Inescapable : The Hexborn Series Book 2

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Inescapable : The Hexborn Series Book 2 Page 3

by Cara E Holt

  “Is Mr Black not travelling with us?”

  Raine chuckles at my puzzled face. “He’s up front flying this thing.”

  “He is?” I reply, wide-eyed with surprise. “He’s done this before, right?”

  Drayce pats my hand. “Relax raven, my dad’s had his pilot licence twenty years. He could fly a 747 if he wanted to.”

  I breathe a sigh of relief and relax back into my seat. I had never been on a small plane like this before. The seats were all leather and the interior all chrome and modern. This thing must have cost quite a bit of money. Wealth and opulence surrounds me, reminding me I don’t belong, that I’m a poor girl pretending I fit in here.

  We land smoothly and a large limo waits for us on the tarmac to take us up to the De Meath residence. The drive literally takes less than a minute and I wonder why we didn’t just walk, but then again these heels are not the comfiest.

  We make our way inside, and a waiter offers us a glass of champagne on arrival. The party is bustling with people, all of them members of the elite covens and council members. In the corner of the main room a string quartet plays classic wiccan melodies. This was Norah’s home. For some reason I couldn’t see her here in this house. A lady makes a beeline for us as soon as we step inside. She comes straight to me and grabs my hands in hers.

  “It is Elara, isn’t it?”

  I nod, startled by the woman.

  “I apologise. I am Aline De Meath, Norah’s mother. She talked of you so often. I was desperate to meet you.”

  I smile in sympathy when I realise who she is. “I miss her very much. We became close friends in the brief time we were at the academy.”

  Aline De Meath's eyes well up and I worry that I have made her cry.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you,” I offer in apology.

  She shakes her head and dabs her right eye with a hanky. “No, please, it is fine. Please enjoy the evening. I’m so pleased to have met you. It makes me feel somewhat closer to her. Is that silly?”

  I shake my head. “No, not all. I feel the same about coming here tonight.”

  Aline turns her attention to Theon and Astrea, greeting them and telling them she has someone she would like them to meet, leaving the rest of us to mingle.

  “You okay?” Drayce asks me as he watches me take a long drink of my champagne.

  “I’m okay. It’s just strange being here,” I reply, clutching tightly at the glass.

  “Drayce, I was wondering when you would arrive.” A voice I know all too well says, and I turn to find Sereia coming up beside her sister and kissing her on the cheek, her eyes though do not leave Drayce’s face. She looks stunningly beautiful, wearing a pale pink gown that shows off her cleavage.

  She reaches for Drayce’s hand and tugs him towards her. “Come, my parents have been asking after you.”

  Drayce looks back at me and shrugs his shoulders to me, as if to say what can he do.

  “Don’t worry about her. It was always one-sided. Drayce has never looked at her in that way,” Raine quietly whispers.

  I nod and offer her a tight smile as I watch him disappear into the crowd. Evony immediately drags Kasen away, leaving me with Raine, Keir and Ryker. Arlo disappeared off with a boy of similar age to him as soon as we entered.

  Ryker offers out his hand. “Want to dance pretty girl?”

  I’m about to decline but Ryker gives me a look that tells me he won’t take no for an answer, so I put my hand in his and allow him to lead me to the dance floor.

  “You look lovely tonight,” He compliments. “My brother hasn’t taken his eyes off you all the journey here.”

  I laugh. “No ladies catching your eyes here tonight?” I ask him, gesturing around the room.

  Ryker scoffs. “Here? Oh no, none of these would be my type.”

  “What is your type then Ryker?” I ask him curiously.

  He shrugs his shoulders and grins. “A woman with a spark in her eyes, one who likes adventure and being bad.”

  “You’d have liked my friend Norah then. She was all those things, although I sometimes think she was that way just to piss off her dad.”

  Ryker frowns. “What’s happening is terrible. It has everyone on edge.”

  “I just hope they find her soon.”

  The song ends, and with Drayce still missing, I make my excuses and escape.

  I eventually find the bathroom in this vast house and I am washing my hands when the door opens and Sereia saunters in. When she spots me she sneers and comes to a stop beside me, she looks in the mirror touching at her hair.

  “I needed a break from all that dancing. Drayce can move. He always was an excellent dance partner.”

  I continue drying my hands, ignoring her presence.

  “It must be hard for you, you know, trying to fit in a world that you don’t belong in,” she says, eyeballing me via the mirror.

  With a tired sigh, I turn and face her. “Let it go, Sereia. I understand you hate me. I took what you wanted and that must suck, but you need to move on.”

  Sereia glowers at me, leaning a hand on her hip. “He will still be mine. I’ve known him all our lives. I know what his favourite movie is, what his favourite food is, what books he likes to read.” She smirks at me before leaning in. “Can you say the same?”

  I sigh. In truth, no, I couldn’t say the same and in some ways I was jealous of the history she had with Drayce. I didn’t want to do this. I didn’t want to go to war with this girl, but if needs must.

  “I tell you what I know. I know he likes to have me often. We can’t get enough of each other. I know that when he’s buried deep inside of me, it’s my name he calls out. Want to know what else I know?” I ask her leaning into her, she bristles, not answering me. “I know that he can’t wait to get me home and take this dress off me. I know that I’m the one he will sleep next to tonight and the next night and so on. ”I smile and close my eyes. “You know he gives me this look when he enters me-”

  I don’t need to finish as she storms out of the bathroom, slamming the door so hard it bounces back on its hinges. Did I go a little too far? Maybe it was a little childish of me, but she pushed my last nerve. It bothered me somewhat that they had grown up together. She knew him in a way that I never would. No matter how many years I spend with him, I will never know what ten-year-old Drayce was like. She was right; I didn’t know any of those things she pointed out. All I knew was that there was a fire between us, a spark that ignited as soon as we touched, and no amount of years of friendship could create that.

  I leave the bathroom but instead of going back down to the celebrations I find myself pulled further down the first-floor corridor until I’m standing outside a closed door. I open it and straight away I know that I am in Norah’s’ room. Her room is decorated in purple and grey. On her bed there is an old tatty teddy, and a knitted patchwork throw. I lift the teddy to my nose and inhale and it smells like her. I missed her witty humour and straight talking. Over by her desk the wall is decorated with photos of Norah with her family and some of her rock climbing and on a jet ski. I smile as I look at her carefree face. I pray that we will find her soon, before it’s too late.

  “What are you doing in here?” A deep voice asks, making me jump in fright and I drop the teddy bear on the floor.

  Turning round, I find a guy leaning in the doorway scowling at me. He has black hair that is styled over to one side. He looks to be in his early twenties. His brown eyes assess me.

  I hastily pick up the teddy and place it back in its place on the bed. “I apologise, I found myself drawn to here. Her room is exactly how I imagined it would be.”

  “You know my sister?”

  I nod, so this was clearly her brother Ashton. “Yes, we were dorm mates at the academy.”

  “You’re Elara?”

  I nod, and he relaxes his scowl instantly. “I apologise for being so gruff just then, it’s just I thought you were one of the snooping gossips.”

�Oh no. I shouldn’t have come in here though, it was rude of me.”

  He smiles again, and he reminds me so much of Norah.

  “She talked about you often,” I tell him. “She was very proud of you.”

  He chuckles. “Yeah when she wasn’t trying to play pranks on me.”

  “They will find her,” I tell him firmly. “She will be okay.”

  He nods with a big sigh. “I don’t care if they have drained her of her magic. I just want her home and safe.”

  I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him. It was probably not normal to hug a stranger, but I felt the need to offer him comfort. “I’m sorry you are all going through this.”

  Surprisingly, Ashton doesn’t pull away, and he hugs me back. “I’m so pleased to have met you. Now when she talks about you, I’ll have a face to put to the name.”

  He pulls away from me and smiles sadly. “They are about to start the feast, we should head back down.”

  I follow him back out and down the stairs. As we enter the main room, Ashton leans down and kisses me on the cheek.

  “Thank you for the hug. I didn’t realise how much I needed one.”

  “It’s a pleasure.” I gesture into the busy room. “I should find my fiancé.”

  He smiles and grabs a drink from a passing server. “Enjoy the evening, Elara.”

  An arm wraps around my waist from behind me. “Who have you got falling at your feet now?”

  Smiling and shaking my head, I put my hand over his and lean back into him. “He wasn’t falling at my feet. It was Norah’s brother.”

  “Oh, poor guy. How was he?” Drayce asks.

  “He’s sad and missing his sister, and he’s feeling as useless as I do.”

  Drayce turns me so I am facing him, keeping his hands on my waist. “You can’t do anything more than you have already done, the council will find her.”

  I look up at him, and he drops an affectionate kiss on my nose. “Come on, they are going through to the dining hall.”

  As with traditions of Samhain we eat in silence. Once the food is served and eaten we all head outside to where the bonfire is roaring and the party atmosphere begins. Drayce guides me into the circle and we join in the dance. I smile but I find it hard to truly enjoy myself, knowing she should have been here tonight. After a few songs I tell Drayce I need a drink and we make our way over to a server who holds a tray of champagne flutes.

  “I had a run-in with Sereia earlier,” I tell him. “I may have upset her, but she was pushing my buttons.”

  Drayce cocks a brow. “What did you do Latimer?”

  I bob my head side-to-side. “Erm, it’s more like what I said. I told her we have sex a lot,” I blush, “and that you can’t get enough of me.”

  Drayce smirks. “We do have a lot of sex and I can’t get enough of your body. You told her the truth.” Drayce hand skims my bottom. “In fact, I’d very much like to sneak off somewhere now and show you how much I love your body.”

  I feign mock disgust, placing my hand on my chest. “Drayce Black how common of you to suggest we do such a thing here at an elite party of council members.”

  Smirking he leans into me and presses his hips into mine, making sure I feel just how much he wants me. “Come on, no one will notice. There’s a pool house down there.”

  I bite my lip as I war between my need for him and what is proper. Grinning, I grab his hand. “Lead the way, honey.”

  Drayce doesn’t need telling twice, he pulls me off the path and across the grass. We walk for a few minutes until we reach the pool house. Drayce spells the door open and we tumble inside, as we kiss passionately and tug at each other’s clothes. “Where’s the zip on this damn dress?” Drayce hisses in impatience.

  “Oh Ryker, baby. Yes!”

  We both stop still in our tracks. Drayce looks at me and I look at him.

  “Oh yes baby, right there.”

  Drayce grabs my hand and pulls me around the corner and we both stop open mouthed at what we see. Ryker has Katriona bent over a boat and well let’s just say they are in the throes of passion. Drayce sniggers and I quickly cover his mouth with my hand and gesture for him to be quiet. Slowly we sneak back out of the pool house.

  “Well, I didn’t see that one coming,” I state, still in shock.

  “At least someone is coming, which is more than can be said for me.” He tugs on my hand and makes for the woods.

  “Where are you dragging me to now?”

  “Into the woods.”

  There is an ear-piercing scream from up at the house. We both stop and look back up at the mansion.

  “Something is wrong,” Drayce states and we both run back up the hill to see what has happened.

  A woman in a red cocktail dress is being comforted by a man. “Over by the gazebo. He’s just lying there, not moving,” she says in a distraught voice.

  Several armed guards and guests rush over to where she points and with dread in my stomach, Drayce and I follow them. It is hard to see past the crowd that has gathered, but we manage to weave our way through. My heart stops dead when we see an all too familiar sight.

  A young boy who looks to be about fourteen lies on the grass, his arms and legs spread out. The symbol of the Ouroboros burned into his chest.

  “Everyone inside,” High councillor De Meath bellows. “It is not safe out here.” He turns to one of the guards. “Get everyone inside and spell the house. No one leaves until we have the grounds secure, and call for medical help.”

  I feel Drayce pull me back through the crowd that is now scrambling to get inside to safety. Drayce pulls me inside and guides me over to a chair and sits me down.

  “Elara look at me. Are you okay?”

  I shake my head. “This is my fault. It’s because I am here.”

  Drayce looks around us and leans into my ear. “Stop that talk now. This is not because of you. He cannot target students at the academy now without Lorelai, so he’s spreading the net wider. That boy was councillor Bishop’s son.”

  I cover my mouth. “I feel sick.” Around us elder witches are chanting and setting up protection wards around the De Meath mansion. “He has the power of six now, Drayce. Three more and he can perform the ritual.”

  Drayce pulls me against his chest and I rest my head there, the sound of his heartbeat grounding me. Nowhere was safe from him. He had attacked in the high councillors own coven grounds, a place that second to the council chambers had top-notch security and magical wards.

  Some twenty minutes later, Drayce’s father finds us. A deep frown mars his face. The council members are all on edge.

  “We are leaving. They drained the boy of his magic.” His father grabs a drink out of Keir’s hand and knocks it back. “The high councillor intends making a statement tomorrow pinning blame on the HDS. This cannot go on.”

  “Why are they pinning this on HDS?” I whisper. “They know full well that isn’t the case.”

  Drayce’s father gives me a tight smile. “Oh they know, but they are using it as an opportunity to scapegoat them for the attacks. It will get public opinion behind them to deal with the hybrids.”

  Drayce shakes his head, looking as pissed off as I feel. “What about Elara? I’m worried for her safety.”

  Theon Black looks at me, his forehead still creased with a deep frown. “Nowhere appears safe anymore. I’ll increase security on our coven grounds and consult with the elders. We will keep you safe.” He runs a weary hand over his face. “He is targeting the council member’s children. That could have been Arlo tonight.”

  My face pales. I hadn’t thought about the risk to Arlo. “We have to find him. Surely it can’t be that hard? Have the council reached out to the vampire council and community? Surely they could track his lair?”

  Theon shakes his head. “The vampire council are as puzzled as we are. There is no noise in the vampire community about this mysterious vampire or his coven.” He places his empty glass down on the table. “Let’s get home,
it’s not safe here.”


  The next day the High councillor gives a live statement. He tells the Wiccan public that the attacks were carried out by the HDS and that they are using innocent children to attack the heart of the council. I sit there clutching tight to Drayce’s hand as we are all gathered together in the Black family lounge, watching the announcement. My world was imploding around me and I felt powerless to stop it.

  Darius De Meath announces that Thorne Shadow academy will reopen after the holidays, but security will be tighter than ever. The Fae council has agreed it will help strengthen the wards and that it will provide Fae soldiers to help with patrolling and guarding the academy grounds.

  Katriona enters the room as the broadcast ends and she whispers something into Theon Black’s ear and they both look over at me. Theon does not look overly pleased with whatever Katriona had to say.

  “Elara, can we talk in my office?”

  Nodding and looking at Drayce perplexed, I stand and nervously straighten my top. Drayce stands and even though he wasn’t invited, he follows me across the hall into his father’s office.

  Theon takes a seat behind his enormous oak desk and gestures for us to sit. He relaxes back in his chair and offers me a brief smile.

  “The Bennett coven has been in touch. They would like to meet with you.”

  I reel in shock. “Oh.” I had mixed feelings about my blood coven. A part of me wanted to know more about them and another part of me felt no connection to them and didn’t feel a need to make one.

  “The high priest has invited you to stay with them for a few days before you return to Thorne Shadow,” he informs me.

  I nod, fiddling with the ring on my finger as I try to process how I feel about this. “Do they need a reply now?”

  Theon shakes his head. “No. Take the time you need to think this through. Elara, I cannot say their coven security will be enough to keep you safe. That is something you need to consider.”

  “You’re not going,” Drayce states firmly.

  “Pardon me?” I ask, wondering if I just heard him right.


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