South Coast Brothers Part 1

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South Coast Brothers Part 1 Page 43

by Kacey Hamford


  I KEPT Cammie close to me, I obviously didn’t know the shit she had gone through at such a young age. She’d had a baby, maybe that was why she was so adamant she didn’t want kids now. I could never imagine having to say goodbye to a baby. Once I was in our room, I kicked the door closed behind me and sat down on the sofa with Cammie still clutched to me. I didn’t want to let her go but I needed to talk to her about what was going on.

  “Cam?” She shook her head and buried her face into my chest, her crying had eased but her body was still trembling. “Please, talk to me.”

  “I… I can’t.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” She all of a sudden sat up and looked at me.

  “Can we go to our house? Please?”

  “There’s no furniture there, no electric, no heating.”

  “I just want it to be me and you, in our home.”

  “Ok, let me grab some supplies and we’ll head over there.” I went to lift her off my lap and she placed her hand on the side of my face.

  “Thank you. I love you, I hope you know that.”

  “I love you too.”

  I searched through the storage cupboard in the hall for the blow up bed, sleeping bag, wind up torch and a battery operated heater. I was lucky that I found it as it was all in the back of the cupboard. I checked it all and it was working perfectly. I also found a box of tea light candles. I headed back to our room and heard that Cammie was in the shower, I left her to it and headed back into the bar to find Ashlyn. I dropped all of the stuff I needed by the front door, I needed to borrow her car.

  “Holes,” Ashlyn said behind me. I spun around and she had a trail of mascara on her cheek, I reached over and wiped it away. “How is she?”

  “To be honest, I don’t know. We’re headed out for the night, can I borrow your car?”

  “Sure, the keys are in it. Did you know about the baby?”

  “No, did you?” She shook her head. “I’m hoping she will talk about it tonight. Can you make sure the guys don’t ask her about it?”

  “Of course.”

  “Thank you. We’ll be back in the morning with the car.” She smiled at me, gave me a hug and made her way to the bar.

  “She ok, man?” Solar asked, gripping hold of my shoulder.

  “She will be.”

  “That’s gotta be rough.” He exhaled and shook his head.

  “Yeah. I’m gonna get back to her.”

  “Tell her we all love her, man.” I nodded my head. Cammie and I were both lucky to have a family like this, brothers that would back you up and not turn your back on anyone.

  I walked over to Ashlyn’s car and stowed all the goodies I found in the boot, it would be a nice surprise for Cammie when she saw what I was up to.

  I headed back to our room and I walked in to find Cammie curled up on our bed, she had something in her hand.

  “What’s that?” I asked, sitting on the edge and placing my hand on her back. She passed it to me and I was looking at a piece of paper with a tiny footprint on it.

  “That’s Noah’s footprint. It’s all I have of him.”

  “You don’t have a photo?” She shook her head. Her wet hair was piled on top of her head and my fingers itched to be able to run my hands through it.

  “No, after he was taken away from me, I checked my phone, looking for the picture and it didn’t take.” Tears started to run down her cheek again and she frantically began wiping them away.

  “You ready to go?” She nodded and I pulled her to her feet. She was dressed in a pair of grey leggings and an oversized hoody and on closer inspection it was one of my hoodies, I loved looking at her in my clothing.

  AS WE PULLED into the driveway to our house Cammie’s phone started ringing. She looked at it and smiled.

  “It’s Heather.”

  “Answer it and come inside when you’re ready.” I kissed her on the cheek and she pressed the green button on the phone and held it up to her ear. I gathered all the stuff from the boot of the car and headed inside. I decided to set up the blow up bed in the living room, luckily it had a battery operated pump. As it was inflating, I spread the lit tea light candles on the hearth at the front of the fireplace and a few along the mantle. I uncorked the bottle of white wine and placed the two plastic cups with it. Once the bed was inflated, I spread the double sleeping bag over the top and turned on the battery operated heater. I didn’t think it would last long, but it would be enough to take the chill out of the air.

  “What’s all this?” Cammie asked as she stood in the doorway to the living room. I had removed my jeans and leather cut. I walked towards her in my blue boxers, blue shirt and white socks.

  “This is our first night in our home, I wanted it to be special.” I reached out for her hand and she followed me into the room. We got comfy on the bed, Cammie sat crossed legged beside me as I poured some wine into the plastic cups. I passed her one and the electricity zapped between us when our hands brushed together, she smiled slightly, looking into my eyes.

  “To the first night in our new home,” I said as I raised my cup towards hers. She did the same and we sat silently sipping our wine. It tasted like shit really, but I knew she liked it.

  I laid back on the bed with my left arm under my head and crossing my ankles. Cammie sighed, I knew she was thinking about what happened earlier and I didn’t want to push her to talk about it but also I needed to know, I wanted to know. She scooted closer to me and laid down with her head on my stomach, I pulled the tie out of her hair and ran my fingers through it, gently massaging her scalp. She clasped her hands together, moving her fingers almost nervously.

  “When I found out I was pregnant, I was scared. I was only sixteen and my mum and dad weren’t overly happy.” She took a deep breath and I stayed quiet, not wanting to interrupt her. “I left after I’d told them and moved in with Jack, I thought we were happy until I came home from work early to find him and his roommates having a party and he was kissing someone else.” My hand tensed and stilled in her hair. I watched as she placed both of her hands on her flat tummy. “The movements from him were breath taking, I cherished every one. Anyway, I left the flat and Jack followed me. He had hold of the top of my arm, much like the way he gripped hold of me tonight. I pulled away from him and he released his grip, causing me to fall down a flight of stairs. I tried to protect him, I wrapped my arms around my large tummy; I didn’t want him to be hurt. I remember feeling the pain and not being able to move when I was laying on the floor at the bottom of the steps, thinking that I’d be ok as Jack would come and help me. I don’t know how long I was there for, he never came. One of the neighbours found me and called an ambulance, I was… bleeding, God, there was so much blood.” Her voice caught in her throat.

  “Miss, how far along are you in your pregnancy?” the paramedic asked.

  “Eight months.” I cried out from the pain. “Please, please help my son.”

  “The pain was horrible, it felt like someone was sticking daggers in my back, and I prayed. I’ve never prayed before, but I prayed and begged that he would be ok. I already loved him so much.”

  “What’s going on? What’s happening?” I asked frantically as the nurses flitted around me in the hospital room. I had a strap along my belly and the nurse was looking at the monitor, she looked at the other dark haired nurse and subtly shook her head.

  “We just need to check on the baby,” she said as she squirted gel on my tummy and angled the monitor so I couldn’t see. Usually, at my other appointments, I would be able to hear his heart beating and see him, why were they not letting me see?

  “Is he ok? Why can’t I hear his heart beating?”

  “Is there someone we can call for you? I see on your records you are only seventeen. You should have a parent or guardian with you,” a different nurse said.

  “My mum is my next of kin,” I told her. I didn’t really want her with me but I understood they had a job to do.

  I noticed the
glances the nurses gave each other but no one was telling me anything.

  “Please, is he ok? I can’t feel him moving.”

  “The moment they told me that he had died…” She reached up and wiped her hand over her face. “I’ll never feel pain like that again, I couldn’t protect him and I couldn’t save him. They said that when I fell, the placenta separated from the wall of my uterus; the placenta supplies the oxygen. He… he suffocated, if only I didn’t leave that party, if only I didn’t leave work early, he may still be here. I’d still be a mum.” Her sobs became louder. I sat us both up and gathered her in my arms.

  “You are a mum, you will always be a mum and you’ll always have a son.”

  “And then they told me I still had to give birth to him, that it was important for my body to still go through that.”

  “Cammie, are you ready?” the nurse asked me as she pushed my legs up. “When you feel the contraction you need to push.” They had given me a drug that induced labour. I had been waiting for it to start for the last four hours.

  “No.” I shook my head. “I can’t do it. I felt him move, I know I did.”

  “Cammie, sweetie, I’m here to help you. It’s time to meet my beautiful grandson.” Mum gripped hold of my hand and I felt the need to start pushing. I opted out of having any pain medication, I needed to feel every inch of pain, no matter how much it hurt. That was my punishment for letting my son die.

  “I pushed and I pushed. He was only four pounds when he was born, he was small but he was perfect.” We had sunk back down onto the bed and her head was now resting on my chest and I trailed my hand up and down her back. She smiled when she remembered him.

  “Do you want to hold him?” the nurse asked after she bundled him up in a blue blanket and blue hat. I held my arms out for him and nodded my head. He was my son, I needed to see him, to hold him, to love him. Once he was placed in my arms, it took me a couple of seconds to build up the courage to look at him.

  “He’s gorgeous, Cammie. Looks just like you did when you were born.” Mum smiled. I gazed at him, he was perfect amd he looked like he was sleeping.

  “I don’t know how long I held him for. They let me dress him in a little blue onesie after doing his footprint.”

  “Cammie, it’s time,” Mum said as she walked back into my room followed by a nurse. I knew what she meant, it was time for me to give him up. I held him up against my chest, kissed his head, told him that I loved him and that I always would.

  “Then the nurse took him away from me. My heart broke when they told me he died, then it healed only slightly when I got to hold him, but the pain was excruciating when I watched her take him away from me. I felt like I was going to die, I couldn’t breathe. A part of me will always be with him. That’s… That’s why I don’t want children, I couldn’t bare it if something like that happened again. I wouldn’t survive it, I know I wouldn’t.” Her grip tightened on my shirt and I held her closer to me as she cried. A tear escaped from my eye and rolled down the side of my face, I couldn’t stand seeing her so upset, I’d give anything to make everything better for her. We didn’t speak, we just held each other and within a few minutes I could hear Cammie’s breathing change, she had fallen asleep. I gathered the sleeping bag that we had managed to kick down the bottom of the bed and covered us both up. I would make sure she never felt upset like this again for as long as I lived.


  I HAD KEPT myself busy for the last two weeks, I focused all my attention on decorating and furnishing our new home with the help from Ashlyn. I started working at the beach last week and it was fun, I enjoyed chatting with the people who wanted ice creams and beach supplies. Now we were getting into the start of summer the beach was getting busier which meant that I could work more.

  “Cam?” Mason called out as he walked in the front door of our new house, tonight was going to be the first night of the rest of our lives and although I liked living at the clubhouse, being here just felt right.

  “In the kitchen.” I looked up when I felt his presence. I was chopping vegetables and throwing them into the slow cooker along with the chicken.

  “You look good here.” He smiled. “You’ve done a great job decorating.” In the kitchen we now had a pine table and chairs, black kettle and toaster set and black and white spotted tea, coffee and sugar canisters. “You almost done?” He nodded towards the slow cooker.

  “Yeah, that’s the last of it.”

  “Good.” He stalked into the kitchen as I washed my hands and gathered the dirty knife and chopping board and placed them in the dishwasher. I felt him close behind me and I leant back against him as he moved my hair off my neck and draped it over one shoulder. His stubble tickled me and I giggled.

  “I’ve got a surprise for you,” he whispered in my ear, the heat from his breath sending goose bumps all over my body.

  “Oh yeah, is it this?” I moved my ass onto his growing cock and he moaned behind me, clamping his hands down onto my hips.

  “It wasn’t.” He groaned and spun me around and slammed his mouth onto mine. Our kiss was heated and it was like we hadn’t seen each other for a week, our teeth clashed and our hands collided as we attempted to rid each other of our clothes. Once Mason had my leggings and underwear down my legs, he picked me up and placed me onto the kitchen worktop; this way I was the same height as him. I fumbled with the tie on his shorts and once it released I slipped my hand inside and pressed my fingers onto his barbell piercings, his breath hissed out and I ran my hand up until I could flick the Prince Albert piercing too. I used my feet to push his shorts and boxers down until they fell to the floor. I had already managed to pull his t-shirt off, his chest was glistening with sweat after his run, he yanked at my hips until I was almost hanging off the side and I placed my hand behind me to balance, he entered me in one swift movement and I cried out, clutching my free hand onto his shoulder. He stilled his movements and gathered the bottom of my t-shirt into his hands and ripped it off over my head causing me to wrap my legs around his waist for balance as both of my arms were in the air.

  “Fuck, you’re so sexy. You ready, sweetheart?” I nodded and he unwound my legs from around him and hooked an arm under each one, spreading me. He used his hands to hold onto my ass and he pulled me towards him at the same time as thrusting into me. The sound of our body parts slapping together made me wetter and I loved how he took control of my body. Both of my hands were behind me, flat on the worktop causing my breasts to stick out as my back arched.

  “I fucking love watching your tits bounce,” he panted as he picked up his speed. “Come on, Cammie, let go.” I reached one hand up and palmed my breast, they were both aching and one squeeze of my nipple had my walls clamping down, I threw my head back as I screamed out as the orgasm took over my body. I looked up immediately when I felt Mason pull away to see that he hadn’t been wearing a condom and his release covered my body.

  “You like making a mess.” I laughed.

  “Once your lips touch mine I forget who the fuck I am, let alone remembering to wear a condom.” He shook his head. “I’ve never forgot before. Let’s go get you cleaned up.” He reached down for his boxers and shorts and pulled them back on. He grabbed a piece of kitchen roll and wiped me clean. After throwing it in the bin, he picked me up and walked upstairs to our en-suite bathroom, he placed me in the shower and turned it on. I stood under the heat and watched as he rid himself of his clothes and joined me.

  WE CLIMBED into the car that Mason had bought me, it was a black BMW; it had only had one previous owner and was kept in great condition. He always insisted on driving when we were together.

  “Where are we going? Why aren’t we on the bike?” I angled my body towards his, I loved watching him drive, I loved the concentration on his face and the way his muscles flexed when he changed gear.

  “It’s a surprise, we will be there in a minute.” He reached over and placed his hand on my leg, giving it a gentle squeeze. I closed my eyes and lea
nt my head back against the headrest, I loved days like this, just Mason and I.

  When I felt the car slowing down, I opened my eyes and bounced in my seat to see we were at Southwest Dogs Home.

  “Am I getting a dog?” I asked excitedly.

  “We’re getting a dog,” he corrected me. We both got out of the car and made our way through the main entrance. There was a desk off to the right hand side and a path on the left that led to all of the dogs. Mason released my hand and walked to the desk.

  “Hi, I called earlier…” His voice faded as I walked away from him and down the path toward the kennels the dogs were in. I stopped at each one, reading the info on the front.

  “Lacey, a one year old Westie,” I read aloud. I bent down and stuck my hand through the bars, she licked my hand and was so excited. How was I going to pick just one? It said on her kennel that she would need regular grooming, I needed someone a little less high maintenance.

  “Hi, Bruno,” I said as I stroked the top of the head of a Basset Hound. He was excitable and only six months old.

  “Hello, Candy,” I cooed as I let the four year old Pomeranian lick my hand.

  “Hi, Dyson,” I called out as the large black Rottweiler sat at the back of his cage, trembling. “Come here, boy.” I tried to coax him over to me, his ears pricked as he listened to me. I sat on the floor and placed my hand inside his kennel. “Come on, let me stroke you.” I wiggled my fingers and he stood on shaky legs and slowly made his way towards me. I knew that I shouldn’t so willingly have my hand inside his kennel but he looked scared and frightened, I wanted to comfort him. I let out a light giggle when he nuzzled my hand with his nose, and I fell in love with him.

  “Cammie?” Mason called out, I looked to my right and he was walking towards me with a small dog in his arms. I didn’t take my hand off of Dyson.

  “Who’s that?” I asked.

  “This is Dusty, she’s a two year old Papillion. I saw her on the website and thought she would be perfect to keep you company when I’m away. They reserved her for us.” She was cute and small, she would be a proper lap dog and I loved the long hair hanging from her ears.


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