In The Line of Fire Boxset 5 Books in 1 (Thriller Stories To Keep You up all Night)

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In The Line of Fire Boxset 5 Books in 1 (Thriller Stories To Keep You up all Night) Page 4

by Rhiley McCabe

  “I knew you were a dirty cop!” He sprang up and lunged the phone at Mary. As she dodged, Thompson took a shot at her.

  “Shit!” Mary’s gun fell out of her hand as the bullet hit her arm. When she focused on Thompson again, she saw him pointing his revolver at her.

  “You should have kept your mouth shut about Carlos, Federico. You’re a dead man.”

  Thompson smiled, “That arm doesn’t look too good, officer. You’d better go patch it up.”

  Jason sat frozen behind the wheel of his car as he listened to his partner’s voice. He didn’t want to believe it. He hung up the call and looked at his wristwatch.

  Did Carlos send Mary to Thompson’s house? He couldn’t have... Why would he want to meet Thompson at the abandoned airfield, then?


  He had forty minutes to get to Floyd Bennett. Even if Thompson fled, at least there was a chance to get Rodrigues. He sighed and called Thomas Patrick.

  Mary stumbled out of her car outside the emergency room. As she headed to the hospital entrance, two police officers approached her.

  “James, Jude, call Jason immediately,” she was faint from blood loss, “Thompson Federico just tried to kill me.”

  The two officers looked at each other, “Mary Scott,”

  James said as he reached for his gun, “You are under arrest for conspiring with a known criminal and for the attempted murder of Thompson Federico.”

  “Is this some kind of joke?” She pushed him aside, but Jude took out his gun too and pointed it at her.

  “Mary, don’t make this hard on yourself, I don’t want to shoot you…” Jude said, standing his ground.

  Jason drove as fast as he could. He did not want to lose the chance of catching Carlos. His week had been tough.

  He couldn’t put Thomas Federico behind bars. Instead, he was forced to bargain with him and it was all for nothing. Now his partner, the one person he trusted most, was a dirty cop. He hit the steering wheel as he thought about how Thompson had said Mary looked the part.

  You defended her, idiot! You were fast asleep!

  As Jason neared the airfield, the SWAT team leader signaled him to pull over.


  “Detective Williams,” he held out his hand, “there’s just ten of them in there.” Jason shook his hand. He had worked with Hugh many times in the past. “They’re at one of the abandoned hangars. We’ve secured the area and removed all civilians.”

  “Excellent, as always, Hugh.” Jason walked to his car’s trunk and put on his gear, “Could you identify the man I sent you a photo of?”

  “Positive, sir.”

  “Good job.”

  “There was an old Cadillac that drove in about fifteen minutes ago. We tried to stop the driver, but he said he was a friend of yours and that he’d be waiting with Carlos.”

  “Nineteen-forty-one Series Sixty-Two?”

  Hugh nodded, “Convertible. She’s a beauty, sir.”

  “Yes, she is.” It was Thompson. Jason couldn’t figure out why he would even consider coming here. He had the perfect opportunity to run.

  “Let’s do it.”

  They had barely moved when they heard two gunshots coming from inside a hangar. Jason signaled that they should move in quickly to surround it. He had no doubt that Carlos had just shot Thompson. They rushed closer.

  “NYPD, we have you surrounded!” Jason shouted outside the hangar door. A few shots were fired from the inside.

  “Carlos Rodrigues! Tell your men to drop their weapons, or we will engage!”

  “Carlos, did you hear me? We’re coming in!”


  Jason gestured with his head to Hugh. Carlos and his gang stood with their weapons aimed at the SWAT team as they entered the hangar.

  “Don’t be stupid, Rodrigues,” Jason said as he entered behind the SWOT team. He looked to the ground behind Carlos and saw a short, lifeless body.

  “We’ve got you outnumbered three to one.”

  Carlos looked to Santos, who shook his head. “Be smart, kid.” He whispered. At that, Carlos threw his pistol to the ground. His crew followed suite.

  “On your knees, hands behind your heads.”

  Jason rushed to Thompson as the SWAT team handcuffed Carlos and his crew members. He was lying in a pool of blood.

  “Damn it, Federico…”

  He kneeled next to him. Before he could feel for a pulse, Thompson reached out to him.

  “Det—Detecti…” He grunted.

  “Shut up, little man.” Thompson turned and called to Hugh, “We need a paramedic in here!”

  Thompson grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer,

  “Emma,” he took a short, painful breath, “Take care of Em…” He gasped for air.

  A paramedic came rushing in. She pushed Jason out of the way when he didn’t respond to her request to move.

  As he fell to his side, Hugh approached and helped him up.

  “Detective, are you all right?”

  “Yeah…” Jason let a hand slide through his hair, “Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks, Hugh. Good job today.”



  “Chief,” Jason’s secretary pulled him back to reality.

  “There’s a Doctor Moore on the line, he says it’s quite urgent.”

  Jason frowned, “Put him through, Sarah. Thanks.”

  After Carlos’ arrest, Jason was promoted to Chief Investigator at the New York County DA’s Office. The pay was better, but he was tied to a desk. The only reason he accepted the position was so he could spend more time with Catherine. He endured for her sake.

  “Hello, this is Jason Williams.”

  “Mister Williams, I’m Doctor Moore. You need to come to the hospital immediately. A little girl was brought into the emergency room. We found your number on the young woman’s phone who brought her in.”

  “Hello, Mister Williams?”

  “Um, is she okay?”

  “It’s best if you come right now. 170 William Street.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  Jason put on his sirens as he raced through the New York City rush hour. He tried calling Catherine’s nanny for the fifth time. Ring, ring… Ring, ring…

  He let out a frustrated yell and hit the car’s steering wheel a few times in the hospital’s parking lot.

  On his way to reception, he collided with two patients in the hallway, but he didn’t stop to apologize or ask if they were okay.

  “Hi, I’m, um…”


  “One moment, sir.” The receptionist shushed him. He tapped on the reception desk as she continued a conversation on the landline.

  “How can I help you?”

  “I’m Jason Williams. Doctor Moore called me.”

  She picked up the phone, “A Mister Williams for Doctor Moore.” She listened and then nodded.

  “Sir, if you could please sit there in the waiting room?


  “No, no, no… He said it was urgent.” He slammed against the reception desk, “I want to speak to him now!

  Where is my daughter?” The receptionist stared at him with disdain.

  “I’m sorry, I’m just…” He stood back and held on to his head with both hands, “Where is my daughter?


  “Mister Williams?” Jason flung around to see where the voice was coming from.

  “I am Doctor Moore. Come with me, please.”

  Doctor Moore led Jason to his office and asked him to sit down. He explained how a young woman had rushed into the emergency room with a little girl just over an hour earlier. They were both covered in blood. The woman was in shock and couldn’t explain what had happened, but it was clear that she had been shot in the stomach. They found Jason’s number on the young woman’s phone, under the ‘in case of emergencies’ contact list.

  “She’s in surgery. But she’s unstable.”

  Jason closed his eyes.

  Wake up, Jason, wake u
p! This is just a dream… Wake up!


  “Mister Williams?” Jason opened his eyes.

  “The little girl who came in with the woman, who was she? They had no documents with them.”

  “M—My daughter,” Jason swallowed, “Catherine, where is she? Can I see her?”

  Doctor Moore shook his head and looked on with pity.

  “There was nothing we could do, Mister Williams. I’m sorry for your loss.”



  It was another frigid night. Four months had barely passed. Mary thought about how she would survive a life in prison.

  “I never thought you could be a spy for the rotten scum of the underworld.” Jude hissed as he threw her to the concrete floor in a private cell. She stared at the floor, hoping it would swallow her whole.

  “Let it go, Jude. There are lots of dirty cops, we just need to get rid of them the same way we will get rid of this one.” James said with disdain.

  Mary couldn’t say anything, her voice had betrayed her.

  She wanted to say something—anything to get her out of this jam, but she couldn’t think of one thing that would help her.

  Her life, the career she had worked so hard for, had all gone up in flames because of a worthless thug she couldn’t take out.


  It will be any day now. Carlos won’t wait too long before he sends someone to take me out. And my… Mary shuddered.

  What will happen to my family?

  Carlos would never let her family live. If she knocked on hell’s door to protect them, he would find them even there. And if he couldn’t get the job done, the organization would. It was only a matter of time.

  Three more weeks had passed when Mary entered the interrogation room. She had been in there countless times as the interrogator. Now, the tables were turned for her. The police officer forced her into the chair and chained her to the iron table. She stared at the exact spot where she had been standing when Thompson Federico said those words...

  “In the underworld, leaders have eyes and ears everywhere.”

  Thompson’s eyes had looked straight into her soul that day. She knew he knew. But, stupidly, she let it go. She should have contacted Carlos the minute she left the interrogation room that day.

  She didn’t flinch when the door open behind her. When her interrogator sunk down in the seat opposite her, she couldn’t believe what she was looking at.

  “Jason? Is that you?” She leaned forward, “You look awful...”

  Jason looked like he had emerged from a cave: his unruly hair hadn’t been cut in weeks, his usual stubble had turned into a beard and the dark, heavy bags under his eyes gave him a menacing look. His broad, powerful shoulders hung as if they were carrying a massive, invisible weight.

  “Jason, what’s wrong with you? Are you okay?”


  Jason burst out in laughter at her concern, then halted, and stared at her with nothing but hatred in his eyes.

  “Why?” He crossed his arms. Mary stared cautiously. She had never seen him like this. He reminded her of Carlos when he wanted to kill her after she had seen him murder an associate.

  “Well… You were my partner. I’m concerned ab…”

  “Are you kidding me?!” Jason slammed the iron table.

  Mary cringed. “I don’t give a shit about your feelings or concern! Are you so stupid that I have to spell everything out for you? Why did you do it, Mary? Why did you sell your worthless soul? What information have you shared with Carlos Rodrigues?”

  Mary’s eyes fell to Jason’s hands and wondered how long she would last if he strangled her.

  He’d never understand… With Jason, everything was black-and-white. Right or wrong. No gray areas. If she told him she had no choice, that it was the only way to protect her family, herself; he would say she should’ve taken the bullet. He’d tell her she should’ve died, integrity intact; rather than give in to the devil.

  “Mary, don’t you stare at me, pretending that you don’t know what I’m talking about. I heard everything when you tried to kill Thompson Federico.”

  Mary sighed, “Y—You didn’t hear shit.” She tried bravely, but her voice betrayed her nervousness.

  Jason grimaced, nodded, and rose from his chair. As he approached Mary, she tried to reel away from him. She could feel her heart rate increase. She looked toward the mirrored window, her eyes begging for help from whoever was watching on the other side. They had put her in the interrogation room with a madman.


  “Do you think I won’t kill you right here, after everything you’ve done?” Jason sat on the corner of the table where Mary was handcuffed. She looked up at him, pulling on her restraints.

  “You won’t…” She answered breathlessly, “you believe in following the rules, don’t you?”

  “Rules…” Jason stood up, “Where where the rules when they murdered my daughter, huh?!” Mary looked up at him with shock. “Why didn’t they follow the unwritten rule that innocent children don’t get shot, huh?!”

  “Jason, I—I’m so…” She couldn’t find the words. Her gaze fell.

  Mary knew Catherine. She was a beautiful child, inside and out. The first time she met Catherine, she had gone with Jason to his house for police business. They had barely entered when a bundle of cheerful joy came running down the stairs. She stood still on the last one, clinging to the railing.

  “Daddy! Who is she?”

  Jason turned to Mary and winked. “Hello Catherine, is that how you greet your dad?”

  “Sorry, daddy. Hello!” She jumped from the stair and ran into Jason’s arms. He picked her up and gave her a kiss on the cheek while she stared at Mary with wide eyes.

  Mary smiled, but Jason didn’t see.

  He put his daughter down.

  “Daddy, who is she?”

  Jason chuckled.

  “This is Mary. She’s my partner…”

  “You mean your girlfriend?” She wanted to know excitedly, “You’re pretty!”


  Jason blushed and looked at Mary apologetically. She wanted to burst out with laughter, but it would have given her away. She waved it off to make Jason feel better.

  “No. She’s my partner from work, baby girl.”

  Mary looked up at Jason. There wasn’t a hint of that happy, content man left in him. He was dead. This man, the one in front of her, was looking for revenge. And he looked as though he would do anything to get it.

  Why would they go after her? Had Jason dug too deep? No, Thomas Patrick wouldn’t take that chance… Would he?

  “I’m sorry for your loss…”

  “Save it!” Jason hit the table and bowed down to Mary’s ear, “Someone you’re working with killed my daughter, and I want to know who it is.” He straightened up and started pacing behind her.

  “I know nothing about that, Jason. Please, if I had known, I would have…”

  “You would have what? Done it yourself?”

  “What? How could you say something like that?” Mary felt a terrible shiver down her spine.

  Jason stood still next to her. “You’re no better than the person who pulled the trigger! You will tell me everything you know. You’re ruined. You have nothing left.

  You are nothing. Do you think they will save you, your thug buddies? They won’t… So, why don’t you just to the right thing for once in your life?”

  Mary looked up and stared at the ceiling.


  For once in my life? You have no idea how many things I’ve done right in my life… But, does that excuse what I’ve become?

  She contemplated about what she would gain if she gave Carlos and the organization away. If she talked, she could be in time to save her grandmother and younger brother; maybe even herself. She shifted her attention to Jason. He was fuming - an angry bull ready to be let loose to attach the matador.

  Jason stared back, disgusted. He could forgive no one who had
the slightest involvement with Catherine’s death. Not even his former partner—no matter the reason.

  Catherine was his world. He lived for her.

  Her death devastated him. He sat on the floor in Doctor Moore’s office, wailing like a baby. He couldn’t stand the sight of parents with their children. It was too painful.

  Every time he saw a child, he would blame himself all over again. He had been too obsessed with putting criminals away. Maybe, if he hadn’t been chasing Carlos so relentlessly, his daughter would still be alive.


  Mary jumped when Jason yelled. She looked at him again. This time she didn’t see an angry, out-of-control man. She saw intense pain. She felt deeply sorry for him.

  He had already lost his wife, and now his only child was gone…

  “I want full immunity, then I’ll talk.”

  “What was that? Full immunity? After what you have done?” Jason’s voice was calm but menacing, his eyes still murderous.


  He couldn’t imagine what Mary was thinking, asking for immunity after she had covered up who knows how many crimes. It took an incredible amount of restraint on his part to not snap her neck. He walked to the other side of the table and sat down.

  “Look, Jason…” Mary took a breath, “Life is not always black and white, okay?” Jason peered at her through squinted eyes as she talked, “I’m not making excuses for what I’ve done, but I had no choice…”

  “You did. You just chose wrong.” He said unsympathetically.

  “Says the one who has never had to make these kinds of choices.” She pursed her lips and kept her eyes locked on his. He stared back without blinking. Mary looked away.

  “See that? How you can’t look me in the eyes, that’s an admission of guilt.”

  “If I talk, I want protection.” She stared at the table. She knew it was too much to ask. But her family needed her, she had to try.

  “That is not possible,” Jason said in a gloomy voice, arms crossed.

  “Look, Jason, I can’t imagine what you are going through, but you need to think. Try to be reasonable about this. I am your only lead to Carlos and the organization he is affiliated with right now…”


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