Kodiak's Heart

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Kodiak's Heart Page 3

by Lacey Thorn

  “Emersyn,” she replied, appalled to realize she’d been speaking to him the whole time without sharing her name. Lord, the man made her lose her mind.

  “Mama Em,” Ruby agreed with an enthusiastic nod of her head. “She my mama.”

  “Yes, she is,” he agreed. “Ready to go get breakfast? Maybe, I’ll have a surprise or two for you, little bear,” Laramie said.

  “I yike papwises,” Ruby gushed, clapping her hands together.

  “Where’s Malachi?” Laramie asked, turning back to Emersyn.

  “Daddy go away. Wuby ‘tect Mama Em. Daddy ‘tects Daddy.”

  “He didn’t say where he was going,” Emersyn offered softly. “Only that he’d found a string to pull and needed me to bring Ruby here.”

  “Needed you both here, right Ruby?”

  “I ‘tect Mama,” Ruby agreed, giving a little growl at the end.

  “Laramie—” Emersyn began, but he cut her off.

  “We’ll talk at the house. Why don’t you drive up and park in front while Ruby and I walk? That sound good, Ruby?”

  “I yike to walk,” Ruby agreed as she wiggled to get down. Once on her feet, she bounced before holding one foot up to show off her footwear. “I yike my boots. Pweety pink boots.”

  Laramie nodded. “Very nice boots.”

  “Pweety,” Ruby corrected.

  “Pretty,” Laramie agreed.

  Ruby held her hand up, and Emersyn almost laughed as Laramie held his out to the little girl. Ruby wrapped her fingers around his pinky before leading him back the way he must have come from. They’d gone a few feet before Emersyn remembered she was supposed to be driving up to the house. She wondered what he’d meant by a surprise or two. He hadn’t finished saying what it was, but a sense of foreboding filled Emersyn’s belly as if a thousand butterflies had taken flight.

  She hurried to the SUV and caught up with them. Laramie finally led Ruby to the side of the road so Emersyn could pass. She hurriedly pulled in front of the house, turned the engine off and dodged out, leaving the keys in the ignition as she went to hurry back to them. Until a man stepped out in front of her. It was easy to tell from his resemblance to Laramie that he must be one of the other Holloway brothers Malachi had told her of.

  “Whoa, there.” He stepped right into her path, blocking her way to Ruby. There wasn’t a lot she could do without giving herself away. She’d hidden what she was her whole life. No one knew she was a bear shifter. Her mother had created the pheromone blocker pills Emersyn took daily. Her father had been adamant no one know she carried a Kodiak inside. So, she’d been hidden, thought to be human as it was assumed her mother had been.

  “I’d like to join your brother and my daughter, please,” Emersyn said instead, trying to dodge around him. This time, a woman blocked her path.

  “You smell like Malachi.” A growl rumbled as familiar green eyes took her measure.

  “I… What… Who…” Emersyn shook her head in shock.

  “Where’s my brother?” the woman demanded, hands fisting at her sides as her stance widened.

  “You’re dead. We were told you were all killed. I… He has no idea you’re alive.” She recalled everything Malachi had told her about his sisters. “You’re one of the twins. Sidia? Or Jaeda?”

  “Sidia,” the man answered. “My mate.”

  Emersyn couldn’t contain the emotions spilling through her. Malachi was her best friend, stepping into the empty space left behind when they’d both lost her cousin. There’d never been anything romantic, never could be. She loved him like a brother, and he’d taken her as another sister. God, he’d be so ecstatic to learn one of his siblings still survived. She stepped into Sidia and pulled the shorter woman close for a hard hug. Tears spilled from her eyes, but she didn’t care.

  “I… You don’t know what this will mean to Malachi. He thought he’d lost everyone. Except Ruby.”

  “Who’s Ruby?” Sidia asked, pushing back from the hug.

  A small form came hurdling at them, knocking into Sidia and almost sending her to the ground if not for the quick hands of her mate. Ruby stood in front of Emersyn growling, her small body vibrating with the rumbles coming from her throat.

  “Hey, baby bear,” Emersyn said, squatting down beside her. “What’s wrong?”

  “She make you cwy,” Ruby yelled and bared her teeth at Sidia.

  “Oh, my God,” Sidia whispered as her gaze bounced between Ruby and Emersyn.

  “Good tears,” Emersyn vowed to Ruby. “Happy ones.”

  “Happy?” Ruby asked.

  Emersyn nodded. “Remember how Daddy said he’d lost his family in the attacks?”

  Ruby nodded. “Yike Mama.”

  “Yes,” Emersyn agreed. “But we were wrong. Daddy didn’t lose everyone. This is your dad’s sister, Sidia.”

  Ruby glanced at the other woman and bared her teeth again. “I don’t yike her. She make Mama cry. Make Wuby mad.” She growled again, and Emersyn wrapped the tiny girl close, lifting and cuddling her.

  Ruby rubbed against Emersyn’s neck, her thumb going into her mouth. She was tired. It had been a long road trip for both of them. Traveling cross country with a four-year-old filled with boundless energy wasn’t easy. Especially when all that energy was corralled into a moving vehicle for most of the journey.

  Sidia gave a soft sob, and her mate growled. Emersyn felt her bear rise to the surface, ready to jump out and defend the cub they’d accepted as theirs. Before she could do anything though, a large palm cupped her hip as Laramie joined them.

  “What’s going on?” he demanded, running a hand down Ruby’s hair.

  “I don’t yike them,” Ruby declared, the words mumbled against Emersyn’s throat.

  “What the hell did you do, Koby?” Laramie demanded, and Emersyn realized Sidia had mated with the brother Malachi said was the alpha’s right hand.

  “Me?” the other man snapped, his chin up as if Laramie had hit him with more than a verbal spar. “You seriously think I’d do anything to harm a little girl.”

  “Malachi’s daughter,” Sidia inserted, and Emersyn nodded though it hadn’t been a question.

  “I don’t yike ‘em,” Ruby yelled, lifting her head and bellowing for everyone to hear.

  “Shh, baby bear,” Emersyn said and bounced the little girl on her hip. A complete meltdown was imminent if she didn’t get Ruby inside and settled. She kept mumbling her dislike while Emersyn smoothed her palm up and down Ruby’s back.

  “Maybe, we could table this until later,” Emersyn suggested. “I’d like to get Ruby settled. Quickly,” she added as the mumbling became interspersed with hiccups, a sure sign tears were coming soon.

  “I’ll show you to a room upstairs,” Sidia said, stepping closer.

  Ruby’s little head lifted, and she growled again, lifting a hand with fingers curled as if to strike.

  “Ruby!” Emersyn admonished, pressing the hand against her chest. While tantrums were common, aggressive behavior was not.

  “Come here, little bear,” Laramie said, and Emersyn was taken by surprise when Ruby lifted her arms and went willingly to him.

  “You ‘tect Ruby. Ruby ‘tect Mama,” she said and gave another growl.

  “She’s not usually like this,” Emersyn felt compelled to share. But then Ruby had never been completely uprooted from her home and sent away from her father. Ruby might be four, but there was no hiding the seriousness of the matter from her. She completely understood her father might not come back to her. Emersyn hated Ruby’s fear, even as she felt it herself. The only thing keeping her from going after Malachi was Ruby, and the damn man knew it.

  “She’s fine,” Laramie said. “Tired and hungry. I’ll take you both to a room where you can rest then bring you food as soon as it’s ready.” He glanced at Sidia. “Be patient, little sister. Give her time.”

  Sidia nodded, leaning into her mate.

  “Em.” Laramie’s
hand pressed against her hip, urging her to walk with him as he headed toward the door. She took in everything as she walked inside. A young woman hovered at a desk across the way. She stood to attention as soon as Laramie entered.

  “Who’s this?” the woman demanded, glaring at Emersyn then Ruby.

  “Not now, Jemma,” Laramie snapped, and Emersyn was happy to see the girl pause, though her glare grew stronger.

  “This way.” He motioned Emersyn toward a staircase that led down.

  “Why is she—”

  Jemma’s question was cut off abruptly when Laramie turned and growled at the younger woman. Ruby, not to be outdone, lifted her head and growled with him.

  “I don’t yike you,” Ruby yelled.

  Emersyn was pretty sure she heard Laramie mutter his agreement, but the wail her baby bear let loose made it hard to be sure.


  His command was loud and clear, and she picked up her pace to follow him. He led them down a hallway and paused at one of the doors before moving a few feet farther to the one at the end of the corridor then opening it.

  “You two can use this room for now. I’ll let you get Ruby settled, then we’ll talk.”

  He walked toward the large bed that dominated the space. He eased Ruby out of his arms and lay her down. When the wails grew louder, Emersyn stepped into action. She reached Ruby in a few strides and removed Ruby’s boots first. Then she stripped the little girl down to her shirt and undies.

  “If you’ll grab our bags from the vehicle and bring them in, I’d appreciate it,” Em said, without taking her gaze away from Ruby.

  “I’ll be back in a minute,” he promised, and she heard the soft snick of the door closing as he left.

  He’d brought Em and Ruby to his room. As that knowledge clicked into place, she scooped up Ruby and cuddled her close, rocking the girl in her arms. Ruby nuzzled Em’s throat, settling against her as lethargy weighed down the little girl.

  “I want Daddy,” Ruby mumbled then sniffled.

  “I know, baby. He’ll join us soon.” God, she hoped so. If Malachi did anything stupid enough to get himself killed, she’d find him and kill him again herself.

  “I don’t yike it hewe,” Ruby muttered. Em could tell by the tone that Ruby was fading fast.

  “You like Laramie,” Em reminded her. Hell, Ruby had taken to Laramie Holloway quicker than Em had seen her take to anyone.

  Ruby nodded against her neck.

  “If you like him, then his brothers can’t be that bad. Right?”

  Another nod.

  “And you love your daddy. Daddy loves his sister.”

  Ruby clung tighter, a whimper leaving her mouth.

  “Shh, baby bear. I’ve got you.”

  “I don’t yike her,” Ruby whispered, a shiver going through her. Em didn’t question it. Whatever was going through Ruby’s mind, they’d work it out after they’d both rested.

  “I’ve got you, baby,” she promised. She hummed a lullaby as she rocked Ruby in her arms. Her girl was so tiny, making Em believe she’d take after Amber’s diminutive height.

  After a few minutes, she balanced Ruby against her shoulder and used her free hand to tug the covers down on the bed. It took some maneuvering and a bit of soothing, but she managed to transfer Ruby from her arms to the mattress, scooting her toward the center, so she could wedge pillows around her. She was tucking covers and brushing blonde curls out of Ruby’s face when the door opened behind her. She didn’t need to glance over her shoulder to know who was there. His presence filled the room.

  “We need to talk.”

  His voice was close, closer than she’d expected. Still bent over, half on the bed, she turned to look at him and found herself eye level with a solid bulge encased in tight denim. She wanted to lean forward and nuzzle him there. Maybe, sink her teeth in and give him a nibble.

  He cleared his throat, and she forced her gaze upward.

  “I’m happy to oblige,” he offered. “But not with a baby bear in my bed.”

  What the hell was the matter with her? She pushed off the mattress, moving around Laramie and stalking to the other side.

  “Hell,” he muttered. “That was crass. Sorry.”

  “What is it about you?” she questioned, meeting his gaze across the bed.

  “I’m irresistible,” he offered, and she snorted a laugh.

  “Arrogant,” she countered.

  Laramie shrugged. “We still need to talk.”

  “I don’t want to leave her here.”

  “Little bear will be fine here. No safer place for her than this room.”

  “Your room,” Emersyn stated quietly.

  His answer was another shrug that wasn’t an answer at all. Then he held out his hand. “Come with me so Ruby can sleep. We really do need to talk.”

  “Just the two of us?”

  He shook his head. “As much as I’d like to be alone with you, not yet. We’ve been waiting to hear from Malachi. He sent you. We need to find out where he is, what he’s doing, and why he sent you and Ruby here. You might have questions for me, too.”

  “I do,” Emersyn agreed.

  “Then let’s go. ‘Cause I’m warning you, Emersyn. The safest place for you right now is in a roomful of people.”

  “Why’s that?” she asked.

  “Because I want to fuck you until the only scent I smell on you is mine.”

  Chapter Four

  Emersyn took a deep breath as she preceded Laramie out of his bedroom. It didn’t sit well with her to leave her baby girl alone in an unfamiliar house. What if Ruby woke up? She might not be able to find Emersyn.

  “Ruby will be fine.” Laramie’s voice was deep, husky, and she felt the weight of his lust as intimately as she did the breath that tickled her ear at his assurance.

  “I don’t like leaving her alone.”

  “She won’t be. Jaeda will sit with her.”

  Emersyn stopped, jerking around to face him with wide eyes. “Jaeda’s alive, too?”

  He nodded. “There’s a lot you don’t know. Thus, the talk.”

  “I… Malachi has no idea. He thinks he’s lost everyone except Ruby.”

  “And you,” Laramie added softly.

  “And me,” Emersyn agreed. “If he knew the twins were alive. God, I have to get in touch with him.”

  Laramie’s hand planted on the small of her back, turning her around and urging her toward the stairway leading up to the main floor. A door opened, and Em turned to see a woman who looked remarkably like Sidia walk toward Laramie’s door. The hair was longer, but one glance showed the same green eyes her baby bear had.


  “Ruby will be fine,” Laramie said again, pressing his palm to urge Emersyn to keep moving.

  It was only her need for answers that got her feet moving. That and the sooner the talking was done, the sooner she could get back to Ruby. At the top of the stairs, she met the glare of the younger woman again. She thought Laramie had called her Jemma. The woman definitely didn’t like Emersyn. She had a feeling it had a lot to do with Laramie and his attention to Emersyn.

  She kept quiet though and continued walking where Laramie directed. He was a solid presence at her side. It would be so easy to lean into him, soak up some of his heat and strength, but it was a luxury she couldn’t allow herself. Her bear was already riding close to the surface where he was concerned, and the last thing she needed was to encourage it.

  Had she taken her blocker that morning?

  The stray thought had her pausing, catching Laramie unaware and making him step into her. For a brief moment, she felt the press of his body against hers. For the first time in too long, she let down her guard and leaned into him. His hands cupped her hips, fingers squeezing briefly as his mouth dropped to her ear.

  “Nothing to be afraid of, Em. I’ll protect you.”

  She closed her eyes and forced herself to step away. Sh
e had a feeling he couldn’t protect her from what might have her throwing away a lifetime of caution. Him. What was happening to her?

  He inhaled, lowering his head to her shoulder and dropping a kiss there. He inhaled again.

  “What?” she asked.

  “You’re human?” It was a question. Again, she briefly questioned if she’d remembered to take her blocker that morning. But she must have. Regardless of the hectic road trip. It was habit for her.

  “Of course.” She laughed, playing off his question as she moved farther away from him. “Why would you ask that?”

  His blue eyes glowed briefly, and she knew what was happening. Knew his bear was close to the surface. Exactly where she didn’t need it to be. Her father had told her Kodiak’s were a breed all their own. Bigger. Better. Stronger. Maybe ego, but she chose to think there was truth to it. When she’d been younger, her mother had told her, when the time came, she’d know her mate instantly. No questions. As it had been with her parents. One look and her parents had known. She glanced at Laramie again, and her heartbeat kicked up. God, what she wouldn’t give to have her father with her now.

  Laramie shrugged and continued walking, his palm once more pressing against her lower back, feeling like a brand as it heated her skin.

  She stepped into an office. Desk on one side. Two chairs, a love seat, and two couches on the other. She recognized Koby and Sidia from earlier and placed the others as brothers from what Malachi had shared. Her step faltered again as she took in another woman. She couldn’t allow Laramie to know she could scent the familial bond that proclaimed the woman a Blackstone. She forced her legs to move again and noticed the hush that fell when Laramie pressed her into one of the chairs. It didn’t take a genius to figure out why. It was his chair. What the hell was he thinking? She started to stand, but his hand fell on her shoulder, keeping her in place while he loomed beside her. A bodyguard. And everyone in the room seemed to note it.

  Sidia was the one to break the tense silence. “Where’s Malachi?”

  “I…” Emersyn stalled, trying to remember exactly what Malachi had told her to share, the things he’d wanted kept between the two of them until she heard from him in three days. God! Three of his sisters were alive. Maybe, that would bring him back to them quicker. Or maybe, she could go after him. That thought gave her pause. She glanced around the room, paying close attention to the two women. Could she trust them with her baby bear?


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