Kodiak's Heart

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Kodiak's Heart Page 5

by Lacey Thorn

  “I…” She stopped, and a breath shuddered out of her.

  He reached out and brushed his thumb across her lip, noting the tiny smear of blood. “Did you bite yourself?”


  “Your lip’s bleeding,” he informed her and frowned as she jerked a hand up to cover her mouth, eyes going wide. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I… I didn’t get any blood on you, did I?”

  “No,” he lied, hiding the smear on his thumb for some reason. He didn’t question it.

  “Laramie,” she began, but he shook his head, cutting her off.

  “Don’t say anything that’ll piss me off. This isn’t just lust. It will happen again, only next time I plan to be buried deep inside you when I come. Malachi may have been the one who sent you here, but you don’t belong to him.”

  “I don’t belong to anyone,” she assured him.

  He smiled, the smile of the beast within him.

  “Yes, you do,” he countered, licking his lips and watching her flush at the reminder of what he’d done. “Every inch of you belongs to me. Including those sexy sounds you make when you come and the sweet nectar coating my tongue and throat.”

  “We can’t—”

  “We will. Again and again,” he assured her before adding a warning that had her snapping her mouth closed. “As you saw, my dick’s still hard and ready to go a second round. Trust me when I tell you, another denial from your lips right now will end with you bent over while I work my cock up your tight pussy. And the screams I’d pull from you will wake the whole damn house.”


  He smiled again. “We both know it wouldn’t take much to have you purring for me again,” he vowed. “I heard a lot of pretty sounds from you, baby. Not a single no.”

  Her gaze narrowed, but she kept her lips shut. Smart woman. They both knew he was right. “Towels and washcloths are in the cabinet to your right.” He stopped and shook his head. “God, woman, you take my breath. I’ll be thinking about you all night. Imagining you sliding naked between my sheets. Soon, it’ll be the two of us in that bed, with me sliding into you. All night long.”

  She swallowed but said nothing. Her control was commendable. He wanted her to challenge him, to deny him, to say anything that would give him a reason to prove otherwise.

  “I’ll see you in the morning,” she offered as she finally broke their gaze to bend and work off her other shoe before tugging off her pants. She stood before him proud and tall, not the least bit bashful to be naked while he still wore far too many clothes. “Good night, Laramie.”

  “Good night, Emersyn. Dream of us,” he encouraged. He leaned in to kiss her, but she turned her head at the last minute, so he pressed his lips to her temple instead. It took all he had to step out of the bathroom and close the door quietly behind him. He wanted to stay. It ached to leave her. What the hell would he do? He’d told her she belonged to him, and she did. They belonged. Yet it was all wrong. While his entire pack expected him to take a mate, none of them expected it to be a human woman who’d shown up out of the blue. One with a little girl who called her mom, one who smelled like Malachi Blackstone.

  He crossed to the bed and glanced down at Ruby. She was curled on her side, blonde curls so like Emersyn’s swept back off her face. Maybe, he was thinking with his dick as Xandra had accused, but there was no denying the little girl was Malachi’s daughter. His scent covered her. Not to mention the same big, green eyes as both Sidia and Jaeda.

  Ruby mumbled something in her sleep, and a tiny whimper left her. Laramie automatically reached out to soothe her.

  “You’re safe, baby bear. I won’t let anything hurt you here. Promise.”

  She stilled as if accepting his vow. He prayed he’d be able to keep his promise. Because he was smart enough to know Malachi had sent them to him for a reason. The man was placing himself in danger, of that Laramie was certain. What did Malachi know? Was there a connection between the attacks on the two bear dens? There had to be. Laramie didn’t believe in coincidences. He had to talk to Malachi, had to find out where the man was and how he could help. Malachi wasn’t the only man who’d lost family. Far too many of them had.

  He heard the shower start behind the bathroom door and stood. He had to leave the room before the thought of Emersyn naked under the spray of water was too much to fight and he walked in to join her. The smear on his thumb caught his eye as he reached for the doorknob. Without thought he brought it to his mouth and sucked it off. His nostrils flared, and he licked his lips, longing for a better taste.

  His bear pressed hard beneath his skin, rising as something called to them both. He forced his feet to move as he slipped quietly from the room and headed upstairs to catch a few hours of sleep in one of the empty rooms there. Something tickled at his senses. Something that didn’t quite make sense.

  He stepped onto the main floor, and his temper spiked when he saw Jensen there. There was no question his brother had been waiting for him.

  “Hey, got a sec?”

  “What is it?” Laramie snapped, and his temper threatened the tight leash he held on it when his brother inhaled before meeting Laramie’s gaze. “Don’t.”

  Jensen sighed. “Be careful. We don’t know anything about this Emersyn. What’s her last name?”

  Laramie clenched his teeth. No way was he admitting he hadn’t even asked. Fuck!

  “I’m just saying. Tonight was a start, but there’s a lot more we need to learn. There’s something about her.”

  Laramie growled.

  “I don’t mean like that,” Jensen snapped. “Just be cautious. Use your head. The one with the brain in it.”

  “Jensen.” Laramie let his brother hear his annoyance.

  “What pack is she speaking of? Where is Malachi? Why would he send his daughter here? When were they attacked? By who? And does it have anything to do with Lawrence Walker? And where the hell did she come here from?”

  “Plates say Washington state,” Laramie answered. “The rest we’ll discuss in the morning. I appreciate the concern, brother, but she was dead on her feet and chomping at the bit to get back to her daughter.”

  “Malachi’s daughter,” Jensen added.

  “Yes,” Laramie agreed.

  “And you’re sure they’re not together?”

  Laramie thought of where he’d had his mouth moments ago, where he’d like to have it again soon. He knew his brother smelled Em on him and tried his best to understand the concern instead of letting it piss him off. “Yeah, I’m sure. Let it go, Jensen. For now. For me. Let it go.”

  Jensen stared at him for a long moment before finally nodding. “She’s human, Laramie.”

  “I know who she is,” he growled.

  “I hope so,” Jensen growled back.

  Laramie watched his brother walk away then turned and headed upstairs. He took the first available room and shut the door before kicking off his shoes and falling on the bed. He wanted to be in his own bed, wrapped around Emersyn, but he knew that couldn’t happen. Yet. He would have her, for more than a lover. For his mate. When it came to Emersyn, he and his bear were in complete agreement. The woman was theirs. Period.

  Chapter Six

  Emersyn woke up to bouncing and giggles. She’d been having the most erotic dream, starring none other than the alpha de jour, Laramie Holloway.

  Little fingers lifted her eyelid, and there was Ruby’s face. “Wake up, Mama. I hungwy.”

  Emersyn opened her eyes and pulled Ruby to her, tickling her sides. Ruby’s giggles were one of her favorite sounds in the whole world. “You’re hungry, huh?”

  “I’s stawfing,” Ruby assured her.

  “Well, then, maybe, we should get dressed and see if we can find the kitchen.”

  “My new fwiend is gonna make pannycakes,” Ruby said, and Emersyn glanced around until it dawned on her Ruby was still thinking of what Laramie had said last night.

hat was last night, baby bear. Laramie may not remember this morning.”

  Ruby glared, crossing her arms over her chest. “But I want pannycakes!”

  “Oh, no, you don’t.” Emersyn warned. “I’ll have none of that. You’ll be a nice, polite young lady, or you’ll spend the rest of the day in this room by yourself. Do I make myself clear?”

  Ruby’s bottom lip trembled, and big, crocodile tears filled her eyes. “I sowwy.”

  Emersyn scooped her up and cuddled her close. “We’re going to be okay, baby. I promise.”

  “I be good giwl.”

  “I know you will. Let’s go brush our teeth and get ready,” Emersyn said as she slipped off the bed and held out her arms for Ruby.

  “Then pannycakes?” Ruby asked.

  “Then we’ll see if we can find some pancakes,” Emersyn agreed.

  They brushed their teeth, then she put Ruby in the shower which turned into her taking another shower so she could wash Ruby. Finally, they were dressed, with Ruby wearing her pink cowboy boots again, and heading out of Laramie’s room in search of the kitchen. They’d barely closed the door when the girl from the other day stepped out of an alcove as if she’d been waiting for them.

  “Don’t get too accustomed to that room,” Jemma warned. “You won’t be spending much time there.”

  Ruby growled and kicked out, catching the other woman on her shin with the toe of her boots.

  “Watch it, you little brat!” Jemma snapped and lifted her hand.

  Emersyn stepped in front of Ruby, anger flashing in her eyes. “Don’t you ever raise a hand to my daughter, or I’ll rip you apart with my bare hands.”

  “Whatever,” Jemma muttered, but she gave Emersyn a strange look. Then she inhaled. “Stupid human.”

  She turned and went back the way she’d come, disappearing into the shadows that must lead to the floor below them Jaeda had started to tell Emersyn about the day before. As if her thoughts had conjured the other woman, a door opened down the hall, and Jaeda stepped out.

  “Hello,” she called as she hurried to meet them. She dropped to her knees in front of Ruby and held out a hand. “I’m Jaeda. You must be Ruby. I’ve been dying to meet you.”

  Ruby wrapped an arm around Emersyn’s leg and clung there as she eyed Jaeda. The other woman made no move, just sat back on her knees, smile in place, waiting. Emersyn noted the scent the other woman carried. She found it interesting that the Blackstone twins were so in tune with one another.

  “You ‘lated to my daddy?” Ruby asked.

  “Yes,” Jaeda answered. “Your father is my brother. My older brother. I love him very much.”

  “I yuv him, too,” Ruby agreed and finally held out a hand to Jaeda.

  Jaeda took the hand and shook it softly. Emersyn saw the shimmer of tears the other woman fought to hide.

  “Why you cwy?” Ruby asked.

  “Because I’m so happy to meet you,” Jaeda said, dashing a few off her cheeks with the back of her hand.

  Ruby glanced up at Emersyn. “Good teaws?”

  “Yes,” Emersyn agreed.

  Ruby nodded. “I yike you,” she told Jaeda. “But I don’t yike the other you. She make Mama cwy.”

  “The other—Sidia.” Jaeda answered her own question. “But she’s your daddy’s sister, too. Plus, our other sister, Xandra is here. We all love your daddy very much. We miss him.”

  “Daddy ‘tect Daddy for Wuby,” Ruby told her. Then she glanced up at Emersyn. “I want pannycakes.”

  “We were on our way to find the kitchen,” Emersyn told Jaeda as she stood.

  “I can show you the way,” she offered. “Want to hold my hand, Ruby?”

  Ruby looked at the hand and shook her head. “I stay wif Mama.”

  Emersyn scooped up Ruby and placed her on her hip. Her little girl immediately wrapped a lock of Emersyn’s hair around her fingers and laid her head on Emersyn’s shoulder. “Give her some time,” Emersyn whispered to Jaeda. “At least, she likes you.”

  Jaeda laughed and nodded. “Follow me. I think you met most of the household last night. There are also four other women here. Hadley, Demi, Sara, and Jemma. I’d suggest you avoid Jemma. She’s trouble.”

  Oh, Emersyn could tell that for herself, but she merely nodded when Jaeda glanced back at her. “Fletch and Milo are still here. They’re two of Laramie’s enforcers. Chance and Wood were here, but Laramie sent them to do something for him. They should be back today, but you probably won’t see them.” She shrugged. “I’m not sure what they’ve been up to, but my mate probably knows. I think you met him. Holt. He’s mine.”

  Emersyn nodded in agreement. “He seems like a great guy.”

  Jaeda’s whole demeanor softened as if just thinking about her mate filled her with happiness. “He’s perfect.”

  Emersyn wondered what it would feel like to love that fully, with no reservation. Then she remembered what she’d allowed Laramie to do to her in the bathroom last night. That wasn’t fair. Not only had she been willing, but she’d been eager to participate. The man had gotten her off twice, and not even asked her to return the favor.

  “The kitchen is this way,” Jaeda said and led them through a large room with tables scattered all around. “We used this when everyone was here, swearing allegiance to Laramie as alpha. But when it’s just family, we all eat in the kitchen.”

  Emersyn wasn’t sure what to say to that. She wasn’t family, but Ruby was. Then all thought left her head as Jaeda pushed open a door and Emersyn caught sight of Laramie standing by the sink with his shirt off. Bronze muscles gleamed as he toweled off water. Dark hair spread across his pecs then trailed down his center leading to what she imagined was a very happy trail, considering what she’d glimpsed the night before.

  “Yawamie!” Ruby yelled, bouncing on Emersyn’s hip and wiggling to be down.

  Laramie’s gaze flicked to hers and locked there. A smile titled his lips, and warmth filled her cheeks. She let Ruby slide down until her feet hit the floor, then the little girl was running full bore for him. He didn’t miss a beat. He bent and scooped her up, tossing her a bit so she squealed before he settled her on his arm.

  “I see someone is awake,” he said.

  “It’s me!” Ruby yelled then giggled.

  “And in a good mood, I see,” Laramie agreed.

  “I hungwy,” Ruby told him and dropped a hand to rub her stomach. “I stawfing.”

  “Well, we can’t have that,” Laramie said and turned to take the cover off a warming tray on the counter, revealing golden pancakes. Ruby clapped her hands.

  “And bacon,” she said.

  Another cover was removed, revealing what looked like perfectly crisp bacon.

  “Now, how many pancakes does a starving girl eat?” Laramie asked.

  “Five,” Ruby said.

  “Let’s start with one,” Emersyn said, stepping forward. “And a piece of bacon.”

  “Two bacons,” Ruby challenged.

  “Ruby,” Emersyn began, and big, green eyes pleaded with her. “Okay, two.”

  “Softie,” Laramie murmured as he brushed against her on his way to the table. Her nipples pebbled at the touch, and visions of him sucking them filled her head. She forced the thoughts away, turning toward the counter and hoping no one had noticed.

  “Here’s a plate.” Jaeda handed it to her.

  Emersyn busied herself getting Ruby’s breakfast ready. She cut the pancake into bite size pieces and gave Ruby two pieces of bacon as promised.

  “Syrup?” The youngest Holloway brother held a bottle out to her. Matheus. He had an engaging smile and according to Malachi was the brother who looked most like their father.

  “Thank you, but no. Ruby takes hers with—”

  “Honey,” Sidia said as she joined them.

  “Yes,” Emersyn agreed.

  Sidia shrugged. “Malachi always did, too.”

  “She’ll warm up,”
Emersyn whispered. “Give her some time.”

  She carried the plate to the table and took the bottle of honey Jaeda offered her. She put one small dot of honey on each bite then set aside the bottle before sliding the plate in front of Ruby and handing her a fork. Laramie had put a booster seat in the chair beside his and placed Ruby there.

  “Grab a plate, Em,” Laramie said, brushing his fingers along her thigh as she stood between him and Ruby.

  “Here you go.” Jaeda slid a plate in front of the seat on the other side of Laramie.

  “Thank you,” Emersyn said. Jaeda had plated two pancakes and four pieces of bacon for her.

  “Syrup?” Jaeda offered.

  “No, thanks,” Emersyn replied, taking a pancake, placing two pieces of bacon in it then wrapping it up and lifting it to take a bite. “Mmm. Delicious.”

  She glanced up and found everyone staring at her except Ruby, who was humming while she ate.

  “What?” Emersyn asked, wondering what she’d done wrong.

  “Nothing,” Matheus answered. “I’ve never seen anyone but Laramie eat his pancakes and bacon that way.”

  Her gaze flew to Laramie, and he winked at her. She decided not to comment and concentrated on eating instead. Laramie stood, and she made a point of not watching him. Mostly, because she knew others were watching her. As she finished the last bite, a cup of orange juice appeared by her plate.

  “Thanks,” she murmured, not needing to see more than the hand to know who’d placed it there. It was a hand with intimate knowledge of her. She definitely couldn’t let her thoughts go there.

  “I thought we might take a walk after breakfast. There’s a play area around back I think Ruby would enjoy,” Laramie offered.

  “I yike to pay!” Ruby exclaimed, clapping sticky hands.

  Emersyn laughed. “Let’s clean you up first.”

  Jaeda beat her to it, lifting Ruby’s hands one at a time while the little girl chatted away about her pink boots and pink jacket. As soon as she was done, Jaeda tossed the used cloth to Matheus.

  “Why don’t we go grab your jacket while your mama finishes eating,” Jaeda offered.

  “Up,” Ruby demanded and held her arms up to Jaeda. With a laugh, the other woman lifted Ruby and set her on her feet. The girl was off like a shot, hollering over her shoulder as she moved. “Is in the caw.”


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