Lion in Waiting: Tales of the Were (Grizzly Cove Book 15)

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Lion in Waiting: Tales of the Were (Grizzly Cove Book 15) Page 15

by Bianca D’Arc

  Georgio shut down the truck’s engine and got out. Matilda followed suit. She couldn’t wait to explore his territory. She’d seldom felt so welcome and at home in a place she’d never been before. What was it about Georgio’s home that made her feel so…comfortable?

  He led the way into the side door. There was a mud room where he had a washer and dryer, as well as the usual accoutrements of cleaning supplies and rain gear. It rained a lot in the Pacific Northwest, she knew, so she wasn’t surprised to see all sorts of boots, coats and jackets—some reflective safety wear and some in dark colors or even camouflage print. All were sized for Georgio’s enormous frame.

  “The kitchen is through here,” he said. “Can I get you anything?”

  “No, I’m good. That dinner was tremendous.”

  “Then, I suppose I’ll just give you the nickel tour. Is that okay?” He seemed uncertain, now that he had her in his house. Matilda smiled at him.

  “Honestly, I can’t wait to see the rest of this place. It’s just gorgeous from the outside,” she gushed. “It looks like part of the forest around it. It really fits into its surroundings.”

  He beamed. “I’m glad you think so. That’s what I was going for when I designed it,” he admitted.

  “I should have known,” she mused, not censoring her words as she walked into the kitchen and looked all around. “That’s why I find this place so comfortable. You designed it.”

  Georgio growled in that sexy way she’d come to recognize and crowded her against the center island of the large kitchen. He put his hands on the counter, one on either side of her hips as he moved right up close. His eyes met hers, and she recognized the desire in his gaze. It was the same desire that smoldered within her soul ever since they’d made love. It came to life instantly at his merest gesture, and for once, she didn’t mind at all.

  Her inner lioness didn’t mind being the big bear shifter’s plaything at all because she already knew he would do the same for her. They were compatible that way…and in a lot of other ways that made her think about making things more permanent with the bear than he was probably ready to contemplate.

  “You like my den?” he asked, the bear rumbling through his words.

  “What little I’ve seen of it, so far,” she admitted. “Yes, I like it a lot. But you know what I’d like even more?” Daring greatly, she rubbed up against him, her voice dropping to a whisper. “I’d like to be naked. With you. In me…”

  His inner bear growled deeper, his eyes sparking with the desire that was never very far away when he looked at her. She liked that. She liked knowing the power she had over him, and that she would never, ever abuse it. Just like she knew, deep in her heart, that he felt the same about her. She trusted him, and he demonstrated, with every action, that he trusted her, as well.

  That was a heady feeling. Male lions weren’t like that. At least, none of them had ever been so open with her.

  Maybe because none of them had been her mate.

  The thought gave her pause. Could it really be that the difference wasn’t just that Georgio carried a bear spirit within his soul? Could it also be that he was meant to be her other half?

  Her mate?

  The lioness didn’t reject the idea. Neither did her human side. But, then, Georgio leaned in close, joining his lips to hers, and all those too-serious thoughts were swept aside on a rising tide of passion. Damn. The man certainly knew how to kiss.

  In fact, after only one night together, it seemed he knew exactly what she liked and how to get her to go from zero to ready in just a few heartbeats. He took his time, though. They were safe now. In Grizzly Cove. In his home. Where nothing and nobody would interfere.

  She still couldn’t quite believe in her own safety, but after seeing the town and learning about the various magical protections around it, she knew it was a fact. It might take a little more time being free and secure before she took it for granted, but they’d made a good start today. They’d eaten dinner out, like normal people. She hadn’t done that in far too long. Not since before she and her little brother were captured.

  She’d spoken to Eamon briefly when she’d arrived in town, and Sam was already making plans to bring him to Grizzly Cove tomorrow. Sam, himself, was coming to speak to the Alpha bear and deliver her little brother. She suspected Sam wanted to see her in person, too. They would renew the bonds of Pride and Clan. He was her Alpha, after all, and she should be pining to see him after her ordeal…but…somehow, it wasn’t so bad.

  In the early days of her captivity and even after her escape, she’d longed to be in her Alpha’s strong presence, but ever since meeting Georgio, something had changed. Her inner lion didn’t pine so hard for her Alpha. No, it was happy to cuddle up to this strong bear, instead.

  That, more than anything, should have alerted her to just how important Georgio had become to her in such a short time. Whether that meant he was her mate or not, she wasn’t quite sure. Nothing had prepared her for the situation in which she now found herself. She didn’t know what she wanted or what her scattered thoughts really meant. All she knew, for sure, was how much she wanted Georgio in her life. In her bed. And everywhere else.

  And, right now, what she wanted most of all was no fabric between her body and his. As if he’d heard her thoughts, Georgio stepped back and did a slow striptease for her, pulling his shirt up over his massive shoulders, allowing her time to drink in the sight of him.

  Was it getting hot in here? Yes, it definitely was.

  She lowered her pants, stepping out of them so she was bare under the overly-long borrowed shirt. She kicked them away, not really caring where they ended up. She wouldn’t need them for a good long while. She hoped.

  Georgio’s hands trembled just the tiniest bit when he brought them to the fastening of his pants. She liked that she could do that to him. He was so strong and in control, otherwise. It was good to know she could make him tremble, because he certainly had the same power over her.

  She feared all he’d have to do was crook his little finger and she’d be following him around like a puppy. A dog. Cats seldom allowed themselves to become so dependent on another that they followed them around. Most lions would laugh at her for even thinking such things.

  But the bear never would. No, with Georgio, no matter what she did or said, he seemed to accept her just the way she was. She didn’t think he understood just how amazing that was to her. Maybe someday, she’d try to explain it to him, if they got the chance at a future.

  At the moment, the only thoughts she had for the immediate future were filled with lust, passion and unquenchable desire. She wanted another taste of the pleasure only Georgio had ever given her, and she wasn’t going to wait. Come to that, she wasn’t going to be all that civilized about it, either. Best he realize now that he was dealing with a lioness with major Alpha tendencies. She sensed he could take whatever she could dish out, and she reveled in the idea of having a partner as sure in his own skin as she was…or had been, before the abduction.

  Georgio was the one who was bringing her slowly back to the person she had been—albeit wiser—before her life had been turned upside down. She had so much to be thankful for. Most of all, she was thankful for Georgio’s presence in her life and the second chance she’d been given. She wasn’t going to waste it.

  She took a prowling step closer to him, putting one hand on his bare chest and the other going to meet his hands, near the waist of his pants. She met his gaze and smiled up at him.

  “Why don’t you let me?” she almost purred. His eyes widened then filled with heat as a growl rumbled deep in his chest.

  “You can do anything you want, honey. You don’t ever have to ask.” His hand squeezed hers down around his waist and then released. He rested both of his hands on her hips and nodded. “Do what you will.”

  She felt a little bubble of joy as she met his gaze. He was such a good man. More Alpha than almost any lion she knew. More than enough Alpha to be a match for her.

  She sank to her knees, holding his gaze all the way down.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Matilda grinned. Georgio practically had steam coming out of his ears, he was so turned on. Surprised, too, if she was any judge. Good. If there was anything she hated, it was being predictable.

  She broke eye contact to concentrate on the task at hand. The top button of his black cargo pants was undone, but there were more buttons straining around an erection she knew from firsthand experience was more than most women could handle. She liked the button-fly on his pants. It was old school. Quiet. Stealthy. Like a ninja. Or the experienced Spec Ops soldier he had proven himself to be. Zippers made noise, which could also be sexy in the right environment, but for now, the silence of the buttons sliding out of the cotton holes was satisfying enough.

  Matilda grinned as, one by one, she slid the buttons free, revealing more of his bronzed skin. Georgio had no tan lines. As a dominant bear shifter, he was probably used to sunning himself in the buff. His house was secluded enough that he could walk around here naked all the time and nobody would see him.

  Matilda wanted to be here. Watching him. Enjoying the delectable view, all the while knowing that she could tackle him and wrestle playfully with him on their way to immeasurable pleasure at any time. Wouldn’t that be something? To be able to claim him for her own…and be claimed in return…

  But there was pleasure to be had, right now, and deep thoughts could wait. She freed his straining cock from the binding cotton of his pants. He’d gone commando under the soft cotton of the cargo pants that felt like they’d been worn and washed many times, until they were perfectly broken in and as comfortable as they could get.

  He was well formed and large…all over. She knew from their previous night together that he fit her in every respect. She couldn’t wait to have him inside her, again, but right now, she had another treat in mind. She lowered his pants to the floor where he kicked them away. He’d kicked his shoes off sometime earlier, so there was no impediment.

  She wrapped her hand around him and leaned in close, reveling in the low growl she could hear coming from deep in his chest. She’d roused the bear, and her inner lioness liked the way he responded to her. Just as much as the human side of her liked Georgio’s very human responses. She’d done this only a few times before and always at the male’s urging. This time, she felt very much in charge, and she liked the difference. She also liked that, strong as Georgio was, he didn’t try to force or coax her into doing things his way. Quite the opposite, in fact. He dared her to explore her wants and desires, and they met as equals—something she’d seldom experienced with any man.

  Maybe bears were just different. Or, maybe, it was Georgio. He made all the difference.

  She leaned forward, licking him experimentally. He gasped, and his hips jerked a bit. She grinned. He liked that. She’d bet he’d like this next part even more.

  She put her lips on him, again, then took him inside her mouth, applying suction and using her tongue. When she was just getting into a rhythm, Georgio’s growl broke loose, and he lifted her by the shoulders, taking her away from her prize.

  “Sorry, but any more of that, and I’ll blow,” he told her as he lifted her onto the countertop of the center island. He stepped between her knees and drew her close.

  “Would that have been so bad?” she asked, pouting a bit as the heretofore unknown sex kitten within her came to the fore.

  Georgio brushed his lips against hers before replying. “It would have been amazing, but I want something different, right now. I want us to both feel pleasure. Together. What do you say to that?”


  He brushed his lips across hers, again, lingering a little longer this time.

  “I’m all for it.” She gasped as he took possession of her lips with his for a deep, drugging kiss.

  Georgio put his hands at her waist then pushed upward, gliding his rough palms over her bare skin, under the loose top. Everywhere he touched, goosebumps of excitement rose on her flesh. She didn’t have a bra on under the loose sweatshirt. Her clothing situation had been incredibly limited since her escape, but she hoped to remedy that now that she was in a town where there were shops.

  Tomorrow. That would be soon enough to get some proper underwear. For tonight, all she wanted was to be naked. With Georgio.

  He pushed her borrowed sweatshirt higher and cupped her breasts in his palms. Stars! That felt good. He knew just how to touch her to make desire grow. He broke off their kiss so he could pull the bulky sweatshirt up over her head, and she was glad to see it go.

  Then, they were skin to skin. She rubbed up against him as he moved closer. His cock was at the perfect height, and all she would have to do is scooch a little closer. Her position on the countertop would be a bit precarious, but she knew Georgio would never let her fall.

  “Don’t make me wait,” she breathed against his lips as he came close, again.

  “Are you sure?” His voice was ragged with passion, his desire matching hers.

  “So sure,” she told him, wiggling closer to him as best she could.

  He helped her and, a moment later, positioned himself at her entrance. His gaze met hers as he pushed forward, watching her reactions. It was one of the most intimate moments of her life, and she felt not a single shred of self-consciousness. All she wanted, in that moment, was Georgio. Inside her.

  And, then, he was. Glory be! It was as if they were always meant to be like this. Together. One.

  “All right?” Georgio asked, his gaze still holding hers.

  “Perfect,” she gasped, her breaths coming short and sharp as desire rode her. “More,” she cried out as he began to move…too slowly.

  He obliged, picking up his pace, and she came hard around him. Damn. That hadn’t taken much at all to light her up. But Georgio wasn’t through with her, yet. He rode her gently through her first orgasm, holding her and almost guiding her as the tremors of fulfillment shook her body.

  She settled down a bit, but to her surprise, her desire was still at a peak. She wanted more. No down time. Just…more.

  Georgio began, again, driving steadily into her as she clung to his strong shoulders. He was such a big, strong man. She loved the way his muscles felt under her fingers. So powerful. So alive.

  He began to speed his movements, and she rode the rising tide with him, her passion rising along with his. Coaxed by him. Joining him in the excitement of the moment and the beauty of their joining.

  Hard and fast now, he gave her exactly what she needed. She peaked, again, and this time, he joined her, growling loud and low, the sound starting in his chest and rumbling up through his throat. Primal. Strong. Absolutely drugging to her wilder senses. Damn.

  She clung to him as stars exploded inside her body. His arms wrapped around her, holding her close, making her feel safer and more…cared for…than she had ever felt with a man.

  Her mind naturally tiptoed around the idea of love, but she knew she was falling hard and fast…if she hadn’t already gone head over heels in love with the growly bear.

  Georgio rested his forehead against Matilda’s as they both came down from a tumultuous high. It was so hard to keep his feelings to himself. He wasn’t sure he could do it much longer, but he wanted to give her time to see the way he lived and what he could offer her.

  He’d been relieved to see that she liked his den on first approach. He wanted to show her the rest of it and get her approval. He wanted her to know that, if she’d only agree that they were meant to be together forever, they could live here—or someplace else. He’d go anywhere to be with her, even if she wanted to go back and live at the lion’s Clan Home. He’d do anything to be with her, including living among a bunch of snarly cats. That’s what mates did for each other.

  But he figured his home was as good a place as any to rest and heal. There was plenty of room. Her little brother could come to live with them here, if that’s what Eamon and Matilda wanted. Georgio
would welcome the boy into his family and extend his protection to him, without question.

  The house was large enough to accommodate them all, but he’d build on, if that’s what it took. He’d designed the place to be his private oasis of healing after nearly dying in a far off land. His friends had helped him build it when he still couldn’t manage to do it all on his own. He was much better, now, and he could add on to the place for Matilda. He’d do anything he had to do to convince her to share her life with him. As it was meant to be.

  For now, though, he wanted to make her comfortable and take care of her. She’d been through so much. She’d been on her own, in the wild, for too long. All his protective instincts came to the fore when he thought of what she’d been through, and his chest swelled with pride at the way she’d handled every adversity that had come at her. She was a hell of a woman, and he’d spend the rest of his life living up to her example.

  He picked her up in his arms—bum leg be damned. He was still strong enough to carry his mate, even if he limped a bit while doing it.

  “Where are we going?” she asked. He was glad she didn’t challenge him over putting strain on his crippled leg. He felt like he could move mountains after making love with his mate. If she questioned his abilities at this exact moment, he would probably growl at her, and he didn’t ever want to do that. Not ever.

  “I want to show you something. My own little oasis.” He walked deeper into the house, through the living room and on into the private spaces that he’d set up for his office, bedroom and the spectacular bath he’d designed.

  He pushed down on the handle—there were no knobs on any of the doors because handles were easier for his bear form to manage—and pushed into the excessively large bathroom he’d planned and executed with the help of his buddies. He issued verbal commands to turn the lights on low and start the water flowing into the giant tub.

  “Wow,” Matilda said as he set her on her feet. “You have this place wired for voice commands?” She picked up her feet and placed them back down, her eyes widening. “Heated floors, too?”


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