Finding Storm

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Finding Storm Page 23

by Samantha Towle

  “Yeah. Sure it will be. What’s the car?”

  “White BMW.”



  “Beck … you did get a name, right?”

  “I forgot …”

  “Christ’s sake.” I sigh.

  “I was busy when I took the call!”

  “You always are.”

  “I do know that it’s a guy who has broken down. Actually, there’re two of them. I heard the other guy in the background.”

  “Oh, well, that’s great. Two dudes to murder me instead of one.”

  “Drama queen.”


  “Whiny ass.”

  “How about you shut the hell up? If you want me to do this favor for you, then you’ll stop flapping your lips right about now.”

  He chuckles. “Thanks, Stevie. I owe you.”

  “Whatever.” I roll my eyes. “Be there in five to collect the truck.”

  I hang up on him and sigh the loudest sigh I can.

  Someone upstairs hates me. Like really hates me.

  I sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed. I roll my shoulders.

  I can do this. It’s no biggie.

  Main Street is fairly long. I’ll just avoid looking at the place where I picked up Storm. Like I’m avoiding looking at anything in this town that reminds me of him.

  Ice cream parlor—ruined forever.

  Dad’s boat—hell might have to freeze over before I go on there again.

  The room where Storm stayed—I’ve sealed it off.

  Well, I haven’t actually because we can’t afford to lose the income on it, but Gran’s been cleaning it for me.

  But I feel bad. She doesn’t need to be cleaning rooms at her age.

  I just need to pull up my big-girl panties and get on with it.

  Get on with my life.

  Like Storm’s getting on with his.

  Not that I know what he’s actually doing.

  I’ll admit, I Googled his name to see if there was any recent news, but nothing new came up.

  I know he doesn’t use social media much, but I checked Instagram too.

  I know. I’ve turned into a total stalker.

  But … I miss him.

  I checked Slater Raze’s band page, but there were no new updates. Then, I checked his own personal page. Also nothing.

  I don’t know whether to be relieved there are no updates or hate that there’s nothing to tell me what he’s doing in LA.

  Without me.

  But then, is this going to be my life now, stalking his Instagram for pictures of him?

  And what about when he meets someone and moves on? Because, of course, he will. He’s gorgeous and funny and smart.

  Honestly, I’m just trying not to think about that day.

  After Josh cheated on me and I was heartbroken—which coincidentally feels minor in comparison to the way I feel over losing Storm, and that says a lot about Josh and my relationship—Gran said to me, “Stupid men lose smart women.”

  And I let Storm go. I didn’t go with him. I said no to long-distance. I lost him. So, does that make me stupid? Quite likely. Men like him … what we had between us, come along once in a lifetime, and I didn’t even try to keep him.

  I should have said yes to long-distance. I would have hated it. But at least I’d still have him. I’d be miserable, missing him. But I’m miserable, missing him now, without the option of being able to call or FaceTime him or know that I would be able to see him again at some point.

  God, I’m a fucking idiot sometimes.

  My fingers itch to call him. Tell him I was wrong. That I made a mistake. That we should do the long-distance thing.

  But I’m scared. What if I call him up and he says he’s changed his mind? That the feelings he thought he had for me weren’t real? That, with this distance and time, he’s realized that?

  I’d be crushed.

  And I’d really rather not be crushed. So, here I am, stuck in a perpetual limbo of missing him and crying into my pillow every night.

  I stand up and grab some shoes, slipping them on. I call to Gran, who’s in the kitchen, letting her know where I’m going, and I leave the B&B and walk in the direction of the garage.

  It’s quiet when I get there, but I know Beck is inside, working.

  I pop my head through the door. “Me,” I shout. “Just getting the keys.” I grab them off the hook just as Beck appears out of the office.

  “Hey,” he says.

  “Hey. Got the keys.” I hold them up in my hand. “I’ll be back soon.”

  “Okay.” He pushes his hands in the pockets of his coverall and rocks back on his heels.

  He’s looking at me oddly. He’s got this shifty smile on his face. I recognize it well. It always came out when we were kids and he’d broken something of mine.

  “What’s going on with you?” I cock my head to the side, watching him.


  I glance around the garage, looking for anything out of the ordinary. “Dad’s still at the suppliers?” I check.


  “Why are you smiling at me like that?”

  His brow goes up. “Smiling at you like what?”

  “Like you’ve done something wrong.”

  “Nope. I haven’t done anything.”

  I narrow my eyes on him.

  He smiles wider, showing actual teeth.

  “You’ve totally done something, and I will find out what.”

  He laughs. “Maybe I’m just happy to see my kid sister.”

  See, that’s weird. Beck would never say something like that. He’s not what you’d call an affectionate brother. And I did only see him this morning.

  It’s my turn to laugh. “Now, I know you’re lying.”

  He just shrugs, still wearing that damn smile.

  “Are you dying?”

  Laughter bursts from him this time. “No, I’m not fucking dying.”

  “Are you high then? Drunk?”

  “Nope, and nope.”

  I eyeball him. He gives me an even wider smile.

  He’s totally done something. Or is up to something. And I’ll figure it out when I get back from this tow.

  I point a finger at him. “I’m going to do this tow. I’ll see you when I get back.”

  I back out of the garage, swivel on my heel, and walk over to the tow truck.

  What the hell was that all about? If he’s broken something of mine, I will kill him.

  I climb in the cab. Start the truck up. Hook up my Bluetooth and put “Love Is A Battlefield” on. Pat is the only one who understands me at the moment.

  I shift the truck into drive and set off to go get this tow over and done with, so I can get back to lying on my bed and feeling sorry for myself. Desperately trying not to think about the last time I was in this truck and who I was with.

  Because if I do, I’ll probably cry.

  And I really don’t want to cry anymore.

  I reach Main Street and drive down, keeping my eyes peeled for a white BMW.

  I locate it not far from the small stretch of industrial space, where I first picked up Storm.

  Don’t cry. Don’t cry.

  I can see two guys leaning up against the hood of the car. There’s a guy on a motorbike parked up in front, talking to them.

  Probably a passing motorist offering assistance.

  I pull the truck up in front of the BMW, turn off the engine, and hop out.

  I know I look a mess. Jean shorts. T-shirt that I’m pretty sure has bleach stains on it. Sneakers. My hair tied up in a messy bun. But I’m not here to impress anyone.

  I walk toward the car. The guys leaning against the hood straighten up. Both are really good-looking. One has dark brown hair. The other light-brown hair. Both have tattoos showing on their arms.

  The guy straddling the bike turns his head to look at me.


  If I wasn’t currently a mess and
heartbroken over Storm, I’d be in a puddle on the floor.

  He’s seriously hot. Storm level of hot. But in a different way.

  Long dark brown hair, which is tied back off his face. He’s wearing leathers, so I can’t see if he has any tattoos like the other two guys here.

  And since when did I become obsessed with tattoos?

  Oh, yeah. Since Storm.

  “Hey.” I smile. Pushing my hands into the back pockets of my shorts, I rock back on my heels. “I hear you need a tow.”

  “Actually, they don’t.”

  The voice I hear behind me makes my heart pause. My breath still. My body tremble with nerves.


  My hands slip from my pockets.

  I turn on the spot.

  And everything stops. Ceases to exist in this moment.

  Because it’s him.

  He’s actually here.

  And he looks so fucking beautiful that it physically hurts me.

  “You’re here …” I breathe, and even I hear the tremor in my voice.

  He takes a step closer. “I’m here.”

  “W-why?” I want to hope. But I can’t. Because he might leave again, and I don’t think I’d survive him walking away from me a second time.

  “Because I couldn’t stay away. I love you, Stevie. I’m madly in fucking love with you. I can’t function without you. In the shortest of times, you’ve come to mean more to me than anyone ever has before. You’re on my mind constantly. I can’t focus on anything but you. My life has gone to absolute shit without you.”

  He moves even closer, like he can’t stay away, and I don’t want him to.

  He loves me. He’s in love with me.

  “What we have … it comes around once in a lifetime, babe. I’m not willing to lose this. Lose you. Leaving that morning … it was the hardest thing I’d ever done. I should never have left. I should have climbed back in that fucking bed with you, wrapped my arms around you, and never let go.” He takes a deep breath. “I made that mistake then. I won’t make it again. So … I’m here to stay. If you still want me, that is?”

  Do I still want him? Is he being serious? Of course I still want him.

  I part my lips, but nothing comes out.

  “Babe, say something, please. I’m kinda out on a limb here.”

  “I … I just can’t believe you’re here.” And then I do something so unlike me. I burst into tears.

  His arms are around me a second later. “Jesus. Don’t cry, babe.”

  “I’m sorry … I just … I’ve missed you so much and then you’re here and I didn’t expect it and you’re telling me you love me and that you’re staying here.”

  He takes my face in his hands, tilting my eyes up to his. He wipes my tears away with his thumbs. “So, the tears are a good thing?”

  I bite my lip and nod my head.

  Relief swims in his eyes. “Thank fuck for that.”

  Then, he kisses me, and everything is right again in my world.

  He’s here and he’s staying and he’s mine.

  And he loves me.

  “I love you,” I tell him against his lips.

  His answer is to kiss me deeper.

  I wrap my arms around his neck. He picks me up, and my legs go around his waist.

  And I don’t even care that we’re in the middle of the street. I want to stay here all day and kiss him.

  The sound of a throat clearing behind me breaks us apart.

  “As touching as this is, I’ve been driving for four hours, and honestly, watching you two make out has given me a boner, so I need to go jack off and then get some sleep.”

  “For fuck’s sake, Cash,” Storm groans, dropping his head to my shoulder.

  Male laughter ensues behind me.

  I can feel my skin getting hot with embarrassment. Clearly, I lost my head there for a moment, making out with Storm like that. But in my defense, I’ve missed him.

  And he told me he loves me.

  He loves me.

  Storm puts me to my feet, and I turn to face the guys standing behind us.

  Guys that I’m guessing are Storm’s best friends. I recognize the name Cash from before when Storm told me about them.

  “Guys, this is Stevie,” Storm tells them, wrapping his arms around me from behind. “Stevie, this is Raze.” Storm points to the guy on the motorbike, who gives me a smile that would melt the panties off even the toughest of girls. “Levi.” Storm indicates to the dark-haired guy, who gives me a chin-lift greeting. “And this is Cash.” He gestures to the light-brown-haired guy. “Don’t worry; you’ll get used to him.”

  “Hi.” I smile, feeling a tad awkward. And then I wave.

  Which is even more fucking awkward.

  Jesus Christ.

  “I can see why you wanted to come back,” Cash says to Storm, a definite mischievous glint in his eyes. “I’d have come back too. So, Stevie”—he turns his attention to me—“you got any sisters?”

  “Uh, no. I have a brother.”

  “He look like you? I’ve never gone guy, but I’d be willing to try if he’s as hot as you.”

  I glance up at Storm, who just looks amused. I bring my eyes back to Cash. “Uh … no. He doesn’t look like me. And you definitely wouldn’t be his type.”

  “Fair enough. So, do you have any other relatives? Cousins? Actually, Storm, didn’t you say Stevie has a grandmother?”

  “For fuck’s sake,” Levi sighs. “We just got here, Cash. Don’t scare her. You scare her off, and Storm will be in a mood for-fucking-ever. You know what he’s been like this last week without her. Miserable as fuck.”

  So, he’s been miserable without me. Good to know.

  I slide my hand over Storm’s, linking my fingers with his.

  “Don’t worry. I don’t scare easily,” I say. “And you’re all staying here?” I glance back up at Storm when I ask this. “Not that I have a problem with it,” I add.

  Storm turns me to face him, keeping hold of my hand. “I’m here for good. The guys have just come with me while we do this album. We’re going to finish writing it here and then record it at a studio either here in town or one close by.”

  I smile, my heart warming in my chest. “They came here for you?”

  “Yep, we’re awesome like that,” Cash cuts in.

  “Yeah”—I nod, taking my eyes off Storm—“I’m getting that.”

  So, these are his friends.

  The kind of friends who would up and move four hours away from their home for the foreseeable future for him.

  That says a lot about them and everything about him.

  But then I already knew he was amazing.

  And I’m getting that his friends are kind of awesome too.

  “So, I’m guessing you all need a place to stay,” I say to Storm. “I know this great B&B.”

  He pulls me closer to him, his arms wrapping around my body. “That so?”

  I tilt my face up to his. “Yep. Thing is, there are only three rooms free. The rest are currently occupied. So, someone’s going to have to share.”

  His brow rises. “And who would that someone be sharing with?”

  I shrug, going for nonchalance. “I have a king-size bed.”

  “I volunteer as tribute,” Cash calls out from behind.

  And I laugh.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Storm says to him. “We’re having a moment.” Then, he lowers his mouth to mine and gently brushes his lips over mine. “So … I’m staying with you tonight then.”

  “Seems that way,” I hum against his mouth.

  “And what about all the nights after that?”

  I pull back a touch and stare into his eyes. “You can stay for all of those too, if you want.”

  The corners of his lips kick up into a smile, and it lights up my insides.

  “Damn fucking straight I want. I’m here to stay, babe. I ain’t going anywhere ever again.”

  Four Months Later

  “So, where exact
ly are we going?” Stevie asks me for the tenth time since we got in my car fifteen minutes ago.

  “I just want to show you something.”

  “But why can’t you tell me what it is before we get there?”

  “Babe, that kind of takes out the element of surprise. Has no one ever surprised you before?”

  “Of course they have. I have a brother who liked to surprise me with all kinds of shit when we were kids. I never got over the trauma of finding a skunk in my bedroom when I was ten. Hence why I’m not keen on surprises.”

  “Beck really did that?” I chuckle. “Put a skunk in your bedroom?”

  She gives me a look. “You’ve met him. What do you think?”

  “I think he’s funny as fuck—but not as funny as you, of course, babe,” I’m quick to say at her disgruntled expression.

  “Good save,” she says.

  I grin at her. “I thought so.”

  I’ve been living in Lake Havasu for four months now, and I’ve never been as happy as I am here with Stevie. And I don’t see that changing anytime—ever.

  I’ve been staying with Stevie in her room at the B&B in the part of the house her family occupies. Raze, Cash, and Levi have been renting rooms in the main B&B.

  We just finished recording the album, so technically, the guys should probably be heading back to LA because they were only here for the writing and recording of the album. But none of them seem to be making any moves to leave at the moment.

  And I’m just happy to have them here.

  I don’t miss LA at all. But I miss everyone I left behind there.

  Jake and Tru came to visit last month. It was good to see them. They absolutely loved Stevie, of course. She’s awesome.

  I said I’d take Stevie to LA to visit at some point. She still needs to meet Tom, Lyla, Den, Simone, Stuart, Smith, and all the kids.

  Stevie’s been in the studio a lot while we’ve been recording. She’s been so fucking supportive, and I love that about her.

  I played her the finished songs a few days ago. The songs she’d inspired. Which is basically the whole album.

  She loved them, and she wasn’t lying because she is nothing but honest.

  She’d never blow smoke up my ass.

  But she totally blew me after listening to those songs. And then I bent her over the mixing desk and took her hard and fast from behind.

  The studio was empty at the time.


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