” I asked, looking at Mason. He glanced towards Blade and then back at me, his mouth opened as he was about to talk when Blade stood up and headed towards me. His eyes were focused on Liam.

  “Hey, little man,” he cooed as he tickled his tummy.

  “Don’t!” I snapped, pulling Liam up to my chest to hide him from Blade.

  “Sugar…” Blade started when a cry from Liam cut him off.

  “I need to feed him…”

  “Let me do it, please?” Blade begged, cutting me off.

  I shook my head. “No, you don’t get to come in here and get him all excited to just leave again.”

  “I’ll feed him, you need to talk.” Cammie said as she pulled Liam away from me and walked back over towards Mason. I watched as Cammie got Liam comfy in her arms and placed the bottle to his lips, my greedy boy suckled on that bottle like he wasn’t going to get fed again. I placed my arms around me in a protective pose. I felt uncomfortable standing in front of everyone in my PJs and looking a mess. This handsome man standing in front of me, wearing the same jeans and t-shirt with his leather cut that he had on last night, made my body tremble. I wanted him to hold me, I also wanted to scream, shout and take all my frustrations out on him.

  “I haven’t got time for this. You should get back to your club,” I told him, sounding bored.

  “Come with me,” he quietly said, taking a step closer to me. I was shocked by this and my face must have mirrored that as he chuckled.

  “Why would I wanna go back to that horrible place and with you?” I placed my hands on my hips as I stared at him. I saw his eyes do a sweep of my body and land on my chest, his lips curled into a smirk and I quickly crossed my arms over my chest, considering that I had a bra on, to stop the piercings catching in my clothing while I slept. I was surprised that my nipples were still visible, even when I was angry at him my body betrayed me. “I’m cold,” I told him. He chuckled again, shaking his head from side to side.

  “You’re mine. That’s why you’re coming with me,” he placed his hands on my cheeks which earnt a gasp coming from me, was he going to kiss me? I didn’t want him to kiss me. Or did I? “Stick out your tongue,” he demanded. I pulled my head away from him and took a step away. “Sugar,” he said in a warning tone and I knew better than to defy him. I stuck my tongue out at him quickly. “Fuck, that’s sexy,” he groaned, grabbing the front of his jeans trying to make himself more comfortable. “I want to feel that wrapped around my cock.” My body tightened at the thought, a pulsing shot straight to my core and I felt myself tremble. “You’re mine, you are my Old Lady.” I let him get closer and closer to me, I wanted him near, I needed him. As soon as he said the word Old Lady my mind crawled out of the Blade haze and I took a step back.

  “Look at me. Take a good look. I’m not in leather, I’m not wearing properties. I don’t belong to anyone,” I went to walk past him. I wanted my boy in my arms. His hand clamped onto my forearm, halting my movements.

  “You are mine, sugar,” he stated.

  I pulled my arm away from him, spun around to face him and said; “Oh yeah? Well, I hope you don’t mind sharing. These guys in this club are very good to me. Very!” I winked at him and walked away from his shocked expression.

  “You’re letting your men have my woman?” Blade roared, looking at Mason. He stood up and walked towards us, his hands in the air, trying to calm him down.

  “They have all been told that she’s off limits,” he said.

  “Well, tell me something, Blade.” I made a point of calling him that as he liked me to use his real name. “Why do you get to have another woman? Why do you get to come here and claim me, yet go home to, what was her name? Oh yeah, Ashlyn?”

  “Ashlyn?” Cammie piped up. “What are you doing with her? Where did she even disappear to?”

  “You know her?” I asked Cammie, who was now winding Liam on her shoulder. She nodded. “I can’t believe this, who is she?” I asked looking around the room at the people who obviously knew more than me.

  Ring. Ring. Ring.

  “Oh and what a surprise, his phone rings,” I said walking away and taking my son off Cammie. “Did you know he was going to leave me too?” I saw the hurt in Cammie’s eyes when I said that and I instantly regretted it.

  “Heather!” Blade scolded me. “No one knew I was leaving. Hell, I didn’t even know I had to go. It was all last minute.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked.

  “I didn’t know what was going on, what I was walking in to. You couldn’t have come with me.”

  “But Ashlyn could?” Cammie asked.

  “No, she disappeared the same night we rescued you both. She was there when I got there.”

  “Got where?” I asked again, getting frustrated.

  “Family emergency, sugar.”

  “You told me you didn’t have a family.” If he kept that from me, what else had he kept from me?

  “Only a sister.” His phone began ringing again, he looked at the display. He wanted to answer it but I knew he didn’t want to upset me more.

  “Answer it,” I told him. He looked into my eyes and his head bobbed in a quick nod.

  “Everything ok? Hold on…” He pulled the phone away from his ear. “I gotta go. I’ll be back and, sugar? You’re mine. I love you.” He kissed me quickly on the lips, so quick that I didn’t get a chance to respond and I watched as he walked away, again. Not knowing when he was coming back.


  I TOLD Heather I loved her and that I was going to be back to see her, but so many things had got in the way that it had been almost a week and I haven’t been back to her. The night in the club was so fucking hot, just thinking about it makes me want to come in my boxers. I was watching her all night shake that gorgeous ass of hers, seeing her smiling and having fun was my undoing and I needed to be touching her, I couldn’t stay away any longer. I never intended to stop for a drink on my way back from a run, but something was calling to me and I was over the moon to see Heather on the dance floor. I needed to come clean and tell her where I’ve been, what I’ve been doing, but I was scared that she would push me further away. I liked to think I was man enough to tell her that she was mine and have her believe me, but she was a wildcat. She would never just bow down and do everything I told her to, that was also one of the many things I loved about her. I shook my head as I laughed at myself for being so pussy whipped. I pulled into the driveway of the temporary home that I was currently living in. I looked towards the house and saw the front curtain twitching. I had responsibilities that I had to take care of, family that needed me. There was a party at the Crusaders clubhouse tomorrow night and I would be there. I climbed off my bike, pulled my helmet off my head and walked up the steps to the door. I took a deep breath and put on my happy face. I opened the door and I was greeted by a little girl hurtling towards me. I dropped my helmet and opened up my arms for her.

  “You’re home,” she called out excitedly, her dark brown curls bouncing around.

  “Yes, sweetheart, I am.” I kissed her on the cheek and she giggled, my day old stubble tickling her.

  “Come play with me,” she wriggled so I put her on the floor and she pulled at my hand until I walked into the living room with her. She released my hand and I looked up to see Ashlyn feeding Tegan, she was only eight weeks old, dressed in pink.

  “Everything ok?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” she said q
uietly. “Kelsey has been a handful today, but that’s pretty normal.”

  “She’s a typical three year old, no doubt.” I rubbed my hand over my face. I had been gone for a couple of days on a run for a nearby charter that needed help. I used to love being an enforcer, but then I had no ties. Now, I had people needing me in every direction that I looked. I felt like I needed to settle down into one club, but where? “I need a shower, I bloody stink.”

  “He bloody stinks.” Kelsey sung, laughing behind her hand as she played with her dolls on the floor.

  “Kelsey.” Ashlyn said in a warning tone.

  “He bloody stinks. He bloody stinks. He bloody stinks,” she started chanting.

  “Enough!” I bellowed, I didn’t have the patience for this today. I had a banging headache and all I wanted to do was sink balls deep into Heather. I needed her to be able to relax. I watched as Kelsey ran out of the room crying.

  “I want Mummy,” she sobbed. I looked over to Ashlyn and she was glaring at me.

  “You need to be patient with her. She’s only three years old for Christ sake.”

  “I need a shower,” I grumbled, walking away and into the en-suite in my bedroom. I didn’t have much stuff here, I had the clothes I needed and loneliness in my heart. I ached for Heather, my heart, body and soul needed her to function. I was incomplete without her and Liam. Seeing him a few days ago made my heart ache, I missed him so much too. I stripped out of my clothes, throwing them in the washing hamper. I climbed into the hot shower, dipped my head underneath the spray and let it run down my back and face. Heather consumed my head, my thoughts. Her body felt so amazing last week, it felt like she was going to suffocate my cock, her grip was so tight. Her walls pulsing around me, the feel of her orgasms and feeling her release run down my cock to cover my balls was almost as sexy as when she squirted all over me. I wanted to take control of her body, kiss every inch, nibble and bite her until her skin turned pink. I wanted to mark her so everyone knew that even though she wasn’t wearing my properties she was in fact still mine. I worked myself over, using the shower gel to help while thoughts of Heather’s sweet pussy invaded my mind. I grunted as my arousal released and I was feeling slightly calmer.


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