* A large, muscular male. I only point this out to illustrate that a similar routine can work for many different body types.
* Dear Nike, please don’t sue me.
* This is just an average. I know I hardly eat any processed grains myself, so some of you must be doubling up.
* Insulin receptors, for you biochemistry geeks.
* Although I eat fewer processed carbohydrates than most Americans, I certainly don’t intentionally restrict my carbohydrate intake for the sake of weight loss. I doubt those who lived in the pre-Victorian era considered themselves low-carb either.
* Gluten intolerance may require up to eight weeks without wheat for symptoms to resolve completely.
* Gluten-free oats that are processed in a clean facility are available in some stores, usually at a premium price.
* Some of these hormones occur naturally, while others, such as recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST), are injected into dairy cows to increase milk production. Use of synthetic hormones is illegal in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Israel, and the European Union, but not in the United States.
* Google “Chinese poison baby formula” for more information.
* For my height it meant dropping two sizes.
* Scientists use the term “homeostasis” to describe the tendency of an organism or cell to remain stable internally regardless of changes in the environment.
* This is an example of a key healthstyle habit that I was not immediately aware of—remember I inadvertently disrupted it when I stopped commuting to lab. Keep in mind that some of your home court habits may be under your radar and it may take some extra effort to discover them. Monitoring your weight, steps, and food intake are therefore valuable home court habits as well.
* I grew up in Southern California and half my family is Mexican, so good Mexican food is hard to top in my book.
* Look into HIIT or kettlebells for fast workout options.
* Literally.
* Toaster was named San Francisco’s Cutest Dog in 2011. He has a trophy and everything.
* I adore the heirloom beans from Rancho Gordo and Zürsun Farms.
* Plastics have chemicals that can leach into foods when heated, so never add anything warm to plastic and always transfer food to ceramic or glass before microwaving.
* Eggs are one of my favorite go-to lunches, since they’re so fast, healthy, and delicious.
* By the way, this works for going to the gym as well. I, for one, don’t skip workouts.
* How long do you think you can ignore a food craving if the food you want is available? Yeah, I thought so.
* Don’t kid yourself, granola bars are glorified candy.
* It had been three months at the time of this interview.
* No, this is not sexist. Both men and women alike have reason to be impressed with those serratus muscles.
* There are certainly some exceptions; the Virgin America Terminal 2 at SFO is amazing.
* Never forget that everything unhealthy is an indulgence, whether you like it or not.
* Protip: I do this when visiting family too.
* More on this later, but caring about the quality and safety of what you put in your body does not make you a snob. However, judging others for not feeling the same way you do certainly does.
* Or “low-fat,” “low-carb,” “trans fat–free,” “low glycemic index,” “high-fiber,” “gluten-free,” “containing soy,” or any other health buzzword.
* If you’ve ever tried these you know how hard they are. I can only do about thirty, and then I’m sore for days.
* Props to them for convincing most of the country that small family farms are more elitist than their own multimillion-dollar operations.
* At least the ones who aren’t in the pockets of food corporations.
Foodist Page 33