Beg For Mercy (Fate's Vultures, #2)

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Beg For Mercy (Fate's Vultures, #2) Page 14

by Jami Gray

  ‘Heya, Sage.’ From Mercy’s close-up position, she didn’t miss the real humour wiping away their woman’s earlier professional cheer. ‘Love your glasses.’

  ‘Thanks.’ Red-tipped fingers managed to hold on to the pen even as they tugged the frame down so hazel eyes could view over the top. They drifted over Mercy’s face then switched to the hard-to-miss man coming up behind her. ‘Love your accessory too.’

  The purred comment made Mercy’s grin widen even as Havoc’s palm settled into the small of her back, then he turned to the side, keeping both the room and the counter in view. ‘As much as I’d love to share, I’m looking for something a bit different.’ She paused as Sage accurately read between the unspoken lines. Her posture stiffened and her gaze snapped back to Mercy, the initial friendliness cooling. Before it hit deep freeze, Mercy added softly, ‘I’m hoping you can help.’

  ‘Shame, could’ve been fun.’ Sage nudged her glasses back into place and arched a sardonic brow. ‘What kind of help are you talking about?’

  ‘The information kind.’

  Thick lashes brushed the lenses as Sage narrowed her eyes, her lips thinning with obvious disapproval. ‘We don’t kiss and tell, sugar.’

  ‘Not asking for details,’ Mercy clarified. ‘Just looking for a possible direction to take.’

  At Mercy’s answer, Sage’s feathers settled but she didn’t lose her frown. ‘Ask.’

  ‘Last night, you get a trio of men not from around here but acted like king dicks?’

  Sage’s frown deepened and new lines appeared around her eyes. It took a few seconds, but she gave a slow nod.

  ‘Anyone catch where they’re staying?’

  Sage’s gaze went to Havoc as he shifted behind Mercy, then came back to her. ‘Think you have your hands full already there. Not smart to take on more trouble.’

  ‘Don’t have much of a choice.’ Besides Mercy liked Havoc’s brand of trouble. Speaking of which, she felt his hand on her spine disappear, then he crowded in behind her, his arm snaking around her waist.

  His fist appeared on the counter by her elbow, his fingers uncurled and two thin squares of silver slipped on to the counter snaring Sage’s attention. ‘Be grateful if you shared, Sage.’

  Mercy stifled the automatic shiver racing down her spine as Havoc’s rumble hit next to her ear. Damn man’s voice was hell on her libido. Delicately clearing her throat in an effort to regain her voice, Mercy added, ‘Just need a starting point, Sage.’

  Sage’s gaze met hers and it wasn’t hard to miss the mix of anger and fear turning her hazel eyes murky. She studied Mercy for a long moment, her thoughts well-hidden behind her sultry mask. Only when she slipped the credits across the counter and let them drop off the edge into her palm, did Mercy’s breath escape in relief. The credits vanished and Sage straightened. ‘I can’t give you one, but know someone who can.’ She turned, leaned over the counter to Mercy’s right and raised her voice, ‘Penny, come man the desk.’

  Twisting her neck to look over her shoulder because Havoc didn’t move away, Mercy watched the honey-skinned nail painter look their way. ‘Coming.’ She set aside her polish and dropped her feet to the ground. In an effort to preserve her work, she began the awkward walk on her heels, toes lifted as Sage moved to the far end of the counter.

  ‘You two.’ Sage got Mercy and Havoc’s attention. ‘Follow me.’

  They fell in behind her as she led the way towards the stairs leading up to the second floor. It wasn’t long before Sage stopped in front of a purple door decorated with stylised birds and flowers. Mercy and Havoc stayed to one side as Sage moved to the other and knocked twice. Inside, someone moved, and Mercy didn’t miss the shift of shadows and light at the gap at the base of the door. The sound of the lock releasing preceded the door opening just enough to frame a statuesque woman whose curves (top and bottom) did not quit. Those curves were currently contained in tight black pants and matching corset that did wonders for the creamy skin. Raven black hair so dark it carried blue highlights, curled over shoulders and framed a face that stunned Mercy.

  Irate steel blue eyes rimmed by midnight lashes swept over Mercy dismissively before snapping to Havoc. Her initial temper disappeared like smoke on the water and filled with something just as hot. Her aggressive stance shifted to sultry. Her eyes darkened. ‘Havoc.’ His name came out in a voice rife with invitation.

  Mercy didn’t need Havoc’s unenthusiastic return grunt of ‘Margo’ or the arm that suddenly wrapped around her waist, moving her into a shield position to recognise who answered Sage’s summons. Biting her lip, Mercy’s hands went to curl around his arm as she dropped her head so the grin she was trying to bury didn’t spread at Havoc’s not-so-subtle move. Guess he really didn’t like Margo’s attention. Not that she could blame him, because there was no doubt Margo wanted Havoc in the worst way, probably because he didn’t want her. It was there, in the way she looked at him, as if it was simply a question of when, not if, she set her talons into him.

  Luckily for Havoc, Margo would have to claw her way through Mercy first, and that was no easy feat.

  ‘Sorry to interrupt, Margo,’ Sage murmured, drawing Margo’s attention. ‘They’re here about the asshole from last night.’

  Mercy looked up at that, just in time to catch the change in Margo’s expression. Whatever fantasies she held of Havoc were swept away, leaving behind harsh lines of fury. ‘Why?’

  At Margo’s snapped question, Havoc’s muscles tightened under Mercy’s hands, but he didn’t keep Margo waiting. ‘Need to find him.’

  Unappeased, she took her hand from the door’s edge, propped one bare shoulder against the frame, and folded her arms over her chest. Mercy worried Margo’s corset would split its seams, but luckily, it held strong.

  ‘You going to fuck him up?’ Margo didn’t wait for his answer, but gave one of her own. ‘You’re going to fuck him up, and when you’re done, do it again for me.’

  ‘Happy to,’ Havoc said. ‘Want to share why?’

  Margo unfolded her arms and used a hand to push the door wider. ‘That’s why.’ The two words came out in a near sibilant hiss, her fury unmistakable.

  Mercy turned with Havoc to see a rumpled bed and on it, curled around a pillow, a spill of blonde hair that did not hide the bruised and battered face turned to the door. Havoc’s arm dropped away, and Mercy didn’t wait for an invite, but slipped by Margo, attention focused on the girl watching her with wary eyes.

  Behind her she heard Havoc’s low voice. ‘What the hell happened?’

  ‘The bastard beat her.’ Margo’s voice was equally low. ‘Skimped out on payment and hit the road before the security found her.’

  Reaching the bed, Mercy crouched down until she was eye level with the girl, curling her hands on the bed’s edge for balance. This close there was no missing the damage done to the girl. Margo needed new fucking security measures. ‘Hey, I’m Mercy.’ She met the cautious hazel eyes that were too damn old for her young face. Even the bruises and swelling couldn’t mask the innate prettiness of her features.

  Those old eyes studied her carefully, taking time coming to a decision. Finally, she spoke. ‘Jenni.’

  Her raspy voice, the kind of rasp that came from being choked, had Mercy’s hands tightening on the bed as anger whipped through her. She kept it from her face through sheer force of will, instead offering a small smile. ‘Jenni. Think you can answer a couple of questions for me?’

  Jenni’s gaze lifted and focused on Margo in silent query. Mercy didn’t bother turning to follow Jenni’s gaze, no point. If Margo didn’t want her girl to answer, she wouldn’t. Instead, Mercy took note of every bruise, every cut, the still red lines circling her wrists, and the ring of purpling finger marks chaining the delicate neck, all vicious reminders left by a twisted piece of shit. When she caught up to Felix, she’d be sure to return the favour.

  ‘Can try.’

  Jenni’s soft answer regained Mercy’s attention. Forcing thoughts
of revenge to the side, she focused on the girl. ‘I’ll make this as easy as I can. Don’t speak if a nod works, okay?’ Getting a nod in return, Mercy started. ‘The man who did this to you, he give you his name?’ Another nod. ‘Was it Felix?’

  This time she shook her head, but added, ‘Santo.’

  Who the hell was Santo? Someone new? If it wasn’t Felix, maybe there was more than one slimy ass bastard Cartel member scuttling about. Before Mercy could ask, Jenni kept going, inadvertently answering Mercy’s unasked questions. ‘Felix watched. Laughed.’ Her eyes darkened and shifted away, but not before Mercy caught the fear shining in the depths.

  A fear that left nausea curling in Mercy’s stomach. Motherfucker! Mercy’s grip tightened on the bed, leaving her knuckles white. It almost hurt to keep her voice soft. ‘Both men came up with you?’

  Another nod with eyes still averted.

  Recognising it for what it was, Mercy put it a stop to it. ‘Jenni, sweetie, look at me.’ She waited until those eyes came back to her. ‘Ever hear of Red Lacey?’ After the chin dip, she added, ‘Grew up in her house, so no judgement here, yeah?’

  Jenni studied her, probably searching for lies, but Mercy waited her out knowing none would be found. Sure enough, it took a few, but Jenni offered, ‘Heard it got wild there.’

  Wild wouldn’t be the word Mercy would use, but then again … ‘Yeah, it had its moments.’

  Seemingly reassured by Mercy’s shared history, Jenni shared more. ‘Took Santo up, things were going along, then Felix walked in.’ She stopped, swallowed and winced.

  Reading between the lines and recalling the restraint marks on Jenni’s wrists, Mercy took over. ‘Santo let him in while you were tied?’ Another nod. Right, which meant Santo belonged to Felix. ‘Then things went south?’ Another nod even as Jenni tried to curl tighter. ‘Okay,’ Mercy murmured, trying to ease the girl. ‘Just one more question and we’ll let you rest.’ After getting another nod, she asked, ‘Did either one of them tell you where they’re staying?’

  Jenni frowned. ‘Not staying.’

  Mercy bit her lip at that answer, her mind spinning. She expected Felix to stick around, especially since he hadn’t found her. That he didn’t bother, made her wonder what lit the fire under his ass. ‘They say where they were going?’

  Jenni’s nod was a bit hesitant. ‘Heard them when they thought I was out. Santo wanted to stay, but Felix was pissed. Said they were running out of time and needed to get to Salt Lake before shit hit the fan.’

  Shit like maybe the dam collapsing or shit like Mercy talking to the wrong people? Anticipation streaked through Mercy, warring with a deeper worry. Despite that, she couldn’t help but wonder if the damned fates were finally smiling on her. North was fucking perfect, considering her final destination lay in the same direction. Her worry came from the why behind the decision, but if she could catch up to Felix, maybe she’d get the answers she needed.

  Jenni shifted position and Mercy reached out to touch one of the few unmarred places on her arm. ‘Thanks, Jenni.’

  Those hazel eyes turned to her, a hardness edging in. ‘You’ll find him? Make him pay—’ she waved a hand down her body, ‘—for this?’

  Mercy didn’t hesitate with her promise. ‘Yeah.’ She held Jenni’s gaze and let a little of her true self shine through, just for a moment. ‘He’ll pay.’

  Seeing it, Jenni smiled. Not big because of her split lip, but it was enough. ‘Good.’

  It was Mercy’s turn to nod, then she straightened and turned back to those watching by the door. Havoc’s face was blank, so blank, Mercy was certain what simmered underneath was not at all pretty. Margo’s gaze left Jenni, the soft edges disappearing as she shifted her attention to Mercy. Those spectacular eyes sharpened with speculation and questions formed. Questions she intended to ask, but, Mercy guessed, not in front of her girls. Sure enough, Mercy made her way to Havoc’s side, Margo’s eyes on her the whole time. It was only when she reached Havoc that Margo said, ‘Sage, honey, sit with Jen for me?’

  Once Sage was settled with Jenni, Margo turned to Havoc and Mercy. ‘Minute of your time before you leave?’

  ‘All we got to give,’ Havoc said.

  Margo raised a brow but turned on a booted heel and led the way. Mercy trailed Havoc to a set of stairs tucked at the end of the hall. They followed Margo’s swinging hips up to the third floor. When they stepped out of the stairwell, it became clear this was Margo’s private domain. This was because instead of a line of doors, there were only two, one near the stairs, the other further down the hall. Margo went to the nearest one, threw open the door and strode inside.

  As the last one through, Mercy closed the door and took in Margo’s office. At some point someone got creative and knocked down walls to make two rooms into one big, functional space. The windows (Mercy counted six) along the back wall were covered in sheers, letting light flood the space. On the far side, overstuffed couches and chairs gathered around a stone fireplace. The other side was taken by a massive desk, the kind rarely found anymore. Made Mercy wonder who managed to scavenge such a monstrosity around here. Wasn’t like Page wouldn’t be lost if dropped into, say, New Seattle where such a piece of art would make sense. A desk like that—polished stone top, equally polished dark wood, wide enough to lay on and stretch your arms out—was proof Margo’s business was damn good.

  Margo went straight to the mammoth desk, hitching her hip on its edge and dove right in. ‘Who the hell is Felix?’

  Content to let Havoc deal with Margo, Mercy looked around, spied a chair off to the side, and made a move to it. It was close enough if she needed to come to Havoc’s rescue, she could. She went to take a step only to stop when Havoc’s warm hand curled around her wrist, holding her in place. She glanced back to find, other than his hand on her, his attention was centred on Margo. ‘Cartel.’

  His move wasn’t lost on Margo, but at his answer the glare she had aimed at his hold shifted to his face. Her eyes narrowed, disgust curling her lip. ‘Again? Don’t they ever learn?’ Her gaze flicked dismissively over Mercy, only to return to Havoc and study him. The hunger from earlier made a return and even Mercy couldn’t miss the ownership vibe. So it was no surprise when Margo slipped off the desk, walked into Havoc’s personal space as if Mercy wasn’t even there, and put a hand on his shoulder. ‘Who started it this time?’ She leaned closer and tilted her head. ‘You or them?’

  The fingers on Mercy’s wrists flexed. ‘Does it matter?’ Havoc’s voice was as hard as his face leaving no doubt of his unhappiness with Margo’s play.

  ‘No, I guess it doesn’t.’ Something Mercy didn’t understand washed over Margo’s face. Her hand drifted from his shoulder and down his arm. ‘You ever going to finish feeding that demon?’

  The air around Havoc went from cool to subzero, but Mercy barely noticed because the depth of implied shared history in Margo’s question scraped across Mercy like a skein of nettles. The unexpected sting locked her spine and self-preservation finally kicked in. She tugged against his grip, wanting to step clear of whatever this was these two had going on. Unfortunately, Havoc had other ideas, because his grip remained solid, holding her in place. ‘Told you before, that demon doesn’t exist. Even if it did, not yours to tame.’

  Ouch! Even Mercy flinched at that.

  Margo took the hit, the hand on his arm going tight at his bicep, tight enough Mercy could see the indent of her nails. Colour rose under Margo’s skin, her mouth going tight. ‘For something that doesn’t exist, sure as hell gets your ass into trouble more times than not, doesn’t it?’ Havoc stared at her, the tension between them rising. The stare down continued until Margo finally let go and stepped back, but not before saying softly, ‘Be careful it doesn’t swallow you whole.’

  The hold on Mercy’s wrist finally released, but the heat of his touch lingered. She fought the urge to rub at her tingling skin as she watched Margo turn and walk around the desk, trailing her fingers along the top. ‘Cartel doesn�
��t normally wander this far north, makes me wonder, why now?’ She stopped, putting the desk between her and Havoc, and braced her hands on the surface. ‘I don’t need their kind of shit, so need to know if this is a singular situation or will there be others looking for you?’

  Deciding it might be best to refocus Margo’s attention before Havoc let loose with the temper still swirling around him, Mercy finally spoke. ‘They won’t be looking for him, just me.’

  That snapped Margo’s head around. ‘And you are?’

  Mercy gave Margo credit, she had arrogant bitch down pat. Too bad it was wasted on her. ‘According to the big guy, trouble.’ She held Margo’s glare, giving her a big, old grin in reply. ‘Not to worry, though. We’ll be heading out so won’t be trouble for you.’

  Margo turned back to Havoc. ‘Trouble?’

  Obviously having enough of Margo, Havoc shifted his weight and turned to the door. ‘Appreciate you letting us talk to your girl, Margo, but we need to hit the road.’ He shot Mercy a look.

  Reading it accurately, Mercy turned to leave, leaving Havoc to follow.

  She didn’t get far before Margo decided to take the arrogant bitch from act to reality. ‘You’ve got a bounty on your head, girl.’

  Mercy stopped, feeling Havoc do the same behind her. Pivoting on her heel, she stepped around his big frame, propped her hands on her hips and faced Margo. ‘Yep, I do.’

  Margo’s lips tightened, a malicious light rising in her eyes. ‘You worth it?’

  Mercy let her lips curl even as she began calculating all the different options available to ensuring Havoc never had to worry about his virtue again. Proving she might be a massive bitch, but she was also an observant one, Margo paled. Happy to see it, Mercy answered, ‘More than, actually.’ She didn’t wait for Margo’s response, and neither did Havoc. Together they walked out, leaving Margo behind.

  Chapter 15

  As evening closed in, Havoc led Mercy into Salt Lake, taking the road that ran along the foot of the Wasatch Front. What used to be a well-organised city sprawled in the valley between the Wasatch Mountains and the Great Salt Lake, was now a lakeside community. After years of flooding and crazy ass weather, the Great Salt Lake and the surrounding underground rivers reclaimed their ancient paths and left the western half of Salt Lake City drowning underwater. Wanting to keep their feet dry, residents moved east and tugged their homes up the slopes of the Wasatch Mountains.


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