Dirty Hearts: The Lion and The Mouse (Book Three)

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Dirty Hearts: The Lion and The Mouse (Book Three) Page 1

by Wright, Kenya

  Copyright © 2019 by Kenya Wright.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher.

  For more information, address:

  ZachEvans Creative LLC

  601 N Ashley Drive Ste 1100-93513

  Tampa, FL 33602

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  Printed in the USA.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be assumed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Dirty Hearts

  The Lion and The Mouse (Book Three)

  Kenya Wright



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21


  About the Author

  Also by Kenya Wright



  Kazimir. Kazimir.

  A blindfold covered my eyes.

  Naked, I stood on a two-foot pedestal in six-inch heels. The shoes were satin crimson like the yards of ribbons tying my hands together. My legs were free...for now.

  For the past hour, Kazimir had been tying the ribbons to my body and securely binding me to a large gold cross that went from the ceiling to the floor. Yesterday, his staff installed the cross and hammered the top to the beams. I had no idea what it would be used for.

  Later, he’d told me to get naked and one by one, pulled out long satin ribbons. With him fully clothed and me nude, the moment felt more erotic.

  And then he’d raised my hands above my head and tied them to the center of the cross. It hadn’t been tight. I had space to walk away from the cross and enough ribbon to step off the pedestal. There was even space for him to stand behind me on the pedestal.

  Next, he’d placed the blindfold on.

  What are you up to?

  More ribbon slipped along my skin delivering shivers through my body.

  Kazimir. Kazimir.

  I felt tangled in his net, and I had no regrets and no need to be free. I trembled with anticipation for the pleasure I couldn’t imagine but was guaranteed to experience.

  I couldn’t see him, but Kazimir’s deep, sexy voice filled the air. “Now, the mouse is trapped.”

  “What happened to the mouse after she was trapped?”

  Kaz whispered close to my ear. “The lion ruined her for anyone else.”

  “You’ve already ruined me.”

  “I haven’t even begun.” His warm hand slid along my bare hips. “Do you trust me, mysh?”

  Sunk in a world without light, I leaned against him, letting my relaxed posture speak for me instead. “Yes.”

  “That was a shaky yes.”

  “Very true, but being tied up and not able to see...that’s a big sign of trust.”

  “Good point.”

  “I’ve never let anyone do this to me.”

  “And no one ever will.” He slipped his hands up my body and cupped my breasts. He pinched my nipples. A moan escaped my lips. I shivered in delight.

  “Our enemies are gone.” He spoke sweetly in my ear.

  Yesterday morning, when the sun rose above Moscow’s capital building, those lovely rays had decorated Sasha’s corpse as it dangled from the flagpole.

  Subtle was not Kazimir’s strong suit.

  Kazimir whispered in my other ear. “Now what, mysh?”

  “I don’t know.” I groaned as he toyed with my nipples, caressing the areolas and squeezing the tips. “Kaz...”

  His touch disappeared.

  “Kaz?” I sensed him all around me although I had no idea where he was. Darkness served as my eyesight.

  I breathed in the space. His scent filled the air—masculine, yet designer cologne. The fragrance comforted me nearly as much as his touch. My heartbeats increased, thumping in my ears. I couldn’t catch his footsteps.

  He was a silent lion, hidden by shadows, watching and waiting for the right moment to consume me.

  In Russian, I whispered, “Where are you, lion?”

  He hissed right behind me. “Your accent makes my cock hard. Are you trying to get me to fuck you immediately?”


  He pressed his bare length against my ass. He had undressed sometime after he’d blindfolded me, and I was mad I couldn’t behold that sexy sculpted frame.

  I pouted. “I want to see you.”

  “No patience?” Kaz placed those big hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him from behind. With his mouth, he captured the curve of my neck and brushed his lips against my ear. “For the past few days, I’ve been trying to learn self-control with your pussy.”

  “You’ve done a bad job. Thank God. I don’t want you to have self-control. I want to be destroyed.”

  “It’s my pussy. Why would I want to destroy it?” And then his touch was gone.

  I called out in the darkness. “Come back.”

  Now in front of me, he pulled at the ribbons as if testing their strength. “What’s next, mysh?”


  “You’re planning something.”

  “Sasha and Darryl have only been dead for a few days.”

  “Almost a week.” He kissed the sensitive fold of my elbow. “What have you been thinking about when it comes to Moscow? You’ve hired more men.”

  How could I not?

  When we were fighting Sasha, Kazimir had taken me down to Kapotnya, a rough ghetto in the southeast of Moscow. There, he grabbed men for me. Afro-Russians. Many were children of Ivory Coast and Nigerian migrants.

  Even though neo-Nazis and skinheads tried to keep them down, they united with other unprotected people—Muslims and Middle-Eastern refugees. With all the decks stacked against them, they figured out ways to feed themselves and survive in a region of Moscow ranked as the worst to place live for decades. A place where people were so broke, they didn’t have pets because they would eat them.

  Against Kazimir’s wishes, I’d gone back down there with my two men—Boris and Pavel. They’d been directly appointed by Kazimir.

  There, I’d checked Kapotnya to learn more about them. Even though this was Moscow and a foreign group, every street had a game. A code. A way about how people rocked with each other. Boris and Pavel attempted to give me a crash course. In the middle of that, I’d found more men to add in my visit. More who were desperate for food and somewhere warm to sleep.

  How could I not hire more men?

  “You’ve been busy, mysh.”

  “I have not.”

  The past days played in my mind. Several uniformed men had come to the house. Some form of government officials. Maybe even high-level military. Each time, Kazimir refused to talk to them.

  When I wasn’t with my men down in the ghetto, Kazimir took up my time. He’d taken me all over his city. I was still learning the area but getting some direction of where I was.

  During those moments, he took his time speaking to me in Russian. Patient as fuck, he’d become my personal tutor,
rewarding me with his cock whenever I improved vocabulary and pronunciation.

  “Kaz, I’ve only been busy with you.”

  “Still...you’re making moves. I gave you seven men. I counted ten this morning.”

  “I thought it would be a good idea to have more guys.”

  “Interesting, and how many new guys have you hired?”

  I cleared my throat. “Just thirty.”

  His low chuckle came from my side. “Barely a week since we killed Sasha, and you’re preparing for another war?”

  “I...actually don’t know what I’m doing.”


  “No. I just feel bad for them.”

  “Your men?”

  “Yes, and the whole area.” I continued, “This might be messed up to say, but...they’re Afro-Russian. I’m used to being around a lot of black people. They make me think of Harlem.”

  “Then, we’ll put Harlem in Moscow.”

  I smirked. “Is that what we’ll do?”

  He ignored the question. “What’s your plan for these extra men?”

  “I’m going to see what they’re good at, and then have them do it a lot until they make money for themselves.”

  “Good plan.” His hands left my body. “What do you need from me?”

  I thought about the bank accounts he’d opened in my name three days ago. Both held more money than I’d seen in my lifetime. “You’ve given me enough. I can figure it out from here.”

  “No,” he whispered on my other side as if he’d slowly been circling me.

  “No, what?”

  “No. Never say that I’ve given you enough. I want to spoil you.”

  “You already have.”

  “What do you need, mysh?”

  I thought about it for a few seconds. “Guns.”

  “Guns?” His chuckle came from behind. “Most girlfriends just want flowers and puppies.”

  Hearing the word girlfriend was still hard to swallow, but I did as my smile widened.

  I heard him on my other side. “What else do you need?”

  “Your cock. Right...now.”

  “Patience, mysh.”

  I didn’t know why I’d agreed to being tied and blindfolded. It was already too hard to know his moves with my eyes open and hands free. Here I was, completely vulnerable to him, and I felt so safe. So protected. Completely loved. Absolutely unable to lie or strategically word my answers.

  Kazimir’s lips brushed mine. Warmth settled low in my belly. I itched to run my fingers through his hair.

  “I want you more and more each day.” His voice bound me tightly to him, more than the ribbons ever could. “And this need is driving me insane.”

  Those words reduced me to a trembling pool of longing. Drowning, I reached out with my senses, seeking balance as a horde of emotions rioted. My head spun out of control. This was all new to me. I didn’t know how much of my struggles with our relationship dealt with fear of love or us possibly moving too fast.

  “And this need is driving me insane.”

  “I’m yours.” My words went low, exposing my vulnerability. “Do whatever you want.”


  Silence reigned. His footsteps echoed, telling me he’d walked away. Panic raged in me.

  Blindly, I turned my head from side to side. “Kaz?” I tried to move my bound arms. “Come back.”

  “Promise me something.” Kaz’s slow, deliberate footsteps echoed against the marble floor. “Let me teach you how to navigate in my world. Who else could?”

  I loved the idea. I just didn’t enjoy being a charity case. I knew Kazimir had more important things to do than hold my hand and show me around.

  Could I learn from him?

  Kazimir ruled the world because he was Kazimir. Some things couldn’t be taught. The characteristics that made him the boss of all bosses were imbedded deep within his muscular frame.

  Unsure of what to say, I parted my lips.

  He responded, “Whatever you were planning, I want you to stop. Let me take you under my wing for this year, and then you go out confidently on your own.”

  A year under your wing? I’m sure I’ll be under your cock too.

  An offer to mentor might’ve upset me long ago. I’d wanted Kazimir to respect my mind over my body. I needed him to see me as useful, but that had been a learning lesson and a bag of insecurities I would no longer unzip.

  Kazimir would show me the ropes, but he would also be watching my every move and making sure I was safe. It had nothing to do with the fact that he didn’t think I was capable of handling myself. He knew who I was.

  He just loved me too much to let me get hurt.

  And I loved him too much to fight that.


  “I think you would be a great teacher. I wasn’t doing much with my men anyway. It was on a very low level. Hobby-gangstering, at best.”

  “Hobby-gangstering?” He chuckled. “But to the world, you are me. When you speak, it will be as if they are my words. That’s how people here will see it. That’s what you can never forget. So, you should know what I would say first, before you get to the point of talking.”

  “Okay. And, I’ll be careful with my words and what I do.”


  Okay. Now fuck me.

  But my lion had more to say. “I was told that you’ve been fighting with your men.”

  I held in my groan.

  You’ve been told? Or you have people watching me? Naughty lion.


  “I’m not fighting my men. I’m training with them.”

  “For what?”

  “Because it’s fun.”


  “Good?” I asked.

  “So, the fighting will stop,” he declared.

  “It won’t. I like learning how to fight.”

  “You already know.”

  “But I could learn much more.”

  “Then, I’ll teach you that too.”

  “You can’t do it all, Kaz.”

  “Watch me.”

  I let out a long sigh.

  “It appears we came to an agreement.”

  I grinned. “Have we?”

  “We have.” He gave me a soft kiss.

  I tried to suck on his lip. He moved that lovely face away.

  “Come here,” I whispered. “Stop teasing me.”

  “There’s more to discuss.”

  I shook my head. “What else does my stubborn lion have to say?”

  “You’re smart.” He touched my leg. “But do you know why I’ve tied you up?”

  I didn’t say anything.

  “You do, don’t you?” His hands caressed my thighs. “Tell me.”

  The obvious answer would’ve been he probably liked to tie women up. It was why most men did it. I had no problem with the bondage thing, if it was only him tying me. With Kazimir, I knew he would never hurt me. I believed it deep down in my soul.

  But Kazimir didn’t tie me up for an obvious reason. He was a man of complications. The red ribbons weren’t all about sex. In some ways, they represented blood. In other ways, love. But, most important, the binding served as the true symbol.


  “You tied me up because you want me to know I’m trapped to you.” I felt a ribbon slide against my ankles as he began to bind my legs. My muscles tightened in response.

  Kaz won’t hurt me. Relax.

  My bottom lip quivered as I swallowed my fear. “This is a metaphor for us.”

  I stood perfectly still while he tied my ankles as he had my wrists. Each satin loop bound me tighter and tighter. I would be forced to stand there until Kaz saw fit to lift me down and cut the ribbons. There would be no hopping off the pedestal. No running away.

  When he finished, he whispered from behind, “I don’t want to share you, not with the world, not with your men. Not with anyone.”

  “You’ll never have to share me.”

  “Good. It’ll
be safer that way.” Kazimir pulled me closer to him. Tangled up in the satin ribbons, I could only move his way.

  His breath warmed my neck as he flicked his tongue beneath my ear. I couldn’t control my arching back. Hot sensations hit my pleasure spots. My knees buckled, but Kazimir caught me with one arm.

  In Russian, I whispered, “Fuck me.”

  “Tell me more in my language.”

  “I need you.”

  He groaned.

  “Give me that cock now.” I tried to lean further into his touch. “Are you a man or a lion?”

  “Lev.” Kazimir’s growl went straight to my core. My sex clenched, yearning for him to be inside me.

  I switched to English. “Show me.”

  His arms closed around me as he kissed the sensitive spot behind my ear. “How wet are you?”

  “Find out.”

  A dark chuckle left him as he slid his hands to my pussy and slipped them between my folds. A lusty shiver possessed my body. I leaned back against him as he toyed with my clit. Tied up and in his control, I was grateful for any touch, and those fingers on my throbbing bud would get me to an orgasm soon. I’d been waiting too long.

  I tried to draw a deep breath. My heart shifted to racing.

  “So wet.” He kissed my neck before biting down.


  Tenderness rode his tone like a physical caress. “Tell me, if you want me to stop.”

  “I won’t.”

  He moved one of his arms from around me. Next, his cock slid to the curve of my ass. He spread my ass cheeks with the tip and then pressed the mushroomed head along my anus. Somewhere between the time he’d walked away, he’d oiled his cock. Now it was warm and lubed, sliding along the hole, taunting and teasing.

  In his other hand, he brought something warm and slippery to my clit. As soon as I was about to ask what it was, a humming sound came, and then lovely vibrations caressed the greedy bud.


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