Call of the Siren (Obsidian Cove Supernatural Academy Book 1)

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Call of the Siren (Obsidian Cove Supernatural Academy Book 1) Page 8

by Jarica James

  "The way you children think you can accuse people around here is despicable. I won't be bullied in my own school!" he thundered, pacing the room as he babbled.

  "No, you just prefer the students get bullied, instead. You're a waste of space, and a poor excuse for a leader," Tristan screamed, pulling out his phone. "Hello, it's Tristan. Can we get a hold of Obsidian Cove Prep's board of directors, please?" The sputtering picked up at his words, the headmaster fighting for his job and only proving our case. Little did he know, his board wasn't exactly made up of humans. Sure, they let the little assholes’ parents pay their way in and think they were special, but our kind had a hold on this area, and we made sure that humans would never have majority control over any business or institution. "Ah yes, thank you," he said politely, before turning back to us. "The directors will be here to handle this in half an hour. They said to wait here, and that includes your sorry ass."

  Headmaster Collin's face paled at those words, and he sat roughly on the table nearby, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. We all huddled around our girl, hating that they did this to her. I'd be damned if they’d get away with this, not this time.

  "What do you want to happen, Baby?" I asked as I sat down next to her and Evander. She looked up at me with those pretty sea green eyes, her strength shining through.

  "If he's willing to do it to me, he's gonna do it to someone else. I guess I should go to the police and file a report," she said with a sigh, hating the idea, but thinking of others before herself.

  "Can I just kill him and end this?" I asked in a hopeful voice. Her laugh pealed out, surprising all of us.

  "Nah, killing is frowned upon. But feel free to scare him," she said, her shoulders sagging a bit as they relaxed some of the tension.

  The board arrived in thirty minutes, just like they said, sweeping in and taking over. A kind woman counselor helped her recount the story to a police officer, filing charges against Alistair. Both of them were going to get some form of charges, ranging from kidnapping to accessory. Hopefully they'd learn some humility before their daddy bailed them out.

  It was late by the time we were able to go back to our rooms. Lennox was exhausted and roughed up, but she still walked back with her head held high. Aeson offered to heal her, but she refused, not wanting the officials to think it was all a hoax.

  "I have an idea," Aeson said excitedly, running for our adjoining room as soon as we entered hers. A few minutes later he came out with a box. Lennox perked up, taking it from him and opening it up. She let out a laugh and pulled out a bright blue, glittery ball.

  "What the hell is it?" I asked, stepping forward to look at it. The smell of berries and vanilla wafted off of it, a variation of her usual scent.

  "Bath bombs. They're my secret weakness, so don't fucking judge me," he said, narrowing his eyes at me. "I picked up some berry vanilla ones for you, I just forgot to share," he explained to her, before heading to the bathroom and getting a bath ready.

  She gathered her bath stuff before following him in, giving him a kiss on the cheek before shutting the door. As soon as we heard music drifting from the room, we turned to each other, all of us on the same page.

  ‘We need to talk.’

  March 19



  The warm water helped to soothe my frayed nerves. I hated that I let them get to me, especially that vile man, but I was a hot mess. The guys being there for me, and putting everything in motion, meant more to me than I could explain. Even now, they were taking extra steps to make sure I was handling it all okay.

  I was grateful that Calev and I had had our moment at the pool, because it would have been awful if the first time a guy had touched me had been part of Alistair’s assault. Stop torturing yourself, Lennox. Images of Alistair whispering in my ear, and the feel of his hands trailing over my body were burned into my memory, the flashes making me feel disgusted and sick all over again. I pulled my knees into my chest and rested my head on them as I let my emotions free, my tears mixing with silent screams until I had nothing left but exhaustion and numbness.

  The guys' voices drifted in occasionally, and my name came up more than once. I didn't really want to be rude and eavesdrop, though I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious.

  Ignoring them again, I took a little time to just relax, laying back and taking in the scents of the berries and vanilla bath bomb, when I noticed something strange. I was in water, but I didn’t have scales. I touched my neck and nothing, no gills. Hmm. I wonder why that is. Maybe one of the guys will know.

  When the water finally cooled off, I got out of my bath and dried off before slipping on my pajamas. The guys fell silent as soon as the door opened, clearly stopping an important conversation. I narrowed my eyes at them for a moment, wondering why they were still in my room, and then crawled into the bed that Evander was currently sitting on. I curled up behind him, still feeling a bit hollow. Sleep was calling me quickly, but I wanted to know the answer to my observation in the bath.

  “Can I ask you a question?” I said to no one in particular, not waiting for a reply, “Why didn’t my scales or gills come out when I was in the bath?”

  “Oh, that one we can actually answer. You have to activate your gills by submerging your entire body, and then breathing in the water. Without that step you’re just a girl in a tub,” Lachlan supplied.

  “And my song? How did I use that earlier? I wasn’t even trying to.”

  “Different things can trigger your song. Fear, anger, desire. But earlier was definitely anger,” Evander said. He took a quick glance at the guys before scooting closer to me, “Now, I know you haven’t made up your mind, but what happened today is the exact reason you need to go to the Obsidian Cove Supernatural Academy. You can learn to control your powers…because your song, the song of a siren, is a powerful thing.”

  ‘And deadly,’ Tristan said through the link, likely not realizing I could hear them.

  ‘She doesn’t need to know that now. It’ll do nothing but make it worse,’ Van replied, turning to give him a heated look. I ignored them, trying to keep my numb mask in place. That was a problem for another day, I couldn't handle anything else.

  "You gonna be okay, Doll?" Evander asked as he turned his body a little to look at me. He tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear, waiting for me to speak.

  "Yeah, especially since you're right next door. Just make sure my door is locked before you leave," I said quietly, giving them an attempt at a smile. They didn't look happy to leave, but they walked out anyway. Once I was alone, I immediately hated the idea.

  'Tristan, I lied. Will one of you stay with me? I think I need to be held tonight,' I called out to him, hoping he could hear me at this distance.

  'Of course,’ came back almost instantly. A few moments later, Tristan and Aeson came in, already in their pajamas. They didn’t bother to speak, instead slipping into the bed on either side of me, sandwiching me safely between them. I sighed in relief at the sensation of them around me, feeling safe once again.

  "I'm sorry you had to come babysit," I whispered as I snuggled into Tristan's back. The scent of sandalwood wafted over my senses, mixing with Aeson's spicy cologne.

  "No apologizing. You're not weak for wanting someone near you. You matter," Aeson said firmly, kissing the back of my neck. I snuggled back into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me, but my heart rate picked up in fear for a second, before I reminded myself who it was behind me.

  When the tears hit, Tristan turned in his spot to face me, pulling me into his chest as Aeson held me tighter from behind. I don't know how long we laid like that, but it felt like hours. Not once did they complain about dealing with my breakdown. Instead, they whispered the sweetest things to me as they held my broken pieces together.

  April 14



  The last few weeks had passed by slowly, word of Clara and Alistair's acts already spreading by the time we got
to class that next Monday. It might be a huge school, but it certainly had a small town feel when it came to rumors. Whispers followed me down the hall, sending me into a flashback.

  My hands were tugged behind my back, his hot breath fanned across my face. A shudder of fear moved through me as he whispered in my ear, his hand moving slowly over my curves. Acid rose in my throat as my stomach churned. Please, stop.

  Calev’s warm hand wrapped around mine, bringing me out of my memories. The guys helped me through the anxiety and depression that hit me after the attack, especially when I had to recount it for the cops and give my statement. They had me come and recount it in court one last time. I didn't want to press charges, but the school board talked me into it. Alistair was eventually sentenced to a six month stint in jail, and put on the sex offender list. Clara was given probation for her involvement, but neither of their sentences were anywhere near as severe as someone whose daddy had less power and influence would have gotten. My mind drifted back to the courtroom.

  As the judge’s gavel hit his podium, angry eyes turned to me. Alistair, Clara and their supporters all looked at me like I was the one to blame. Fuck them, I didn’t ask for this. But somehow, the shame of it all still creeped into me, making me want to run away and hide. I’m getting better with small touches, but I had a feeling this wasn’t going away anytime soon. My heart shattered for other victims of predators like him, who had it much worse in the end. But I will overcome this, I won’t let it keep its hold on me. It’s over now, and I can settle back into life again.

  Calev and I were walking to Biology together; one of my guys was with me at all times, now more than ever. He hadn't brought up our make-out session, probably because of everything that had happened afterward. Honestly, at this point it was probably for the best, because I was catching feelings for the others too. Gah, what do I do?

  When we got to class, Mr. Stevens had microscopes out at our lab stations. Calev stiffened next to me at the sight of the blood type tests that were stacked on each table along with a single lancet. Mr. Stevens did this every year, so it wasn't a scary sight for me.

  "We have to go now," Calev whispered, leaning close so none of the other students could overhear.

  "Why? I've done this a ton of times, it just tells you your blood type," I explained, still not sure what the big issue was.

  "Supernatural blood won't register on a normal scale once their powers or abilities are awoken. Some never do, regardless," he explained, fear in his eyes, “I’m a gargoyle, and I was born like this. I can’t be here.”

  “How old are you guys? Do we age the same?” I finally asked the question that’d been bugging me for so long, his panic making me think of it. From everything I’ve read… I mean it was paranormal romance books, but still… vampires are immortal.

  “I was wondering when that was coming. Aeson is the oldest at twenty-two. Tristan, Van and Lachlan are all twenty-one. I’m a baby, I’m only twenty,” he teased with a wink. “And we do age slower, but no, we’re not immortal. Any other questions?” he asked, his voice super low, though he still seemed to be coming up with an escape plan.

  "What happens if they find out?" I asked, catching on to the gravity of the situation from the way he spoke. He just shook his head and scooped me up from the stool as the teacher walked over to another table.

  "Mr. Stevens, she's feeling dizzy and nauseous. I'm going to take her to the nurse!" he called out. I put on my best pitiful face and leaned into Calev, like this was my last day on Earth.

  "Oh my, yes, please do," he said, giving me a concerned look. Calev didn't bother to put me down until we reached my bedroom, placing me on my feet so I could unlock the door.

  "Okay, now spill. What the heck?" I asked as I closed the door behind us, but he was already on the phone texting away. Likely telling the others to stay the hell out of Biology. He didn’t answer for a moment, only looking up when I got impatient and huffed.

  "Sorry. Our blood type is the same as humans underneath it all, but we don't register regularly on tests like that. If we were to put a slide under the microscope, he'd be calling the closest scientists to run tests on us. Our cells multiply rapidly, not to mention the unique aspect each supernatural type has. Mine would be slightly darker and harder to see through, and Evander's is thicker than normal. Yours would more than likely have a purplish tint, like most sirens," he explained, pacing the room. The close call clearly had him on edge. “I suppose it’s lucky that you didn’t find your siren side until after we found you. Otherwise, today would have been very bad for you. Not revealing ourselves to the humans is our most enforced law. Though, in your case damage control would have been used. It’s not like you had support before we found you.”

  "It's okay, crisis averted. We can take some of Evander's blood vials to do the makeup assignment. Of course, we’ll have to make sure they’re not all the same blood type, or that would be suspicious as well." I suggested, walking up to him and grabbing his hand to stop him from pacing any more. He stopped, his wide eyes softening as he looked down at me, before pulling me into his arms.

  "Good suggestion. I'm sorry I freaked you out. I know that's not what you need," he whispered, his warm breath tickling my cheek.

  "You didn't. I'm not nearly as breakable and weak as you guys think," I said quietly, hating the way they had been treating me since the kidnapping.

  "I'm sorry. We know you aren't," he said, holding me at arms length so he could see my face. "It scared us, and we don't want to see you hurt. Some of us have possessive sides, and those sides have claimed you. You've been in my head since that night at the pool, but I just wanted to give you time."

  "Well, time's about up," I teased, leaning up and claiming his lips. He chuckled at my words before kissing me back. My heart beat faster as his words finally registered, and I pulled away to look up at him. Claimed me? “What do you mean by claimed?”

  “Um, think of it like soulmates. My gargoyle wants you, and has claimed you as his. I don’t want to freak you out, but it’s kind of a ‘mates for life’ type of deal,” he said in a rush, his hands tapping out a nervous rhythm on his leg. Mates...for life? Oddly enough the words filled me with hope and excitement. I didn't feel like running away in the least. I’d felt the warmth when they touched me, and I knew it was more than just normal feelings. Even if I denied it to myself at first.

  “Does that mean you’re stuck with me forever?” I asked, my voice light and teasing. Unfortunately, my awkward self also had to add that dash of hopefulness into the words.

  His answering smile had me swooning a bit, his gray eyes lighting up at my acceptance. "Go on a date with me?" he asked as he studied my face, his tone carefree and excited, a sweet smile softening his face. I looked up at him in surprise.

  "You don't have to do that just because I'm impatient," I said, feeling guilty for pressuring him, but he just waved me off.

  "No, I've been thinking of a place to take you for awhile. Now that I know you're up for it, I want you to go on a date with me," he said excitedly, a sweet grin spreading across his face and making my heart warm.

  "Alright, that'd be fun. How should I dress?" His excitement had me bouncing on my toes, the prospect of going on my first date intensifying it. I'd wanted to have a chance at a first date for a long time, and knowing it was with someone like him made me look forward to it even more. That little voice in my head wouldn’t relent, reminding me that he wasn’t the only one I wanted… and that was a problem.

  "Hey, I heard about biology, did they see her blood?" Lachlan asked, bursting into the room without warning, his shoulders heaving with heavy breaths, like he’d sprinted the whole way here.

  "No, we got out of it," Calev said, stepping away but not letting go of my hand. The smile still stayed plastered to my face, the disruption not killing the vibe any.

  "What's going on here?" Lachlan asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. My eyes widened in shock. The last thing I want is to make the others mad

  "I'm taking this beautiful girl on a date tonight," Calev announced proudly, though a hint of teasing was there.

  Lachlan's eyes narrowed on us for a second, and I braced myself for his anger. You shouldn't have been flirting and so open with the others, now they're going to hate you. First friends you've had in a while, and here you are, fucking it up.

  "I get next date, then. No hogging our girl," Lachlan said, walking forward and gently placing his hands on my cheeks. He leaned forward slowly, but I was too shocked to pull away. When he placed his lips on mine with the gentlest of kisses, butterflies went wild in my stomach. Then he pulled away, and I quickly looked at Calev, expecting him to be angry, but he didn’t look upset. In fact, he looked happy. Am I in the twilight zone?!

  I guess my thought was written clearly on my face, because Lachlan laughed, pulling me out of my shock. I narrowed my eyes at him, waiting for some kind of explanation about what was going on. "I'm sorry! I forget you didn't grow up a supe. We aren't as traditional with our relationships as humans are. We thought you were interested in us, did we get that vibe wrong?" Lachlan asked, cringing at the words. I blinked at him stupidly, not able to formulate words. Hold up... does this mean they all actually want to date me? Evander hadn’t exactly been shy about his feelings, and neither had I. Plus, Tristan and Aeson were pretty damn obvious... but surely I was misunderstanding? They can’t really mean that it’s normal for all of them to date the same person. I just figured I’d have to choose.

  "You aren't misunderstanding, Lennie," Tristan called as he walked through the bathroom into my room. "Sorry, but you were screaming those thoughts, babe. And fuck yes, we all want you,” he said, stalking forward and placing his hands on my cheeks, his warmth permeating my skin and washing away any more worries. “Listen, I know we've all been platonic the last few weeks, but we didn't want to pressure you. If you're up for it, we all want to get to know you, too." His grin lit up at the last part, and he chuckled as my jaw dropped impossibly further. My mind was blown, and I had no coherent words to say yes. I mean... fuck yes, I'm in, but I still don’t comprehend this at all. How do the logistics of that even work? How could five hot guys like them want me?


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