Pax's Emperor

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Pax's Emperor Page 8

by Mara Jaye

  A chime sounds at my door. “Come in?”

  My son walks in, shuffling and rubbing his eyes. “Can I sleep with you tonight?”

  He’s not a baby. I should say no but open the covers. “Come on. I’ll tell you a bedtime story about Ghar.”

  “It’s okay. Paxton and I have been talking about it. We want to go everywhere.” Daneul snuggles against me. “We’re both excited to see what another planet looks like up close.”


  As soon as I come to, I know something’s different. We’re home, my home. I smile, not realizing until now just how much I missed the taste of my own planet’s air. G’nar must have a door open. I shake Daneul. “Hey, buddy, we’re here.”


  I want to roll him out of bed but settle for giving his forehead a kiss. “We’re home. Let’s get up and go explore.” The words penetrate his sleep-fogged brain. He jumps out of bed with a whoop and I holler after him, “Change clothes, and remember your shoes.” He barely acknowledges me as he runs out of my quarters.

  I sit up, reaching out for Pax. She’s awake. Hello? I try.

  Yes? she answers. Did you know we’re here?

  I do. Are you ready to visit another planet?

  I don’t know that I have a choice.

  Her wry tone comes through the link. I can’t help but chuckle. Excellent point. I’ll come by to get you in a few minutes.

  Don’t worry about it. G’nar is already on his way. He’s double-checking a few things first.

  I pause in putting on my tunic. My guard knows how sacred a union is. So does my bondmate, for that matter. I set aside my jealousy and ask, If you’re sure?

  I am. We’ll meet in the docking bay soon enough.

  Very well. I fasten my pants. I look forward to seeing you then. She doesn’t reply but the affection she feels for me comes through despite her reserve. I call up the reflective part of the wall and give my appearance a final check. Nial will be wearing the emperor’s colors, too. My doing so is probably gauche, yet is a good reminder of who the firstborn son is. I do have a status no one can deny. The bionans have almost changed my skin color back to Gharian and I smile. I’m finally home.

  Sir? G’nar asks.

  On my way. I hurry out to the door and exit the ship. G’nar, Pax, and Daneul are at the bottom of the ramp, talking with the guard. I hurry down to them. “Good morning.”

  Once the officer sees me, she salutes. “Welcome home, Emperor LucKrell.”

  I nod. “Thank you, Enforcer. As you were.” I can’t help but glance at Pax. Her eyebrows are raised and she has a slight smile. She’s absolutely the most beautiful woman in the galaxy. Her blue gown matches her eyes. Her dark hair pulled up in a high ponytail gives her a regal appearance. As I stare, Pax’s cheeks redden. I look away only to find G’nar, the Enforcer, and Daneul ahead of us. “Shall we,” I ask Pax.

  “Yes. I’m eager to see your home world.” We walk, following but not quite catching up. As we enter the facilities, two guards fall in step behind us. Pax glances back at them before facing forward again. “I’ll need some time to get used to the heavier gravity and the humidity.”

  “You may not ever. I felt light and dried out on Earth all of the time.”

  “Are you getting darker?” she asks me.

  “My natural color is returning, if that’s what you mean.”

  “You all have a metallic cast to you. Surprising at first, but the more I research Ghar, the more I’m used to the skin tone.”

  A Leader in the white uniform with blue edging approached. He saluted me before saying, “Sir, Emperor LucKrell wants to see you all in the throne room.”

  I can’t help but be a little surprised. I’d left so soon after Jeul’s death, not giving myself time to get used to anyone else being called emperor. Only our father had the title in our lifetimes. “Thank you.” He turns on a heel and we follow him.

  Nial’s made a few changes. Insignificant but not what I would have done. He prefers the brighter colors while I like crisp clean grays. It doesn’t matter, I try to convince myself. As long as the empire is intact, I don’t care if he rebuilds the entire capitol from scratch. We’ve been indoors so far and I long to go outside for fresh air.

  Pax holds on to my arm and asks, Is your brother a decent guy like you?

  I smile as we turn the corner into the royal palace. I think so, but then I’m biased.

  Have you talked to him about us? What will he do with me? She stops when the double doors open into the grand room. “Wow. Is that where you usually sit?”

  Nial is on my throne and not for the first time. “Yes. It’s odd seeing him there.”

  “I’ll bet.”

  Before I can say anything, one of the royal guards comes to attention. “All pay heed. Former Emperor LucKrell, future Emperor ElKrell, and party approaches.”

  A shadow comes out from behind the throne. “He has a charkin in here?” I blurt out. “What the hell, Nial? Tell me it’s housebroken at least.”

  He stands. “You will speak only when spoken to, Eldan.” As he steps down from the dais, the charkin follows. “My pet is an extra measure of security.”

  I shake my head a little, refraining from scoffing at him openly. He’s always been a softy, picking up stray animals. Daneul slips his hand into mine. It’s okay. Your uncle would never have a mean charkin in here. I can feel him relax a bit as Nial approaches us.

  “So. This is the Earther, hmm? She’s a little darker than the other.” He walks around Pax as if sizing her up. “I can see why you brought her home, yet, you shouldn’t have.”

  “I know.”

  He stands in front of her. “Greetings and welcome to Ghar. I’m the acting Emperor LucKrell. As a sixth worlder, I expect this is your first time off planet?”

  She nods. “It is.”

  “I have learned you’ve been given nanos. Do you know how serious of a transgression this is?”

  “Since I have bionans and they’re very informative, yes. I do know the trouble I’m in.” She frowns at me and I shrug.

  “Then you know you can never return to Earth,” Nial continues.

  Pax coughs and stares at the ground. “I do, yes.”

  “I’m sorry. It’s difficult to leave your home forever. You understand the reason why we can’t let you return under any circumstances, correct?”

  “Yes. Considering my fellow Earthlings, taking away some of their current technology would be a good idea, never mind the detriment in giving them more.”

  She wipes her face. I feel like a fleegan for what I’ve done to her. As if reading my thoughts, Nial asks, “Will your family worry about your disappearance?”

  “No.” Pax swallows. “My mother died in a car wreck, er, a mobile vehicle crash several years ago. My father’s family are of a different culture and don’t acknowledge me.” She glances at me. “If not for the quick action of Eldan, Former Emperor LucKrell, I’d have died several days ago. I’m lucky to be here whatever fate you decide for me.”

  “I see. Sadly, what my brother has done is highly illegal. We’re an orderly and peaceful society. Even though there has been dissent in the Alliance, complete with skirmishes, we’ve lived up to our laws.” Nial pivots and walks back to the throne to sit. Settled into the seat, he places his hands on the armrests. Pless. This is being broadcast throughout the galaxy.

  “I have a pronouncement. Paxton Francis, you are from a sixth world and thus are here illegally. Yet, you may not return to Earth. So I have decided you’ll live out the remainder of your life on Fleeg. Life there is as primitive as the one you left. You will be given provision to establish you. After that, your fate is what you make of it.”

  G’nar stepped forward at the same time I did. We glance at each other before I say, “I must strongly object. I’ve been to Earth and the colony is far worse. I refuse to let you send her there.”

  “He’s right, sir. I grew up on Fleeg. No one deserves to live there. You’re sentenci
ng her to a slow and painful death.”

  Nial stands and glares at me before saying, “Who is the emperor and who is the criminal violating sixth world protocol by going to Earth and bringing back a specimen? Do you really mean for me to invoke the full measure of the law by executing everyone involved?”

  “No,” Pax says, stepping between G’nar and me. “No, please. Send me wherever you like but don’t harm anyone else. Your brother is soft hearted and only thought of my life when he violated the Lesser World Order. I’m ready to go to Fleeg.” She glanced at G’nar. “I’m tougher than I look.”

  No, Paxton. I’m never letting you go to that hellhole, I send to her.

  Be quiet and think of Daneul. He needs you, she replies.

  I look back at my son. He’s terrified. I wink at him. Do you trust me, buddy?


  Good. I’m doing this for you. I ping G’nar. Daneul is still your priority, understood?

  Always, sir.

  I face my brother, who is aware of our silent communications even if he’s not privy to them. “My son is innocent.” Nial nods in agreement. I go on. “Enforcer MacKrell was under my orders. If he’s guilty, I should bear the punishment and not him.”

  “I agree,” Nial says. “As former emperor, you have a choice. You can renounce the throne and accompany Paxton to Fleeg as her bondmate. Or, you can dissolve your union with her and live here on Ghar under house arrest.”

  Paxton tells me, the colony doesn’t scare me, Eldan. I’ll be fine. Take back your empire and work to make Fleeg a better place for me to live, okay?

  I clench my jaw. Paxton, I love you with every cell in my body. Everything I do is for you and Daneul. I clear my throat so the entire Alliaance can hear me. “Given those two choices, I hereby abdicate my throne to you, Acting Emperor LucKrell Nial. Wherever my bondmate goes, so go I.”

  “No, absolutely not,” Paxton says and hurries up to my brother. Guards block her way. “You can not let him do this. He was meant to lead, born to it, and I won’t be the reason he’s not the emperor.”

  “Guards, please. Take this creature away.” Nial gives me a smirk as the men drag Paxton out of the room. Another two Enforcers have me by the arms while Daneul clings to G’nar. Nial approaches me. “She’s a devoted little thing, I’ll give her that. Very well, Eldan, you’re no longer in line for the throne and neither is your son. Henceforth, until I decree otherwise, you are private citizens of Ghar with no more status than any other.” He nodded to the guards behind me. “Take him and the woman to the colony.”

  Chapter Twelve


  The guards hold me by my arms. They’re not hurtful or cruel, but their holds are strong. I could try to get away but where to? A map displays in my head. Gee, thanks, but I don’t think running off will solve anything. Funny thing about the bionans are they’re trackable by the Gharians. Nice and horrible. I sigh, letting the guards lead me back to the docking bay.

  Now that we’re approaching the emperor’s yacht, I can see where the Vahdmoshi hit us. Being attacked while flying around in a tin can gives me the shivers. We slow and I glance back. Eldan is being led like I am with G’nar and Daneul following. None of us say anything, not even via the innercoms. I refuse to cry about leaving Daneul. I also won’t scream at Eldan for abdicating until we’re alone.

  The guards release us as we approach a large, blocky vessel. Daneul runs up and hugs me. I hold him and don’t trust my voice to not crack. I’ll find a way to get your father back to Ghar. I promise.

  I know. I’m to stay with Uncle G’nar until you return or I’m old enough to join you.

  G’nar comes up to me. “My turn to say goodbye.” Tears fill my eyes when he takes me in his arms. “Take care of this guy, all right? He’s used to servants doing everything for him.”

  I laugh and snort at the same time. “So who isn’t?” After pulling away, I add, “Yes, I’ll do my best.” Eldan and Daneul are still hugging so I take the chance to ask, “You grew up on Fleeg? What do I need to know?”

  He shakes his head. “Be prepared for the worst and trust no one.”

  One of the guards hurries over to us. “Come on. It’s time.”

  Eldan lets go of Daneul, telling G’nar, “Guard him with your life.”


  Guards surround Eldan and me, giving us only one direction to go. I walk ahead, up the ramp and into the ship. It doesn’t smell or look as bad as I’d expect a prison transport to be. Lights along the walls give us directions. We’re all silent, only our shoes making sounds as we progress. A door slides up to my right. “Halt.” One of the guards walks in front of me. “You’ll share a cell since you’re bondmates. Be aware you will be monitored at all times.

  I glance at Eldan before nodding. Prison is the last place I’d fool around in, even with him. “I appreciate you not giving us solitary confinement.”

  “Our policy is to keep mates together whenever possible.”

  Eldan walks in first. “Leave us.”

  I look around as everyone makes a quick retreat. The door closes, locking us into a rather largish but plain room. There’s a bed big enough for the two of us. It has a blanket and two pillows. I don’t see a commode or sink, which is worrisome. I send out a signal and sure enough, a door opens to a bathroom. “Oh thank God.”

  “We’re in a second world prison, not a sixth world. You’ll have basic needs cared for but that’s all.”

  I narrow my eyes at him because I think he’s talking down to me. While I might be sixth world, the bionans make me third world at least, second at best. For funsies, I look up first world and holy cow. They don’t even have fleshy bodies but a limitless consciousness. Huh. I’ll have to research them more. Right now, Eldan is sitting on the bed, staring at the wall. I sit next to him. “You didn’t have to do this. I could have gone to Fleeg on my own.”

  “I couldn’t let you be alone.” He leans forward and buries his face in his hands. “Missing Daneul will be the worst. I can stand anything else but him or you in pain.”

  “Maybe when I get settled in at the colony you can petition to move back to Ghar.” I put my arm around him. “That way, you’ll know I’m safe and you can return to Daneul.”

  “I’m afraid this is a one way trip.” He leans into me. “You’ll be all right. I promise.”

  I blink a couple of times at the word. It’s as if promise is a red-letter term, taken seriously by the Gharians. When they use the word, they either deliver or die. But then, was his time on Earth long enough to soften the all or nothing meaning Gharians have of the concept? I look at him, searching his face for microexpressions of a different connotation. My eyes burn as I realize Eldan would die before he’d let me come to harm. He’s given up everything he is for me. “I’m not worth what you’ve lost.”

  “Dearest, you’re everything to me. I’ve only lost time with Daneul for now. Once we find a safe place to live with him, I’ll be happy.”

  “Even on Fleeg?

  He laughs and shakes his head. “I won’t like the place but yes, even there if you’re with me, I won’t mind any situation.”

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Not really. I’m too nervous but I suppose both of us should try to eat. From what I’ve learned, we may not be getting food regularly after we’re dropped off.”

  “I agree.” He stands and goes to the opposite wall. A little panel rises. It reminds me of the food dispenser in my living quarters on the yacht. “We don’t get a selection. Just whatever is on the menu for the day.” He takes the tray, bringing the meal to me. “Go ahead and I’ll get mine.”

  I nod, taking the utensil to get a taste. Not bad, but not like anything I’ve ever had before. The meat feels spongy so I try something else. The green stuff is good, spicy, and I eat every bite. “I’m hungrier than I thought I was.”

  “Me too. Are you not eating your shart meat?”

  “My what?” I choke out before laughing. “No, I’m never
going to like that. Sorry.”

  He reaches with his fork. “Do you mind if I do?”

  “No, go ahead.” Shart. I begin laughing again. “Sorry, but yeah. The name and texture both is a turn off.”

  “Good. More for me. It’s not a delicacy, but it’s common. Sort of like lobster on Earth.”

  “Oh, you like lobster?”

  “As much as you like shart.”

  I am never going to get used to that name. The cookie is good if a little dry. As soon as the dinner hits my stomach, exhaustion takes over. “I think I have food coma. Or do they put tranquilizers in the prisoners’ meals to keep them docile?”

  “There’s nothing extra in here that I’m aware of. We also don’t give chemicals to people without their permission or knowledge.” He takes my tray with his and stands, putting them in the dispenser. “Recent events are probably catching up to you. Going to the colony will take some time. We might as well change into sleeping clothes and get some rest.”

  I yawn. “You’re right. Do we have prison issue clothes? I don’t think you should go to the planet surface in your imperial clothes. You’ll be a target in them. The other prisoners will know you’re soft and an easy mark.”

  He grins at me. “Do you consider me soft?”

  “Not always, no. But you’re a leader, not an enforcer. Your job is to think and command.”

  “True. I’ll download some defense moves from the system before we land. Some survival tips for the colony, too.”

  “If we’d had time, I could have asked G’nar for extra information the data links wouldn’t have.”

  “That would have been very wise, my love.”


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