Snowed in with the Bear

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Snowed in with the Bear Page 1

by Montrose, Isadora

  Table of Contents
































  Snowed in with the Bear ©Copyright Isadora Montrose 2018

  Cover Art by Resplendent Media ©Copyright 2019

  Bear Fate Preview ©Copyright Isadora Montrose 2017

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the author, Isadora Montrose.

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers.

  To receive alerts about future books by Isadora Montrose sign up for my newsletter.

  Books by Isadora Montrose

  Bear Necessities

  Bear Possibilities

  Bear Affinities

  Bear Infinities

  Bear Fursuits Books 1-4 Bundle

  Bear Cubs for Christmas (available only in Bear Fursuits Books 1-4 Bundle)

  Bearly Begun

  Bearly Enough

  Bearly Ever

  Bearly Forever

  Bearly Beloved

  Dragon’s Treasure

  Bear Skin: A Billionaire Oil Bearons Romance

  Dragon’s Successor

  Brides for the Bachelor Bears Books 0-4 Bundle

  Bearly a Bride (available only in Brides for the Bachelor Bears)

  Dragon’s Pleasure

  Bear Pause: A Billionaire Oil Bearons Romance

  Dragon’s Christmas Captive: A Viking Dragon Fantasy Romance

  Dragon’s Possession

  Phoenix Aglow

  Phoenix Ablaze

  Phoenix Aflame

  Billionaire Dragon Lords Bundle

  Dragon’s Confession

  Bear Sin: A Billionaire Oil Bearons Romance

  Phoenix Alight

  Bear Fate: A Billionaire Oil Bearons Romance

  Christmas Flame

  Desired by the Dragon: A Shifters in Love Fun & Flirty Romance

  Cherished by the Cougar: A Shifters in Love Fun & Flirty Romance

  Dragon Enchanted: A Viking Dragon Fantasy Romance

  Dragon Ensnared: A Viking Dragon Fantasy Romance

  Dragon Bewitched: A Viking Dragon Fantasy Romance

  Beloved by the Bear: A Shifters in Love Fun & Flirty Romance

  Adored by a Dragon: A Shifters in Love Fun & Flirty Romance

  Fated for the Phoenix: A Shifters in Love Fun & Flirty Romance

  Bedded by the Bear: A Shifters in Love Fun & Flirty Romance

  Mystic Bay Series Books 1-4: A Shifters in Love Fun & Flirty Romance Bundle

  Wedded to the Wolf: A Shifters in Love Fun & Flirty Romance

  Dazzled by a Dragon: A Shifters in Love Fun & Flirty Romance

  Amazon Author Page:



  When they both stood up, he cannoned into Arutta. His arms automatically went around her to steady her. She felt firm and resilient under his hands. He wanted to haul her closer, breathe in her fragrance. Unite their bodies. He could feel her pulse accelerate to match his own. Hear her gasping – as he was gasping.

  It was as natural as breathing to find her mouth in the dimness. It opened under his and their tongues sparred. Her arms went around his neck and drew him into her warm, womanly body. She tasted like Eve, like breakfast, of some elusive, elemental flavor. Of she-bear. Of Aphrodite.

  Amanda was making faint, guttural noises as she devoured him. Her lips moved from his mouth to trace the angle of his jaw. Her tongue tasted the dimple in the center of his chin. Her teeth grazed his stubble. He growled and lifted her against his erection. Almost roared at the relief of her softness pressing into his aching cock.

  She ground her hips against his groin, igniting his already overheated body yet further. Her dangling feet climbed his legs and clung hard. He sought her mouth and plunged deeply into the spicy interior, reveling in her voracious response. The kitchen was scented with their hot and heaving bodies which only increased his desire.

  Her hands found the snaps on his shirt and wrenched them apart. Her fingertips traced his pecs and located his nipples. She circled them, using his own sweat for lubrication. His cock twitched and bucked as if she had tied a red-hot wire from his nipples to his dick.

  Her mouth blew hot breath into his ear, nipped his earlobe. Her tongue followed, soothing the stinging love bite before she returned to his hungry mouth with renewed fervor. He sucked hard at her tongue. It was as if he had never kissed or been kissed before. It had to be the lack of light that was creating this sense of joyful intimacy.

  “Touch me,” she ordered hoarsely.

  “You bet.” He didn’t need more urging.

  Her legs were clamped so tightly around his that he no longer had to hold her to prevent her falling to the floor. His fingers found the button that held her waistband closed. As soon as he popped it, the zipper gave under the light pressure of his exploring fingers. He rolled her pants down over her lush backside.

  Her panties were no barrier to his cupped hands. He squeezed her firm and muscular butt cheeks until her head fell back in supplication. He bit her neck and dabbled his tongue in the hollow of her neck. Her sweat tasted delectable to his seeking mouth.

  He moved so he could savor her soft curls against his palm, keeping one hand in her cleft while he gently massaged her mound. She swiveled her hips and moaned deliciously. The ambrosial scent of her juices filled the air. He squeezed her gently. She was slick and swollen. Ready for him.

  “May I?” he asked her throat.

  “Hurry up,” she snapped.

  Note to the Reader

  Welcome to the intense, romantic, military world of my Bear Shifters. All the books share a common universe in which Bear Shifters and their Fated Mates are part of the Pacific Northwest and the paranormal is normal. Sizzling romance, adventure, and a happy ending.

  Join me for a mini-vacation with my bears.

  Snowed in with the Bear is the last book in this series. Each one is a standalone romantic adventure. Enjoy!

  To connect with me, send an email to: [email protected] or sign up for my newsletter at for notification of upcoming works and new releases.

  There is a complete list of my books at the end of this book, after the preview chapters.

  Hope my world rocks yours!




  BOOK 9



  Isadora Montrose



  The persistent jangling summoned him from a nightmare in which he was wrestling his father. Fricking fighting his old man for the girl. As if any woman was worth fighting his own father over – even – make that especially – Amanda Arutta.

  Calvin Bascom shook off the last tendrils of his disturbing dream, and groped blearily for his cell phone. Eventually it dawned on him that the harsh noise was coming from the old-fashioned house phone on the bedside table. He finally managed to grab the handset and bring it to his ear.

  Dusty Taylor’s voice was a feeble croak over the crackling landline. “Dakota’s plumb gone,” he said, desperation in each word. “I can’t find him nowheres.”

  Calvin sat up and forced himself fully awake. “Calm down.” He infused the cold edge of authority into his words. “Report.” He liked Dusty Taylor. He and the old stable hand had had a long friendship. But Dusty’s panic had to be cut off. Right now Cal needed to figure out what was wrong.

  His sharp command worked. Dusty pulled himself together. His voice strengthened. “I woke up at 0000 hours, looked at the screens, and did a quick check of all the stalls. Dakota’s was empty. I phoned Dr. Arutta and she said she was on her way. But she never come.”

  Dusty was on overnight duty in the stable block of the Bascom Quarter Horse Stud. He had been dozing in the tack room between checking on the horses on the video feed. Which was perfectly normal. Dr. Arutta was on call for emergencies. Also normal.

  A missing horse was not normal, expected, or even likely. And if Arutta was also missing, they had two emergencies.

  It was now 0043 hours. It shouldn’t have taken Amanda Arutta forty-three minutes to get from her house to the stable block. Hell, it shouldn’t have taken twenty minutes. He might have his issues with his sister’s new veterinarian, but response time wasn’t one of them.

  Arutta was a former Army officer. Competent, shrewd, strong, and totally responsible. If she said she was on her way, she was. On the double. But she wasn’t a Colorado native. Calvin strode over to his window trailing the phone cord.

  Snow was clumped on the glass, obscuring his view of the great outdoors. There ought to have been a moon tonight, but the windowpane merely reflected his own unshaven face back at him. Was Arutta lost in this storm?

  “We seem to be having some snow,” Calvin cut off Dusty’s wittering.

  “Yup.” The old man sounded increasingly distraught. His voice quavered. “I’m on my own out here, Mr. Cal. You gotta come. I can’t think who’d of taken Dakota. Miss Laura don’t think no more of that gelding than I do of my right arm.” Dakota was Laura’s favorite horse, the one she rode everywhere.

  His sister Laura had left him in charge of the stud. That made both Dakota and Arutta Calvin’s responsibility. “I can chat, or I can get dressed, Dusty. Expect me in seven minutes.” Before he hung up, Cal had a sudden concern. “Stay put,” he barked. “Don’t leave the stable block, Taylor.”

  “You don’t have to shout at me,” grumbled Dusty.

  Calvin didn’t know precisely how old Dusty Taylor was, but the veteran had been gray-haired when he had taught Cal and his twin to ride. Cal rather thought that Dusty had served in Korea. His war was about the only thing the garrulous old man never mentioned.

  Calvin didn’t want Dusty wandering into the teeth of a Colorado storm to look for their missing horse or vet. More to the point, as fond as Laura undoubtedly was of Dakota, she regarded Dusty as family. She would not want him risking his scrawny neck on a forlorn hope.

  As it turned out, it took much more than seven minutes for Calvin to get to the stable block. By the time he got dressed, the storm had rendered the road impassable. There was no visible pavement to drive on, just deep, drifting snow and more falling every second. This storm was turning into a real Colorado blizzard. Not fit for man nor beast. Not even a man-beast like Cal.

  He took Laura’s snowmobile. Even with the high beams on, the headlights did not penetrate far into the falling snow. He had to throttle back to make sure he didn’t drive off the road into the ditches or the pastures. Thankfully, he knew every inch of the Double B Ranch. Had driven this route in every sort of weather since he was a kid.

  Yet in the dark, and with the whirling snow collecting on his visor and windshield, Calvin nearly came to grief a dozen times. Beyond the arc of his headlights, the darkness was absolute. Calvin had exceptional eyesight, part of his bear shifter talents, but although the snow amplified the tiny amount of available light, it also scattered it into glare. He was basically driving blind.

  He rounded another bend, taking pains not to be misled by the remembered gap in the trees that lined the road. Someone had been less cautious. A bright orange snowmobile, the mate of his own, lay in the ditch. Under its blanket of snow, not much of the snowmobile was visible. He blessed whoever had thought of painting all the ranch and stud vehicles that bright, attention-grabbing orange.



  Taking grizzly had seemed like the most sensible solution after she overturned her snowmobile. Amanda had figured on cutting straight across the snowbound pastures and following her nose to the stables. Forty horses made a vibrant scent signal no grizzly could miss. She should have been there by now.

  She had underestimated the violence of the storm. As incredible as it seemed, despite her finely-honed sense of direction and her grizzly nose, she was lost and freezing. Shivering, despite her formidable muscles, heavy coat, and a thick layer of fat.

  Freezing! Grizzlies didn’t freeze. They were armored against the winter by fur and fat. She just had to keep moving and she would be fine. Surely the stables had to be close by? She had been almost there when she ran into the ditch.

  However, if Dakota was out in this blizzard, the horse would be in trouble. He was a big, full-grown Quarter Horse, well-muscled and fit, and he had grown a winter coat. But by comparison with the animals who survived on the open range, he was nothing but a pampered pet. She didn’t give a fork what happened to the thieves, but Dakota was her responsibility.

  It wasn’t in her nature or her training to give up. Officers didn’t quit when the going got hard. Grizzlies didn’t surrender. Grizzly shifters were not just brawny, they were brainy. She had to come up with a way to get through this storm and complete her mission.

  Except that she was no longer certain where the stable block was. The snow had deadened the scent of horses and manure that should have made a beacon for her to home in on. She couldn’t see past her muzzle. Gradually, it became obvious that if this weather kept up, she was going to die out here, in her bear suit. Which was more than a disaster, it was a total fail.

  Job one for any shifter was keeping your talent on lockdown. That went double here in Success, Colorado, where the bear-shifting Bascoms had turned keeping a low profile into an art form. Even though she had been living cheek by jowl with the family for over six months, she had only ever seen Calvin take bear. And hadn’t he turned that into a total fubar?

  The snow collapsed beneath her. Shift and damnation. She had her hairy ass in a crack and there was no one but her to get it out again. She dug out of the shoulder-high drift with her front paws, just managing to retain her grip on the bag in her mouth.

  She couldn’t count on that weekend warrior Laura had left in charge over Christmas. Capt. Calvin Bascom of the Colorado National Guard was nothing but a handsome waste of space. A black bear who wished he wasn’t. Even if it crossed Calvin’s bear-phobic brain that she was in her grizzly morph, he sure as heck wasn’t going leave his warm bed to rescue her.

  Bascom might be a good-sized black bear, but he despised himself for being a shifter. That boy was one conflicted son of a bear. Handsome as sin, and twice as beefy as any business executive had any business being. But he was practically paralyzed by self-loathing.

  His sister, Laura Bascom Holden, wh
o owned both the ranch and the stud, thought the sun shone out of her big brother, but it was hard to see why. Calvin Bascom had inherited his position as CEO of the family’s oil business, and his personal life was a disgrace. He was a notorious womanizer and love-’em-and-leave-’em bachelor. Even for a black bear he was no kind of a bear at all.

  But as Calvin was taking Laura’s place while she was away, there was no one to save Amanda’s ass, except old Dusty Taylor. She just hoped that the stable hand didn’t wander out into the blizzard. He was as skinny as a shovel handle and probably considerably more brittle. She hoped he stayed in the relative safety of the stable block.

  While she pondered her options, she forged ahead. By shaking her head every few steps, she could keep her snout and head mostly clear. Her eyelashes, however, were full of ice, further reducing her vision. And her paws were crammed with great gobs of snow. As her body heat melted it, the snow between the pads formed hard, icy balls that made walking painful.

  She soon gave up pausing to clean her feet with teeth and tongue. After two steps they were as bad as before. And she risked losing her trunk bag with its precious burden of her snowsuit, boots and veterinary bag. Gritting her teeth, she plodded forward, determined to endure. Eventually any storm, no matter how severe, blew itself out.

  For all she knew, she could be walking in circles. Which was what disoriented people did. Sniffing hopefully, she took another step forward. She tumbled through the snow cover and rolled down a slope, unable to stop. The naked and prickly branches of an assortment of dormant vegetation broke her descent. She figured she had rolled into a dry ditch.

  Breathless and winded, she evaluated her options. Gradually she realized that there was snow all around her. The mini-avalanche had buried her completely. Was that bad or good?

  She had air. That meant she was inside an air pocket created by the snow. The brush growing from the gravel sides of the ditch were supporting a frail roof of snow. The air in her snowy cavern was fresh. The slight humidity was probably due to her breath dampening the dry Colorado air.


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