Real Vampires: A Highland Christmas (The Real Vampires series Book 14)

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Real Vampires: A Highland Christmas (The Real Vampires series Book 14) Page 5

by Gerry Bartlett

  “No! You didn’t kill him. I would know.” I was frantic as I tried to jerk away but he held me fast.

  “Would you? Would you really? Would you know if I have him locked in my dungeon?” He laughed and pulled me closer until I was pressed against him breast to chest. He wore an open black velvet doublet with silver buckles that caught the light from the candles as they dug into my skin.

  “Do you have him? I think not.” I couldn’t imagine a dungeon that would hold Jeremiah. He could shift into something that would allow him to crawl or fly out of there.

  “You are so easy to read. You think I have not dealt with powerful vampires before this?” He smiled. “Look around. This room has no windows and the only door is fitted tight with no way to wiggle beneath or around it. My dungeon is the same. I keep a key in the lock so that shifting into even the smallest creature will not allow for escape. Do you believe me? Are you going to test my defenses as soon as I leave you alone?”

  “Bastard!” I slammed a fist into his chest. “Let Jeremiah go!”

  “Don’t be foolish. I will enjoy using him to insure your cooperation. Become troublesome and you can be sure I will make him suffer for it.” He grabbed my fist and ran a fang over it, drawing blood. A flick of his long tongue and he hummed. “Delicious. I want more.”

  “I also love causing pain.” He squeezed my hand until I fell to my knees with the agony of it. “Yours or your lover’s, it matters not to me. Defy me and I can enjoy making you watch as I torture him.”

  “I don’t believe you have him. He is a warrior. He could never be captured by the likes of you.” I fought when he grabbed my hair, dragging me up so my face was against his mouth. The pain! My eyes watered with it.

  “You want proof that I have him?” Devlin raised a dark brow. “Shall I cut off his sword arm and bring it to you?”

  “No!” The very thought of Jeremiah losing his arm made my gorge rise. “Please, you cannot. But you must tell me something that will prove you have seen him here.”

  “Ah, Gloriana. Do you really think I need to bargain with you?” He tightened a fist in my hair, smiling as the pain filled my eyes with tears. “But it amuses me to indulge you. He rode in on a big dark horse, had knives stowed in several places on his body. He used his sword like a madman. It took two vampires and a shifter to bring him down. He was sorely wounded.”

  I gasped at the thought. Devlin chuckled, delighted at my distress.

  “Oh, yes. He became weak from blood loss and I certainly was not going to give him a chance to feed, was I? Even now he is locked in my dungeon, screaming curses in that dreadful language of the Highlands. He had another warrior with him, MacDonald, he called him, but I let him get away. One hostage was enough bother.” He jerked my hair as if to prove he was in charge of me as well. “Are you convinced now?”

  “No!” I still resisted. Surely if Robert had escaped, so had Jeremiah. They’d come back with more men or… “Let me go, Devlin. He’ll be back with an army.” Oh, but I hoped he wouldn’t. The idea of Jeremiah against this monster made me sick.

  “I have him, I tell you. Here. You are a stubborn wench. Believe me now?” Devlin thrust a blood soaked cloth at me.

  I recognized it as a piece of Jeremiah’s shirt, obviously ripped from his body. I pulled it to my nose, his scent unmistakable. I sobbed, but still fought what might be the truth.

  “He could still have escaped.” I had to believe that.

  “Fine.” Devlin dragged me to the door and threw it open.

  Before I could gain my feet, he pulled me down the stone stairs behind him. It was dark and damp, with only a few torches in the walls to light the way. But vampire sight didn’t need a torch. When we’d gone down a second set, I fell against Devlin when he stopped suddenly.

  “There. Listen, you stubborn wench. Can you hear him cursing?”

  I hadn’t been hearing anything but the beating of my own heart as I had tried to keep my feet so my hair wouldn’t be torn out by the roots as the beast pulled at me. Now I had to stop and concentrate. That sound. Yes, it was faint but a man, his voice raw but unmistakable. Jeremiah. He spoke his native tongue, the one I had heard him use with Fergus and Robert. He was yelling from behind what were surely heavy doors and walls. He was furious. And in despair. Oh, Gods!

  “I believe you.” I straightened, not sure what I could do to keep my lover alive. “Tell me what you want. You must not kill him.”

  “I must not?” Devlin smiled and gestured back up the stairs, toward that room. “You are in no position to tell me what I must or must not do, fair Gloriana.”

  “I think a willing woman might be more pleasing to you, sir.” I looked him over, trying to keep my disgust hidden. I feared Jeremiah could hear me as well and kept my voice low.

  “There you’d be wrong. But I have no interest in discussing this on a stair. Move.” Devlin stared at me with a hunger I knew well.

  I turned and walked up the steps. He was in my mind, seeing my every thought. When I had tried to probe his mind? I got a dark and empty pit. He was not going to let me see a single evil thought in his head. Too soon, we were back in that bedchamber, the door closed and all sounds from the dungeon shut out. I was glad. I could not stand to hear Jeremiah’s cries.

  “Try to flee and I will bring you his sword arm before the sun rises at this night’s end. Understood?” He looked into my eyes. “I despise mind trickery. I will not treat you like the mortals we use as food. Either you cooperate willingly, to save your dear sire, or I will do as I wish and kill the man. What say you?”

  I swear my slow vampire heart had stopped beating entirely. This man’s graveyard scent made me recoil. I wanted to slash him with my new fangs. Try to rip out his throat as Robert had teased me I should learn to do. If only I had taken him seriously! Devlin held Jeremiah’s life in his hands. I could either do as he bid or send my lover to his death.



  or how long? I must have terms.” I forced myself to touch him. His black silk shirt lay open on his unyielding and cold as marble chest. How ancient was he? Did it matter? I knew my skin wasn’t as cold as his was. Could that be why he searched out new vampires? For the warmth we still held in our bodies? He could get heat from a mortal but perhaps that didn’t suit his particular tastes. My hatred made me dig my nails into his flesh, drawing blood. That made him smile.

  “You have spirit. This will be fun.” He looked me over, a cruel smile curving those sensual lips. “After so many centuries, one becomes weary of the same thing, chase and capture. It’s a pattern, you know. But you wouldn’t understand. The vampire world is still new to you, exciting.”

  I would be damned if I would have a discussion with him or cover myself so I stood with my shoulders back, my hands by my sides. Fun? The man was clearly mad.

  “You are delightful. I so rarely find a challenge anymore.” He stared at my breasts. “Yes, I believe I will give you terms.”

  “What are your terms?” I was desperate to raise my hands, cover my breasts from those eyes that seemed to devour me. My nipples puckered in the cold air. Did he think he had excited me? Never! But I would not bend nor break for him. When he reached for my mouth as if to examine my teeth, I lunged. Enough of his silent inspection. I would fight, not merely submit.

  He caught my wrists with a laugh. “Yes, you will give me quite a ride before all is said and done, my dear.” His terrifying long fangs gleamed in the candlelight. Yes, he thirsted for my blood, but he wanted my body as well. I couldn’t doubt it as he pressed against me. The silver buckles on his doublet scratched my breasts and the bulge in his hose made no doubt he was aroused.

  “Bastard.” I couldn’t help it. I would endure it. To save my lover. Would Jeremiah even want me if I wore this man’s foul stench once Devlin was done with me? I bit back a sob when he released me, seeing my surrender in my mind.

  “Terms. Listen well, Gloriana. Stay with me for a fortnight and do whatever I demand and I
will return you to your lover, your precious Campbell sire. I see you fancy yourself in love with him. At the end of that time, I will set both of you free. You as well as what is left of him.” He ran a hand over my breast. “If you still wish it.” His nails were long and curved and he used one to pluck my nipple.

  “You’ll let Jeremiah live? You must allow him to feed!” I gasped out the demand when all I wanted to do was shriek at Devlin’s horrid touch. I couldn’t. This was for my future, my forever with Jeremiah. I would endure anything if it meant saving him.

  “That depends upon you, my lady. Cooperate and I will send him nourishment from time to time. If not?” His eyes hardened. “I have told you. Not even rats can survive my dungeon. He will wither away in his cell.”

  “Are you a man of your word?” I held back my tears and focused on my fury, my own fangs, small though they were, on full display. I had never felt such hatred for anyone. I shook with it.

  “Never doubt it, mon petit. There is little I still value, but my word is one thing I hold dear.” He dragged his fingernail over his heart until blood welled, making the sign of the cross. “You have my solemn oath. I was once a priest so this symbol means something to me.”

  “Then we have a deal.” I tilted my head and raised my chin, offering my vein. He struck so fast and so deep, I didn’t have time to brace myself. He drew on me as if my life’s blood intoxicated him. His murmurs of appreciation were like knives scraping my nerves raw as he held me firmly against his hard body. Greedy bastard. Would he break his promise and drain me dry here and now? Was I doomed?

  Finally, finally, he pulled those long fangs from my vein. He kissed the marks but did not erase them. He must have read my thoughts because he just smiled.

  “Oh, no. As long as you are here, you wear the marks of my possession. Everyone who waits on you will know I drink from you. And you will use the servants here to keep up your strength. Who do you prefer for your blood slave? A lusty man? Or a maid? I warn you now, drinking from them is all you will do. They are clean. I assure you I will not have anyone serve me who carries a disease.”

  I stayed silent though I wanted to scrub away his filthy touch. Blood slaves. His servants were nothing but food to him. If I was more than that, it was because he wanted to use me even more vilely.

  He helped me to a chair. “You are still shivering. Cold? Remarkable. I have never met a vampire, young or old, who feels the temperature.” He walked over and pulled a bell rope. A male servant appeared in the doorway. “Have a fire laid in the hearth. Then bring in Marie. I think she will suit Gloriana.”

  I kept silent, weak from his feast. He walked over to the bowl which held water and dipped a rag into it. Then he wiped the blood off his chest before he rubbed his face. Of course he didn’t bother cleaning my neck. Two servants hurried into the room. A man carried wood and got busy laying a fire. A rosy cheeked maid stood nervously by the door.

  “Marie, come here. This is Madame Gloriana. You will serve her.” Devlin squatted down in front of me. “Gloriana, I must hear your wishes.” He squeezed my hands. “Oh, come now. You are not about to faint. I know the limits of what I can take. You told me you had been well fed before sunrise and so were able to serve me. Now let Marie take care of you. Do you want to lie in bed and take the vein in her neck? I am sure she will be honored. I will not have ungrateful help.” He turned to the girl and she flushed, nodding.

  “Yes, master, I would be pleased to serve the lady in any way she wishes.”

  “No, and I thank you. Just, just give me your wrist. Here.” I could not stop shivering, even though the fire was now blazing. Didn’t Devlin care that I was still naked? I was now used to a maid helping me dress, even bathe. Maggie had served me often enough. But the male servant had come in and at first pretended not to notice that I sat in a chair wearing nothing. I saw him steal a glance and gasped when Devlin turned on him suddenly.

  “Have you forgotten your place, Michel?” He grasped the servant by his shirt and flung him toward the door. “Look at her again and I’ll rip off your head. You know I can do it. Am I making myself clear?”

  “Yes, master.” The man scurried out of the room.

  “It is your fault, Devlin. May I have something to wear? A robe perhaps?” I hated this bully. He didn’t even bother treating his servants decently. Marie just stood waiting to serve me, her eyes on her feet.

  “Modest. How bourgeoisie.” Devlin laughed. “Get used to showing yourself, mon cher. The fire is roaring now. You cannot possibly be cold. Michel knows better than to gaze on my guests. I should have taken his head for that.” He shrugged. “Perhaps I’m growing soft.”

  “I doubt it. Please, Devlin, a cover. It is little enough to ask.” I watched him prowl the room. “But perhaps kindness is something you have forgotten.”

  “Long ago.” He finally picked up the coverlet and tossed it at me. “Marie, give her your wrist and have done. I want her back to full strength.” He sat in a chair across from me and smiled. “I have plans for the rest of the evening.”

  I took the girl’s wrist after I wrapped myself in the cover. Plans. Gods. I was afraid they involved that big bed across the room. I had to remember that I did this to save Jeremiah. I would face this one hour at a time. At least Marie was clean and fresh, her blood delicious. I took my time drinking, carefully counting to make sure I didn’t leave her as weak as I had felt after Devlin finished with me. I was very aware of his eyes on me as I licked away the fang marks then sat back.

  “Thank you, Marie. That will be all.” Devlin jumped up to stand next to the door. “Tell the staff we are not to be disturbed. I will spend the rest of the night here.”

  “Yes, master.” Marie spared me a look which might have been pity then left quickly.

  Devlin locked the door, setting the key on the mantle. Then he threw his doublet on the floor before pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it aside. In any other man I would have admired his broad shoulders, then his sleek back as he turned to the fire. He pulled a knife from a sheath at his waist to set it on the mantle. He sat in his chair again.

  “Help me with my boots.” He put one foot out in front of him.

  What choice did I have? This was something I’d done dozens of times for Jeremiah. I tied the coverlet between my breasts and knelt in front of him.

  “Your blood is quite unusual. I’m sure your sire has told you that. I feel very,” he widened his legs so I could see how he felt, “lusty.”

  I didn’t comment, merely kept my eyes on his boots. They were thigh high. It took some pulling but I got the first one off, then the second. I fell on my bottom on the rug when that boot came off suddenly. I started to get up.

  “Stay there, Gloriana. Remove my stockings.” He was certainly enjoying watching me struggle to my knees while I kept the coverlet around me. I said “bastard” inside my head, over and over again.

  “If I must.” I slowly peeled down the black stockings. Now he only wore those bulging hose. I knew what would come next and my stomach roiled with dread. Could I reach his knife? He moved so fast I knew it would be impossible. His eyes gleamed as if he’d read my thoughts and he looked forward to another of my little rebellions. I threw all my hatred into my own eyes. Let him read that. I remembered a French word I’d heard. Ordure! My effort made him smile. I must have remembered wrong. Damn him.

  “Master!” There was a pounding on the door. “We are being attacked!”

  “Merde! I told you we were not to be disturbed.” He didn’t move. “You can handle it.”

  “They have breached the wall, master. A vampire and shifters. We cannot hold them back without you! Your vampires left earlier and said they would not return. Not enough gold to hold them.”

  “Greedy traitres.” He shook his head. “Well, Gloriana, it seems your lover has friends. They must be determined to recover both of you.” Devlin jumped up and grabbed the door key and his knife. “You will stay here if you know what’s good for your man
. Get in the way and he will die all the quicker. Understand?” He stared at me. “There is no way to get out of here anyway.” A quick smile.

  I didn’t say a word. After he left and slammed the door, I heard the key turn. Locked in. My heart pounded. Thank God, Jeremiah’s people had found us. But could they win over Devlin and his shifters? I had no idea how many men the ancient vampire had. He seemed so confident and powerful. At least he’d lost his vampire help. And Jeremiah had trained and led men for hundreds of years. Surely he could best Devlin once he was released from the dungeon. Robert was a fierce fighter as well. I’d seen him go at it with Jeremiah before and they’d been well matched.

  One thing I knew, I had to find a way out of here. I could not believe there was no escape. Devlin didn’t know that I had yet to learn to shapeshift so he had kept me in the same kind of room as his dungeon cells. The room was large with no windows and only one door. Still, I expected there would be someplace close by to store linens or at least another door for a dressing room.

  I began a search and I finally found the outline of a hidden door covered by a tapestry in one dark corner of the room. But how to open it? I scraped my nails along the edges. It was only a piece of luck and a shard of the broken pitcher that helped me hit the loose stone that hid the latch. The door opened silently and I saw a connecting room with a window, wardrobe and a door to the hallway.

  Clothes! The coverlet had tripped me over and over again. I gladly donned the dress I’d worn to bed which hung in the wardrobe, along with a cloak. There were even several pairs of shoes and boots inside. I didn’t doubt they’d been left by one of Devlin’s former victims. I said a prayer for their fates and wondered if any of them had survived his attentions.

  I crept to the door—thank the gods it wasn’t locked—and eased it open. I could hear fighting, swords against swords, and shouting. A cry of pain. Men dying? I hated that sound. Was it someone I knew? Someone I loved? Had Jeremiah escaped from the dungeon? I needed to find him. At least my cloak was dark and the halls dim, as I made my way toward the sounds. I needed a weapon. I almost tripped over a heavy cudgel abandoned on the stair and grabbed it as I moved downward.


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