South Coast Brothers Part 1

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South Coast Brothers Part 1 Page 28

by Kacey Hamford

  “Let’s get back to the kids.” He passed me my helmet and I climbed on the bike behind him.


  HEATHER WAS FEELING ANNOYED and frustrated, she came here to help Daisy, to talk to her and all she had done was shut her out. She would disappear early in the mornings and not come back until really late or sometimes not at all.

  “I think it’s time to go back home.” Heather sighed, she sounded defeated. “She won’t talk to me, she won’t let me help. There’s nothing more I can do.” I pulled her in close to me, I enjoyed nothing more than having Heather pressed up against me in bed. My arm was underneath her neck and her head and hand were on my chest.

  “Ok, sugar.” I kissed the top of her head. “You stay there. I’ll get their milk.” I pointed towards the babies. She smiled, pulled the duvet up to her chin and closed her eyes.

  I walked into the kitchen and Mason and Cammie were in there, Cammie was sitting at the breakfast bar while Mason was making coffee.

  “Morning,” I grumbled.

  “Hi, how’s Heather?” Cammie asked.

  “Not great, we’re heading home today. Daisy doesn’t want to be helped and it’s upsetting Heather being here.”

  “Oh, I was hoping you were going to stay longer. I miss you all,” she pouted.

  “Yeah, about that…” I measured the powder babies’ milk and put it in the bottles while I was waiting for the kettle to boil. “How do you fancy coming back for a few days? Ashlyn too?”

  “Oh, I would love that,” she chirped, clasping her hands together. Mason turned around and looked at her. “Babe, you don’t mind. Do you?”

  “I’m not overly happy about it,” he complained. I poured the hot water into the bottles. Cammie jumped off her stool and stood in front of Mason who was sipping on his coffee cup.

  “It’ll only be for a few days. Heather needs me.”

  “Fine, but Drake goes with you.”

  “We don’t need a prospect with us, we’ll have Blade,” she dismissed it and I could see the fury building on VP’s face.

  “Cammie,” he warned.

  “Fine, ok... I’m going to tell Ashlyn, then I need to pack.” She rushed over to the kitchen door and as she was about to leave I called out,

  “Let’s surprise Heather later.” She nodded, blew VP a kiss and walked out of the room.

  “Thanks, man,” VP groaned at me.

  “What?” The bottles were cooler now and the babies would probably be awake by now.

  “I have to be separated from my girl now. Not happy.”

  “I’m sure your dick can cope for a couple of days,” I chuckled as I walked towards the door with the bottles in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.

  “Don’t think it can, man.” He scratched his stubble with his hand.

  “You’ve always got a hand.” I winked and left him to his sulking.

  WE HAD the car loaded with the kids and bags and we were ready to leave.

  “You ready, sugar?” I snaked my arms around her waist and kissed her cheek.

  “You know I can’t leave without saying goodbye to Cammie and Ashlyn. It’s bad enough that Daisy isn’t here.” She pushed my arms off her and was about to walk back into the clubhouse when Cammie and Ashlyn came walking out pulling suitcases behind them.

  “What’s going on? You both going somewhere?” Heather looked confused.

  “We’re coming to stay for a few days.” Cammie told her. Heather, Ashlyn and Cammie all screamed in excitement and the suitcases were forgotten about as they all hugged. Drake and I picked up their bags and placed them in the boot of Ashlyn’s car.

  “I can’t believe you’re coming to stay. It’s going to be so much fun, we’ll have girly nights, dvds, popcorn…”

  “Pizza for me.” Drake said. Heather looked at him with her head tilted to the side.

  “Drake has to come,” Cammie stared saying. “Mason wasn’t happy about me leaving.” She looked over her shoulder and winked at the VP.

  “Cammie, get that sexy ass over here!” he shouted, she slowly walked towards him and she squealed when he grabbed her by the waist and claimed her mouth.

  “Come on, sugar. Get in.” I held the door open for her and she stood by the car looking at me.

  “You arranged this, didn’t you?”

  “Of course.” I held her hand and wrapped it around my neck. I grabbed hold of her hips and lifted her until she was sitting on the bonnet of the car. She looked sexy as hell in her cut off shorts, sandals and vest top, her brown wavy hair was flowing over her shoulders. I stepped in between her legs, closer to her body and rained kisses all over her face, she let out a happy giggle and I was always satisfied knowing that I could make her happy.

  “Ok, everyone. Let’s go!” I called out. I pulled Heather off the car, kissed her and she climbed in and started the engine. VP was reluctant to let Cammie go but after she whispered something to him, his face lit up and he kissed her once more. He was definitely pussy whipped.

  I took off down the road, followed by Heather, then Ashlyn’s car and Drake kept close behind them. I was glad to be going home. I missed my bed.


  I WALKED into the clubhouse after being away for five days. It was quiet, the only person around was Roxy, who was behind the bar. I walked up to her.

  “Where’s everyone?”

  “Church,” she smiled at me.

  “Fuck!” I swore, turned on my heel and headed to the church room. I didn’t bother knocking, I just walked in. The room went quiet and all eyes were on me.

  “Sorry, boss, didn’t know we had a meeting.” I sat in my usual chair and waited for him to carry on.

  “Bump, I asked you to contact him.” Prez said. I swung my gaze to Bump, who always sat in the back corner. His usually bushy beard was trimmed tidier today and he had a shirt on under his cut. Strange.

  “Sent him a message, Prez.” I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the screen, no messages, no notifications, nothing.

  “No messages received. Sorry, boss. Did I miss much?”

  “We just started, it’s been a slow couple of days. Agenda one, we have a large stag party at Skins tomorrow night. Privately booked the entire club, I’m gonna need at least four of you down there. Sort it out among yourselves. Agenda two, I’ve heard word that the Satan MC are back up and running, CG see what you can find out. Thought we killed all the fuckers. Agenda three, Blade, we got something for you. Meet me and VP out the front in ten minutes.” He slammed the gavel down and we all disappeared out of the room.

  I walked straight to the bar. “Whiskey,” I demanded. Roxy made quick work of it and I downed the whiskey in one and made my way outside to wait for the Prez and VP. Were they finally letting me in on their secret? I felt happier knowing that I might have some concrete information for the police soon. I didn’t want to run out of time and risk being separated from Heather and the kids.

  I was leaning against my bike when Prez and VP strolled out. I stood up straighter, waiting to hear my instructions.

  “Follow us.” Prez said as he climbed on his bike and took off down the road, VP followed him and I fell in line with the pair of them.

  We had been riding for about twenty minutes, I wasn’t sure where we were headed and all the roads looked the same. Trees lined loads of the roads in Devon. Prez pulled up in front of what looked like an abandoned cottage surrounded by fields. I parked my bike next to theirs and they nodded to follow them in. I looked around to see if I recognised where I was and to see if there were any people around. It was completely deserted and I didn’t have a clue where we were.

  I walked in through the rickety old door, bending slightly so I didn’t hit my head. Inside, the rooms were old, dusty and there was beams overhead. It was empty inside and I walked into the room straight ahead, there was an old unused fireplace and a table and chairs. Prez was sitting at the table and VP had his back to me. As I walked closer, VP turned around and punched me in
the face, I was dazed as I didn’t expect that. Once I could focus he hit me again, this time knocking me off my feet. VP bent down grabbed the front of my cut and pulled me until I was sitting in a chair, my head rolled to the side. He stripped my cut off me.

  “You don’t deserve to wear this.” VP spat in my face. I closed my eyes and once the dizziness stopped, I straightened my head and opened my eyes. Prez and VP were both standing in front of me with their guns out.

  “What the hell is going on?” I asked, I went to pull my hands up to run them over my face and I realised my hands were tied behind my back to the chair.

  “That’s exactly what we want to ask you.” Prez snarled. “You look confused, let me clarify. We got followed by the police, luckily after the shipment was delivered, then you disappear for five days when we announce we have a rat among us. Nothing fishy has happened since you’ve been gone.”

  “You think I’m the rat? I didn’t even know about the drug shipment,” I yelled, which earnt me another punch to the face, I could already taste blood coming off my split lip.

  “Who you working for Blade?” Prez yelled as he paced the small room in front of me.

  “No one. I’m a Devon Destroyer patched member, we don’t rat on our own. We live and breathe for the club. We die for the club, we don’t rat. This has been drummed in to me.”

  “What about those Cornish Crusaders?” VP asked.

  “What about them?” I looked around for an escape route, there looked like there was a back door in the corner of the room, this place was old so I reckon with a bit of force I could kick it in, that would only work if I could get my hands untied and they left me alone.

  “You’ve been with them quite a bit recently.” Prez stated.

  “I don’t talk club business, I was there for my Old Lady these past few days.”

  “So, who you working for?” Prez asked.

  “I work for the Devon Destroyers.” VP came at me and I took a hit to the stomach, I gasped as it took my breath away, a hot sensation erupted through my body and I had to fight not to throw up.

  “Let me ask again, who are you working for?”

  “You, Prez.” VP came at me again this time kicking me in the chest, causing my chair to fall over and smash as it was so rickety. My hands loosened and I pulled them out, I looked up and Prez and VP were both standing in front of me pointing their guns straight at my head. I put my hands up in surrender. I could feel blood trickling down the side of my head.

  “I swear to you, I am no rat. I didn’t know anything about a drug run. If you remember, I’ve only been back with the club a few short weeks. I get told jack shit.” I used the bottom of my t-shirt to wipe the blood off the side of my face. It was no use, I think I need stitches.

  “If we find out that it was you, not only will you die, but you will sit and watch while I torture and kill your whole family.”

  “Well then we haven’t got a problem as it wasn’t me,” I stated. I saw the Prez nod subtly at VP and all I saw was a boot coming my way.

  I STUMBLED into my house a few hours later, all the lights were off and I tried to be quiet. I needed some water and aspirin for this blinding headache I had. I swore as I tripped over a kids’ toy and fell into the kitchen worktop.

  “Blade?” I turned around and saw Drake standing there. Shit, I forgot he was staying here and sleeping on the sofa. “You ok, man?” He turned the kitchen light on and I winced at the brightness. I must have passed out when I saw VP’s boot coming for me. They did me over good, I had pain shooting through my back, in my neck, head and stomach.

  “Shit,” he swore coming closer. “Sit down.” He pulled out a kitchen chair and pushed me to sit down.

  “I’m ok, I just need some aspirin.”

  “Your eyebrow is bleeding,” he said as he passed me a kitchen towel to press against it. “I’m gonna go get Heather.”

  “No!” I stood up and winced at how much it hurt. “I don’t want her to know.”

  “She’s gonna know, man. You won’t heal overnight.” He placed a glass of water and aspirin on the table in front of me and I sat down again slowly. “Who did this?”

  “Prez and VP.”

  “Holy shit, man. Why?” He leant his hip against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “They think I ratted.”

  “Well, didn’t you?”

  “Not yet. I don’t have any information for the police.”

  “Kade? Drake?” I heard Heather’s voice and slammed my hand down on the table in frustration when I tried to turn around. Pain shot all through my body and I didn’t want to cry out.

  “Come on in, sugar.” I knew the moment she was standing in front of me as I heard her gasp. She fell to her knees and cupped my face in her hands. I screwed my face up in pain.

  “What the hell happened?”

  “Club business,” Drake and I said at the same time.

  “Let me see.” She pulled the towel away from my head. “We need to get you to the hospital, you need stitches. Let me just grab some clothes.” I grabbed her hand before she disappeared.

  “No hospitals.”

  “You need stitches. You could have broken ribs or anything.”

  “Get Ashlyn, she can fix my head, she’s had nurse training. Everything else will heal, it’ll just take time.”

  “Drake, can you…” Heather began.

  “Sure, I’ll go and wake her,” he wandered off out of the room and Heather started rummaging around in the cupboards.

  “Sugar, what are you doing?”

  “Looking for a first aid kit. Oh, I found it.” She knew not to ask me anymore questions about what happened and I was glad that she hadn’t.

  “Alright, alright. I’m moving.” I heard Ashlyn, I looked over my shoulder and she walked in looking like a zombie, her eyes were still half closed, her hair was a mess and she was barely moving her feet. “Shit,” she swore looking over at me, shaking her head. It wasn’t the first time she had to patch me up and it wouldn’t be the last.

  “Here’s the first aid kit.” Heather said, placing it on the table beside me.

  “I need coffee,” she moaned, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

  “I’ll get it.” Drake said as he moved through the kitchen, gathering coffee cups and filling the kettle with water.

  “We need to check your ribs.” Ashlyn said as she pushed my cut off my shoulders. “Arms up.” I winced as I tried to lift my arms so she could pull my t-shirt off.

  “Here, let me.” Heather stepped forward and cut a line down the front of my t-shirt so it was easier to remove.

  “Shit, woman, that’s one of my favourite t-shirts,” I complained.

  “I don’t care.” I watched her as she took in my body, I had bruises covering my stomach, sides and lower back. Ashlyn very carefully examined me, pushing and prodding at my body.

  “It doesn’t look like they’re broken, just badly bruised.”

  “Here, babe.” Drake placed a coffee cup in front of Ashlyn and she smiled up at him.

  “Thanks,” she said shyly. I looked at Heather and back to Drake and Ashlyn and back to Heather again and she shrugged her shoulders at my silent question. Were these two a couple? If they were, Drake had better hope that Prez didn’t find out, else he would be kicked out. A prospect isn’t allowed to touch club women, Ashlyn wasn’t one of the club whores but she was still being looked after and protected by the Cornish Crusaders.

  “Let’s stitch that eye up, I don’t have anything I can give you for the pain.”

  “It feels numb anyway. Just go for it.”

  I sat there as still as possible while Ashlyn worked on my cut, Heather and Drake looked on quietly. I was ready for my bed. I also needed to decide what my next move was going to be, do I stop all the snooping and go to jail? Do I carry on and risk the life of my family? I didn’t even know what shit they had on me, how long in jail I would be facing. I sighed as I struggled to figure out what was best to do.
If I was being sent down then I needed to make sure Heather and the kids would be safe, they would need to go back to the Cornish Crusaders clubhouse. I needed to talk to Prez and see if he and the club would protect them, just in case. I wasn’t a quitter and I would continue to fight.


  BLADE HAD BEEN HOME RESTING for a week. Cammie, Ashlyn and Drake were still here as Blade couldn’t help much with the kids, so they offered to stay and help.

  I walked into the living room after putting the babies and Kelsey to bed, Blade and Drake were slouched at opposite ends of the sofa, beer in hand. Ashlyn was sitting on the floor in front of Drake and she was leaning against his legs as she read her kindle. He was playing with her blonde hair that had fallen between his knees. I could hear Cammie on her phone, I looked over my shoulder and she was looking out the patio door whilst twirling some of her hair around her finger. I’m guessing she was on the phone to Mason. He wasn’t too pleased when she told him that she was staying longer, he had threatened to come and get her to take her home and her answer was something along the lines of ‘if your dick ever wants to see action again, you’ll stay where you are’. Mason definitely had his work cut out for him with Cammie, she wasn’t one to be bossed around, but she knew the rules of the club and she never disrespected him in front of the other members.

  “Ok, girls night,” I announced. “We’ve got facials, grease, dirty dancing, twilight, popcorn and I’m making cocktails.”

  “Oh, can we have sex on the beach?” Ashlyn asked, placing her kindle down on the coffee table and getting to her feet.

  “Absolutely,” I smiled as I walked into the kitchen to gather all the ingredients.

  “What we doing?” Cammie asked as she sat on the stool at the breakfast bar, resting her chin in her hand.

  “Making cocktails for our girly night then you should go home tomorrow,” I told her.

  “Really? Why?” Cammie looked confused.

  “You miss him, he misses you. I’ll be ok,” I walked around the counter and pulled Cammie in for a hug. “I’ll miss you though.”


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