Montana Sky: Snare His Heart (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Loving A Rancher Book 5)

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Montana Sky: Snare His Heart (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Loving A Rancher Book 5) Page 13

by Caroline Clemmons

  She placed an arm around his waist and walked beside him up the steps. “Welcome home, Forrest. We’ve been waiting for you.”

  He put his free arm around her. “Wonderful words, Addie. Wonderful words, all of them.”

  Inside, he hugged Frannie again and set her on the floor. With a weary exhale, he plopped onto his chair.

  Biscuits clapped him on the shoulder. “Now you’re back safe ’n sound, I’ll go help Rowdy.”

  “The sheriff will have to be told. Guess Ethan’s body should be taken to town. First, I need to talk to my family.”

  Biscuits shuffled toward the door. “You stay here long as you like. Ethan ain’t a goin’ anywhere.”

  Addie set a mug of coffee in front of him.

  He caught her hand and stared into her eyes. “Thank you… not just for saving Noah, but for everything.”

  “I couldn’t kill your brother, but I had to make him release Noah.”

  Noah hung on Forrest’s side. “When the bullet hit Uncle Ethan, he moved so I could kick loose. He turned and was gonna shoot me but Addie fired again.”

  His son’s revelation sent Forrest’s stomach to his throat. He thought he might throw up the rising bile. Ethan had intended to shoot Noah, the boy he professed was his favorite kin?

  Addie sat near him and her hands trembled. “I was so frightened for Noah that I missed the second shot. At least I scared Ethan enough he turned and rode off. You can’t imagine how relieved I was when you appeared.”

  “And you can’t imagine how scared I was when I heard your shots. We rode in to find everyone in tears but I quickly saw you were all four in sight.”

  He stood and pulled her into an embrace. “When I think about all Ethan did, I’m sick to my stomach. He had to have been insane. No wonder his mother didn’t like to talk about his father. Ethan must have taken after the man.” He caressed her back.

  She sighed into his chest and her arms went around his waist. “This has been a hard day for each of us. Now you won’t have cattle disappearing and fences cut and canals caved in or any of the other mysterious and troublesome things happening.”

  “Found where the cattle are penned on Ethan’s land. Someone’s got to ride over and tell his hands what’s happened.”

  “But it doesn’t have to be you and it doesn’t have to be now. Let the sheriff take care of that chore.”

  “Guess you’re right. Sheriff Mather should deal with that business and he’ll have to look for a will. If there isn’t one, he’ll take steps to see who inherits, which I suppose would be me as closest kin. If he wasn’t lying, Ethan told me he left everything to Noah.”

  Noah’s brown eyes shone. “Really? To me? You mean I have my very own ranch?”

  He smoothed the hair from his precious son’s forehead. “Sorry, but not yet. You aren’t old enough. The court would appoint a guardian, probably me.”

  Addie said, “Worry about that later. Now I’m going to make lunch and tonight we’ll have a huge meal to celebrate the end to our problems.” She met his gaze. “I’m sorry I can’t mourn Ethan.”

  “Knowing what he told me leaves me sharing that opinion. I’d like to think he changed, but I believe what’s more likely is that I finally saw him for who he was all along.”

  He released her and reached for his hat. “This may take a while but I’ll see you at supper.”

  In the barn, he stared at the wrapped body of his brother laid out in the wagon.

  Rowdy leaned on the vehicle’s sides. “Did the best we could by him.”

  “Thank you, especially after all he puts us through.” He shook his head. “I’ll take him to town and make arrangements for his funeral. There’s a space in the cemetery beside his mother.”

  Rowdy slapped the side of the wagon. “I’m a witness, Boss. I’d better ride in with you in case the sheriff has questions.”

  “Thanks, men. You’ve been more than patient through all of this. I couldn’t have survived the fire without your help. I couldn’t have saved the ranch without your loyalty.”

  Both men acted embarrassed by his praise.

  Biscuits cleared his throat. “We’re family, remember?”

  Forrest nodded towards the house. “The best there ever was except for that woman in there. She’s put up with a lot from me.”

  He stared at Biscuits. “You suspected Ethan was to blame, didn’t you?”

  “Couldn’t prove it. He always was a wantin’ what anyone else had that he didn’t have, no matter whether it was somethin’ he valued or not. I recollect when your father married Ethan’s mother they moved in. She babied that boy somethin’ awful. Still, he was always jealous of you, I can tell you that for sure.”

  He was surprised Biscuits had so much to say at one time. “Guess Rowdy told you we saw where the stolen cattle are kept.”

  Biscuits nodded thoughtfully. “I’d sure like to get there without tanglin’ with them rattlers.”

  Rowdy met Forrest’s gaze. “There’s got to be another way into that ravine. Ethan couldn’t have driven cows down that narrow game trail or there would have been plenty of sign.”

  “You’re right. And, I don’t know about Joe Warren but I’m willing to bet he had Mort Jensen’s help.”

  Biscuits mulled that over. “Pretty sure Joe wouldn’t get involved in rustlin’. Likely wouldn’t bother that Jensen to, though.”

  Forrest couldn’t prevent sorrow creeping in to weigh heavily on him. However bad Ethan was, he had thought of him as his brother for twenty-two years.

  Wearily, Forrest climbed onto the wagon seat. “Might as well get this over.”

  Rowdy climbed up beside him. “Won’t get any easier.”

  Biscuits asked, “You want I should come or stay here?”

  “Looks like Addie can protect the place but I’d feel a lot better if you stayed here. Hate to think of Jensen showing up looking for his boss. She’s already pretty shaken.”

  “Don’t blame her. But, in addition to being a crack shot that woman has grit. She’s the kind who’ll stand by you all your days.”

  “I’m counting on that, Biscuits. Counting on it.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Addie took comfort from seeing Biscuits working around the barn and out buildings. In spite of relief from knowing Ethan wouldn’t appear, her insides were jumbled and she jumped at every sound.

  Frannie grabbed her hand. “Noah said you love us.”

  “I most assuredly do.” She hugged the girl. “I’m so happy hearing your sweet voice.”

  Daisy tugged on her sleeve. “Do I have a sweet voice?”

  She included Daisy in the hug. “You certainly do. In fact, I’ll bet you three children have the nicest voices of any children anywhere. Wait until Christmas when your grandparents see you.”

  Noah gave her a surprised glance. “We don’t have grandparents.”

  “Now you do. My parents will be your grandparents. They’re eager to meet you. I’ve told them how good and how smart you are.”

  Frannie smiled. “Will I call them Grandma and Grandpa?”

  “I’m sure they’d love having you do so.”

  Noah nodded but appeared puzzled. “I’ve wondered if Biscuits could be my grandpa on Papa’s side.”

  “I’ll bet if you asked him, he’d be pleased.”

  “You think so? I’m gonna go ask him.” Noah darted out of the house, slamming the door behind him.

  Frannie shook her head. “Boys.”

  Daisy nodded. “Boys.” After a second, she asked, “What about boys, Frannie?”

  “They make a lot of noise.”


  Addie stood and went to the pantry. “Let’s make a special dessert. I think a big cobbler would be good. I have canned peaches and dried apples.”

  Both girls shouted, “Peach cobblers.”

  In a little over four hours, the wagon rolled into the yard. Addie looked out the window, but Rowdy was alone. Surely her husband wasn’t in trouble becau
se of Ethan’s death.

  She hurried outside. “Where’s Forrest?”

  Rowdy climbed down. “Don’t worry. He rented a horse and rode with the sheriff to Ethan’s place. Sheriff didn’t want to give Jensen a chance to learn his boss wasn’t coming back. Figured the man would steal what he could and bolt.”

  Relief swept through Addie. “So everything’s all right where Forrest and the sheriff are concerned?”

  “Mather’s a proper sheriff and there’s no worry there. He wants Forrest present when they look for a will. Reckon he figures your husband will know more where to look. But, he’s a smart man who avoids any appearance of improper dealings.”

  “Do you know if a time was set for the funeral?”

  “Reverend Norton suggested ten o’clock Saturday morning. Don’t know how many people will attend. Reckon no one for Ethan, but those who know will come out of respect for the boss.”

  “I’ll have supper this evening at the regular time. If Forrest hasn’t returned, I’ll keep his meal warm.”

  “I expect the sheriff will be along with him.”

  “Thanks for telling me. I’ll make sure there’s enough food.” She always prepared enough to have leftovers for the next day’s lunches. A guest would be nice even for a solemn occasion like this one.

  Biscuits and Rowdy said they’d rather wait until Forrest returned. She considered feeding the children but thought Forrest needed his family surrounding him this evening. By the time Forrest and the sheriff rode in, supper had been ready for half an hour.

  Sheriff Mather was quiet but pleasant.

  Forrest showed them the will they’d found. “As I thought, everything goes to Noah.”

  After they’d eaten, Sheriff Mather excused himself and took the rented horse to town with him.

  When the lawman had ridden away, Forrest looked at his two trusted employees. “One of you needs to live on the other ranch as overseer until Noah is old enough to handle things. I need someone I can trust without reservation.”

  Biscuits shook his head. “Don’t look at me. I don’t never want that kind of responsibility. I like things fine like they are.”

  “Rowdy, there’s a sound house there. Inside looks like a pig pen right now, but was real nice at one time. If you were looking to marry your girl, that place would make a fine home for the two of you.”

  The younger man’s face shone with hope. “You mean it? I was gonna ask you if I could build us a little place on the ranch. This would be grand.”

  “You’ll need to buy all the soap and polish the Cobbs have in their store. I don’t think anyone’s cleaned the place since it was built over ten years ago.”

  Forrest rubbed at his jaw. “The bunkhouse was real clean on Joe Warren’s side but disgusting on Mort Jensen’s. I asked Warren to stay on but the sheriff and I sent Jensen off the ranch. Sheriff Mather warned the man he’d be arrested for rustling if he ever saw him again.”

  Addie asked, “Shouldn’t he have arrested him for helping Ethan?”

  Forrest shook his head. “Can’t prove Jensen did. Joe said he knew they were up to something but they shut him out. He was planning to move on but agreed he’d like to stay with an honest person running the ranch.”

  Biscuits mulled over the situation. “Looks like we need two new hands, one for each ranch.”

  “Right. I hope we find a couple half as good as you two. Not likely, but figure we can train them.”

  Rowdy nudged Biscuits. “Better lay off the compliments, Boss. I see his head swelling.”

  Biscuits glared at the younger man. “You ain’t got nothin’ but air between your ears. I ought to take you outside and teach you manners.”

  Forrest winked at Addie. “Sounds like things are back to normal.”

  Later in their room, Forrest pulled Addie into his embrace. “I’m a lucky man. Out of all the women who signed up to be mail-order brides, I received the perfect one. No wonder I’ve fallen in love with you.”

  She cupped his face with her hands. “Forrest, are you serious? Did Noah tell you to say that?”

  “I thought that up all by myself. I’m hoping you love me.”

  She toyed with a button on his shirt. “You have to know I do. I love you more than I ever thought possible.”

  He caressed her cheek. “Honey, I’ve seen it shining from your eyes. I hope you see the same reflected in mine.”

  Her arms went around his neck. “I hoped I did. I wanted so much to have you return my love.”

  “You’re the most generous, caring woman I’ve ever known. I didn’t think I could love again, but you snared my heart. Before you even came here, you thought of ways to improve our lives. And you’ve kept on making things better for us.”

  “I’m unbelievably fortunate. I didn’t know anyone could be this over-the-moon happy.”

  “I hope the best is yet to come, my beautiful love. We’re bound to have sad times as well as glad ones, but we’ll face them.”

  “As long as we’re together, I can handle anything.”

  Dear Reader,

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  Read Caroline’s western historical titles:

  Amanda’s Rancher, Montana Sky Kindle World

  The Rancher and the Shepherdess, Montana Sky Kindle World

  Murdoch’s Bride, Montana Sky Kindle World

  Bride’s Adventure, Montana Sky Kindle World

  Patience, Bride of Washington, American Mail-Order Brides Series #42

  Josephine, Bride Brigade book 1

  Angeline, Bride Brigade book 2

  Cassandra, Bride Brigade book 3

  Ophelia, Bride Brigade book 4

  Rachel, Bride Brigade book 5

  Lorraine, Bride Brigade book 6

  Prudence, Bride Brigade book 7, coming soon

  The Surprise Brides: Jamie, released simultaneously with three other The Surprise Bride books which are Gideon by Cynthia Woolf, Caleb by Callie Hutton, and Ethan by Sylvia McDaniel, each book about one of the Fraser brothers of Angel Springs, Colorado

  The Most Unsuitable Wife, Kincaids book one

  The Most Unsuitable Husband, Kincaids book two

  The Most Unsuitable Courtship, Kincaids book three

  Gabe Kincaid, Kincaids book four

  Brazos Bride, Men of Stone Mountain Texas book one, Free

  Buy the Audiobook here

  High Stakes Bride, Men of Stone Mountain Texas book two

  Buy the Audiobook here

  Bluebonnet Bride, Men of Stone Mountain Texas book three

  Tabitha’s Journey, a Stone Mountain Texas mail-order bride novella

  Stone Mountain Reunion, a Stone Mountain Texas short story

  Stone Mountain Christmas, a Stone Mountain Texas novella

  Winter Bride, a Stone Mountain romance

  The Texan’s Irish Bride, McClintocks book one, Free

  O’Neill’s Texas Bride, McClintocks book two

  McClintock’s Reluctant Bride, McClintock’s book three

  Daniel, McClintock’s book four, coming soon

  Save Your Heart For Me, a western romance adventure novella

  Long Way Home, a sweet Civil War adventure romance novella.

  Caroline’s Time Travel

  Out Of The Blue, 1845 Iri
sh lass comes forward to today

  If you prefer contemporary western romance, you’ll enjoy interacting with kindred souls and authors by becoming a member of Contemporary Western Hearts Facebook Group at

  Caroline’s Contemporary Titles

  Be My Guest, mildly sensual

  Grant Me The Moon, sweet romance with mystery

  Capture A Star, sweet romance with mystery, coming soon

  Snowfires, sensual

  Home Sweet Texas Home, Texas Home book one, sweet

  Caroline’s Mysteries:

  Almost Home, a Link Dixon mystery

  Death In The Garden, a Heather Cameron cozy mystery, Kindle only

  Take Advantage of Bargain Boxed Sets:

  Wild Western Women – Mistletoe, Montana, Kirsten Osbourne, Caroline Clemmons, Merry Farmer, and Sylvia McDaniel—for a limited time!

  Mail-Order Tangle: Linked books Mail-Order Promise by Caroline Clemmons and Mail-Order Ruckus by Jacquie Rogers, Kindle Only

  The Kincaids, Books 1-4 in one set

  Men of Stone Mountain, contains the first three of the Stone Mountain Texas books: Brazos Bride, High Stakes Bride, and Bluebonnet Bride. Kindle Only

  About The Author

  Caroline Clemmons is an Amazon bestselling and award winning author of historical and contemporary western romances. A frequent speaker at conferences and seminars, she has taught workshops on characterization, point of view, and layering a novel.

  Caroline and her husband live in the heart of Texas cowboy country with their menagerie of rescued pets. When she’s not indulging her passion for writing, Caroline enjoys family, reading, travel, antiquing, genealogy, painting, and getting together with friends. Find her on her blog, website, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Google+, WattPad, Shelfari, and Pinterest.

  Subscribe to her newsletter here to receive a Free novella of Happy Is Bride.


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