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Revived Page 18

by Samantha Towle

  And she’s all mine.

  “Yes. But they don’t know who you are yet, so we have still got a little more time of privacy.”

  “It was bound to happen at some point, and at least they posted a nice picture of me.” She takes the seat opposite me, resting her bare feet up on the chair between my legs.

  I put the iPad down on the table. “Are there any bad pictures of you? Because I highly doubt it.”

  “Ones of when I was pregnant with Jett and I’d bloated to the size of a house.”

  “I bet you looked beautiful while you were pregnant.”

  “I really didn’t.” She laughs.

  I slide my hand over the top of her foot, taking hold of it. She lets out a sigh of pleasure as I run the pad of my thumb along the arch in her heel.

  “I’ll show you some photos of pregnant me when we get home, and you’ll soon change your mind.”

  She ends with a giggle, and I just shake my head in disagreement. I will never see India as anything less than beautiful.

  “God that feels good,” she comments on my foot rubbing skills.

  “I am to please. And speaking of pleasing, I ordered breakfast for us.” I nod at the food on the table. “Are Jett and Kit up yet? Do you think they’ll want to eat with us?”

  “Without a doubt, they’re still sleeping. And I’m pretty sure Kit said he was going to order food for them both.”

  I originally had the two-bedroom suite booked for India, Jett, and me to stay in and a separate one-bedroom suite for Kit. But then Jett said he wanted to stay with Kit, so they’ve ended up in the two bedroom, and India and I have the one bedroom. I can’t say I’m disappointed with the sleeping arrangements. It means I get unfettered access to India, and she can make as much noise as she wants while I fuck her.

  “They are coming to watch testing today though, right?”

  She rests her head back, smiling at me. “Like they’d miss it.”


  “And what are we doing tonight?”

  “I thought we could all go out for a quiet dinner. Then, I need to get an early night, rest up for qualifying.”

  “Sounds perfect.” Sitting up, her foot slips from my hand.

  I watch as she comes over and straddles my lap. My hands go to her hips.

  “Does that early night involve me at all?”

  “All of my early nights involve you. I drive better after I’ve fucked you.”

  “You haven’t driven since we’ve had sex,” she says.

  “Yes, I have. Aside from practice for this upcoming race, I have driven in ten Prixs since we had sex the first time when I fucked you against the wall in your hallway, remember?”

  Her cheeks flush red. “I remember.”

  I push away the painful thought of those ten races I spent without her.

  I have her now. That is all that matters.

  “And my wins and overall points have been higher than ever before.” My hands slip under my T-shirt that she’s wearing. Feeling her soft skin beneath my hands, my cock starts to harden in my boxers. “I would say fucking you is my new pre-race luck ritual.”

  “Hmm…is that so?” She raises a brow.

  “Definitely. And I think I could do with some pre-race ritualizing right about now.”

  Standing with her, she starts giggling, wrapping her arms around my neck. I carry her through to the bedroom and deposit her on the bed, and then I spend the next hour showing just how much good luck she really does bring me.

  I’M IN LEANDRO’S TEAM GARAGE, standing between Kit and Jett, watching on the screen while Leandro fights to take first place in qualifying.

  It’s such a different atmosphere, being here in the garage than it was watching in the stands at Silverstone. The vibe is intense as his team is on edge, wanting him to achieve pole position.

  “He’s gonna do it, Mum!” Jett says excitedly from beside me.

  I love hearing the happiness in his voice. He is totally in his element here. And Leandro has been amazing with him, including him and Kit in everything—showing them around, introducing them to all the drivers from the opposing teams. They also spent some time with Carrick over in Rybell’s garage.

  Dinner with Andi and Carrick was fabulous last night. They brought along a few friends with them. Andi’s friend Petra works on Carrick’s team, and Kit seemed pretty interested in talking to her for most of the night. I also met one of Carrick’s mechanics, Ben, and Andi’s Uncle John. Of course I’ve heard all about these people in Andi’s sessions with me, so it was nice to put faces to the names.

  Carrick and Andi have been really cool about Leandro and me being together even though they know I was his therapist. I did feel slightly anxious at the thought of spending time with them, worried what they would think about me, but Leandro assured me that they were really happy for the both of us.

  Knowing that put me at ease a little, but I didn’t feel truly relaxed until I spent time with them and realized they didn’t care about how Leandro and I met at all. They genuinely seemed happy that we were together.

  My phone vibrates in the back pocket of my jeans.

  I wonder who that could be. The only people who ever call me are here with me. And all my patient calls are being handled by Amanda, the therapist I brought in to cover me while I’m here in Hungary.

  I slide my phone from my back pocket.

  The number I see is one I haven’t seen in a long while. And I immediately get the worst sense of foreboding.

  “I’m just going to take this call.” I lift my vibrating phone up to Kit, who briefly glances at me in acknowledgment before looking back to the television screen.

  I move quickly through the garage. Slipping out the door, I connect the call. “Russell?”

  Russell is the defense attorney who tried the case against Paul, which put him in prison.

  “India. Hi. I’m sorry to call on a weekend, but I only just got the call myself, and I thought you would want to know.”

  “What call?” My lips tremble slightly.

  He sighs lightly. “Paul had a parole hearing yesterday. I didn’t know. Apparently, the paperwork was sent to me, but I never received it. I’m so sorry, India, but it’s been granted.”

  A ripple of fear runs down my spine. “He’s out,” I nearly choke on the words.

  “Not yet. He’ll be released this Tuesday.”

  A few days. My breath leaves me in a rush. I press my hand to my forehead, trying to calm my spinning thoughts. “But I thought I had a few more years before he got out.”

  “So did I. I really didn’t think his parole would be granted. I thought he would serve his full term, especially after failed escape attempts in prison and…the letters he sent to you. The threats.”

  The memory of receiving them. Seeing those words. The hatred he spewed.

  The feelings of hurt and betrayal and anger at him and myself attack me, leaving me winded.

  “First thing on Monday, I’m putting in for an emergency restraining order for you and Jett,” Russell tells me.

  “You think he’ll come looking for us? Is Jett at risk?” Panic seizes me, and I start to quickly think of ways for us to escape Paul. Leaving the country springs to mind.

  He wasn’t a violent man before he went to prison, but I saw in ink the hatred he feels for me, thinking I stole his life from him, and prison can change even the mildest of men.

  The Paul leaving prison in a few days is a man I don’t know.

  “I don’t think so. Paul is being released on electronic tag and curfew. He won’t be allowed to leave the Manchester area. I can’t see him risking going back to prison after trying for so long to be released that he would violate those conditions to come to London. And he doesn’t know where you are. But still, it’s better to have a restraining order in place than not.”

  I know how easy it is to find people, and my name isn’t exactly a run-of-the-mill name. Maybe I should have changed it, so he could never find us.
/>   Hindsight is a great thing.


  “It’s going to be okay, India. We always knew this day would come. It’s just happening a little sooner than we expected.”

  “You’re right. I know.”

  “Since Paul’s parole has been granted, maybe he’s a different man now. Maybe he’s let the hatred toward you go.”

  “Do you believe that?”

  “I want to, for your sake. I’m getting the parole documents sent over to me today, so I can see what terms allowed his release. I do think this is going to be okay.”

  “If there is anything in there—a desire on his part to meet Jett—”

  “He knows he’s not allowed to, but yes, if there’s anything, I’ll let you know immediately.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Does Kit still live with you?”


  “And do you have a good security system on your house?”

  “We have a standard alarm.”

  “Maybe it’s time to upgrade.”

  “You’re not making me feel better about this, Russell.” I let out a humorless laugh.

  “Sorry. Even though I believe you’ll be fine, I’m just trying to offer ways to make you feel safer about this.”

  “I know, and I appreciate it.” I blow out a breath, running my fingers through my hair.

  I hear the roar of the engines, and it brings my thoughts to Leandro. Who he is. Where I am.

  “I’m seeing someone,” I tell Russell. “It’s new, but he’s in the public eye.”

  “Does being with him put you and Jett in the public eye?”

  “It will. We’ve been photographed together already. Not Jett, but I’m sure it won’t be long before they get my name and Jett’s. Do you think that could be a problem?”

  There’s a pause while he thinks. His silence unnerves me.

  “If Paul has truly changed, then no, it shouldn’t be a problem. But it will tell him exactly where you are and how you’re living your life. The media will give him unfettered access to you and Jett. My advice is to stay out of the press as much as possible upon Paul’s release. And we’ll see how things go from there.”

  “Thanks, Russell, for everything. And thank you for letting me know.”

  “No problem. I’ll keep you updated as I know things…and I really am sorry, India.”

  “Yeah, me, too.”

  I hang up with Russell and lean back against the wall, pressing my head against the bricks. I can’t believe he’s getting out now. I always knew this day would come, but I thought I had a few more years, that Jett would be a bit older.

  How the hell am I going to tell Jett that his father is free?

  I cover my face with my hand. Sliding it up into my hair, I tug on it with frustration.

  “There you are!” Jett’s voice hits me.

  I look up to see him standing in the doorway to the garage.

  His happy expression drops, and he takes a step toward me, letting the door close behind him. “Mum, are you okay?”

  I clear my face of all emotions and paste on a bright smile. “I’m fine.”

  “Who was that on the phone?” He nods at the phone, which my fingers are tightly gripped around.

  “Just a patient.” I slide my phone back into my pocket, trying to relax the tense muscles in my body.

  I can see the skeptical look on his face. I can’t tell him now. Not here. I need time to think this through. Figure it out.

  “How’s Leandro doing?” I nod toward the garage, going for a subject change.

  A big smile spreads over his face. “He’s starting first tomorrow.”

  A genuine smile briefly pushes up through my fake one. “That’s great news.”

  “He’s gonna win tomorrow, no doubt.”

  “He sure is.”

  “You coming back in? He’ll be back in the garage soon.”

  “I’m coming now.” I push off the wall, trying to shake off the fear weighing heavily on my shoulders.

  INDIA HAS BEEN DISTRACTED FOR DAYS. She was fine before qualifying, but since then, there has been a distance with her. She seems preoccupied.

  Even when we make love, it’s like a part of her isn’t even there with me, and I don’t like it. I really don’t like it.

  I was supposed to be heading straight to Italy with the team after leaving Budapest, but I changed my plans and flew back to London with India. I wasn’t going to leave her while she was like this. I have only got a few days before I have to fly out to Italy, and I intend on finding out what the hell is going on with her before then.

  We got home yesterday, and she went into work today. Didn’t meet me for lunch. She made up some bullshit excuse about being too busy.

  This is the first time I’m seeing her since we returned, and we are at her place right now. Jett is upstairs, Kit’s out on a date, and India and I are watching a movie together, but once again, I might as well be sitting here alone.

  Well, I have her here with me now, and I am going nowhere until she tells me what is going on with her.

  “Are you going to tell me anytime soon? Or do I just have to start fucking guessing?” My words come out a little harsher than intended.

  She slides her eyes to mine. There’s a flare of anger in them. “Tell you what?”

  I pick up the remote control and turn off the TV. “Tell me what it is that is bothering you.”

  Her expression clears. “Nothing is bothering me.”

  For fuck’s sake!

  “I won the Belgium Prix on Sunday.”

  She gives me a look of confusion. “I know. I was there.”

  “Physically, yes. Mentally, no. You checked out on me the day before. Jesus, India, your lack of enthusiasm at my win after the first race you have been to since we got together—so it was pretty fucking important to me to have you there to witness it—and all I got was a congratulations and a pat on the shoulder.”

  “Jesus, I’m sorry I didn’t give the required amount of attention!” she bites. “What did you want me to do? Stick my tongue down your throat. Strip my clothes off and screw you right there and then? I’m sorry, but that would have been inappropriate—you know, with my kid and the rest of the racing population being there!”

  “Are you yelling at me?” I say to her.

  Seriously, there’s something wrong with me because I get majorly turned on when she gets mad. Seeing her all fired up has my cock as hard as nails. Well, pretty much anything she does has my cock hard, but her anger is a definite aphrodisiac to me.

  “Bloody well sounds like it, doesn’t it?” Her brow is all puckered into a frown.

  She looks hot as fuck.

  “I really want to fuck you right now,” I tell her in all seriousness.

  Her eyes swing my way, wide and blazing. “Are you being serious?”

  “I never kid about fucking you.”

  “Jesus! You’re really pissing me off,” she huffs.

  She makes to get up from the sofa, but I catch her arm, stopping her, and I pull her onto me. She makes a sound of protest but doesn’t actually try to get up.

  “And you’re really turning me on,” I say to her.

  Pausing she stares down at me. “I’m really mad at you right now, Leandro,” she grumbles, her voice less angry than before.

  “Yes, well, I’m kind of mad at you, too, India. But I’m still hot as fuck for you.” I slide my hands to her ass giving it a squeeze.

  She narrows her eyes at me. “We’re not having sex.”

  “Not right now we aren’t, but as soon as Jett is asleep, I’m tying you to your bed and fucking the hell out of you.”

  She shudders beneath my touch. I love that she can’t resist me, just like I can’t resist her.

  “And if I have to torture the truth out of you by delaying your orgasm, then I will. But I would much rather you tell me what it is that’s bothering you, so we can fix it, and I can spend my time in bed giving you multiple orgasms.”
  Her head drops to my shoulder, and she lets out a sad sounding sigh. It sets me on edge.

  “Talk to me, babe.”

  She lifts her eyes to mine. I see fear move through them, and then her eyes fill with tears.

  I sit up straighter, taking her face in my hands. “Jesus, India, you’re really starting to scare me.”

  Her eyes flick in the direction of the closed living room door and then back to me. She exhales, then, begins talking in a quiet voice, “Paul, Jett’s father, was released from prison today. While you were on the track on Saturday, I got a call on Saturday from Russell, the defense attorney who tried the case against Paul. The case I was a key witness for. The reason he went to prison.”

  “You are not the reason that motherfucker went to prison. He is the reason.”

  “Paul blamed me for him going to prison.”

  “India, he went to prison because he’s a pedophile. He was having sex with teenage girls. He got you pregnant while you were still a teenager, for fuck’s sake.”

  She cringes. Distress crosses her features, and a tear runs from her eye. It makes me feel like callous bastard.

  I catch her falling tear, wiping it away with my thumb. “I’m sorry, babe. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “No, you’re right. Just hearing it makes me feel like a victim.”

  “You were a victim, but now you’re a survivor.” I curl her hair around my hand. “You are a fucking miracle. You’re the strongest person I have ever known, India. Where you came from to where you are now…most people would have given up, but you didn’t. You fought hard to give your son the best life possible. You should be proud of yourself.”

  A soft look enters her eyes. “I kind of love you, you know.” She runs her fingers into my hair.

  “I kind of love you, too. A whole lot.” I lean close and press my lips to hers.

  Moving away, I lean my head back against the sofa. “Paul getting out of prison—what does this mean for us?”

  I see her smile when I say us. Then, she shrugs. “He’ll be living in Manchester, where he’s from. He’ll be on electronic tag and curfew, so he won’t be able to come here even if he wanted to. But Russell has had a restraining order put in place for Jett and me.”


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