South Coast Brothers Part 1

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South Coast Brothers Part 1 Page 56

by Kacey Hamford

  “That’s her,” Ashlyn added.

  “I’m glad you appreciate her being sexy as fuck too.” He winked at her.

  “Great, we know she’s ok…”

  “I wanna see her,” Ashlyn cut me off.

  “Dar… Ashlyn it might not be safe taking you in there. We’re meant to be laying low.” I had to stop myself from calling her darlin’ in front of Spud. I’m sure the Prez already knew how important she was to me.

  “We can lay low later, in fact you can lay right over the top of me,” she whispered as Spud’s gaze landed on someone walking past the car. She took the opportunity to run her hand over my crotch and I had to stop myself from claiming her lips.

  “Fine, let’s go in. We’re in and out in two minutes, got it?”

  “Is that what you say to all the ladies?” Spud chuckled, throwing his head back at his own joke. I ignored him and waited for Ashlyn to round the car.

  “You stay close to me. No wandering off.” I gripped hold of her hand and kept her close. We walked through the double doors at the front of the building, the place was packed, the music was loud and people were shouting at each other to be heard.

  “Can you see her?” I asked as I placed my lips against her ear, she shivered and tipped her head to the side, causing my lips to trail down her neck. “Darlin’?”

  “Oh.” Her head snapped up and I could see her eyes trailing over the room. “There she is.” She pointed out at the far end of the bar and started moving towards it.

  “Where are you going?” I growled.

  “I need to speak to her, make sure she’s ok.”


  “Yes, Drake.” She started moving and I grabbed hold of her hips, halting her.

  “You will be the death of me, woman.” I kept my grip on her as I pushed her through the crowds of people. Once we reached the bar in front of this Vanessa chick, I placed my hands on the bar, to box Ashlyn in.

  “Oh, hey, you came.” Vanessa sounded surprised as she looked towards the corner of the bar. I followed her eyes but the area was empty.

  “Yeah, I just wanted to check on you.”

  “I’m fine. Honestly. Let me grab you a drink.”

  “No,” I bit out.

  “It’s just my way of saying thank you.” Ashlyn looked at me over her shoulder and I shook my head. She went to speak when I dropped my lips to her ear.

  “You know it isn’t safe. If you want a drink we’ll have one at the clubhouse.” She nodded but I felt her shoulders sag.

  “Sorry, we gotta go. I’m glad you’re ok.” Her eyes searched the same spot in the bar again, she looked worried.

  “Wait!” she called out as we started moving. We both looked at her as one of the other bar maids whispered in her ear. “Never mind. It’s ok. Thanks again for your help earlier.”

  “No problem,” I answered as I led Ashlyn away. Once we stepped outside I saw that Spud, Toad and Tabs were sitting on their bikes ready to leave. I nodded my head at them and they took off back to the club.

  Ashlyn and I climbed into the car and just as I was about to start the engine she said;

  “Oh, what’s that?” I looked to where she was pointing and there was a piece of paper under my windscreen wiper. I opened my door up and leant out to get it.

  “It’s probably just another flyer or something.” I threw it in the cup holder between us and Ashlyn grabbed it to have a look. I looked over my shoulder getting ready to reverse out of the space when a sob escaped Ashlyn’s lips.

  “What is it?” she handed me the note.

  ‘Hand her over, or more girls will keep getting hurt. Send my love to Amber’

  “Fuck!” I roared. “I knew it wasn’t a good idea to come here.” I slammed my hand down on the steering wheel several times.

  “He was behind Amber’s attack all along. We need to tell Pipe. She could still be in danger.”

  “You could be in danger with us being here. We need to get the hell out of here.”


  “No, Ashlyn, you are my number one concern. I’m keeping you safe. We’ll head back to the club and leave first thing in the morning.”

  “Can you at least call Pipe when we get back to the club, please? If he’s had more girls dumped at his gate it could be Switch. Please?”

  “Ok, once we get back to the club.”

  “Thank you.” She grabbed my hand that was resting on the gear stick and placed it in her lap. She held on tightly and it had me wondering if she was scared.

  When we pulled into the compound and got out of the car the front door to the club opened and Terri came flying out towards us.

  “You need to get out of here.” She looked over her shoulder. “I heard the Prez and Tabs talking.”

  “Your Old Man?” Ashlyn asked.

  “Yes, he said Switch knew where you are. He’s coming here, for you, any minute. You gotta get out of here.”

  “Thanks,” I said as I started pulling Ashlyn back towards the car.

  “Wait, what about you? Tabs will know you told us.”

  “Screw him, I’m leaving him. I’m fed up of him screwing around behind my back. I deserve better. I want to be happy and have a family. Now go.” She shooed us away.

  “Thank you.” Ashlyn hugged her before we got back into the car and I drove as fast as I could to get away, making sure I kept a constant check to see if we were being followed.


  DREAD FILLED my stomach and I just kept hearing Terri’s words over and over in my head ‘He knows where you are, he’s coming for you’. Drake was driving frantically, speeding through the towns. His hands were gripping the steering wheel so firmly that I wouldn’t be surprised if he left Drake-shaped handprints. I looked him over and his short bearded jaw was clenched and his left knee bounced up and down at a constant rate.

  “Where are we going?” I asked quietly. When he didn’t answer I added, “Are we heading to Scotland?” I knew he wanted to get me far away.

  “I’m not losing you, he isn’t having you,” he growled. “You’re mine.”

  “Yes, you’re right, I’m yours.” I stretched my hand up towards his head and ran my hand over the clipped side of his hair, I loved how it felt under my fingertips. He seemed to relax slightly for a second before he sat back up straight, his back rigid. His eyes glanced between all of the mirrors, he dropped down a gear and swerved the car around, doing a U-turn in the road. I looked around frantically wondering if someone was following us and he was trying to get us away. When I noticed that the roads were quiet I glanced back at Drake and placed my hand on his thigh.

  “Where are we going?”

  “We’re heading back.”

  “What? No. He’ll find us. We have to get away!” I screamed. My body started to shake, I felt sick and dizzy. He was going to get me again, torture me and mark my body even more.

  “Darlin’, they will never expect us to head back. They will think we want to get far away. It’s the perfect plan.”

  “No.” I sobbed as I brought my legs up to my chest and placed my head on my knees and cried.

  “It’ll be ok.” When I didn’t answer him, he added, “I need to talk to Prez or VP.” He reached in to the inside pocket of his leather jacket and pulled out his phone, looking down at it and dialling. “Prez, we have a problem…”

  I zoned out as Drake spoke to the Prez to form a plan, my whole body was numb and I didn’t want the fight in me to leave. How would I fight him off if he came for me again? How would I even begin to overcome it if I was saved? Would I always spend the rest of my life scared of my own shadow? Wondering if someone else would be after me? Would I ever be truly happy? I glanced at Drake again, I was so in love with him and I hated to think what it would do to him if he couldn’t keep me safe. I wanted to be selfish and keep him to myself but I knew in reality that sooner or later we either had to end our relationship or he loses his brothers, his family. I hated thinking about him defying his club and
the rules.

  Was there a time in my life when I felt happier than when I was with Drake? Yes, only one memory sprung forward in my mind but I didn’t allow myself to think about it, that memory had all the power to break me and I needed to stay strong.

  “Got it.” I snapped out of my daze when Drake tossed the phone into the cup holder. “We’re headed back to the Leicestershire Crusaders…”

  “Did Pipe get hold of Amber? Is she ok?” I asked, lowering my legs back to the floor and turning in my seat to look at him properly. I looked around when the car started slowing down. “Why are we stopping?”

  “We need to sleep, darlin’. I’m exhausted…”

  “I can drive, it’s only like three hours there, right?” I asked, cutting him off.

  “Would you stop cutting me off when I’m talking!” he boomed. “We both need to get to sleep, it’s nearly one in the morning and I’m meeting a guy here at five, he’s bringing a new car.”

  “A new car?” I screwed my face up in confusion, there wasn’t anything wrong with this one.

  “Yes, it’s just a precaution, no doubt Switch and his guys know what car we’re in.”

  “Oh.” I dipped my head and let my hair fall in front of my face.

  “Come on, darlin’. They’re expecting us.” Drake got out of the car and I sat there staring at the three story house with the large sign outside that read Dingle’s B&B. An older lady stood in the doorway in her dressing gown and slippers, we had obviously got her out of bed. I looked at Drake once my door opened up and he was pulling me out. We hurried towards the front door and Drake introduced us to the lady and shook her hand.

  “We appreciate you letting us come in so late.” Drake smiled at her.

  “It’s not a problem, we can’t have you driving tired now, can we.”

  “Thank you, we will be up and gone again by five so if we could pay now that would be great.” He handed over a bunch of notes, which had me wondering how much it actually cost to stay here. The lady looked up at Drake in surprise after she counted the money.

  “Keep the rest for yourself, for the inconvenience we have caused,” Drake muttered as he filled in the booking form. I glanced over his shoulder to see he had put us down as Mr & Mrs. Davies, a fake name, which had me smiling.

  “It’s really not necessary,” she argued.

  “Please, I insist.” Drake placed his hand over hers and I swear I saw a blush creeping up her skin.

  “Thank you.” She turned around and unlocked a small cabinet on the wall behind the desk and retrieved a key. “You’re in room three, up the stairs and first door on the left. It has an en-suite and tea and coffee making facilities. Can I get you anything else?”

  “No, we’re all good. Thanks.” He winked at her and although she must have been in her sixties, a shot of jealousy surged through my body.

  “Come on handsome, let’s go to bed.” I placed my hand in his and started dragging him up the stairs.

  “Enjoy your stay!” she called out after us.

  Once we reached the top of the stairs, Drake and I walked to the first door on the left, the one numbered three and he unlocked it. We walked in to a small room with a double bed, one bedside table, a dressing table and a door that led to an en-suite bathroom. I pushed the door open to see a toilet, sink and shower cubicle. I looked over my shoulder as I heard Drake place our bags onto the bed. I walked towards him and began rummaging around in mine until I found something to wear to bed and my wash bag. Once my hands landed on my pyjamas I pulled them out and they were soon yanked out of my hands, I looked to my right to see Drake smiling at me.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “No clothes tonight,” he stated, grinning.

  “What if there is a fire and we need to evacuate?”

  “Then we go out naked and proud.” My eyes bulged as I listened to what he was saying. “Darlin’, we’ll grab the dressing gowns that are on the back of the door.” He pointed over his shoulder and I giggled as I slapped him lightly on his chest.

  “I’m going to clean my face and brush my teeth.”

  “Don’t lock the door, I need a piss,” he said as he sat on the edge of the bed and began unlacing his boots.

  “Well, did you wanna use the bathroom first then?”

  “Na, you carry on.” He winked at me.

  I was just finishing washing my face when the bathroom door pushed open, I watched Drake through the mirror as he strolled past me and stood in front of the toilet.

  “I’m almost done!” I called out.

  “Good.” He winked at me, looking over his shoulder as he urinated. I rolled my eyes at him, he could have waited two more minutes until I finished. I bent over the sink and splashed my face with water. I yelped as Drake pressed his body against mine and I felt his hardness through my jeans. After I patted my face dry I looked at him through the mirror and his eyes were dark and hungry. He swiped my hair off of my right shoulder and his hand grazed down my back until he had a good grip on my hips and he ground his pelvis into mine. I couldn’t help but let out a soft moan.

  “I thought you were exhausted?”

  “Never too tired to be with my woman.” His voice was laced with desire as his lips brushed over my neck, my legs wobbled. I hoped he didn’t expect me to stand for this. His rough hands brushed over the skin on my tummy and moved upwards, taking my t-shirt with them. I loved watching his facial expressions in the mirror, he looked at my body like it was made of his favourite whisky and he wanted to savour every part of me. My hair bounced around my shoulders once my t-shirt was pulled off over my head, he made quick work of my bra and then his hands were covering my breasts, kneading them and plucking at my nipples. I couldn’t help but sigh his name, I had never had a set of hands on me that made me feel this good. The trail of his fingertips over my skin had goosebumps forming and my hips moved in invitation, I needed him to slip his hands inside my jeans. The anticipation was building as he flicked open the button on my jeans and slowly pulled the zip down, I cursed myself for not wearing a baggier pair that would have fallen straight to the floor. Drake began kissing down my back as he lowered to the floor, pushing down my skinny jeans as he went. He pushed his hand onto the middle of my back and I leant on my forearms on the side of the sink, I stepped out of my jeans and my knees almost buckled as his nose brushed against my core as he took in a deep breath. Fuck, that was hot. He wasted no time in ridding me of my underwear and as he stood back up I noticed he was still fully clothed, the only items he had removed were his socks and leather jacket.

  “Dray, you’re a bit overdressed.” I stuttered as his hands slipped around my waist again and made a trail down my tummy, through the soft curls on my pubic bone. As his fingers fluttered over my clit, I dropped my head back to his shoulder and closed my eyes.

  “Eyes open,” he demanded.

  “Clothes off,” I shot straight back. He chuckled as he kissed the side of my head.

  “So bossy.” He laughed. “You do know, once I’m patched in and you’re officially my Old Lady, you have to do exactly as I say.”

  “I do exactly as you say now. See, eyes open.”

  “You argue with me a hell of a lot.” He grinned as one of his hands left my body and I felt his belt being loosened.

  “You’d be bored with a woman who rolled over when you told her to.”

  “You know me so well.” I gasped as his fingers entered me and more desire shot through my body as the material of his jeans fell to the floor and he stepped out of them. I mewled in disappointment when his fingers slipped out of me. I went to turn around to rid him of his t-shirt when he shook his head.

  “I want us both to watch when I’m filling you.” A slight blush crept up my skin, I had never watched myself while having sex before and it surprised me how much I liked the idea. “Forearms on the counter and keep your eyes on the mirror.” He reached behind his head and tugged his t-shirt off. I bent at the waist, spreading my legs. I took in all
of Drake’s body, his large sculpted arms, hair free chest, solid thighs and large hands. He bent at the knees and his cock prodded at my entrance, I had to force myself to stay still and not push back against him, I knew I’d get in trouble for doing that when he was in charge. His eyes connected with mine in the mirror as he pushed inside of me in one thrust, I gasped and the corner of his mouth rose in a cocky smile. He knew that he made me feel good. When he started a punishing rhythm by head fell forward through pleasure and I moaned when he gathered my hair together and pulled my head back.

  “Eyes,” was all he said. I was nearly in a standing position, all that was left on the counter were my hands keeping me steady. A layer of sweat built between our bodies and I struggled to keep my eyes open as the first wave of my release shot through me. Drake didn’t ease up on his pace, in fact one of his hands roamed around to the front of my body, trailing upwards until his large hand was splayed out on my chest and his thumb was gently rubbing at the base of my throat. This position caused my head to lay back against his shoulder and I had to look down through my eyelashes to watch us in the mirror. His other hand began a trail down my body until he was pressing against my clit. My breathing became laboured and I was panting and moaning, my orgasm was close and the first tingles of it had my eyes drifting closed until I felt a slap against my bum and my eyes shot open.

  “You liked that, your pussy clenched around my cock as my hand slapped your skin.” He returned his fingers to my clit. “Keep them eyes open and come for me.” I whimpered as his speed picked up, I didn’t want to release my orgasm and have this be over, he made my body feel like no one else ever had.

  “Now!” he roared, slapping my skin again. My pussy tightened and I cried out as the dizziness flew through my body, causing black spots to form behind my eyes. Drake’s hips kept moving as he filled me, never taking his eyes off of mine. He released the grip he had on my chest and my hands fell back to the sink, keeping me up as I tried to control my breathing. Drake’s head fell against my damp back and his breath on me helped calm me down.

  “Let’s grab a shower,” he mumbled as he stepped back away from me, causing his release to flow down the inside of my thigh. I grabbed a piece of toilet tissue and cleaned myself up before I made a mess on the floor. Drake grabbed hold of my hand as he stepped into the cubicle.


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